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Theses es 


ilation © 2007 LexisNexis Academic & Library Yo) (Ultcelarcn 

a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 


Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Senior Editor 

Brian C. Shipley 

Theresa M. Collins 

Linda E., Endersby 

David A. Ranzan 
Indexing Editor 

Janctte Pardo 

Richard Mizelle 

Peter Mikulas 

Paul B. Israel 
Director and General Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jerscy 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

A UPA Collection from 
@ LexisNexis: 
7500 Old Georgetown Road ¢ Bethesda, MD 20814-6126 

McGraw-Edison Company 

Edison signature used with permission of 


Thomas A. Edison Papers 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
endorsed by 
National Historical Publications and Records Commission 
18 June 1981 

Copyright © 2007 by Rutgers, The State University 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and 
index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any 
form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, 
recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National 
Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. 

ISBN 978-0-88692-887-2 


Director and General Editor 
Paul Israel 

Senior Editor 
Thomas Jeffrey 

Associate Editors 
Louis Carlat 
Theresa Collins : 4 ‘ 
i} Lt 
; : 

Assistant Editor i 
David Hochfelder | 

Indexing Editor 
David Ranzan ! 

Consulting Editor 

Linda Endersby 
Visiting Editor | 
Amy Flanders 

Editorial Assistants 

Alexandra Rimer | 

Kelly Enright 
Eric Barry i ! 

Outreach and Development 
(Edison Across the Curriculum) 
Theresa Collins } 

Business Manager 
Rachel Weissenburger | 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service 
Richard L. McCormick Maryanne Gerbauckas 
Ziva Galili Michelle Ortwein 
Ann Fabian 
Paul Clemens Smithsonian Institution 
Harold Wallace 

New Jersey Historical Commission 
Marc Mappen 


Robert Friedel, University of Maryland 
Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University 
Susan Hockey, Oxford University 
Thomas P. Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 

Ronald Kline, Cornell University 

Robert Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons 

Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, Smithsonian Institution 
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University/Hagley Museum 
Merritt Roe Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 


We thankfully acknowledge the vision and support of Rutgers University and the 
Thomas A. Edison Papers Board of Sponsors. 

This edition was made possible by grant funds provided from the New Jersey Historical 
Commission, National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and The National 
Endowment for the Humanities. Major underwriting has been provided by the Barkley Fund, 
through the National Trust for the Humanities, and by The Charles Edison Foundation. 

We are grateful for the generous support of the IEEE Foundation, the Hyde & Watson 
Foundation, the Martinson Family Foundation, and the GE Foundation. We acknowledge gifts 
from many other individuals, as well as an anonymous donor; the Association of Edison 
Illuminating Companies; and the Edison Electric Institute. For the assistance of all these 
organizations and individuals, as well as for the indispensable aid of archivists, librarians, 
scholars, and collectors, the editors are most grateful. 


A Note on the Sources 
The pages which have been 
filmed are the best copies 
available. Every technical 
effort possible has been 
made to ensure legibility. 


Reel duplication of the whole or of : 
! any part of this film is prohibited. — | | 
| In lieu of transcripts, however, = 
enlarged photocopies of selected 
items contained on these reels | 
may be made in order to facilitate | | 
research. | 



General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-095 (1913) 

This letterbook covers the period August-November 1913. Most of the 
correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. Many of the items 
relate to the commercial and technical development of Edison's alkaline 
storage battery. There are also letters pertaining to his phonograph and 
motion picture businesses. Additional correspondence concerns an article 
about Edison, written and published by Elbert Hubbard in The Fra and 
Philistine Magazine, and efforts by Mina Miller Edison to stock black bass in 
the creek near the family's winter home at Fort Myers, Florida. Also included 
are documents referring to Edison’s health, the books in his library, and his 
summer vacation in Maine, along with reminiscences about his childhood and 
his career as a telegrapher. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. From Aug. 6, 1913. To Nov. 11, 
1913." The spine is marked with similar information, along with the number 
"34." The book contains 701 numbered pages and an index. Less than 10 
percent of the book has been selected. 



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oS ase 

Aristo r eee 
ate ent TT 
SR iN haere te thn 
a eee STWR Wawra eT Heme aN Caries 
Fa! news ee LES Aad Maar estate gaa 
rene SE re tO rerercares Stine ceereae 
Pa toeveapnr ate 

* ghall ask the “proper aepastnent to’ answer 

nave een. taken ni, out “but a | device “of” 

“As to ine ae raoo ran of song 

me pitenesc™ to this at odd times in the 

bints,. we have given 80 
anything to ony 

b have | never eptten, 

Bere? faction. 


August 6th, 1913. 

3 ‘Tes ‘Mali, “ , ; 
527 G. Street gates ak . 


Y en’ din receipt of your favor of the 29th 

ee ve ulti, “nd in reply beg to sey that I 4o not know of anyone 

who manufactures: ‘the spacial apparatus that you mention there- : 

. ‘In foot 1 doubt very much whether it is mede up 

5 ‘ : be repulerly. for the wnarket » ‘ 
‘| e oe i. We have. a ‘Special uppasaeda at my TLeboretcry 

‘hardy vhich shows. the vibration some and irreguierity of the 

‘votes: on: a ‘Soreen, but it. is ais quite complicated and very 

expensive. i ‘We putt it ourselves, but we are not in posi- ' 

“ton to build others for the public. _ . 

Yours very truly, 

‘August 6th, 

Mr. D. EH. Wilson, 
Box .424, 
Oklahoma City, Okla. 

Dear Sirie. 
Your favor of the Slat ultimo has 


been received, end in reply we heg to S&7 that we do 
not “now where the Maison Electric Pen or supplies 

therefore can nov he obtained. Tt was superseded 

some years ago by the Wdison Mimeograph, which is made 

by the A. B. Dick Company, Chicago, Illinois. 
Yours very truly, 

Zaison Dehoratory- 

a neem ree Sg Se et mena erm a te 
= ree 
ce . 

Dear Siri- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 
also of the copy oF your 

agth uitimo, end 
%3 Keep 

ertend my 

favor of the 
er” and hes to ax 

Little book wyour Sister 

thanks to you for co 
1 have laid it 

mpliment ing me the rewith- 

aside to reed on my 

af I can get one- 

Yours very +ruls 


August 6th, 

ur. J. B. Taltevall, 
% Phe Telegraph and Telephone age., 

253 Broadway, 
New York. 
Dear Hr. Taltavall:- 

I am in receipt of your fuvor oF the Slist 
ultimo in regard to the Annual Convention of the O14 Dine 
Telegrephers and Historical Association, and heg to assure 
you of my appreciation of the invitation to attend the 
Banquet on the 28th instent. 

Lf I can possibly attend I shall do so with 
a great deal of pleasure, but I am so tied down vith 5000 
‘employees here thet doubtful whether I shall be able 

to get avay- 

With kindest regerds, I remai 

Orange, New Jersey. 
Auguet 6, 1915. 
jx. H. 3. HReditman, 
“se ‘Fort Myers, Florida. 
Dear Sir:- 
Urs. Edison hae received word from the 

Commissioner of Fisheries at Washington, De C., 

thet his messenger went to your residence with 

ival of the black base to 

ana that you yefused 

information of the exr 

steck the creek at Fort Myers; 

fish at that hour of. the night; and 

to work with the 

in consequence her application rad been cancelled. 

She feele very Dadiy about. this and would 

like some explanation from you. 
Yours very truly, 



Pag pM ae cee eS 2 


August 9th, 

ur. J.ffRohert Crouse, 

Nele Park, 
Cleveland, Uhio. 

My dear Er. Crouse: 
I received thie rornizg tie article 
from Klbert Hubbard and immedistely showed is to Mr 

san cul 

Taison who looked it over, after which T 

following telegram, which I now gonfis- 

"Received Hubbard article. 
poetical, but has 

Showed it 
te Edison who seys it is picturesque and 

no objection to your using it as proposed -" 

Yours very truly, 

J Rad 







Serer neg ee 

B23 a owes 




August 9th, 1913. 

Mr. £. Hubbard, 
East Aurora, 
Erie County, 
ew York. 

Dear Mr. Hubbara: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 

favor of the 6th instant, enclosing the article which 

you wrote sometime ago about Mr. #dicon 

and published 
in ""o Fre". 

Please accept my thanks therefor. 
7 I have sent a telegram to our friend 
Mr. Crouse in your care this morning, and trust that he 

is on hand to receive it. 

with kind regarda, I remain 

yours very truly, 

August 9th, 1923 

Bir. E. R. Whitney, 

% Commercial Truck Co. of America, 
27th and Brown Sts., 

Philadelphia, Pa- 

Dear Mr. Whitney: - 

I beg to ecknowledge receipt of your 

favor of the 7th instant, the contents of which have 

been carefnlly noted. 

et me say in reply that i£ am making 
a lot of tests now with a vehicle end separately excited 
field. There will be no extra cells. ‘here will be 
60 in all, 57 for the motor and 3 for the field, eid 
charged in series, but discharge separately. tne 57 
nalla are relieved of the field, the whole doing the 
game work. I will give you all the data of our experi- 

ments later. 


August Leth, '13 

Mr. George F. Morrison, 
General Mlectria Uo., 
Harrison, N. Jd. 

My dear Mr. Morrison:~ 

L think it is beet that 1 should write you 
now in regard to the matter ¢& the invitation you kindly ex- 
tended to me to attend the meeting at Association Island 
on one or two days in the early part of september. 

L heve mot had a vacation for nearly two 
years, and since my return from surope in the fall of 1911 
T have been working steadily day and night, averaging about 
18 hours a day, until I really need change: and a short rest. 
At the time you called here, my wife, unknown to me, had 
engaged a cottage in Maine and had made arrangements for the 
family to go there for a while. Yhey have all insisted 
that 1 also shall be with them. whe plan is that 1 shall 
go on the 25th instant and return september llth. 

I really don't see how 2 can possibly get out 
of it. peside, in justice to myself and in view of the 
fact that there is an enormous amount of most important work 
ahead of me this fall, I do not see how 1 can break up these 
few days of much needed rest,- as I certainly would have to 
do to be with you at Association Island. It would give me 
much pleasure to avail myself of the opportunity of meeting 
so many old friends under such favorable auspices were the 
conditions otherwise, end 1 greatly appreciate your very 
cordial invitation, but in the cireunstances 1 must do the 
thing that is most reasonable, even though it means disap-~ 
pointment in another direction. 

Trusting that you and your associates will 
fully appreciate the spirit in which 1 write, I 



Passe Petes 



er SI te OP Bie a 

August 14th, 1912 

Mr. Willis H. Jones, 
Engr. Equipment Dept., 
195 Broadway, 

new York. 

Deur sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of 

the loth instant in regard to the Phonoplex apparatus, 

and in reply I would say that so far as I know there 

is none of this apparatus working these days. 1 
vent out of that line a great many years age, and I have 

no printed matter left. 


August 14th, 1913 

ty. Arthur Williams, 

é The New York Edison Company, 
55 Duane Street, 

New York. 

My dear Ur. Williams: - 

T muet ask you to kindly pardon the delay 
in reply to your esteemed favor of the 4th instant in which 
you state you have forvarded to me two books, "Thirty 
Years of New Yorn." I have simply been overwnelmed with 
impe rtant wor. for Hr. Edison, waich has kept me busy 
every minute of tne time, and my correspondence has peen 
sadly neglected. 

Allow mse to extend my best thanks for the 
two books which you nave kindly sent me, and to express my 

appreciation of your courtesy and thoughtfulness: i re- 

gard this work aS & valuable addition to my library. 

Yours very truly, 

ly-> + a 




ea eT 



August 165th, 1913 

Hr. W. VW. Ackerman, 
% Edwin H. Benners,  . 
5O Church Street, Hew York. 

Dear Siri- 

I beg to acknowledge receint of your 

favor of the 13th instent in regard to Mr. Benners' patented 

steel pound concrete paving block. 

I recall the yisit of Mr- Benners and 

yourself Last week and also recall seeing the sample ploci: 
ghown me, and I beg to confirm what J said 
1 of the plock.- At that 

might make 

which was then 

then, namely, that I thought wel 
time I suggested that perhaps our Genént Works 
s for Mr- Benners, 
Edison Portlend Ce 

address is stewarts- 

and suggested that you see Mr. 

these block 
ment Company, 

Mallory at our Works, the 

Wew Village, N. d- Their. Post office a 

ville, B. J- 
“yours ver aly, 

neers orem nme ete een es 

August 165th, 1913 

Mrs. “Bnily Biiratic 

La Mascotte, . 

19::Doncaster. ‘Avenue, : : : : 
Kensington, ate "Australia. 

Dear Madam: ~ ie 

ae I take pleasure in acknowledging siete ‘de of your 

favor of July - ‘Sth, and also of the package of very interesting 
photographs which you have been kind enough to send me. Allow 
me to thank you. for. them, and also to congratulate your husband upon 
such exellent pictures. J. shall value then as an addition to 
the: collection, which. 1 have : at home. 

‘Pleace also let me: thank: you for your kind permis~- 
sion to. ‘Teproduce the cab and: dog ‘picture in- our Phonograph Soc 

I think they will. be. found ‘very interesting by the readers. 

in regard to ‘the sefety seat for serial machines, 

“which ¥ your “husband has inyented, let me aay that i would giediy pass 

an opinion upon 4t-421 were ‘possessed of any experience in this 
line. ALL i ‘know about aeroplanes is from what I have read, and 

Ido not expect to take any active anterse? ps dr exploitation 

15th, 1913 

Mr. W. F. Siegmund, 

% Detroit Eleotric Car Co., 
5195 Delmar Plvd., 

St. Louis, Mo. 

Dear Mr. Siegmund:- . 

Your favor of the 12th instant enclosing a 

newspaper clipping ‘gelling of a run made by a Detroit Klectric 

with the Hdison battery has been received, and I want to thank 
~ you for your courtesy in keeping me posted. 
let me say for your information that the 
battery will get better and better for three years. Should 
there be a drop in the mileage I would suggest that you look 
out for the bearingsin the motor and wheels, which need atten~- 

tion from time to time. 




Auguat (16th 1913 

f ‘Corporation, 
yew! York « 

‘Dear, pootor Caxiner:- 

Tam in. ‘receipt of your favor of the Lsth 
“instant. in regard: ‘to: the 2ilns which Mr. Edison has oon} 
sented ‘to loan for use during the Camp Co-Operation meeting 
to ‘be held during the: first week in September. 
<: will attend to having the films and open 

so that you wii have: them ‘about a week in advance of the 

time that. you denire to ‘use them, and’ presume this will give 
you plenty. of opportunity to’ become familiar with them. 

i , Yours very traly, 

Gedy A. 

we pend lcce de t. eae 

OM bets an 
PS Ss yuiside st ts 



August 16¢h, 1913 

Mr. Richard T. Perrin, 
p. C. Brenner & Co.-, 

Le1l So. Third Street, 

pouisville, Fy- 

Dear Mr. Perrin:- 

I was indeed quite surprised when I received 

etter of the 3rd instent after a lapse of oo many years Since 

your 1 
I heve read your letter with a great dea 

last we met. 1 of 

other very distinotly, and alse 

I remember your mi 
hat I occupied. 
at it is very interesting 


+he house and the little room re} So much has trans- 

e since those early days th 
emories have their way. 
queer lot of 

pired in my Lif 
p for a moment and let old m 
hose days were certainly 8 
amusement upon the 

to sto 

telegrapa operesors in ¢ 

boys and I Look back with a great deal of 

pranks they used to play- 

I am gl 
trust that you may prospe 
have not a picture of ny 

ad to learn that the world has been feir- 

ly kind to you and ry during the renainder 
I am sorry that x 

of your days. 
you would perhaps like one of 

y at hand, put thinking thas 
u one by this mail. 


myself will send yo 
With all good wishes, I re 

7 ee ey ge ee 

perotecer tant Sis 

wien ag EY TY 

August 18th, 1918. oe 
| | : it if 
Mee. Ae Beam oT ce a 
ree. a Se ' 
‘Yvart, Michigan. 
Friend Brunk: = on oe ; 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 13th 
instant, enclosing a newspaper clipping which inéicates that 
I axpect to attend the meeting of the O14 time Telerrephers' 
Histcrioal Association. . A few weeks ago I had planned to 
take an automobile. trip which would pring me up there in time 
to meet with the boys, but my fomily engaged a cottage up in 
Maine, and insisted on my going with them, 580 I have been 
obliged to give up my proposed Michigan trip.” . 

I am glad to learn that you are still in the 
tend of the living, and trust that all is going well with 

you. ; 
Regretting that I shall be unable to heve 

tha pleesure of meeting with some of my old friends this | 

Summer, I remain . | 

teenage inet om nme 

August 23rd, 1913. 

“re “We He Mil rigs, 

Reco ing. Rooms, 
79. - 5th Avenue, 

New York City 

LBL in - 2 A 

Dear Mr. ° 

You will remember that some time ago Hr. 

Edison eapprived: the Kinetophone Waltz, which was composed 
by Prof. ini Romans. We sent you the music which was 

written in pa: 3 for ‘tle orchestra. - I don"t want to 

interfere with any of your arrangements, nor suggest any- 
thing that Hr. Edison woul& not approve, but: vhen you 
come in again mould it not: be well to ask hin whether you 

‘shsll make a reoort ofthis, as the title is mrtioularly 
appropriate these lays: 
Yours very truly, 

Sie  f 


August 23rd, 1913 

The Survey; 
‘105 East’ 22na St., 

Kew" Mork City. 

Be woo, Lets 

Bales: - 

I received your favor of the 19th instant, 
on ‘tine , _ together with the stage proof of the various articles 
‘and 4llustrations in regard to ‘Fancational motion pictures. 

i have been so extremely busy day and night this week that I 
“have been unable to write you before. 

"If at is not too late there is one rather 
important matter that should go in some where, and that is the 
‘fact that the re. is:to be furnished to the teachers with each 
one of: these edticational filme a printed ‘explanation, 80 that 
76% of the time will -be taken up by explanations of each section 
of the film. The brief. explanations on the filme themselves 
are buta emall part of that which will be furnished to teachers. 
In addition it might be wdll to mention that’ all films will be 
tested on children before they are issued to the schools, so 
that there will be no doubt of their being understood by the 
pupils when they are ‘presented as part of the study. 

‘Yours very truly, 

August 25th, 1915. . 

; ; “Once nore .I must ask you to pardon the delay 
in replying. to your recent favor. I am exceedingly busy these — 


Now to answer your questions’ seristim. (1} The 
house, of whioh model is shown in librery photogreph is the first 
type of workinpgman's house which Mr. Edison proposes to make in 
one piece. The moulds -for this are about 60% completed, hut he 
has been obliged to lay this project aside for the time being 
until he has more time 4o complete it. . TI enclose herewith & 
pooklet about it. (2) The stetue near the model. house i3 one 
which Hr. Edison purenased at the Paris Fxposition in 1869. It 

is by the italian sculptor, Bordiga, and the title of the work is 
"triumph of Electric Light over Gas." You will See that the 
figure is seated on @ ‘broken gas. lemp I send you a separate 
photograph by this meil. . , 

In regard to the photographs of the pictures 
you have mentioned from the biography of Mr. Raison, published by 
‘Harper you must please bear in mind that these ere copyrighted as 
part of the book, and I think that it would be pest for you to 
write to Harper & Brothers first, asking their permission to use 
ther + You can say that I suggested this end-thet I can furnish 
you with copies of the photographs so that you may reproduce them 
yourself. You must please bear in mind that Harper & Brothers 
would have to have recognition of this in your took. . 

I have shown Mr. Edison your letter and have 
spoken to him about the message, but he. is unvilling to do this 
for many reasons which cannot well he’ explained. 

Allow me to thank you for the copy of the new 
addition of the How and Why Library which you have so kindly sent 
mee I have taken it home and am enjoying it as-often as I can 
get a chance. to read it. showed it to Mr. Edison and he said 
it was a pretty good book for home. (Please do not quote him) 

Yours very truly, .° 

; : 
GL cbhiccaes et 

August 25th, 1915. 

Mr. Je Robert Crouse, 

Yela Pa 
Oleveland, Ohio. 

Dear Mr. Crouse:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 21st instant, 

recitation. of your very kind offer to hold 

and beg to express my appr 
he Island until 1 succeed ‘in doing 

n the invitetion to.come Up to t 
I shall make af noble ‘effort some day- 

ived the two hundred and fifty re 

and -* ‘spoke to Mr mareon about 



I rece Smoaused 

letters from Givert Hubbard yeaterday, 
-. He has been working ol 

s garrying out his agreement t 
1 bunch of them with his signature 

the remainder of them and Tf will 

1 night every night this week 

them at once- . 
o sign them and has 

except one, but he i 

already aglivered to. me a smal 
He- will undoubtedly sign 

attached - 
get them all ot to ure Hubbard at the earliest possible moment. Mey ah, 
I. ave made all the arrangements to pend a lot of 

films up to Dr- Gardner, and positive 4nstructions heve been issued 

1 be shipped this morning by express. 
we are sending you some of the re 

and Dr. Gardner will have time enough to look them all over and see 

tn addition to 

that they shel 
gular pictures, 

' the educational films, w 

what is available for your uses. 
Yours very truly, 

ae fees po 
‘ To ge Bae € 

oe ot ap thy Be Asa 
‘; : 

Yat cf, won deetatd 5 feo? Ms 

aie are eS 
cae 7 Het 


August 25th, 

wd Mr. W. Jd. Wallace Hamill, 
ON _ + § Whellock Road, 

i - Chiswick, 

a London, ¥. England. 

Dear Mr. Hamill: 
I am in’ receipt of your fevor informing me of 

the orgenization end objects of the West London Phonogrepk end 

Graphophone Society, ell of which has had my attention. In 

my opinion the originator of this idea is deserving of con- 

You ask me if I am willing to be considered as 

a patron of this Society, and beg to say that it gives me muck 

pleasure to reply in the affimative. 
"Yours very truly, 

r 7 Fiormes a. Guten 
: : “Sram 

Fcpmad — ay. ee 

feed Blt Bey anie6 iin 
4 ¢v 

jae OBER. oe, 

Lina h one nest cbs rine TM 

Auguat 25th, 1913. 

Mr. Beaty Rawle, Vice President, 

The Celluloid Company, 

290 Ferry Street, 

Newark, H. J. 
Dear Sir: 

. I am in receipt of your fevor of the 

2let incstent in regard to the use of poles for seacon- 
ing our tubes. 

In reply let me say thet I have tried to 
imagine why the pole: scheme would take up any undue amount 
of extra apace, as the poles could be placed in racks, and . 
when they are in the tubes, they would not take up any 
extra space. The collapsing and indenting of the 
tubes that we are experiencing at the present time produces 
strains and is getting serious. 

Yours very truly, 

5 tan ign mes ma a ace 

sepa iepaperienn ya! 

August 25th, 1913 

¥r. KM. CO. Wentworth; Manager, 
Wentworth Hall-and. Cottages, 
Jackson, White Mountains, 
‘New Hampehire - 

Dear Mr. ‘Wentworth: 

Allow me to thank you for your very kind 
favor of? the 21st ‘Inatent, which has heen read with a 

great deal of interest and pleasure. It is e source 

of much gratification to me to learn that irs. Ilsen has 

made such & favorable impression upon you and your guests. 

I find thie to:be the universal opinion wherever she has 
been, and it is. source of great pleasure to me to learn: 
€hat I have been so ably represented by her.: 

oe Your kind words in regard to the performance 
of the Diamond Disc phonograph. are mich appreciated. 
After my years of hard work to make the -phonograph @ more 
perfect musical instrument, it is indeed a ecompande to 

learn that I have succeeded in pleasing the lovers of good 

: music ° 

: Yours very truly, . 

a ckcasmeubas ined bcnenial Ave? 


Lh caalyelateesbentetnee meena te et EST 



I. am in® ceipt of your esteemed favor of the 
25th instant, and am*¥ery glad indeed to be fevored with a 
few lines from you. 

'. Mr. Edison was very well when he left ‘ahs for — 
Meine early on Sunday morning. His family is up there, and 
he bas gone to join them for about ten deys. He really needs 
and deserves a rest and ohange, for he haa not had any vace- 
tion for about two years and has been working as hard eas ever. 
It is really wonderful how he maneges to keep at it with the 
Bame old vigor for 18 to 20 hours a day- 

i remenber hearing something said about a sample 
of calcium tungstate that he made many years ago, which was 
very much brighter than barium platino cyanide, but i never 
saw the particular sample referred to. I. am very much in- 
clined to your opinion: that it was either very much better than 
any that has ever been made since or else.that the sample of . 
barium platino cyanide that it was compared with must have been 
a poor one, for 1 never saw any of the calcium salt which would 
compare with barium pletino salt. 

1 spoke to Mr. Kd@ison some time ago about your 
kind offer to come down some day and bring some liguid air with 
you, and he was greatly pleased ‘at the prospect of seeing it 
for he has never seen it at all. He has been so fearfully 
pusy, hewever, and concentrated upon the ultimate details of 
the Dise phonograph and other things that 1 could not see any 
prospect of his being able tc devote an hour or 80 to seeing 
some experiments with the liguid air. However, 1 hope that 
later on this coming rall, when we all get back from our vaca~ 
tions 1 may have the pleasure of making an appointment with you 
s0 that you can come down and have a little fun with us. 

Trusting that you and Mrs. Andrews are quite well, 
and with kind regards, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

iy 1. Ore 



august 26th, 1913. | 

scanaigeenritonsde ounce ues 4 Mis Uypgaaiis congas SAE Spice ad cos 

Dr. 2, M. Gardner, 
Association lsland, 
| Sacketts Harbor, 
| Hew York. | 
! Dear Dr. Gardner:~ | 

I sant you Saturday by. express, prepaid, mo- 
tion picture films of the following subjects: 1 

Kicroscopic Pond Life 
Magnetism {four reels) 
Gecropia Moth 

Bessemer converter 

The yvoctor 

Polo Ganes 

Sinle, indis 

Famous Duel 

pa aes 



and yesterday, by express, & film showing §ffects of Electric 
Currents i trust these were all safely received and found 

These sane films, or some of them, are to be 
used at the Edison Convention at vooperstowm, N. Y. on 
September 10th, on whioh occasion our Mr. HM. R. Hutchison will 
be present to teke charge of matters in behalf of Mr. Edison. 

manana se RESET REET Sy TEP 


I therefore write to ask that you will kindly 
oar all the above films not later than September 6th, by express. 
° a 

ae Se 

KM. R. Hutchison, 
Cooperstowm, hew xork » 

marked "Hold until called for." Will you kindly give instruac- 
¢ions to pack the films carefully? 

In order to make sure thet this matter is thorough- 
Ly understood I will ask you to kindly acknowledge receipt of 
this letter, and oblige: - 

Yours very tiuly,y: 7 = AS 


/ j Aug. 27, 14. 
EBdizon Crushig® Ro oe. 

ur. 3. 5S. e, Pur. Agt.. 
St willie, New Jersey. 

Dear Mr. Opdyke:- 
This will acknowledge receipt of your 
letters of recent date enclosing statements of royalty 

on stone crushed during July 1915, and ctecka which 
accomaniad them, as followsie 

. ———— PrP NIEGHLE 

aE Oi e nee TCT eerie) SeGeien 
nee ERATE s 2 actress Perce 
ana eennee ee eR ee Reon sue PLEATS 

Benson Mines Fo. $61.47 



Bahcan aaah aera 



ape ST 


fomkinsa Cove ; 1310.25 

UD. 3. Crushed Stene Co. 1637.72 
Kelley Ieland (Akron) 1628.73 

Kelley Ieland (Marblehead & W.R.)} 1372.68 



Solvay Process Co. 874.92 

Statesent also received from the 


ere eey ree re x 

National Limestone Co- for July crushings. 

(KERR EAL anae ee eee ee 

Fhanking you, 1 am. 

Leathe EO 

Yours very truly. 

Assistant Secretary. 

ee ee 

Sept, 6th, 1913. 

Teceipt of your fevor o£ the 5th 
ad to ‘hear from you. I think the newspaper 
his ilinmess have been exaggerated, as L understand he 
fg cold, and naturally aid not wish to be bothered while 
he was teking a little vacation. It is doubtful whether anyone 
will ever persuade him to take life a little easier, for I think 
he is incorrigable in regard to working hard all the time- 


I shall take great pleasure in showing hin | Race chipping 

from the Electrical World, and he will be undoubtedly Bag “0 ‘de 

that there is another one who remembers his ont easel, ‘hades. 

Mr. Berggren has been sick pag, te, rey at Atlantic City 
recuperating. fhe last accounts 1 haa. f¥om him a day or two ago 
ere quite encouraging - I nope, “b9 zet avey for a vaction when Mr. 
Edison returns, which I think. ‘S411 be about sonday or rue sday. 

There is Sfie thing i am going to ask of you, and trust 
it will not be asking too much. If it is,please be frenk and say sO. 
I am desirous. of getting e few ideas about Luminous peint, as I 
understand that you have made guite some experiments slong this line. 
Tf it is not asking you to divulge sonething yhich is confidential, 

I should be very glad to get any formulae that you may see fit to 




meals TY 












Sept. 6th, 1913. 


eerer I ae 

Sn an Te 

Mr. Thomes Graf, 
Friedrichstresse 10, 
Berlin, Germany. 

Deer Br. Graf: 

Herwith I beg to hand you two letterswhick 
have reached nere, contuining application for a territory 
for the Kinet: phone. Will you kindly sive these your 

I also hand you a lot of papers from & man 
by the name of August Sedlacack. Tis en inventor, 
who hesapparently filed ccne competitions with the patent 
offices on Kinetopnones. Mr. Edison dees not wish to ‘1 
look into the matter at sll, and we think it is best not ! 

to write to him direct from here, 60 &8 to give him no 
opportunity of saying ue has had a letter from Mr. Fdison. 
Will you please therefore reply to his letter and return 
his papers, stating that Mr. Edison is not interested in 
his patent. 

yours very truly, 

OS 3 ale useless Ea from tort Rowwete, ©. Felohiae, 
Aud Ehr. 49) o trete Fes ptenra wirrehee Ge approfediche 

° . wf et Fetes fo 
Aaptace cs any aan ; te es re Sot FelecewJd say sal 

Sept. llth, 

Miss Catharyne Cooke, 

% The East Side House Settlement, 
‘eth St. and Kast River, 

New YorE. 

Dear Miss Cooke: 

In reply to your favor of the 9th 
instant to Mr. Bdison, he reyguests ue to Bay thet our 
factories are so leaded down with work a8 to gause & great 

deal of demoralization if we allow visiting parties. 

Therefore, for the present, Mr. Edison haa been obliged to 

rescind the visiting privileges, and we shall not be able | 

to arrange for the yisit you mention. 
Yours very truly, 

Edison heboratory. 

Stpr. 15th, 1913. 

Mr. C. F. Henderson, 
Pp. O. Box 1564, 
Milwankee, #18. 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 9th instant to Mr. Edison 
came duly to hand. As you have probably noted from the news- 
papers, he has been confined to his home with sickness during 
the last few days- Hence ,I think it yell to communicate 
with you at once. 

You will quite readily appreciate the fact 
that meny applications are made to Mr. Edison to have parties 
from various Associations visit the Laboretory and plant. He 

he affirmative to many of such applications in 
Pp : obliged 
to suspend 
upon the time and attention of himself and staff. 
had visiting Associations here he has insisted on giving up his 
work in order to meet the members personally, which has frequent- 
ly necessitated his working late into the night to catch up. 

At the present writing he is confined to the 
house by sickness, and while 4t is not of an alarming nature and 
he is progressing very satisfactorily, his doctor wishes him to 
remain at home all this week in order to ensure a complete re- 
covery. He is very anxious to get back to work. ¥ven if he 
returns to the Laboratory next monday he yould naturally be 
feeling somewhat weak, and there will be an immense amount of 
delayed business of an important nature awaiting his attention, 
which will require a few days’? hard work to dispose of. As 
the proposed visit of your Association would be the next day, 
the 23a, you will see it would be somewhat of a severe trial for 
him, even if it were later. 

In view of the circumstances, I think it will 
be quite apparent to you that the present is not a propitious 
time for ea visit of the members of your Association to the Labora- 
tory and plant. Buch as I regret to announce this disappoint- 

ing news to you, I think it is best to writ 
the facts before you. SONG ee oe 

Yours very truly, 
LIM id [ 

ee ee ae 


Assistant to Mr. Raison 


Septe 20ne, 1913. 

Mr. John F/Monnot, 

Edison fmulators, Lta., 
46 Old Bond street, 
London, ¥-, Ynglend. 

Dear Mr. Monnot: 

Your favor of the 5th 4nstant was receivede BI e 
‘Raison has been confined to the house for fhe Last two weeka with 
sickness, and has been uneble to see anyone or a@iseuss any paste 

neas mattere until the last two days. 


I sent your letter up at the ef ridest yoruind 

. ie 

moment that it was permitted, and he gent word dorm to me Se gable 
aig eonsent to listing the steeck if it becomes absolutely --cessary. 
i therefore gent yor the Poliowing cables 
FX consent to listing stock if St becomes absolutely 
neoussarys a , 
7 Baioon." 
Iam able tea inform pou that Mr. Edison is improv- 

ing rapidly and expoots to be sown at the Taboratory again by about 

next Wednesday. 

With kind regari. ° remein 


Yours very truly, 

Co? . 
Ath ie sale Z 
- 74 ee a | 
4 i 
/ P J 
Seas etPDUbeSEAUTRUELN £5 S152 ha 7 81 ar os 


a eee ey 

vce mere neste eR arcane Sms 

Sept. 22nd, 1913~- 

Wiss Helen Ormsbee, 

% The sew york Kdigon Uo.-, 
55 Duane street, 

New York. 

Wy dear Riss Ormsbee:~ 

I must ask you to kindly excuse the long delay in 
replying to your favor of the 29th ultimo. Mr. Edison's 
absence has kept me exceedingly busy, and I have had no opportun~ 
ity to look as fully into the matter as 1 desired until now. 

The central stations mentioned in your letter as 
having been opened either jin 1882 or 1883 are quite correct 80 
far as 1 can check up- . I have been looking among my pepers in 
order to see if l coulda supply you qith the figures showing the 
number of lamps and cepitalization of moneys invested in these 
stations, but 1 am unable to find anything reliable. 

In the early days there were bulletins issued, be- 
ginning in 1882. From that year until 1885 they were issued by 
Major Haton, but a new series 8, issued later by Mr. 8. H. 

Johnson. 1f neither Mr. nor Mr. Williams should happen to 
have a set of these bulletins, ¢ am quite sure you will find a 

set of each of them in the Office of Mr. W. H. Langman, 165 Broad- 
way. J have already examined the set of Major xaton's bulletins, 
which by the way 1 used to help prepare, but do not find in them 
the information that you desire. 

If you cannot obtain the information you want from 
the above sources, the only other sources that i can think of ere 
the "Minute Book" of the sdison slectric Light Compeny, now in 
possession of the General flectric Co., and the “archives” of the 
central station companies mentioned. 

Regretting thet I cannot furnish yo 
specific information, I remain ae 

Yours very truly, 


AT ah 
peewee hy q 
re pa 


eh aaa eat iad 

eet ne 

Ca ge eel 
Raa pees 

eae dia 

Sept. 22nd, 1913. 

-of. Luigi Komano, 
ation A, Box 23, 
“7 Yorke 

car Sirs- 
I have received your favor of the 15th instant, 

ynd am very glad to jnform you in reply that Mr. Raison is 
-aking very favorable progress towards recevery, and we ex- 
the Laboratory some time next 

aot that he will come down to 

In regara to your Yinetophone Waltz, 1 simply 

yant to repeat what I have written you pefore, namely, that 
_4 was sent over to our Recording Rooms and is put on the 

told you, they have a 

ist there for recording - As I 
inetophone Waltz 

e to record, and the Z 

varge quantity of musi 
recorded in its turn. 

sill heve to take its place and be 

Yours very truly, 

aes agra Mtoe Pep 
Sete _ 


rere nme es 

eT lgeet 

pile ape 

win, See 


meer ees 


Seyt . 24th, 1915 

Mr. A. W. heonard, 
% Stone & Webster Ranarerment Assoc. , 
147 Bilk »otre2s, Boston, MesS- 

Dear Mr. Leonerd:- 

Iam in receipt of a letter from Mr. 
Je. Hill, steting thet you are at the present time 
in Boston and expect to run over to New york for a day 

end that yon would like to run out to the Laborstory and 
meet Mr. "dison. 

Fortunately, it happens that Hr. mdisou 
has just returned to the ‘Taho ratory after his iliness- 
He is down for a few hours today, and ma expect him here 
every day from now on. He seys that he will he gled to 

see you if you are coming on to New York and will run over 
to Orange. 

Any day this week (expect Saturday after- 
noon)or any deynext week will be quite satisfactory to hin. 
Will you Kindly drop me a line and let me know when you 
expect to come over, and I would suggest: that when you get 
to New York you telephone over to me (908 Orange) and state 
what time you would expect to be out here, 80 that we wey 
make sure that Mr. Faison will be on hand to meet you. 

You come ont to Orange by the Lackavenns 
Railroad, get off at the Orange station, Walk a plock up 
to the main street, take a trolley going to Vest Orenge, 

and it vill- let you of f right at the Iybo ratory. 

Yours very truly, 


Asaiotant to Ur. Madison. 


< a a, Sept. 25th, 3915 
Mre. Mary A. Matthews, 

R.R. $2, Bex 161, 

* Kelly otation, ra. 
Dear Zadam:~ 

xour favor of the 12th instant tor. 
Waieon wes received. Mr. Edison has been absent from 

the laboratory for more than two weeks on account of 
siekness, But will be here this week. Of course, you 
can well understand that there will be a large acocumula- 
tion of “business waiting for hie attention, but as soon 
as we can get to it we will call his attention to your 
song ani ask him whether or not he will want to use it. 

. Youra very truly, 

WAison Laboratory. 

TE Ae RE ee il 





ee peng RS NE TS 



coer hese pees 


Seah eh 

seen ERDS 
pga OE a 

Cn en TT 

ww See: 




_ =e 



vit is 
Sept. 25th, 1913 a 

Mr. 5. Bergmann, re 
23 Oudenarder Street, ly 
Berlin ,Germany- a 
Dear Bergmann:- te 
ae Mesdoweroft told me that you wanted me to take te 
a look at the bill which had been rendered by the Storage Battery ‘ 
Company for the Iron Yeading machines, the 6 moulds and some emall 
: < e 
gcoescories. He esid that you thought it was. very high indeed 4 
and wanted me to look at it #0 that I could eee if some reduetion i 
could not be made. |: 
Let me say in explanation that the bill is sit [ 
right, as the few dron loading machines we use have always been ‘ 
mate at the Laboratory by tool makers, and they cost more than if i 
a number of them were being mate.  ghere were too few of then 4 
requixea to have them done outaide with jige ani tools. You will i 
quite unéerstam the high cost. from this explanation. | 
| AL om just back at the Laboratory after more than f 
| { 
two weeka confinement in the house with sickness. “Tt am feeling { 
ali right agein now. | 

Yours very traly, 

I piapane you will be very. giad to learn. that. 

‘yr. Edison is feeling | all! ight | again and ‘te ‘back, at the Labora- 


ee Sea 

tory. oS “Jugt: at present ‘He. aoéa not pend. 8 ‘full aay exe but 
gets around about. 9: 30) and ‘leaves about’ 5200+ ae ‘Weh hin this is 


juet mere ‘gnala's: play, ‘but ve ail’ ‘nope. “that “he wil not get back 

to his’ old ‘habit. of. ‘burning the mianizht od: : : You never can tell, 

for he 4a {acoreigible hen it comes. to work = als : ee, 
Mire. Edison ia ‘keepige’ pretty olose ceaee on him 
just now. — Be ‘Lodks very weil and has nade a good recovery. 
With kind regaris, I renein 

. Yours very ‘tealy,” 

Sept. 29th, 1913. 




Sept. Sith, 1913. 

Your favor of the 22nf ultimo reached | 
me On my retura to the Yaboretory after more than a nonth's 

absence. tat me aay in feply to your question thst the 

whole achene ws abandoned, as the people who owned the 

grant made falee. vepresentationsené r quit. We had not 
got as far as the special meohizery up to that tine. 
Yours very truly, 

fbx, gos 

- fey 




a a A 

: te 


_ game down a few days & 

 eomes &own about 9:30 and goe 


Sept. 30th, 1913. 

yr. J. Be Ballentine, 
-, $- O11fford Bxploration Compeny. 
_ Georgetown, Colorado. 
wy dear Wr. Ballentine: 
-L-beg to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed favor 

of the 22n4 instant, and em glea to heer from you. Tr. Wiison 

go for the first time since he left here 
Re has been guite sick, but has now recovered. He 

August 25th. 
5 away agein before 5:00 ofclock- 

His wife is looking out for that- She prings him down and comes for 

Ho night work just now. 

nim in the grening: 
he came back before t could go. 

I had to wait until 

away, and then after he hed bean here two oF three days 1 fell sick 
and am just going to siose up my matters to~ 

commencing to-morrow. 

with a very bad coid, 

aay and g0 for a vacation, 
I think it is very wise of you to keep as posted 
ag that makes @ 

ter to gr. 

as to just what progress you are making ous there, 

record which we keap on file- 1 havé shom your yet 

ted ite contents with satisfeotion- 

gaieon and he has 20 
and that you will make 

Trusting that you are weil 

good progress, ZY remain 
Yours very tly. 






Smee net 




ip . 
Sept, BGth, 1913 eS 

Rr. Ree | ON B41} 3 sc: Me oer, seek le ‘ Mt 
% Poget Sount fraction, Tight & Power Co., |e 
204 Pioneer Butltting, Tortie > 
Seattle, Washington. F . 
te ae te tie Stiga reset le ' AR 
Dear Wr. Mili: * a 
Fae BEM ESS ce 
deor sr Lureweived your,esteemed favor of the 22nd instant eS 
phir eae to motich piotared, ebout which we have hed previous corres-~ : 
pondence. : , : 

-: Get me say for your information that Nr. Madison doen 
not consider himself far enongh'along in his strictiy e@ucational 
achool filme ‘to: take ‘ip these large. subjects,.and hs is uo where’ 
near ready to. consider them ‘in relation to that special branch of 
the motion picture business. 


“He therefore looks upon all theee. Claas in their : 

relation to the reeulay motion picture business, oh ig worked 
through the film exchen 

gea in the reguler way. showed him your | 
letter, ana this ia a aopy of his comments upon it: an: 
a 1 
"Industrial ploture® are not acceptable to the ie 
trade, and we have always failed to get even the | 
‘amallest percentage of our costa back”, | es 
: i a 

you will see therefore that ne ie not favorably inclined towards i 
making the plotures that you mention. L 
I am glad to say that fr. Rdison ie down to the iu 
Laboratory every day and feeling very well. e comes down only i 
about 9:30 and goea azay again by 6:00 o*olock. The dostor | a z fi 
particularly reqnested him to take it easy for a week or two, av | 
we are all very gled that thie time he is diaposea to take the i 
advice of the doctor. : by 
with kindest regards, 1 remain ' A 

Youre very truly, 


Sept. 30th, 1915. 

S oby 

Proudfoot’s Commercial Agency, 


149 Broadway, 
few York City- 
Dear Hr. Prowdfoot:. : : 
I. send you herewith sone papers relat- 
ing to the Anti-Cigarette Teague of America: Will you 
kindiy give me a report on this and oblige 

Yours very truly, 



%D. Van Nostrend Company, 
Twenty-Five Park Place, 
Yew: York: . 
Dear ‘Er. ‘spetre: 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 

Br. C. EB. Speirs, 

25th instant, and also copy of Prof. ‘Sones* book "Hew Era in 

Chemistry”, which you have kindly sent forEr. Waison- handed 

it to him thie morning ani I suppose there is ne need to tell you 
that he went to work mit right away- Anything in Chemistry is 

surficient to attract his attention immediately. He ie very 

pleased with your thoughtfalness, and wishes me to extend his thanks 

to yea for your courtesy ia aending him this book. 

ion gied to say thet he is Feeling well again 
ana is able to come down to the Laboratory every day. There is 
no more burning of the midnight oil Just nowy ~but you can never 

With kind regarie, I remain 
Yours very truly, 

Sept. 30th, 1913. 

eer PEERS EIT Ean te Nn ee Rl SICAL oa te ea 



PERT Kacurrte vote en 


me greet ree reteperricertban et 
Te a 



[ \! 

| |) 

i He Sept. 30th, 1925 , 
Yrs, 3. 9. Ppeient, } 

i 274 Bt. Vernon @venue, \ 
: Warion, Chic. s 

| Rear Mr®. Preoland: ; 

2 was away from ny Laboratory more than e 
‘ month, being confined to the house by ilinees for over two weeks 
of that tine. © On returning to work #:find your kind letter 
ani the verses you wrote at the little Mount Olenens office. 

Modesty forbids any coment from me in re- ; 
gard to your verses. £12 -Y oan Jo is to acknowleige their 

receipt and also to express my appreciation of the very kind 
thoughts of me which you and my old friends share@ on the occasion 
of your recent visit to the well remembered scenes of my youth. 

TMT Chon. — 

\ = ecsnrain eB OSS TTBS GET eS 
x os ESET ESE EP SSS NG aE RIO Serer te at Sr perenne eae 
aN cee ae SET wiaiee 3 2 ae eee ne secrete eee = = 
at cape a eee 2 —= a ae Sree ECE WAU e retwnireeowery ere = eerreres 
egies I Ea LEE SSS EE pea See eS re ea ea RIN Ea ee oe 
Perens ATi ORR SIE RELIED CL AE DE EEL TT a Beck ck actrees eras Sree 

va a 
et a 
° ; 
: » &§ 
4 2 8/ 
& “9 £ BY 
eS OE | 
wh a | 
eds | 
gia fh 6 
Pope o 
oe ae 
Bead \w : 
ae ee: 
ia tie 
0 8 
ore No | 
ba aa { 
8 B 3° 
¥ aod | 
e i f¢ . 

Oot - 6th, 1928 

Probably all Winter or 

Yours very truly, 


fensen street 


De J. Van Marle, 
some research work at the salary you name, but cannot say 

how long the work will last. 

longer however- 

Dear Sir:- 

Mr. SAison directs me to write you that he can give you 

cen tones eaten a KACO aga tt NRE A NES NOR 

Getober 9, 3933. 

fo Whom It May Concern:- 
Tis is to certify that 
Mr. Allen Hinchcitff wae employed in the machine 

shop of thie Laboratory during his summer vacation. 

His services while here were entirely satisfactory 

and he left of his own- accord to acmplete his 

college training. 

Octezser ¥, 1923. 

Mr.v Allan Hincholif?s, a 
218 Lewis Avenue, 
Brooklyn, Bew Yorr. 

Dear Sir:- 
Replying to your letter of the 5th instant 
’ gsking for a reference while in our employ. beg to A 
*ny that while you were here Mx. Clancy informe me 
that you only operated a lathe; that be had never ; 
tried you on the other machines. Your services au : 
| the Lathe however were satisfactory and iI az 
enclosing a refarence which I hope will help you 
"get the position you desire. i 

Yours very truly, 



rr SRST eGR gaa aE TER te tees 

SET peo ee RE ne 

a ee an 



Oot. 6th, 1913. 

Replying to youra of the 22nd ult. 
Phanking you for your thoughtfolness 

regariing the copy of the New York Maily Graphic of April 

2nd, 1878 which you sent me under separate oover. 
was received and found’very interesting indeed. 

sae . 
iis : . 
aE S * 
aee5 5 t9 
e ee 
vfoe & z 
s fo] mn 
- FE ya F; \ 
Seda & a 


October il, 13. 

Johny H. Wood, Eaa., 
186 Broadway, 
Hew York City. 
Dear Sir:< 
Bir. Edison does not care to carry insuranos 
any longer on the buildings nt Menlo Park. Will you 
Please cancel all policies and send credit memo for 

any rebate. 

Yours very truly, 

thes tet 



pa aces ean vencnmenernt mtr 5 eas 

C cgrcuren vate ce: mers 

7 atoms 
menace near tr nae 

October 16, 1913, 

Mr. Win. J. Hammer, 

153 West 46th Street, 

New York City. 
Uy dear Hanmer:-« 

Allow me to thank yeu for your favor 
oP the 8th instant and also for the framed set of 
photographs of "The William J. Hammer Historical 

Collection of Incandescent Electric Lamps. I 

snell accept these photographs with pleasure, and 

“will have them hung in my library here. 

After all the years you have spent 
on this Collection, you are to be congratulated on 
the completion of your labors in the final setting up 

and arranging of the same in its permanant home. 

Yours very-trtly, 

hes ot ai eae 


Oot. 20th, 1913 

Br. C. F. Albdes, 
635 Broadway, — 
New York City. 

Dear Sir: 
In reply to yours of the 10th instant 

regarding Prof. Becernyz's advertisement, Mr. Edison 

directs me to write you that all he knows of Mr. Beoernys is 

that he came to the Laboratory and Yr. Rdison‘showed hin 
some acientific results from records of different singers. 

He has a very even voice, but as to his methods Mr. Eaison 

knows nothing about them. 

Yours very truly, 



Dy on eae ahs cen Garten penny . ee z ae 
ahd bees ee a SEER RAR EMIS wi perenne NORTE AR TE SEP PTET AN ST UTS AS 





ene ERS 

eeeemecn ee 


reaver tt 


aes neat mee 

Oct. 20th, 1913. 

Mr. Leland Hume, 

% Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co., 
Nashville, Tenn. 

Dear Sir:- 

Replying to yours of the 9th inst. 
regarding an ola style Graphaphone, Mr. Edison directs me 
to write -yon that he had a number of theae o14 machines 
but they were all destroyed. He thinks perhaps Alexander 
Bell at Washington could tell you where you could get one- 
He never made that type of machine. 

Yours very truly, 

CEs ae Prue 


sancti pane EER SR PRE SS 



a ea 



eee lee 


Oct. 20th, 1913. 

The Philadelphia Medical Publishing Co., 
302 H. Broad Street, 
, Philedeiphia, Pe- 

Gentlemen: - 

Replying to yours of the llth 
inst., Mr. Edison directs me to write you to cance} his 
subscription to the "american Journel of Gastro- Ente ro- 
logy"as he does not want it any more. 

Yours very truly, 

Rete ire 
< { athe i 




Det gant oe 
NESE eee 
= Stee 





Octe 21, 1913. 

Janes Oliver, Esq., 
123, Harley St... W.. 
London, England. 

Dear Sire 

Your letter of the 9th instant received. 

It wae understood that I was to design the plant, 
vut unknown to me Mr. Lawrence hired my chief draftaman 
and teok him to England. This man was an Englishman who 
committed suicide after the mill failed to work. 

During the time he was designing it a few drawings 

were sent over for my approval. These were returned with 
changes, but many I believe were not carried out. 

I was told by one of the pergons interssted in the 
Dundeziand Company that Mr. Simpkin was sent te Americe. at 

one time with a Large number of drawings. He came to the 
Laboratory but never exhibited any of them. 

I have always been astonished that they’ should not 
have. taken advantage of the great experience I had in this 
line, attained at a great cost, and which I was anxious to 
mixes free of expense. The large Cement works which X 

eaigned, with the same kind of machinery and a far harder 

problem, has been working now for many years without a 

I feel sure that if Mr. Lawrence had not interfered 
and permitted me to design the whole plant. Dunderland would 

have been a very successful company. ae, 
Yours very-truly, 


i age 4 Fe, oe 
vs hi “yet ‘ Ce a 

. g 


ae i 


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aaah has 



SN errerarr errs 

Ooteber 27, 1913, 

Generai Electria Ca-, 
Francis C. Pratt, Bsq., 
Assistant to President, 
Schenectady, New York. 

Dear Sire 

. Your letter of the 23rd instant regarding 
SILICON steel received. The meweage wae not correctly 
tranacribed, it should have readew> 

"Please ship three hundred pounds nine 
thousandths thick". 

Mr, Edison wants to use the steel in motors, 
thease have a very high speed, therefor want the sheets 
thin as possibile. The manufacturers say they roll 
this nine thousandths of an inch thick. He understands 
this steel gives more magnetism before saturation 
occurs, than the otdinary steel. 

If you have any of the thin eteck he mould 
like to have one hundred pounds by express (Wellies Fargo): 
and the balance, two hundred pounde, by Lackawama 
freight direct to Orange, New Jersey. 

If you have none so thin in stock, could you 
order some from the makers. 

Your urgent attention in the matter will be 

Yours very truly, 

ae eee 




Se ee 

ie. ae 


rn ee 

gies ity aa 


eT fee 

October 27, 19135. 

Mr. Samuel Gardner, 
3055 Tiffany Street, 
New York Cityo 

Dear Sir:- 

Replying to your letter of recent date Mr. 
Raison directs me to write you to select @ big lot 
of VIOLIN pisces, not usually played by Spaiding and 
he will select six. After you have played them for 
him you can make them on the disc. 

Yours very tru2zy, 

apis Ff -: 





Pinel RE ETS 


tthe ne A a ca ear 


Ootovsr 27, 1913. 

Kr. John Howell, 
General Blectric Coc, 
Harrison, New Jersey. 


pear Sire 
ur. Edison would like to know if you nave 

n lamps with caxbon ¢ilaments 


‘wade any of the Nitroge’ 

instead of ‘Tungsten. 


y will be appreciat 
Yours very teuly, 

An early yepl 

pone fy 
Felis, <a apnea aie, 
Pa peered 




i aif 

ey oe 

UE wee not to be brought out 
pre rac bark Ecccaaa| autor cvubed: 
E hiseve 


sare Rout (ao. a a (md 2) proses ieee 
je ew Baty Yu ace EV Lond a Cb pa 1S 

wt PT AAA 


votover oO, 1915 

Deutsons sdigon-akkumlavoren-Company, u.m.d.H., 
Deonthelimerstr. 35-058, 
Dérlin, Germany. 

Your Letter or ine létu ingt. with enclosures uas veen 
reocived. X return nersawith one vopy or the agreement auly exe- 
euted oy ae. In accordance with your request the agreement hue 
veen dsted vanuary 1, lyvld. The list or pavents cited is complete 

\ &e Ler as the records ox my Legal vepartment snov. 1£, uOWever, 1 
have other cermen, austrian or sungarian pavents relating solely vo 
storages c@uteries which uave veen Kept alive anu are nov inoluceu in 
tos salu lisv, — am willing vo include vhusy anu will vo 00 in uv 
separate letter. In tne weanvins . awpit rurtner inrormavion rrom 
you On unis poine. 

With repard to une word manuractured” Used in -lauses v 
unu & OF thy ugrecment, my posivion is tnab 1 am entitied to royel- 
ties on all culls wanurecutreu utring view Lite oF the ugreement ana 
not werely Ou Those eotutlly solu, iuaumuca us ~ migns otnerwise ve 
deprived of royalties to wnicn I am entitled oy tne rentai or other 
aisposition of the cells. I will, nowever, not require you to pay 
royalty on any oell prior to its snipment from your ractory, this 
concession being made without prejudius to my right to reoeive a 

miniuum royalty or Sixty Thousand Merks during each year o% the 








agreement. Kindly @dvise me if this concession is satisfactory 
to yon. Otherwise then as herein mentioned, I ao not consent 
to any wmoétfication or alteration ot the agreement, and ao not 
agrees to your iitarpretation of the same as set forth in your 
seid letter of the 18th inet. 

Very truly yours, 




; tit petals SRepeauaeaarsyacndeacescsesaeenasescsacgnens us PRIDE eter te 
Rha gnae 325002 Sor ytE eee NN a aaa 


Nov. 4th, 

Noodety for Electrica} Development, Ino., 

Tew York. 

ZI have been greatly interested in perusing 
the taphlet aanling with the principles, plens, and methods 
ei monbkersnip o2 your Soolety, and an much imprenaed wath 
“tha wisdon Aigpleyed in ita sonception. 

: it ia indeed remarkable that, in a dneiness 

ek zueh phenovitnal growth and heaving such keanly competi- 

tive laterssts, there gould be evolved e plan sufficiontly 

canprehensive to at once bring about an inenloujable ine 
orease of business to’ the gooa of all concerned while not 
in the least disturbing the benefitm of proper aompatition. 
If the objeeta of your Sooiety are carried 
ont a&S now proposed JT thitik the next few years will show 

an enormous advanca in the nee of slectricnl deriges 

Youre yery ten ee 

3G Ch aluven—_—_— 

' Yov., 5th, 

Er. Cohn W. Howell, 
% Saneral Bleetric Company, 

2, “ 
4 Harrison, K. Je 


My dany Mr. Howell: . 
Ihave juat returned from ny vacation and i 

Mir. H@ison has handed me your favor to him of the 28th ult. 

ith carbon filament in 


in vegard to making some lamps w 

E nitrogen. ‘ of course, he quite appreciates the reasons why 

you would get eny henefit from nitrogen in 

you do not think 

the carbon lamps, but he is very much interested te Bee what 



4 results you do get. : 
E He has asked me to keep track of the matter 

w once in awhile 

whether you have made any of the lemps- 
with kind regards, I remain 7 

af so. I auppose you will not mind if I ask yo 



yours very truly, 

U4 Celli OP gw fe 

/ a 
/ ‘ i 

Sa ae 


Nov. 6th, 1913. 

Mr. L. H. Satiner, 
#64 Holley St., 
- Flushing, H. Y. 
Dear Brother Tatimer:~ - 

I received your kind favor of the 19th ultimo while I~ 

sere 2 

was still down in Atlantic City on. my vacation ang in the hunt for better 

i f 

: health. I am glad to say that I found it and am feeling several 

! hundred percent better than when I went away. I didn't answer your i 
a latter before thia, as I was prohibited from doing much letter writting. i 
H Hence, I shell ask. you to accept my apology for the delay in acknowledg- 


ing receipt of your kind letter. 
, It ie my earnest. hope that you have been able to make 

some arrangements with Mr. Plimpton in regard to your play. It is 
quite unnecessary to say that I aid the utmost that TI could for you. 

Our people up there have their own standards, and no one from here ever 

Se ee 

44 interfers with them or doubts their capacity to pass upon material which 

they themselves have to handle. If the matter should not gO as you 

wish, do not be discouraged but try again. 
I am sincerely obliged to you for all your good wishes 

and good thonghts about me, which needless to say are very heartily 

reciprocated on my part. Trusting that the passing years are touching 

you very }ightly and with kindest regaris, I reiiain 

. Youra very truly, } | 
7 Wen Sector 5 


ov. Sth, 1913- 

Mme. Anne EF, Ziegler, 
Wetropolitan Opera House, 
1425 Broadway, New York. 

Dear Yedem Ziegler:- 
I have just returie® from my vacation 

and find your favor written a few days ago. I have asked fr. 
4s Maoguire- 
ed with a 


Raison in regerd to bringing over Miss Love and E 

Juet now he 1s very pusy inde 
he cannot Leave, and he 4s not 

series of experiments that 
He’ requests 

any appointme nts while he is 80 busily engegeé- 
me to say that as soon as he is through with these experiments, 

e two young ladies. It is not 

he will be ready to hear th 
4t might he a week or two 

possible to set any date just now, as 

e before he is through, but as Boon 48 he is 

reeks or even mor 
with you again. 

Yours very truly, 

#é ? 

ready I will communicate 

ELA pear Seer ravesec teint ttrcrg Tea PLE ed pre 


Mov. 6th, 1913. 

Mr. J. D. Lyon, President, - 
Lee County Realty and ‘Investment Co., 
Fort Nyers, Florida. - 
Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 27th 
ultimo, ipussunaite a tract of lend which your Company ia about 
to develop for residential purposes, and asking my consent to 
your naming it "E@ison Park.” a 

Allow me to say in reply that I cannot con~ 
gent to your so naming it as my wife and family have objections to 
the use of my name in connection with enterprises that do not relate 

to my business affairs or affiliated therewith, == ———— 
Yours very ins , 

fhe a &. wen 

— —— 5 2, on ‘, EP 
eC Oe ee 

Se eee coos 


Rov. 6th, 1913. 

Mr. H. G- Plimpton, 

Edison Studio, 

2626 Decatur Avenue, 

Bedford Park, New York City. 

Dear Br. Plimpton: : 

Enclosed herewith I beg to hand you @ Jetter 
from a Br. Fawin Mitchell of Loa Angeles, Cal., to which te attached 
an article from "Sunset" written by this gentleman: You will see 
that at the end of his letter Mr. Uitchell statesthat he ia probably 
coming. to New York before long and would like to have the opportunity 
of looking through our motion picture factory. ZY preanme by this 
that he means the Studio. You will note that Mr. Edison has marked 
QO. F. on this, but before writing Mr. Mitchell I am sending this note 

to you to see if you know of any objections to this proposed visit. 

Will you “indly return Mr. Hitchell’s letter with 

your reply?. 
Yours vary truly, 

LR cat, te ‘the oF . 





3 ee Ia 

Bee asserts eee 


| 641 

Nov. 6th, 1915. 

Mr. @. G. Taullin, 
1904 West 8th Street, 
Spokane, Wanhs . 

Dear Sir:~ 

I em in receipt of your favor of the 15th inetant, and 
have noted with much interest your suggestion of a Loud laying phono- 

graph, to be used in motion picture theatres to furnish music inatead 
of the customary piano. There would be no trounle at ail iy pains 
a very loud phonoeraph: put I do not think the motion picture theatres 
would use it because the pian@ist is aupposed to pley music eas nearly 
approvriate to the subject that is et the moment being show as 
possible, and, as you know, motion pictures make very rapid changes in 
the emotions that are depicted. 

, In regard to making a record of my own volae, let 
me say for your information that according to mv sont ract arrangenent 
with the Sompany this cannot be done for reasons of business policy. 

Thanking. you for your kind words and wishes, I 


Yours very truly, 




i 4 


Nov. 6th, 1913. 

Ur. F. J. Scherrer, 
1929 No. 30 Church St., 
Bew York. ; 

Dear Mr. Scherrer:- 

I have been so exceedingly busy the test two or 
three weeks that I. have not hed time before to acknowledge 
recoipt of your esteemed favor of the ‘lst ultimo, and of the 
photographa of the o14 Grand Trmmk De pot, Ht. Clemens, Mich. 
and of Gol. Wilson sitting at the telegraph &esk in the Gepot in 
the act of sending a message to me. 

The photographs came sefely to hand, and I an 
very vlad indeed to have them. Allow me to thank you very nuch 
for your kindness in remembering me with these gopres: I an 
looking forward to the receipt of the proceedings of the conven- 
tion, whioh I have no doubt will be very Sob aaa a 

Yours very. truly, 

Pfc Eloi 

we a 


Tf. EB. Clarke, Esy., 
De. u. & W. R, R. Co., 
Seranton, Pa. 

My dear Mr. Clarke:- 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your eateemed 

favor of the 7th instant, enclosing the elipring in regard to 

Mr. Fdison ana hie "boss", and have read it with musk interest. 

I have also learned from the other paragraph which you marked 

that it is well not. to talk too much. That was certainly a 

very funny story. 

I have laid the matter on Mr. Elisonuts jesk, 

and I think that he will take it up home and show it to his 


I am gled to say that he hag recovered from 

hia ilinegs and 1s working right straight along. He is not 

allowed, however, to do any all night stunts at present, and I 
hope that the fnture occasions of such will he limite@ in number. 
With kind regarda, I remain 

Yours very truly, 
4 leat 

a. ; 
LY Sead, 

Nov. 10th, 1913. 

a aie er ee 


i oe 


Fov. 7th, 1913 

Mr- Charles n. Prouty, . 
*® Isaac Prouty & Co., a. 
Spencer, Mags. : 

Dear sir:- 

There has been some felay in replying to your 
letter, but that has been cocasioned hy my having been so very 
busy on some important experiments that could not be nut aside. 

Your letter ani a copy of your communtestion to 
' the newspapers were both read by me with a great deal of interest. 

T am glad to learn that you approve of the riews set forth in the ; 
articles published in "The Survey”, and think that your opinions : 

in regari to the propor training ef children are hased upon good ; 
sound common sense, 

Thanking you for your letter and the interest ( 
manifested by you, I remain ae 

Yours very-traly, i : 
we | 


oS 3 
enna ren sSealiaiemt sm ocean 


Nov. llth, 1913. 

His Excellency, . 

Guillermo E. Billinghurst, 
Lims, Peru. . 

Wy dear Sir:~ 

The reosipt of your telegram affora- 

ed me a great deal of pleasure. I sm sincerely glad to 

learn that you liked the Kinetophone, even as it is at the 

present time. We are working to improve and refine it, 

and I think that in time we shall he able to enlarge the 
scope of our operations. 

With many thanks for your kind con- 
gratulations, I remain a 

See a Rae as 

page PAS 


Nov, llth, 1913. 

tr. %. 8. Meltory. 
' Maison Portland Cement Co.-, 
Stewartsville, mw. OY; 

Wy fear Er- Wellory:- : 
of course, you remember yr, Tolder- 
ness, who used to do our soulpture and cenent gr ceating WOTE 
| here. As you are aware, @r- Edison let him go some months 
since, and he nas a little pisce of his own 4ust below here. 
He has made arrangenents with somehody who has been furnish- 
ing hin with a Little money, and now he olains to have some- 
L thing thet ie of great value in the building line. Te 
t eleirs it wonld help Br- Zaison out with the pourel senent 
house, and would also be of great value in other directions 
for building ant putting up cement houses: 

Me is vary anxious indeed to see 
you and have jou jook into what he has got in this line, a8 
he thinka thst you would he very greatly interested in it. 

He wanted to pring it to Yr. Fdison'’s attention, but I saia 
that it would be meeless to try and get Ur. Taison's aften- 
tion direct to ths matter, hut thet when you came down next . 
time to Orange, you would probably 6° aown to his place( which 
4s just a fev blocks from here,) ané then if his ideas appear 
yaluable to you, they could be explained by you to Wr. Bdicon. 
I think this is e much better way to handie it, if, indeed, 
4t ia not the only feasible way: 

ee wedeottt anes 

f As you know, Holderness is a very 

practical man in his particuler line, and he is 80 absolutely 

certain that he nas gotten something very valuable, that it 

rene me it would probably be worth your while to investi- 
oe : Ors 

With kind regards, J renuin 

yours very truly, 

 Beernasy Pama 

Sa eee 

apne LmerreTETiTee hee OATH ITEM a 
peprpetamnnaetiaeerctrer evita RE SHER eee esas aaa RADA SREP Eee e tue cave pee LeuceetererepeeeneTHa EERE hi 

ov. 11th, 1913. 

Er. Famund Mitenell, 
2282 Cambridge Street, 
tos Angeles, calif. 

Year Sir:- 
Your favor of the 30th altimo to 
ur. Edison, enclosing an article from the November Lape 

of "Sunset Magazine", came duly to hand. 

Wr. Sdison is erceedingly husy just 

‘now on a special line of experiments mhnich he cannot very 

well leave, und which has been engrossing his entire tine 
and attention the last two or three weeke- Tle therefore 
requests me to vrite to you and acknowledge receipt of your 
favor and to shank you for your vind interest in sending 
him the extract from the Sunset Magesine, which he nes reac 
with much interest. 

Ju regard to your wish to visit our 
Notion picture factory, he: assumes that you mean the Studio 
where the pictures are made and all the technical work of 
producing motion pictures is done. He wishes me to say in 
regerd thersto that he will he very -lad to have you mek 
a visit to our Studio in the Bronx, few York City. I have 
uritten to Nr. Horace G. Plimpton, the Manayer there, and he 
also supplements Er. Hdisor's invitation to pay & visit to 
the Studio. Te says that 42 it is convenient for you to 
drop him e tine a day or two in pdvanoe he would be pled of 

+ and would also he pleased to have you take lunch with him. 
You can address Mr. Plimpton et the Rdison Studio, 2826 
Tecatur Ave., Bedford Park, Taw York City. 

Yours very truly, 

Asuistant to Mr. Edison. 



Sr Max. fhompson., 
Hotel Astor, 
. James Square, New York. 

Dear Mr. Thompson: 
Your favor of the 7th anstant to Nr. 

Miller. has been received and shown to Hr. Edison. He 
Uribe come over on 

He may 

says that he will be glad to have Prof. 

Friday of this 
OO and 123 

week, af convenient - 
00 o'clock in the morning 
Please tell 

Thursday or 

come either -petween 10: 

: or between: 2:00 and 3:30 in the afternoon. 
and I will see to the 

bo nim to ask for me at the G 
| rast. Pocoas apie woe 

if. neither of those days ghould happen 
please advise me and we will errange 

ate House, 

to be convenient to hin, 

r another day- 
Yours very truly, 
face? xe i 
wy Cpimitee. tee" 

Assistant to Mr. Raison. 

Nev, Uth, 1913. 

“tv, Uy Jd, Dardes, q 
2 oraat sorthern R.Re Coo, 
Suliaré, Waah o 
iear Bitie 

I have been agreeably surprised by the 
raseipt of your favor of the 3d instant and the photorraph of 

my home in ilewellyn Park. 

{his is, indeed, an exceptionally fine 

pioture, and I want to thank you for it, as well as for your 
kindness in complimenting me therewith. 

a Ky family suggeste that perhaps you might 
jike one of my photographs, so I shall take pleasure in send- 
dng one to youe | 

Youra very traly, 

a 2 

General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-096 (1913-1914) 

This letterbook covers the period November 1913-February 1914. Most 
of the correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. Included are 
letters addressed to telephone and utilities executive Theodore N. Vail and to 
automobile manufacturer Henry Ford. Several documents concern the 
commercial and technical development of Edison’s alkaline storage battery 
in the United States and Europe. There are also letters pertaining to public 
demonstrations of Edison's disc phonograph and to technical developments 
related to the kinetophone, Edison's system for talking motion pictures. 
Additional correspondence relates to Edison's health, book acquisitions, and 
vacations with his family; visitors to the West Orange laboratory; and the 
disposal of land in Ogden, New Jersey, formerly used by the New Jersey and 
Pennsylvania Concentrating Works. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. From, Nov. 13, 1913. To Feb. 14, 
1914." The spine is marked with similar information, along with the number 
"35." The book contains 697 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 
15 percent of the book has been selected. 

se aac he Ei a aaa 

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RESLR Eee ee 



Nov. 13th, 1913. 

The Casein Manufacturing Co., 
Hanover Bank Building, 

Pine & Nessau Sts., 

New York. 

Gentlemen: - 

Your favor of the 10th instant has 
bean received and Mr. Bdison requests us to say in reply that 
he-is-experimenting with Casein to see if he can use it in 
certain processes as a substitute for another material. He 
4a not quite ready to place any order as yet until he has 
ascertained that it is suitable for his purpose. 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

oa EE 

2 Sch ee 
alts AO 

Sa che tr aa 


oi sider g aa 

eee Fane ret E a 

Nov. 15th, 1923. 

‘Mrs. Richard Percival Evans, 
5016 Sheridan Road 
Chicago, 111. 

Dear Mra, Evans: » 

. Mr. Edison has received a letter from Mrs, Walter gq, 
May, oalling attention to your voice and 

musical ability, 
ing that yon expect to visit Few York and 

and suggest. 
would like to go to our 

Mr. Edison desires me to 

Our Recording Rooma are in New yo 
and the Manager is ur. We HL 
today telling him about you and 

rk City at 279 Pirtn 
Miller, to whom I have written 

advising him that you will probably 
write and make 4n appointment for teking & record when you visit lew 
York City. 


Z presume it is unnecessa 
we make trial records in this way we 

ry for me to Bay that. when 

do not pay the expenses of the 
ZI merely make mention of this 

80 as to avoid eny misunder- 
standing in the matter. 
Yours very truly, 


Aasiastant to Mr. Edison. 

Nov. 13th, 1913. 

Mra. Walter G. May, 
5123 Sheridan Road, 
Chicago, Ills. 

Dear Mrs. May:- 

Mr. Bdison received your letter in regard to Krs. 

Evans, and desires me to say that he would very much like to hear a 

trial record of her voice. Mr. Edison's requirements in regard 

to voices for the phonograph are somewhat distinctive and unusual, 
as you may probably have heard. 

He has asked me to write to Mra. Evans steting 
that 1f she is going to New York in any event, he would be gled to 
have her make an appointment with the Manager of our Reoording Rooms 
in that City, and to make a trial record which would be sent over 
here for Mr. Edison's own hearing. I am therefore whiting to her 
today to this effect. 

I presume it is unnecessary to say that when 
singers come to our Rooma to make a triel record we do not, pay their 
traveling expenses. 

I merely mention this to avoid any misunder- 

Yours wery truly, 


Asaistant to Ur. Edison. - 



sa.” ae aR 

NB 2s 


Nov. 14th, 1913. 

my. Wm. K-L. Dickson, 
4, Denman Street, 
Piccadilly Cirous, 
London, ¥., England. 

My dear Mr. Dickson:~ 

Your favor of the 4th inatant to Mr. Edison was 
received ani placed before him. 

He wants me to tell you in ‘reply that the news- 
paper reports are not true. He is not broken down from over work. 
The facts are as follows: His wife and family went to Raine in 
the early part of August this year, and he arranged to join them 

at the end of the month for a short vacation of two weeks. He worked 

very hard day and night all through the month, and had been working 
day and night for many months previous to thia time. He went up 

to Maine in the automobile, and towards the end of his satay con- 
tracted a very severe cold,which on his return Sept. Sth, necessitat- 
ea his staying in the house for about two weeks. As some complica- 

tions of digestion, etc. had set in. In due time, however, he 

returned to the Laboratory and is working here avery day until about 
11 ofclock at night. These are the facts. 
I trust that you are enjoying good health and 
that everything 1s going along swimingly with you. 
With kindest regarda and 81) good wishes, I remain 

_Yours sinoerely,. 


or s m 
See rtrmeee tae - 
Ry ree error espe Sxperad Mar enamine tS s 

Semrani nic 

Nov. 14th, 1913, 


Pee naan anna mn aan ete 
eee ae a ee ee eee ea 

Nae RASA e Raens 
fabeenibnetes batches 



Dr. Oscar Yon Miller, 
Deutsches Huseum, 
Zweibruokenstrasse, 12, 
@unchen, Germany. 



ers a 



Dear Sir:- 

. Mr. Edison has been fo exceedingly 
busy day and night for the last two or three years in com- 
pleting his diac phono ph that it has been necessary to 
ve some affairs remain in abeyance temporarily. Among 
these was the fulfillment of his promise made to you tha 
day. you visited the Laboratory and took luncheon with hin. 


Ra neem mths 
Siereaare napa enaneaimateninay iStoeneneatetl 

eee eens 


Hig mind has been ao occupied with a 
multitude of questions that he has only a general, but not 
ea definite, idea of what he promised to you. Reside, as 
you have probably learned from the newupepers, he has had 
an attack of illness which confined him to the house for 
some little time. He therefore suggested that I write to 

you and ask you to refresh his memory as to the particular 
Promise he made. 


Setveren ree ee 

Of course, he remembers very well that he 
promised some of his motels for your Museum, but just in 
what partionlar line and to what extent he does not recall 
at this time. i think he said te you in speaking of this 
subject that a great many of hie models and machines were 
scattered, as he had given many away in former years. 

Awaiting the favor of your reply, I rematnz 
Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Miison, 


Nov. 18th, 1915 

Mr. W. R. Preston, 
Oceanic House, OX 

1 A Cockspur Streét\ 
London, 8. W. Engiand. 

Dear Mr. Preston:- 

Your Yavor of the 29th ultimo was receiv- 
ed and its contents cafefully noted. I have been excecd- 
ingly busy, hence the short delay in reply. 

The otntrast we made with Mr. Monnot and 
his Company gives them tua right for the sale and use of 
the Storage Batteries in the British Isles only. This, 
therefore, gives them no right te sell batteries to you when 
they are to he used ontside the British Isles. Henoe, I 

sent you the following cable yestemay, which is now confirm- 
ed: . 

"Monnot has no right under contract to sel]1 
betteries for use outside British Isles. 
This in reference to second peragraph your 
letter 29th ultimo. - Letter follows." 

I have no desire to suggest or interfere Im 
any way in regard to the terms and conditiona under which Mr, 
Monnot and his Company are willing to grant to your Company 
ay the right to use the batteries for train lighting in the 
4 . British Isles, and tnerefore I refrain from offering any com- 
ments in connection therewith. 

As to the remainder of the world, excepting 
Germany, Austriay Hungary, and North America, we have express- 
ed our willingness to enter into a contract with your’ Company 
as outlined in our letters of the 9th nltimo, and I preswme 
this proposed arrangement is still under consideration. 

Let me add that there will be no oonflict 
as to territorial rights if batteries intended for use outside 

the British Isles and other restricted territory are shipped 
from here. ad 


Yours very t 

P y. 
how A. duo 

Sai ah ee 

Seinen ee aiete smears 2 

Nov. 14th, 1913. 

Mr. John B. Miller, President, 
Southern California ¥digson Co., 
Edison Building, 

Los Angeles, Cal. 

Dear Mr. Miller:-_ 

“I have received your favor of the 

6th instant, which I have read with much interest. I 

am glad to learn thet your father and mother are enjoying 

good health, and espace liy to learn that your father 

- feels well enough to feel the necessity of congenial 


In accordance with your request 
I am sending you two of my photographs, and trust thet 
they will reach you in safety. 

With kind regards to you all, I 
remain ae / 
Yours very truly, a 

a “7 at 


Paneescen en. 

sens cancoeraspaaceeaeanas 






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eee 5 



Novy. 18th, 1913 

Yrs. Robert A. Willer, 
17 Yeast 45th Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Mra. Miller:- 

Nrs. Edison has requested me to 
write to you in regard to the proper course to he followed 
in having a voice tried to see whether it is satisfactory 
for the purpose of making Led igh records. I would say 
{n repard to this that usually Wr. Fdison desires to hear 
all voices himself, and in that case the persons come out 
here to the Tahoratory after making an appointment through 
me. He is so very busy, jowever, at the present time, and 
has been so much occupied with an accumulation of business 
matters and experimental work since his illness, that he has 
not heard any voices for some six or eight weeks. Te have a 
number of singers who are waiting to come out here to be heari, 
put no appointments will be made for the next two or three 

Yrs. Edison stated that the singer 
you had in mind was in Chicago. We had 8 letter fron a 
lady a fev daya ago asking for an opportunity for a Chicago 
singer to be heard and to make a trial resord. I wonder 
whether it is the same one that you may have referenne to- 
This singer was a Mrs. Walter rig Our corres pondence 
stated that Mra. May was coming to Yew York anyway. Henoe, 
I followed the conrse that we sometimes pursue when it is 
not convenient to have the singer to come out te the Laboratory. 
I wrote that if she were coming to Naw Yor she could go to 
tne Recording Rooms, 279 Fifth Avenue, and that they would 
take a trial record of her vyolae there. Ye alwsya Btate 
to those who come to maze voice trials, in order to avoid any 
misunderstanding, that we do not pay any expenses of the singer 
in connection therewith. 

If you ean let me know & little more 
definitely about the singer you have in mind, perhaps we can 
make some definite arrangements 


Yours very truly, 





Hov. 14th, 1913. 

Mr. Wn. D. Sloane, 
2 West Fifty-Second St., 
New York ‘City. 
Dear Mr. Sloane:- 

I received your favor of the loth 
instant in regard to the Edison Storage Rattery affair. 
In reply let me say that we have been making about $30,000 
per month, but all profits have been put back into the 
business. I rather doubt that we shall maintain this 
record this month as orders are very slow. The same con- 
dition effects all Storage Battery companiea. 

Yours very truly, 

“ye : 
iA <p 
IA orp 



Nov. 19th, 1913. 

Miss Isabel Thorre, 
453 West 155th Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Mise Thorpe >= 
Your favor of September 9th to 
Mr. Zdison was received auring the time that he was con- 
fined to his house by iliness. - Since he returned to the 
Laboratory he has peen exceedingly busy and has only 
recently had time to hear the record of the Penhattan 
Ladies Quartett. His comment upon it was to the effect 
that it was not available for our nse. 
Yours truly, 

Edison Laboratory: 

fov. fist, 1915- 

pr. A. B. Nienstadt, 
112 Reservoir Avenue, 
Jersey city Heights, B. 3. 
Dear Nr. Fienstadt:- 

I am in receipt of your favorvof the 
19th instant jn regard to the belt compound and in reply. 
beg to say that I have talked to our engineer and to the 
vice President sbout this matter. They say that if you 
will send the six pownd sample can to me 6s you propose, they 
will give it 6 fair trial and advise you later whether trey 
can use any of it for oar belting- 

With kind regards, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

Pere ea ges a 

Nov. 24th, 1913. 

C. Ae Coffin, Eeqe, 
General. Rleotric Co., 
30 Church Street, 
New York City. 

My dear Mr. Coffin:- 
Replying to your favor of the 

18th instant as to whether I consented to heaome one of 

the Incorporators of the Association named, let me s8By 

that I did. In fact, I signed the certificate of 

Incorporation today. 
the copy of the Certificate is 

herewith returned to you. 
; Yours very truly, 

i; ee Q. Gleiter 



eee ee 



smal Sie HEROIC Din Sa 0 RO 

pacuesrenanommaitthe Sot ee ae 

Novenbder 24, 1913. 

Mr. Jacques Loeb, © 
care Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 
66th Street and Avenue A, New York City, N.%. 

Dear Sirse 

Enclosed find check. for $25.00; Ur. Eéisants 

contribution to the “BRNST HARCKEL FUND FOR HONISH® 
as mentioned in your letter of the 14th instant. 

Yours very truly, 


Secretary: - 




rer errr 

Renaneaae wees oe 

eae reese 

SRT eee ene 







Hov. £5th, 1913, 

lira. Robert Milter, 
17 VW. 46th Street, 
New York City. 

Pere eree rie 
eee tate 

Dear ®rs. Miller: 
= duly received your favor of the 20th inatant and 

showed it to Mr. Edison. He wants me to inform you that we have no 

errr rcs. 
rarer ren mera rom eee TTY ETE TESS 

Place in Chicago where a record conulg be taken of the voice of the lady 
whom you mention. ' Our only recording rooms are in New York City, ond 

he doubts whether it would pay to go to the expense of making a trip 

from Chicago to New York to make a trial record. Of conrse, he cannot 
say whether the lady would aonsider it worth while or not, but if she 
wishes to incur that expense we shall be very glad to take a record of 
her voice at tha Recording Rooms in Hew York City. 

If there were any means of taking a record in Chicapfo 
we would suggest it. Wany people take records of their own voices in 
an amateur way, but that would not mean anything to us as a record 

taken in this way would not give any indication as to whether the voice 

was of the peculiar kind that would be suitable for mking our phono+ 
graph recoris. | 

i Yours very truly, 


aN ot kta OSA 

Nov. 26th, 1913. 

ur. frederick H. Cowles, 

R. P. OD. fh, 

Santa Barbara, Cal. 

Dear Mr. Cowles: - 
I have reGeived your favor of the 14th inatent, regard- 

ing the campaign in which you are engeged, and have read its contents 

with a great deal of interest. 
You ask me if I favor the enactment by the States of 

lewa making the teaching of Fire Prevention a part of the reguiar school 
OOULES « In reply let me say that I most certainly do favor such 4° he 
movement, and helieve that its ultimate velue to the Country would be 

beyond present calculations 

fhe examples of the proposed eeiada of teaching, 88 
quoted 4n your letter, are good. If I may be allowed to suggest, it 
would be well < add a plain explanation of the sad results of fires, 
such ag euieas: death of relatives and friends, and also the seriousness 
of money losses. We are ell too apt to say "don't" without giving the 
young mind 4 reasonable reanon therefor. . 

With good wishes for the success of the movement, 1 


eae peneeOb TRNAS alt 

Nov. 19th, 

My. Gilbert BE, Chandler, 
% Boston Athletic Assec., 

Exeter Street, Boston, Mass- 

Tear We Chandler:- 
Referring to your favor of Sept. 15th, 

Lat me: say that I have been exceedingly busy for the last 
six or seven weeks and have only recently had time to listen 
to the"Boston Commandery March". It is my practice to 
paes upon all the music that is put on my Diso phonograph. 
z have given orders to the Recording Department to make 6 
Dise record of the above named march when they reach it in 
reguier order. 

‘Yours ve raly, 

OW al Case 

doo pee = A : 


se in in RTE 
crane niet 

Serre seeess 
ete fee 

ie anaanntee ie 


saan iaen pains 
SC erehenessantre alae 

Urchas. RBattauline wht male nw 
of Yheeg noises Hn fosauune om Ma ore maoety 4S 
deitiout fiuling amy rmere pasmnene ow Me Seong’ 
Sf Hix Gearings aie muy geod Se Com Sy 

eZ fat ecw APE. 
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eee Spore ~ BOS See Ri fy esc ER 
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Cec Sees ad 

do 2 or 3 lores maiome reed Cote Kae. > onl oud 

do ast oa BAL ae aun: > 


cco gemtpanertiaets 



Hoecember List 1915. 

Nr. E. Meyer, r. of Sales, 

Bdison Bortland Cement Co., 

nae |. St. James Blag., New York. | 
os Dear Mr. Meyer:- , 
. ' The past: few years the calendars of | 
the Cement Company have adorned the Laboratory, 
Offices etc, A dozen or 80 would be very much 
appreciated by | 

Yours very truly, PY : : 

Hg Lilie, : 

i , Secretery. 

Wessra. John ®ullen & Son, 
Shamokin, Pa. 
Gentlemen: = 

Your favor of the 24th instant to Er. 
Edison was received, and £ am going to write to you, aa he is 
exoeedingly busy day and night on some very smportant work. 

You will probably remember me from the 
early electric lighting days. I was then major waton's 
Secretary, and now am rounding out my career As MY. Falson’s 
Assistant. : 

I am familiar with el) this Grnikshank 
correspondence and regret its existence as it originated in 
the first place through Mr. Rdieon's good nature in looking at 
the patent papers and dn meking the remarks thereon that he 
aid, in order to save Mr. Cruikshank unnecessary expenbee 

Let me say for your anformation thet 

Mr. Bdison conceived the 4dea of talking motion pictures more 
than 25 years ago, and experimental work has been going on in 
the laboratory, to a greater or less extent, ever since. When 
Mr. Cruikshank's papers came they were pot into Mr. Sdison's 
mail basket in the Yegular way, just as we do with anything to 
be brought to his attention. On coming to these papers he 
prenoee over them, spending less than five minutes in the 2 sad or 

don ant then made his memorandum thereon in accordance with his 
oustem in disposing of his mail. they were returned with the 
rest of the day's correspondence to his Seoretary, who attended 
to answering the letters in accordance with the memoranta. 
Mr. Piison never san the papers again. 

: ; the comments he endorsed on the papers 
were mate in view of the inventions that had been made in our 
Laboratory and under his direction during the preceding years, 
and alse in view of what had heen dene in foreign count 



Messrna. John Fullen & Son, a 

Page ~2- 
Dec. lat, 1913. 

I have related these facts to you to show that 
Er. Gruikshenk's papers did not receive any more special atten- 
tion than ‘¥xr. Bdison gives to hundreds of papers of like nature 
thet come in his mail. He has no need of ideas from outside 
gourcoes, 88 he now has more ifear recorded then he could work 
out if he lived to be. 200 years old. He was the originator 
of the talking motion picture idea, and it wonld indeed be 
atrange if‘he had not ‘had oe complete working plan many years 
before Er. Cruikshank wrote to him, especially in view of the 
opal are of experimental work that had been carried on here 
since . : 

I can tell you with certainty that Br. Cruikshenk's 

ideas vere already old when he submitted them. Mr. 
Baison is fundamentally honest, and broad minded enough to — 
realize that he cannot know it all. If he comes across an in- 

vention of another men that will be useful in our business he ie 
alwaya ready to purehase at a fair price. If ttr. Cruikshank 
had submitted a new and useful idea Er. Edison would probably 
have signified a willingness to enter into some arrangement 
about it. But Hr. Crufkehank did not submit a new Idea, and 
now makes the unusual,.fand I think absurd), request ‘that Mr. 
Raison diaalose to him the contents of our patent applications. 
This is equivalent to a stranger asking a business meh to dis-~ 
close the contents of his private ledger. As business men 
you e&n appreciate this comparison. 

As to your position in thie matter, it is ex-~- 
eeedingly simple. ou gave a letter of introduction to Hr. 
Cruikshank, a fellow townsman, and later advised. hin to send 
his papers to ®@r. Edison. You essumed no responsibility. 
Mr. R@icon was not anxious to see the papera; - far from it, ~ 
but consented out of his good nature because he reapected your 
introduction. The papers came; he saw. them and found they 
contained an old iden already covered, and said so. “mat is 
gill there is to it. ®he result at this end is, that sinoe 
this matter came up Mr. fdison has adopted a rigid policy of | 
refusing to look at inventor's papers unless an application for 

patent bas first been filed. By so doing he_ may have to de- 
cline doing a good turn for a friend occasionally, but ke will 

certainly avoid any such misunderstandings in future. 

Trusting this explanation will tend to clear up 
the situation so far af you are concerned, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

Dace Brd, 1913. 
Dr. “Wamee Russell Price, 
6509 Wentworth Ave., 
Shicago, I11- 
Dear Sir:- = 
T am in receipt of your favor of 
the 30th ultimo, enclosing circular of the Engle, Erimary 

. In ‘reply let me say: 12) that I 
hrow nothing whatever about this battery, and 2) that I 
absolutely and uneuuivooelly deny heving made an offer of 

any kind for ite Any atatement to the contrary i - 

Ly falaeo 

aren ae 




eee pe SESS 


Dec. Srd, 1913. 

Er. Charles He Bact jeny 
16 Vest Madison St., — 
Baltimore, Md- 
Dear Sir:- 
I received your recent favor in answer to by in~ 
quiry, and beg to thank you therefor. 
If you are coming over this way in the near future, 
Hr. Ralgon would like to have a talk with you. Ae I tola you, there is 
nothing ceally defini te at this moment, but he has. some plans in mind and 
wil have & chat with you on the subject covered by your savant Serer 
ani lettex. 
The way to get out here is by the TLeckavanna 
Railroad, or if you are- coming to New York on the Pennsylvania Railroad 
you could get ‘off at Newark, and take a carat the Pennsylvania Railroad 
Station at Market St. This trolley should be marked West Orange, and 
will bring you to the Lahoratory door, where yon could inquire for me at 
the Gate House. Any day is satisfactory, and as for the time, say, 
9:30 to 12:30 in the morning and from 2: 00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, 
except Saturday,when it would de pest to make ea visit in the morning, 4£ 
your coming should happen on that dey- 
If possible, it would be advisable to let me know 
a day in advance .of your coming. 

Yours very truly, 

F a 
4 f 5 0 
-- 4 ean Jed asa ete 
Wht: Let! At mo 

1 5S 
Assistant to Mr, Rison. 





Dec. 3rd, 1915. 

rae Ourtis B. Camp - 
Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., 

SnTOREC : Tll. . 2 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 24th ultimo in regard to 
the Gilliland patent $356,197, for telephone receiver, came 
to hand. I have been so very busy the last week or ten days 
that an anawer thereto has been delayed. 

I cannot remember the deteils of this matter 
with any degree of certainty, buat my impression ig that we used 
it on the- Lehigh valley trains in connection with our space 
telegrephy, when.we were sending telegrams to and from moving 
trains in 1886 and 1887. I am quite sure that I have not, got 

any of these telephone receivers« 

Yours ver; 

os at cma 


Dec. 3rd, 1913 

Mr. Randall Hargreaves, 
160 Claremont Avenue, r 
Rew York City, N. Y. 

az dear Mr. Hargreaves: 

Your favor of the 23rd ultimo was receiv- 
ed, but I have been unable to reply before as I heve been 
extremely husy for one thing, and _ in the next place I have 
head to wait awhile to obtain Mr. Edison's comment in regard 
to the record. : 

I rathar regret to be compelled te answer 
your letter in the wey-that I have to, but you have asked me 
to be frank and let you know just what Mr. Edison thinks. 

I would like you to understand in the first place that Mr. 
Fiison is anxious to have. additional voices tg call upon to 
maze our records, but he himself is the weet) judge as to - 
th: results. He says in regard to the recordsthat you 
have mede that the voice does not come quite up to his re- - 
quirements, as upon the record it shows up rather sherp. and 
Jacking in the mellowneas that he so much desires. You must 
bear dn mind that the phonograph is a peouliar instrument, in 
some vesypects yet it ia not a11 voices, no matter how good 
they may he, that will make satisfactory records upon it, or 
at least, reoovés that are satisfactory to Mr. Edison, so : 
far as our instrument is aoncerned. 

I &o not see hut what the ehove objections 
wight be cvercome in time, and would suggest that possibly 

you might try some adifferernt“atunts in voice aultivation ana 
write me again ia 2 month or two. 

Yours very truly, 

WHAM Leb ae ene 3 

ised SR : pesca 

Dec. Sra, 1913. 

Bauter Robert F. Rood, 
% Peoples Bank, 
Caruthersville, Ho- 

Dear young Friend:- 

I -have received your letter of the 22nd ult., 
and it gives me much pleasure to learn that you have enjoyed 

the talking motion pictures so greatly. Perhaps, before 

you have grown up to be a man, you will be able to see and 
hear entire operas hy these talking motion pictures, and then 

I think you will enjoy them a great deal more. 

‘As to the wire that runs to the picture machine, 

let me say that it is part of the apperatus that runs’ both 
machines together- 

Yours viiyeee 

od Hh ol toa 





Dec. Sra, 1915. 


wr. R. Rathbun, ; 
Assistant Secretary, - 
Saithsonian Institution, 

Washington, D. Cc. 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 21st ultimo to Hr. 

r. D. Yaston, President ‘of The American Graphophone Co., New 
York, has been fornardea by him to Mr. Edison, as the subject 
‘matter indicated that the letter should have been sent to him 
in the first place. . 

Mr. Edison requests me to say that he is 
making an endeavor to find one of the early tin foil phonographs 
for the Ynited States National Museum, and will communicate with 
you later in regard “to the matter. 

Youre very truly, 
Fawtiat ewes « oe, , 

Assistant to ‘Hr. ‘Faison. 

Ty ee rT EE oe 
ear anenesheeneratr seca 



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peers rare 

myErr sta TEER 



pe EAT aan SES 



a eae 







Dec. 4th, 1913 

Yr. H. Smith, 

Western Development Agent, 
Great Northern Railway, 
St. Paul, Minn. — 

Dear Sir:- 

Allow me to acknowledge reeeipt of 

your favor enclosing photographs of a newspaper printing 
plant installed on e railroad train, andi also e hound 
yolume of "The Clacier Park Blarcer™ issued from this plant. 

These are all exceedingly interest- 
ing, and I beg to thank you for them- 

Tt is too had to spoil your dream of 
being the pioneer in this direction, but candor compeiis 
me to admit that I published a weekly paper when I was a 
news butcher on a railway train about fifty years ago- 
course, I had no such elaborate plant as your pictures show. 
t had only three or four fonts of type, and printed my 
paper on e table with a galley proof roller. I issued 
the paper weekly for seyeral months and as I remember, it 
had upwards of two hundred seventy five regular suhsceribers. 

. I know of only one copy of this paper 
in existance, and that is at my house prese rvea hetween two 
sheets of class. A photographic cony was made and insert- 
ed in a biography which was written of me by Dyer & Martin 
and published by Rarper & Brothers, New York. ; 

Yours very truly, 5 

hes G a Pans fen 


ne apn con ees 

Se TT 

i aco 

Say oe 

LUA ee 


‘Deo. Sth, 1913. 

Bir. 3. L. Failte, Raitor, 
The Burlinftea Hawk. -Bye, 
Burlington, Towa. 
Dear Sr. TWeite:- 

I em afraid you will thiar J am hut en indifferent 
eorresvondent in taking 50 long a time to unever your favor of Sept. 
22nd. The letter came whan 4 wan confined to the honse by illness 
which followed @& two weeks vacation (E nope I'll recover from my nert 
yaoation mors guickiy). During the fer weers that I was away there 
was 2 tremendous acoumulation af nattexrs avaiting my attention, So some 
of ny corresponierite has been aid aside fer & sonventent time. 

Bow in regerd to ‘the subject of your letter, let 
me say that the prevention of 4inerustation of boilers by using an 
electrie current works very satisfactorily, but in these medern days 
pieces of zinc are mit in the tuhes and this mekes a weal current and 
dws tha sme thing und preserves the jren at the same time. I cannot 
understand how the supolea would give any resuits ‘under’ the coniitions 
you name. 

T appear to he a 4a in telegraphy when compared to 


Yours very trily, 

Aea Cos 


Baoveplicet hetene> Boreal. 

ACPD REV tee oo 



Daoe Seu, Po1S. 

Fir. A. R- Rirchard, President, 
The Candlestick. Publitahing Co., 
264 Main Street, . 
Springfield, Mass. 

Mz dear mr- Birohard: 
Please accept my thanks for your prompt 

She twelve 

to my letter of .the ist instant. 


copies of the candlestick eene to hand, and I am glai to 

have them before the issue had enti rely ren out. 

“TP you expect to he in the vicinity 

of New York the week after next, you might let ne ynow 8 

day or tvo in advance and 1 will nee if.we cannot make an 

appointment for you to come. out to the Lahoratory- 

With king regards, I remain 
Yours. very truly, 

mars | 

ais fa tes 


rena te 


Dee. 8th, 191%. 

- Miss Bugenia H. von Boos, 

92 Tincoln Avenue, 
Tansdorne, Pa. 

Dear Medam:~- 
ek : 2 Tam in reeeipt.dof£ your gavor of the 
3rd instant, and: nete what you sey in ¥epard. to the Ruooian 
violinist. Let me say for your information that Er. 
Edinon personally hears all ertists and passes uron their. 
availability for making records before they are engeged by 
the Company. es ame! 

a "s¥f, therefore, Hr. Regovoy expects te 
ba-in the-vicinity.of few York in the near future I shall 
be glad to make an nppointment with him to come over and 
play for Er. “dison if he desires to do it. It would be 
necessary to let me have a few days notice so that I could 
maxe an appointment cnat would confénn to:kr. Edison's 
engagements. © In order to avoid any misunderstanding, .let 
me sey that artists who come here to play or sing for Hr. 

--Raison come entirely at their own expens®- 

Replying to your enquiry a3 te whether 

or not you may expect to reosive one or more Kditorials from 

Wr. madison during the firat part of the coming year, I am . 
afraid I did not make it clear to you in my letter from 
Atlantic City. ‘I-was i11 at the time, and possibly aid 

not write clearly. -I intended to tel) you that Mr. Fdiaon 
never writes any articlesof any kind, ner will he allow then 
to be written for hin unless they conaern his active business 
interests, an@ then, of course, such en article would only 
appear in & teolinical publications. - He works from six« 
teen to eighteen ‘hours a day on his immense pusinéeya interests 
and experimental work, and he uniformly declines to take any 
aetivye part if ontside riatters.. rt will fe quite obvéioua to 
you that it is entirely impossible for hin to undextaré any- 
thing beyond ‘What he is at present engaged on. 

Yours very truly, 

Whee 3% 

TEE Reaare eee 


‘Miss Susie: Green, 
Leth %. “pt Streets, 

Atohi-son, 2ans8ed. 

Dear wins Creen:- 
Your ‘favor of the 56th ultine is the 

first I have received Pron you, ‘end now I write ‘to acknogledre 

receipt of the same and of the tory ‘of your, Little poem 
entitted *The ‘Soul of Whe fied Piper", which I have reéd with 

ouch appreciation. 


ei - 


Dec. Sth, 1915. 

Mrs. R..W. Park, 
11 Baldwin Street, 
Chattanooga, Tenn. 

pear Hrs. Fark:- 

‘Nour kind letter was” reacived anit read with a 
great denl of interest. It produced the results that you antioi-— 
pated, and I was flea to pause for a minute or two and smile with 
you at the naiye expression of the negress in your service. Her 
opinions are quite flattering, and if it were not that I appreciate 
their apparent simplicity I sm afraid I suowa have ‘to £6 ont, end 
puy a larger hat. : . : . 

Our Advertising Department would like to use this 
letter, and I am wondering whethet ‘there would be any objeotion on 
your part. We eould leave out your name, and alab the vity for thet 
matter, if you so desires. | Do not-hesitate to express your opintoa 
in the matter, which shall be duly reapeeted. 

Yours very tDd¥o 7 
Br a ee 

pared, Gono 

Aen fora f i i cdf CV tt 

: = etre 
Shad Ane DRA RAAR IT Sd ee 


ere rree 

maar iiss 


Seana MASE 

PEW ES eT eI TN Aas 
FT Sree 




fee. ioth, 1916. 

Wr. Hvan P. Bone, 
2635 Cleinview Avenue, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Pear Siz: - 
Referring. to our sorrespondence and to your favor 

of the ged instant, I beg to sey that the device you gent ua hes 

“ ypeoeived very sureful examination ht the hands of our experts. We 

have Wad an immense anount of work on hand, and heave been delayed 

in eompleting our teata on thia. device, but at last it has heen 

Car ees 


een rwe 


our evpetiga réeperhess LoTlows: 

"T have cone carefully into ‘this scheme and while it 
contains the germ of an idea, 3% wouid require & 
ereat deel of developmant, and I don't think it 
worth while. : . ; ; 

Hxtreme assuracy in both pleture and maechanisn Rnonuid 
“pe necessary, to say nothing of mirror troubles 
(tarnishing, eta.) and problems in inertia, momentuz, 

Z 7 re 
eae AER a teRe fom tees 

ae i 
We shall tharefoce not be interested in making any . | 
BA |, 
offer, for thie devine. If you will kindly notify me where to send a 

it I will have it carefully paoved and forwarded to you on receipt 

of your letter. 

I return all your pepers and pine prints herewith. 

Yours very truly, 


Dea. 10th, 1925. 

Yrs. J. H. Johnson, 
77 Herkimer Street. 
Brooklyn, New York. 

Dear Madam: - 
Your posts) card to Hr. Bdison has been reseived 

and I have shown it to him. He aays that as we have just recent- 

ly started ‘in the Diac phonograph business, he could not be expect- 

ed -heve all the fine records at. onve.. We heve engage’ far mors of 

the best talent than the Vietor people, tint it will -take time to 
“pring thes wut. before the. public. . 7 — 

| If you will Wotén to the Victrola along side of the 
new Diamond Disc Edison eagiene you twill notice at enoe that true_ 

music and tone are absent from the formar. It does not produce 

ne Bes cate? 

the tone colors or overtones, arid. no juttgment as to the quality or 

timbre of a singer's voies is possible. 
| Yours very truly, 
OH ateabov evox 
| is 

Assistant to Hr. Réigan. 


Beo. 1th, 1913. 

ur. Mott 3. Zond, 

Pp. 0. Box 212, 
Pensacola, Florida. | 
Dear Siriy 
Your favor of the Sth instent in regard 

to the Zinetophone has been reacived. I HSE to thank you for 

your kind interet which prompted you to offer the suggestion 

therein contained. het me say in regard thereto that we have 

heen experimenting quite a good dead. to reduce the noises, snd 

T haw inst rusted our axperts to push tha work Forman aa ranid~ 

Ly ea they can, and I trust that we shall be able t3 remove this: 

ohgeetion before ‘long. 
Yours very try 

% F a Q 2 
gees S (olaen— 

2 = a. 
ng et ae 


ere Sree 


BAS ee 


Deo. loth, 1912, 

Standart Paarnce Odes 
Gentlemen: ~ 

~ . Referring to your favor of the 29th ultimo, 
and to the small drwa conte{ning 300 pounds of Lithium 
Hydrate wet, Br. Edison deaixes us to say thet so far aa 
‘the container is concerned ‘at. is all right, bet the Lion 
was very dirty. and we had to reorystallize it. It oontaina 
too muah big C05. - We would net want to receive continu- 

ous supplies of Lithium Eydrate that wonld be so dirty eas 

this lot or that needed recrystallization. 

Yours very truly, 
Bison Laboratory. 



Deo. Sth, 192Z. 

. \ @r..C. MB. Saribner, 
| iF % Western Electric Co., 
463 West Street, 
> _flew fork Gity. 
wy tear tr. Soribner: “ A 
Replying to your favor of the 6th inst., 
let me say that as soon as:I can find a little time, I will 

Open the boxes now in storage and select from the contents surah 

apparatus thet would seem to me to he of interest for the musenm 

that you are establishing. 

I shall advise you later concerning the 

; > 
Yours very truly ;~~ 



Lz, re ae 
TAN A NEE hes 

? ecto 


Dec. 12th, 1915, 

Mr. Walter M. Denman, 

Dear sir;- 

OOTY cc ir ectirnen tase 
seen a ee A er 

Your favor of the 9th instant has been 

reoeived,.and in reply £ would say that the wet mixture fa 

all right. We have twenty two acres of floor spaca in our 




huildingghere and it is always ary. 
(Tbave not seen Mr. Lambie‘s recent forms, 
and therefore am not in position to say anything sbdout them. 

fhe 014 fomsgappeared to me to be a air | 

Yours ver ae | 




Pee a CA Qolwcon.. i 

Dea, izth, 1913. 

Mr. F. Ho. Harrison 
% aetna Life Ine. Company, 
Hartford, conn. 

Dear Sirs- ee . 

Your favor of the 6th inatant has besna 
_veferred to me and’ L have read the bame with auch interest. 
pet me say, for your information that re have ¢. large number 
of Yango and popular selections in the process. of manufacture, 

and hope to get them out in tha hands of the public before 

Tepe eannanas TENET SIP AT ee 

Sana n nae RA DAS AP Lee bi EART Ew SAS SEES a 

SIS cae ern ane Re - a 

a Rong - “IT have given the list you enclose to the heal of ay. 

Husical vepertment #ith lwstructions to let we hear those in 



the list that ere not already teing made by us. rsh 
‘Thanking you Zor your kind interest, 1 a 
. < : if i; ‘ 

remain Speer ee LEN 

; Yours wry truly. 





Mr. Randall Hargreaves, : 
160 Claremont Avenue, 
New York. as ; 
uy deur’ Rr. Hargreaves: - 

Referring to your favor of the 10th instant, ¥ | 
have seen“Mr. Bdison in regerd to the point mentioned therein. | 
Be wants me to say to you that he éxpests very shortly to he 
through with some important exoerimenta he has en hand and | 
then he will personally get back 26 the iistening to voicss 
and will try you again. He Bays the creat trouble is thet 
one 4ay & voice may be in five condition and ‘the next dey just 
the opposite, and he ie experimenting upon at inetroment thet 
will enable a person tc determine when he or she ig in goed 
voice. I gues& every singer would appreaiate aneh sr. ine 
strumest as this. 

With wind regaria. T remain 

Yours very truly, 

Ute pidiereecit 




Dec. 12th, 19125. 


oie ne 
aaa Anan aa santas 


od Mr. 8. Westbury, 

i American Ever Ready Cos; 
304 Hudson Street, 

New York city- 


Dear £9r. Yeatbary:~ 
I beg to soknowledge receipt of your favor 

of the loth instant, with price list and oatalogde of miniature 
lamps, for which please accept my bast thanks . 

Will yor kindly send me by express at your 
early coave ntience one hundred and einty five of the one Gand Le 
power series Lamp*BE.PS, If you can possibly ‘ao 1t,thase 
should be selected for 14 yolita, 68 we are going to uss them 
in multiple ou” storage vatter® 8. -y hope that it will not , : - 
pe too much troudle to select them for the voltage. ~ Mindly yo 
gead there to me by express at your earliest oonventence, ‘BB We 
want to use them about the middle, of next week. 

Kindly bill tham to me and eoeapt my thanks 

for the confidential discount. With kindest regards, Y remain 

Yours very truly, 

De ts ae ay | 

cst lenbcatabeetd tes Scadenes Wigmore pe eee 

7 24ti 

Dec, 12th, 1913, 

SS ee 

zr. Jesgqge &. Briggs, 
dmark Lotge ¥q- 448, 

Filkea-Earre, ae, 

Dear sir t- 


I beg to soknowleage receipt of your favor of 

the 16th instant, ani thank you for ‘the invitation to send an 

pildress to Tandmark Lodge Ho. 442, F. & AM-, 
mn the 20th of January. 
y that I shall be compelled to 

as I am under cont ract arrangement not ta make 
4 i 

of my own voice. Owing -to this fact, you ' 
4 s 


to be read at 


ite Annual sanquet .0 
t regret to s¢ 

disappoint you, 

“phonograph records 
will see that £ shel be unable to comply with 

Deo. 17th, 1913. 

Mr. 7. H. Thurmond, . 

Pp. 0..Box.777, 

Shreveport, Ia. . j 
Dear Sirs- 
: "y duly received your favor of-the 
6th instant in regerd to motor bus system, and.would say 
in reply that I have only approved the general scheme 
end: also 8 specimen bus that was exhibited to me, but I 

an not yet prepared to endorse the parties who are push- 

ing the affair until I om satisfied that it is not @ 

Seles tare 

Srey Crees 

stock promoting. scheme. 
Yours very-truly, 



Lit Sale PERE Terre nae rameter NED ETN TET 

Dec. 18th, 1915. 

Mr. W. L.Sauniers, 
-% Ingersoll-Rand Co., 
12 Broadway, 

Yew York City. 

Dear Br. Saunders: ~ 

Referring to your favor of the 9th inst., 

let me say that I have inquired of our people and find that 
they have pluced the order for centrifugal pumps with the 
Worthington people, es their price was $690 against a bid 
of 8914 given by your concern. It seems to me that there 
must nave been some error somewnere. Bither you are toc 

high or they are absurdly low. 


Yours very truly 

. ; a 

; Shoo OC oo 


DPocember 749, 1913. 

Mr. Thos. A» Rdison, IT. 

Burlingten, New Jersey. 

Peer Tom:- 

Rnclosed find check to the order of Hugh 

B. Miller for 91000.00, #180 letter for him tc: sign. 

Under no circumstances deliver the check to him until 

he signs the letter, before ®& ‘witness other than 

yourself or wife. Be SEES of this. Then ‘tend his : 


Letter to més 

With kinéest regards, and wishing .you poth 

A Merry Christmas, I en, 

Yours sincerely, 

Graney. 2 

Dec. 22nd, 1915 

stiue Maria Paz Gruinsbo rg, 
981 Woodycrest Avenve, 
Jierbridge, 4. . 
Dear Melanie 

your Lavor of the ‘L7th instant to Mr. Edison osme 
te hen, te desires me to say in reply that he will be very glad 
to haye you com? over and make a voice trial at the Laboratory, 
Wedngines your si utes with you if you desire. You may come on 
Pyeadeg or Friday of this week eat about 10:50 in the morning. if 

neithe: of those days will suit your convenience you can meke it 

next week st the same time. . If you do not 


“indly dropmealine so thet I shall know how to arrange 

ner appoiatments for Mr. Edison. 
ZI enclose a tims table of the train. You leave 
the train at Orange, walk one block up to the Main street and take 
» troiley going to aest Orange. This passes the Laboratory. Please 
inyuire for me at the Gate House. 
Yours very truly, 
Was fy ce Or tet Ce fe 

Assistant to Mr. Bdison. 

Deo, 22ni, 1913 

Brews Ke ‘Baylor, 
% General Bleotric Co., 
ae. Churoh Stresk:. New York. 

pene, ur. Baylor:~ 
i I-duly. received “your favor of the LOth 
instant, enclosing ‘pOpy of some notes that you prepared for 
Mr. Nertto on the subject of Hlectric Service and the Public. 
t have read this. paper with a gieat deal of interest. zou, 
have put the ease ia very pleia language, aud on the whole 

I think it is a fine “paper. 

I believe that dvaryboay ghonld tats a free 

swing; that Gov emment should oontrel, but never operate. In 

my opinion the funetion of the Government is just ‘to ses that 
we ao not opprese each othsr. 

Allow me to extend my ‘congratulations to you 
‘on thie paper and sled 45 thank you for hering given me the 
opportunity to reed it. 

Yours very 

Dec. 22nd, 1913 

Mr. d.. B Dick, 
%' The Seal &. Fastener Co., 
140: South Dearborn Street, 
Chicago, Ti. 

Dear Mr . Dick to : 

I received. your favor of the 15th inet., 
and have read: the same with much interest. 

In regard to the selling agency in London 
for the Storage battery, ‘let me say that the men with whom 
t nade me sGont rect: for: ‘the british Isles has recently formed 
a Company and - is just: comme noi ng. to do a little business. 
From al. the ‘news that is given to me and the various reports 
I have received from the other ‘side, the future of the 
ato rage battery in the British Islea seems to be very promis- 
ing. a 

Yours very truly, 

Dea. 24th, 1918 

Mre Jesue A. Briggs, 
% Landmark Lodge: So. 442, 
FAD ces-Barre, Pa. 


Dear Sir: 

‘Your favor of the 19th instant to Hr. 

Edison has bean received, and he requests us to say in 

reply that it is with regret that he is obliged to disap- 

point you in the request that you make. | He has not 
nued the telephone for over thirty years. 
a Regretting ‘that ha cannot: oblige you. 
an this matter, = remain. 
‘Yours very VEBLY s. 
“Radeon, Laboratory. 


Dea. 24th, 1913. 

Mias Mary Adele Case, 
18 East: Slet Street, 
Hew York City. 

Dear Wiss Case: * 

I received your note and was very gled indeed 
to hear from you agein. In reply to, your enquiry, I would ses 
that my vacation was @ pleanant oné and I derived 6 good deal of 
penéfit from it. , 

. In regard to Wiss Ruth Hackenbury, would say 

that -ehe came and.we gave her a trial, but found she would not be 

satisfactory for the purpose that Mr. Edison desires a soprano 

singer. The work igs very aifficult. pes it involves the reading 

and singing at gi ght of musio’ ‘of.all kinds, inoluding the most 
difficult operatic work. She has a sweet yoice and is very will- 

ing, but we were all very sure that the work would be too much for 

her, otherwise I should have been only too glad to have given her 

the opportunity. 
Wishing you the compliments of the Season, I 

Yours very truly, 

Wr ttbhurie ce: eeleet fs 



“5 re and tee nae mA 

Reo. 24th, 1913. 

Miss Winnie Hatoh, 
$250 jWuclid Avenue, 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

Dear Mies Hatch:~ ; 
My. Hdison desires us to acknowledge 
receipt of your favor and to express his gratification to 

learn of the pleasure that you derived from hearing the new 

Diamond Diese Phonograph as demonstrated by Mrs. Iisen, and . 

to thenk you for the meny Kind words that you have to aay. 
in regard thereto. 
He also requests us to forward you one: 
of bis phetographe, jn aqoordance with your desire. 
Yours very truly, 
Bdison teboratory.. 

arent oat 


Deo, 24th, 

Mr. J. Warren Knavp, 
£6 Broad Street, 
Sew York. 


Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 

23rd inatant, and beg to say that we will be glad to have you 

come over and make a voice trial for Mr. Edison. You may 

bome on Tuesday or wednesdey of next week at either 10:30. in 

the morning or 2:30 in the afternoon. 7 : 
Will you kindly notify me which day and 

et whet hour you will come- 

Yours very truly,. 

WH Meabowee? 

Deo. 24th, 1913 

Mre Le. Be Proudfoot, 
Singer Building, 
New York city. 

Dear Hr. Proudfoot: 

1 would like to have you make me @ report about a 
wen named K. B. Ayers. He is at the present time engaged with 
“he General Yenicle Company of New York Oity. Some. time ago 
he was fighting the New York Hdison Compeny by exploiting the 
use of the blosk system of electric Lighting. I believe that 

. ha wae Poognt cut, and the opposition ended in that way. ‘ ve is 
aceling to make a business connection with me, ana I want to 
find out about him e121 that 1 can. -Of course, this is very 


Kindly send your report to Hr. Meadowcroft as 

Yours very truly, 
2 » 
Ti Sas cA. 


ese 5 SOE E SRS hz gS TERS 

eeraetaaitamen tenes tied 

ihe, “So Beeman AE 
gate pent enn oem 

Fora, Bacon & Davis, 

ls: Brosdney ‘ 
sew York o 
Gentlemen: - 

acknowledres receipt of your 
recent favor, atid ales of the tuo saline, Report of 

T¥ensit Commissioner, ity of Patladelsiia™, 

of subway and’ eleyuted ratlroad: 

intezest , BNA expect to Look at then dad fporougnty a8 

800n.. 8. I Aheve ‘Leisure. 


“Please ‘seo0gt my. thanks: for your 
kindness: da complinent4 

“upon a syaten 

“fhe se books are 2 much 

san gee Score 28, 



Seen Soe 


sriestlahdib way 50 

Eanes hie Ee eeanneaaerinn 

Des, 29th, 1912. 

iy. J. Haren Crouse , 

Wéla Park, 
Gheverer Ohio. 

Dear ur. Crouse: - 

| have. received your favor of the 23rd inat., 
and also the album of views af Camp Go-Gpe ration, for ahioh Tt 
beg to extend my thanks te wen we te the of fioiela of the 
Association Teland Corporation. 

; Tne album ia. very tandsome and, fron a pasa- 
ing glimpse of its econtonts, promiges to be very tebe reatines I 
have had it .sent..up to my house, and antioipate a great deal of 
pleasure in looking ovar it “at mr letanre. 

Brow the pasaing glanae which IT had of some 
of the “pioturse Tt am inclined ts think that when the “good ola 
Suower timse:. "comes again i shail be tempted to participate in the 

simple life of the Islend if cireumstanoes will permit. 

whe oe Mr- A. %, Hoover . 
‘ : ‘@ The Harmers end Citizens Rankire Co., 
Kilan, Ohio. 


Dear Sir:- 

I an in veceipt vf your favor of the 
2end instant asking financial sseiatanse ir connection with 
the Public Tdivery at Hiise. 

Sy Yo royeet te any that ib wilt not te 
: t 

osaible for me to respond favoombliz te your upreal at the 
z eT 

present time, as I an just now guplesiag all my spare capital 

to build up my new Liss phonograph business, whish nas called 

for a very large invest I may be able fc do aowething 
for you alittle iatet on when 2 have this enterprise thorough- 
ly well established and going. ae 

Youre very truly, 

‘ uC ae 

Cece Eaves 






Lea, 28th, 1913. 

i. aN 
Yr.:-Prancis Ws Parker, 

% Parker & Carter, : 
Suite 1410 Marquette Bldg., 
Chisago, Til. 

Dear Hr. Parker: - 

r beg to acknowledge receipt of your 
favor of the 18th instant, and aise of the six copies of 

your paper "Tho. Spirit of Inventicn", for which I pray you 

to accept my sincera thanks. 

With. xuind regards, T 

3 PEs: 

Lee abaya see 


Essex County Jail, 



Samuei Golcher, I 


Newark, New Jersey. 

Dear Sir 



Mr. Fdison is sending to the jail wits 

compliments a HOME PHONOGRAPH and one hundred and 

He txeusta it may bring to the 

fifty records. 

inmates a little sunshine in their confinement. 

NA pawns 

Yours very truly, 


TO Seb Ce ete irene react tie Lemme AERA 

aia ia daa bah PRA Ede borne he ERAS 




Janu. ft, Gite 

ir. Evan ¥. Bone, 
2633 Cleinview Avenue, 
Cincinnati, Unio. 

Dear Yir:- 

Referring to your favor of the 19th ultimo, we 
beg to give you below an extract from the report of another of our 

anginsers so whom we submitted your device: 

"The arrangement of wirrors ou this head, to displace 
_the shutter ordinarily used, is very pretty in theory, 
but is impracticable from the practical standpoint. 

It operates on the basis of moving the Film inter- 
mittently, as in present vrectice, bus in pioking up 
the first'helf.of the film as it progresses, deflect- 
ing the picture upon 3 mirror - fixed - at & position 
below tha normal “beam, frum theatre reflecting it vpon 
the screen. fhe revolving mirror is not only rotated, 
hut is moved rapidly in an oscillating direction, the 
endeavor being to keep the picture, on the screen, 
perfectly steady, although it is reflected from ea nove 
ing film. 

It is necessary to use surface airrors, that are hard 
to keep sufficiently bright to be efficient, and the 
whole layout ia one wiich causes excessive vibretion 
of the need, thereby defeating the object for which 
it is designed. 

The invention has the germ of an idea which, if worked 
out, might become almost as satisfactory as the present 
shutter arraurement, but even so, it would oonfiict 
with patents of tha Vangscope, which accomplishes the 
same thing as this endeavors to accomplish, but by a 
system of mirrors rotated between the sourve of ligat 
and the lens. ‘The letter is very inefficient from 
the standpoint of illumination, the losseS being quite 
great. They afé also unable to run the film faster 
than eight pictures per second. 

Mr. Byan PB. Bone, 
. Page -2- roe 
Jan.: end, 1914. 

'I am guite sure we would not be interested in huying 
this invention from Hr. Bone." 

We will therefore return the machine $9 yuu aceord- 


ing to the addreas given in your favor of the 19th ultimo. 

Yours very truly, . 

Edison hLeboratory 



nepal Ae 

) : 8376) 

Jan, 2nd, 1914. 

A... Shaw Company, 
Wabash Ave. & Madison St., 
Chicago, lills. 

Gent lemen:- 

If my recollection is eorrect, I have 

seen in your magazine, "System", some articles in relation to a 

SLondensed . 
engineering gin gonnection with shop methods and processes. AS. 

vecollect, it is the Tegler System, and I tuisk motion 

far as I 
pictures of aifferent processes were taken in connection there- 
sith. Can you give me any reference to this or to the concern 

that makes a specialty of this liner 

Thanking you dn advance for eny informa~ 
tion you may give me on the subjeot, I remain 
Yours very truly, 

GK. ? lr 

Assistant to Hr. Bdig/on. 

loge omer oro 


Mr. Lowe}] H. Brown, £rese, 
vc. os Horanti, Inc, 
2 Vall Street, 
Tew York. 
Dear Mr. Brownt- 
I received your favor of the 26th 
ultimo, and mould say in reply that the New Jersey Geolorsical 
Survey nave published scme of the snzveyt that T nade, and you 
gan possibly get the information that you desire Fron 
amination of the same. Yowever, if they are not full se 
you can com over to the Laboratory ani see what 

There are ten billion tons of ore in Tew Jersey. 

Thanking you for your king wishes Tor 


the New Year, and aosurisg you of my nearty vacinrecation 


thereof, I remain — 

P, 4 7 a 
Tonys varpeybriily. 

The CV Go 

Fed pb oth test UT ES 

rr ae 

Pana re es 

t : 

be > rn 

“Vy "Jan. Srd, 1914. 
, i 

Mr. H. 2. Bick, 

% The Seal & Faatene. pany, 

140 South Dearborn Street, 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Mr. Diok:- 
I am in receipt of your favor. of the 

26th ultimo in regard to the prospectus of the seziling company 

that nag been organised for handling the storage vattery in the 

British Isles. I em sorry to say that T caunot iet you have 

a copy of the pros peotus rigat away, as I have only got oe and 

do not wish to part with ate I will write and get ur extra 

one and send it to you later, or will have it sent direct from 

With kind regards, I rem 

Pou xs res, aly, 

og LA Chas 

Edison Accumul Ltd., 
49 Old Bond St 

London, W., Eng land. 

UA wan. Sra, i914, 
‘Mr. J. PF. Monn 
D : 

Dear Mr. Monnot: - 

Mr. Edison gould like to have you send 
hin one or two extra copies of the prospectus of your company, 
and if convenient will you kindly also send one copy to ais 
friend, Mr. He E. Dick, % The Seal & Fastener Company, 140 
South Dearbom St., Chicago, Ill. 

Wishing you the compliments of the season, 

I remain 

Yours very truly, 

eee ge ee a AID = SS 8 RS 



eon eee 





Jan. Srd, 1914, 

Theodors &. Vail, Bsq., 

Ame rican Telephone & Telegraph Co., 
15 Dey Street, : 

New York City: 

Dear Br. Vail:- 
. Many thanks to you for your kind letter and 

also for all your good wishes for the New Year, which I very 
neartily reciprocate. A few months ago I went over to the 
Weatern Union twice and called over to see you, but you were not 
in town, much to my regret. 

Won't you jump into your auto some day be- 
fore long and come out to the Laboratory and see some new things 
that we have here? I would be very glad indeed to see you, and 
hope that you may be able to come over within the next fev weeks, 
ae 1.go to Florida next month. 

With kindest regards, 


ESTE ea 





ROAR Pepe neuree tos 



peed eee eee 

Bina elena 





ven. 5th, 

Mz. H. Ward leonard, 
Tanrence Fark, 
Bronxville, N. Y. 

My dear Teooard:- 

I received youre favor of tha lath 
ultimne, togetner with oovy of a new Peteat sill, H.R. 
1NLSS, iatroduced ty Mr. Oldfisid. these wave bee 
vead by me with & great daai of 

Qe ag ue : 

pass if 
“issue when thé 

of the Court that he wes Livrat to 

that be «was the first to. introdase sh: ve the 

artiel?: vovered thereby; sueb lagsctran natilL 

_the final determination by the Courta of the validity of 

the Patent. : . : 


S wouid 
provided &: 
inventor nrov 


; “it ip easy to prove commervial ine 
nution, and, a3 the patent wouil be isaned te fhe 
no subsequant pilrste cuxis. come tn and ruin bin 
he bad proved that the aztidle was marketable. Ta 
other words, Une inventor with bin putant and virest comve r- 
viel inveodaction shoul hava s clear field while the 


pirste ds Lighting hin. That ia vil T ee want. 
Yours wseF traiy, 

Bi divs neha shai 

na ep tn pee a eee REAGENT SHS 

Mr. @. I. Crane, 

Hotel Biltmore, 
East 43a Street, New York: City. 
Deer Mr. Crane: 

at the time you telephoned thie afternoon your lztiers 

were before Mr. Edison and he made the following memoranda thereon. 

I will qioto his own words: 

"It will teske at least five years to pioneer snd zet 

people to see the advmteges. It took five years on 
the electric light and eight and a half yeara on motion 
pictures. I feel sure my minimum will meke Lismen 
hustle. and leave m in a posltion te cancel if they 
feil to take and pey." 

"The contract is O.X,, no mtter what Lisman does he 
must teke a certain number of cells md pay in 30 days. 
If hs don't, I cam out him off on 30 days notice. Our 
safety lies in the minimm. "._ : 

Let me add that Mr. Edison is much pisaeed to have you 
talm suen e lively interest in tl contract and the Cowranz''s affairs. 
He has given » great deal of his personal tine and aefferta vo the 
prelimincr ies thet preceded the mking of this presort contract with 
Lisren, and he does not see that we cen do ory bettie: at this time. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistent to 

waned tae att 

Emery tte cn te Sas 

Mr. A. Molzer, 


Dear Mr. Melzer: 

your favor of November 6th. 

Jan. 8th, 



VL « 

I must ask you to pardon the delay in replying to 

I heve been so very mush occupied ay 

and night with very importent business and experimentsi mttors the 

lest few woeks, that some of 1y correspomience hae been sadly 


pusiness deal, as we no longer use wex 
for the publice 
containing oeliuioid, and 
condensation product of Carbolic Acid and Hexameth 
This material is almost as hord as glass ami pe 
a very large volum of sound. 

of the same mterial, and none of 
to be an improvement thereon. 

glad indeed. to learn that you are 

ing the penefits 

I don't see how we sill be able to strike up & 

For our siall oylinder records we use & compound 

I am very 

our other experiments worse 

of the latest scientific developments. 

for mikKing phonogr=nh records 

for tha Disco records we use the very herd 
rmite ug to obtein 
Our Master records are still mide 





icie tig oes 


an. 10th, 1914. 


Mr. Melville Clark, 
410 So. Mich. Boulevard, 
Chicago, Ili. 
Dear Mr. Clark:- 
I duly received your favor of the 5th instent 
with enclosure, and read the same with » great deal of interest. 
This being the Automobile Show week in New 
York, we have had quite 4 number of automobile man visiting us, 
and I: have taken the liberty of handing your letter and the 
accompenying paper 6 one of them who is a friend of mine. I 
am very sure that he will feel much interested inthe mtter and 
hope that it may ultinately result in some business... 
With kind regards, I revain 

Yours very traly, 


ae dour fH Me. ap ot ot 

waaatlin, pickers 40 sing Ue tase Shot ie 

f vie 
: sh 
( ; 
A C 
teed a 
" a 
: ye : 
\ oF o ra 
og 7 
os x 
2 Mi 
wie? Le 
a c Lu 
be 2 
7 ley 
bs SR hye ivtee aot oe 
od Lect 
’ ¥ Aw Tom be Oe e 
7 : at , a 
neat i Sok sy 
: é ; Ths Phe ; 
r - “és cr om y, = 
J ‘ Pj * _~ 
gt Ly fre md tey 
twee WERE 
t Le aed { od ? 1 ry a . 


Af. Bey - hie - sia Si ot. Lion arch Ga | okie A & 
PLorvcta toon after ttt. psec clellie of seas meee le 3 


ne TL 

trrotion, prehuee to fof Va das fark Gg | 

29 Brosdway, 
New York. 

Deur Mr. Sarreti: 

1 an in receipi of your favor of She Vth 
- instent, sid woulda gay tht se have two Tilas Shoving wf 


neat water ani the fierce atrugele for existence of tta 


Mr. L. W. Serrell, 
} ereavures with which it is filled. 

Ye heve ale a smell 
smd I will request the 
head ef the proper department to forward you an illustrsted 

catalogue und narticulirs concerning the fLims. 

With kind regarde, I romain 

| projecting mechine for thaga films, 

| Yours very t 

| es 


Jen. 19, 1914, r 

Mr. W. S. Mallory, 
Edison Portland. Cement Co., 
Stewartsville, N. J. 

Dear Mr, Mallory: 

: Te have trouble with our Clinaz 
Boilers here oftener then Mr* Edison thinks is necessary 
or desirable, and he believes that our people do not 
know how to care for them properly. He says that you i 
have run them for meny years in the Cement Plant without ! 
eny trouble, and-says that he would be glad to have you 
send your engineer down here to see our Mr Nicholai on 
the matter and go over the situation with him so thet 
we mey probably be abla to profit by such udvice as he 
Sen give us in regard to the cere of the boilers, 

When your engineer comes down here, 
he perhaps had better see me first end I vill take him 
down to Mr. Nicholai, 

Yours very truly, 

ist ake hic Sis NA SSE AE TN 




Jan. 19, 1914. 

The Phonograph Co. 
229 So. Wabash Ave. 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Mr. Goodwin: 

Referring once more to the netter 
of the Urlus records, kindly let me say that yesterday 
Mr. Edison came to the conclusion that he would withdreyv 
these Urlue records for the present until he can Bee 
whether or not he can make improvements in the master 
to eliminate the roughness. Of course, he apprecietes 
that your points are well taken and the same objections 

have been made by others. . 

We would have Urlus record ‘thom arain 
right away, but he has been overworked this season and We 
do not know whether we can get him to sing theee records 

-over again right away or not, We are trying our pest 
to bring about that result, a5 Mr. Hiisor is very anxious 
to be in a position to supply these recorais if he possibly 

Yours very truly, 

ey, Pg, 
4 J: Teed 



Jen. 19, 1914. 

Mr. R. T. St. John, 
General Electric’ Co., 
Sen Francisco, Cale 

Perea ey yrs eae PT 

rereee rae STITT 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 9th inst, has been received. 
me say that it would bo aifficalt at present to 
give you any {den of the net price of the Types 200 and Z00-A 

or, We are so 

diemond disc phonographs with electric mot 

exceedingly busy filling our orders for the snrine motor 

machines that the factory ie fully occupied with this work, 
hall be in position to 

and it will be sometime before we 8 
quote prices on the instrument with the electric eanipment. 

In reply let 

1 think it is going to be @ matter of some 

f | difficalty to avoid oceasionel changes of speed with an 
electrically driven tnsetrument, on account of surges of the 
current, which may occar at anytime and cannot be provided 

against as they sometime rise and fall so quickly that no 
provision can be made against it. 

We heve been working on a new governor for 

our spring driven machine, and we have got it down pretty 
fine. One of our recent reports shows that the mechine 

ran nine days, 10 hours per day, and did not vary one 
revolution. I think this will strike you és peins pretty 


Yours very truly, 
“GIy Thomas &. Bacsows 



Yige 4nua B. Smith, 
13 daletecd ot, 
Rast Orange, No J> 

Dear Mass. Smith: 

Replying to your Zevor of the 
YQth inote I.keg te ung that Ure E@ison 2nose Zar 
Winteal2 another cne of the anplicants for the poeition 
that wan recentiy wavertised , se the matter hes baen 


cia ne sa enempganentagpenosnteennatnumanennes Mae ant Feat 

ssc neem it et OOO te sna 

dane Zist, (914. 

Br. Duy Boker, 
Lp Gonorak Takin 
64 State Street, 
Boaton, Mass. 

My dear Mr. Bakex:~ 
Yous fevor of the 19th itastant to ia, Edison, ercloringe 
Waffenreffer & Co. has been recoived, she I have 

shown it to Mr. Edison, sho has been soafined to the house for a few 

the advertisement of 

days with an attack of Lumbago- He is now getting around 2 iittie, 
and I expect him dorm within the next two or three duys- I wii uot 
which he wrote hinseLf on 

delay, however,in sending you his comments, 

your letter. They are as follows: 

“Baker - : 
This advertisemont is a eracker-jack. Everyone 
wanting or contemplating trucks will ponder over it. 

Mis advertisement is a master stroke of business on 

your part, and I congratulate you. 

It is superfluous to 82 

very greatly pleased. 
Yours very truly, 

th ep : af 
Galton’ er ert, “ 


Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


vy in view of the above that he was 

Mr. H, Kobb, 

Cherles Chipmen's Sons, 
88 Leonard St. 

Yew. Yor: city. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 12th inst. to oar Mr. 
Yexvell wae sent by him to me for my personel perusal. 
I found it very interesting. 

I am very enxioas to get Mr. Urlus to 
make some more records for us, #ni he 4a going to do it, 
but unfortunately we shell not be eb2a to get him 
immediately, as he has had a hard season at the Metropolitan 
Opera House and neeas a little rest before he can make the 
records. This will be petter for our customers 86 we shall 
-et the advantage of his being in better voice, I am glad 
you like his singing. 

I nave noted with 4 good deal of interest 
your romarks in regard to Martinelli and Anselmi. They are 
both good, byt ft think thet Anselmi is the finest interpretor 
of music that I have listened to. Let me sey to you that 
after working so long and so hard to produce en 4nstrument 
that will give music Lovers something to enjoy, It is very 
gretitying to be fayored with such conmendatory exprensione 
of opinion a6 are contained in your Letter. 

The postscript to your letter hes touched me 
in a tender place. It hae been my 4ntention and eernest 
desire to put nothing but real poautiful music on my aise 
phonograph, and I have expended an enormous amount of 
thought and work and money in this direction. After patting 
out the records which we have listed and expecting to continue 
along those lines, I have been much chegrined by receiving 
letters from dealers all over the coantry saying thet they 
can only sell 4 small amount of euch stuff, snd for heaven's 
sake to Hive them tango end ragtime, 1 have fought against it 





Mr. H. Kobb 
Page -2- 
Jan. 19, 1914, 

for sometime, but find that I shall heve to give in and allow 

a certain amount of that sort of mueic to be recorded for the 

purpose of satisfying the trade. However, I am not going 

to give up my original intention of having real music recorded 
for the benefit of those who take delight in ft. 

Yours very truly, 

. Shas fae 

Dib PREP Nah ON te eR RTE ENDED 1 eT 

So ont anal Pie am es 

atest nem. 

ence eee 

we ere metean ater eye mt ee cena 


Jane Blet, LL. 

Mr. EH. G. Plimpton, 
4% Edison Studio, 2626 Decatur Ave., 

Bedford Park, 
Now Yorlte 

My dear Mr. Plimpton: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 20th 
instant enclosing copy of letter written by you to Mrs. 
Earriot Pritchard, Superintendent of tne National Woman's 
Christian Temperance Union. I have shown the whole corres- 
pondence to Mr. Edison, so he will be fully costed in case 
these ladies seek another interview with him on this subject. 

It is true that they wero here sometime ago, 

but Hr. Kuison wes rather afreid that we could not do eany- 

thing that would answer voth thoir requirements and those 

of the public. 
Yours very truly, 

ry! elle ciaretolr of o 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

SPAtral beet penser BceR ETT 
earietcesice ote : 






< emenenrtese pee RENO ROAR ECS EEE RTIT SS | . sae NS Lhe, Sigiaee” os pe : i 
i . { 
i } 


Jan. 19, 1914. 

Mr. R. H. Wallace, Pres. 

The Traffic Club of New York, 
291 Broadway 
1 New York City 

| _ Dear Sir: 

I beg to acknowleige receipt of your 
favor of the 14th inst. and to thank you for your very 
kind invitation to attend the Eighth Annual Dinner of 
the Treffic Club of New York on Februery 11th. 

Your courtesy is greatly p preciated, 
but I shall be unable to send you a favorable reply, 
as that day is my birthday and I believe my wife is 

making some arrangements for me to be at home on that 

Yourg.very truly, 

Pee are 

cae eaten eee 

Jan. 2lst ’ 

Pattison Brothers, 
1182 Broadway, 
New York City. 

Your favor of the 19th instant, enclosing 
copy of n paper by Mr. C. M. Ripley in vegurd to the life 
of electric apparatus in isolated plants, hes boon received. 
I have read this paper with a good deal of 
interest on must esk you to accept my thanks for your kind- 
ness in forvarding it to mo. I do not kmow that any suggess 

tion from me would add to the.value of the paper. 

pg 7 

ce egeeey entee e  NeREENTENENLL IA IY BAS MRCS OA NE econ 


Jan. 23rd, 1914 

Mrs, Bayard Dodd, 
‘Scotland Road, 
South Orange, N. J. 
Dear Mrs. Dodd:- 

Apropos of your recent conversation with Mra. Edison 
in regard to the poor quality of motion picture films Bhowed in 
South Orange, she has asked me to send you the enclosed. report of 
the Censor's action in Chicago, after seeing the films that were to 
be shown in the motion picture theatres there. You will see that 
while many of the other companies had large portions of their films 
thrown out, the Edison Company lost only eighteohe which is very , 
trivial indeed. : 

These reports do not usually go out of our office, but 
Mrs. Edison thought you would be interested in seeing it and asked 
me to send it to you, calling attention to the fect that it 1s con- 
fidential. Will you kindly return it to me after you have looked 
it over? 

Yours very truly, 
DNorkice.vs weve lS 
Aeaietent t6 ite. Edison. 



yo er 


Perec mentees 


psi Se 



TEergea ee SEK 


——— . 

Jens 23rd, 1914. 

Mr. T. Be Donaldson, 
331 Walnut Street, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
Dear Mr. Donaldson; 

Your favor of the ave inatont, together with the 
orig sinal tin foil phonograph record moutivaed therein has come to 
hand. It brings back vividly to my mind a day many years past. 
wher, Tieng to the Patent office with my firs’ puenusgraphe The 
pengiiizngs on the yrappec ang your late Yother's recollections are 
correct. | 

Allow me to thaws vou Por. yore letter mad for the 

privile 8G2 of looking at this o14 tin foil record. I algo thenk 
you for the offer you make, put I think you wuld better present it 
to the Franklyn Inatitute, as they have better meens of pEenory Ane 

4t for tho future than I havo. . 

Yours very 

seagpy ers oper rseeme memmem 0 courant 4 


Jan. 25rd, 1914. 

' Mrs. E. 8. Brown, 
ae 170 So. 3rd Street, 
Fulton, N. Y. 

ee Sa 
SST : SaeeE eae ca 
as De eae na ESN ee eS a 

Dear Madam:- 

I have received your favor of the 17th instant, 

and have carefully noted the contents of the same. . Let me say 

awa ea 

in reply that I have been fighting a hard battle with dirt and 
dust in the factory where our records are manufactured. I do not Fl 
mean dirt and dust as ordinarily understood, but microscopic A 
particles which would escape ordinary notice or investigation. i i 
We have been eliminating these troubles gradually, and our later hoy 
records are coming through with a much smoother surface than we i 

obtained with the earlier records. I have not the least doubt | 

but we shall be able to eliminate rough surface sounds entirely 
before, very long. I think you will find that the later records 

which we are now turning out are very much smoother. °' We are 

receiving lots of commendatory letters from our customers about 

i theme see - “y 
Yours ery truly, ‘ 
7 wall . 




Jen. 23, 1914. 


Mr. H. Ward Leonard, 
Bronxville. RK. Yo 

My dear Leonard:- 
The cases you mention in your letter would work out 
O, K. under the schame I ontlined. If one should invent a detail to 
an electric locomotive and showld make offers, with full working dran~ 
ings, to those engaged in the trade, this would come under the head of 
"Commercial introduction". You had better think It over very carefully. 
, A very simple form of Bill could be drasn and sub- 
mitted to all members of the Inventors Guild with a request that each 
one should try to imagine any suppositions case whereby the objects of 
the b111 could do defeated. 
If one or mora mombere submitted. such a case, then 
the Bill sould vo changed to teke care of this, and so on wmtil finally 
& B1l1 could be prosented that would requiremore ingenuity than inven- 


Yours ve ruly. im 

a ett 

tors have to beat ft. 

A Goes 


dt eae noose AR CORRE SE DRA Eh 

Jan. 26th, 1914. 

Mr. H. N. Nichols, 
Lewis Co., Mo. 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 17th instant to Mr. 

Edison has been received. In reply he requests us to say 
that he has no special recommendation of any particular 
device to make to those who are afflicted with deafness. a8 
for himself, he does not ordinarily use anything unless ha 
wishes to hear some special music or something of that kind, 
and then he uses a plain tin speaking horn with a leather ped 

on the end to fit close to his ears. 

Yours truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 




‘aa ttl 

eer aan 

: | 
Jan. 26th, 1914. 
i § 
iit United Telegraph Record Co., 
: 630 Rowell Bldg.-, 
Fresno, Cal. 
| | : 
| ; Gentlemen:- 

Mr. Edison hes been so busy for some 
| : time past that it hes only just been possible for him to 

| : hear the second lot of records that you sent to him. 

He says that the new records aiso have 
the back stroke, and that you must make the down stroke on 
your sounder stronger and the up stroke weaker and of a 
i different quality if you expect these records to be generally 
read. If the volume and the quality of the up and down stroke 
| | is the same, it is easy to see that the beck stroke will come 

in and bother the listener. 
Yours very truly, 

i Edison Laboratory. 


GREprantirsiEe tact 2Amtanowity aa a! 9 

es ae 


Jane 26th, 1914. 

Mr. Heury Ford, 

Dear Mr. Ford:-- 

; You ssokubly reeeived today a jattar 
from Mx. R. M. Searle, the Vice Preaident of the Rochester 
Railway & Light Gompacy. Rovheater, WH. ¥., in regard to. the 
electric avbonehiles which the newspapers reported that you . 
and Mr. Edison wera abouy to manwfacture. 

We hove received a great many Letiars 
pera ahent ghis subdect, and Hr. Eéison has taken the uniforu 
policy of stating thai he cannot @iseuss thig matter with 
the weijexvs of thesa various lettars, but that they should 
address thomselves to you. In most eases we have not replied 
te the letters at all, but Mr. Searle having started as a boy 
. B@ison's Office, Hr. Edison thousht ws had better write 
So ‘the above effect. 



It is far from Mr. Edison's intention 
to. sda to your meltitudinous troubles by referring seovle to 
you. It 1g only in a few cases where he cannot very wail de 
othe c#ige. Tt is not inbendes for # uoment that you should 
Suvart out of tha ordinery roviine of your businesa in any of 

ye gupee valess wo awrite spocifiveliy to that effoct, and 
ab is not very likely. (Mere is no speciul reagen in thts 
e why you should put yourself out to comnly with the ietter 
Lava recaived, aniesr you think otherwise. 

Yours very trie, 


ee = rolvemaes — -tece ore bce “f ue Boene espns 

tha Chremebagiaa® foBLn el (Re tama 


Jen, 27, 1914, 

Nr. Algernon 7. Sweoney, 
Room 427 Prudential Bullding, 
Newark, N. J. 

Dear Mr. Sweeney: - 

Tam in receipt of your letter in regurd to furntsh~ 
ing the Edison Resort Military Band at the Colby reception next Priday 
evening. Unfortunately I shall be unable to comply with yeur winhes, 

The fact ie, our Band people are epactally trained for Phonograph sore 
and would not bo avellable ‘or reguler work of thy kind you mentiini. 

Regrettiug that I am wcble tc acoomndate you in this 

metter, I remain 


Jarre 27bh, 1S14, 

Mr. J. B. Ballantine, 

Silver Plume Reduction Co. 
Silver Plume, Colo, 
Dear Mr. Ballentine: . 

I am afraid that you will think that I am but a poor 
correspondent, for it is quite a liftla while since I recsived your 
favor of the llth instant. The fact is,Mr. Bdison has been laid up 
for about two weeks with an attack of Lumbago. As you know, this 
is not at all dangerous, but it is peintul and inconvenient, and it 
kept him to the house. Consequently, I have been simply loaded up 
with work and have been obliged to allow my correspondence to glide 
along much hore than I like as a general thing. 

I showed ‘My. Edison your letter, and he appears to be 
; very wall pleased with the progress are making. It seems 
: to me that you are getting along finely, and I shall hope to hear in 
‘ the near future thet you are getting some of the vad stuff. 

cs With kindest regards and a thousand good wishes; I 


Yours very truly, 

’ s 
Me. ay 



Se nee 


Dr. A. EB. Niensti 
112 Reservoir AvaQuy 
Jersey City Heights, N. *, 

Dear Dr. Nienstadt:- 

I received your favor of the 15th instant, aut 
nave been miking some inquiries from our people in rogerd 
to their experience in using the Non Slip Compound. 

Tey have used 14 according to instructrous, 

but I am sorry to say that they do not report favorablea 

results. The stuff pesis right off as soon as they begin 

to use the pulley, and they do not find it at e11 satis- 

factory for their use. 
Of course, it is possible that they may not 

have used it in the way that you have, but they tell me 

positively that they used it axeotly in accordans:s with your 


T am very sorry that I eennot send you better 

NeWH e 

Yours very truly, 
LPS ots: Lette 

peso ponent oped eee eee 7 IE OP FLEES BORG OT TRE ENON RI OT UO ARN IR 


Jen. g8th, 1914. 

Stone & Compauy, 

Saving now entered into an arrangement 
ith you for use by you of the Baigon storage battery for 
Liguiing in various parts of fhe world, let 
shonlé be very gled to see your farm conduc kh 
ear lighting businesa in 4merica, and further, 
in vase you ghowld conclude to de so we phowld be glad to 

renter you every 2asistence that we can consistently give 

you without jeopardizing any interest or affiliations alresay 

exist {nz o 

Yours very truly 


ook Bae 
eT ec 
ee mien tere te opmg Sn 


Mr. H. R. MoGuinn, Secty., 
Richmond Chemical Company, 
356 Pine Street, 

San Franolsoo, Cal. 

Dear Sirr- 
Your favor of the 19th instant has been recetond, 

In veply I pee to say thet I heave no use for the sulphate of sodiwa 
in opr works here. Sulphate of sodium is a drug in nearly every 

norks wkero it is a vaste produot. 

Bleoctrically, salt is bettor and cheaper that sule 

phate of sodium for waking saustic soda. 


e Jans 28th, 1914. 

Mr. Geo. Me Nowbauer, 
% Neahlik & Bremser, 
Oriel Building, 

St. Louis, Mo. 

Dear Mr. Neubauer:~ 

oi I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 
the 14th instant, and must ask you to excuse the delay in reply- 
ing thereto, as I hava been laid up for 2 few days with an attack 
of Luinbago. 

After working so hard and so long as f have to 
perfect the phonograph 80 as to reproduce beautifel music, it is 
peculiarly gratifying to ma to learn from some of those who 
possess my Disc machine that Y have svecoedod in accomplishing the 
results that I had in mind from the beginning. I went te thank 
you for your very kind words in regard to the machine and rooordgs, 
and L trust that you will find the later records maintain @ con- 
stent improvement, ae I am working hard all the time to make them 
still more per?eat. 

; Let me thank you for your suggestion that wa 
ghouid obtain a triel record of Miss Grace Van Studdiford, and 
would say for your information that I have instructed our Record- 
ing Department to proceed. accordingly. Tt may be that Miss Van 
Studdiford is touring just now, but we will give the matter our 
early attention. 

Ag to the ubttachment that is sola to play 
Victor records on tho Fdison machine, there seems to be no doubt 
that the Victor records sound much better piayed in that way than 
they do on the Victor machina, put, of course, it is only natural 
that I, personally, should pe rather inclined to wiabt only our 
recorda be played on our machine. 

Yours v 

ven. 28th, 1914, 

Mr. John Stout, 
237 Morris Street, 
Phillipaburg, N. J. 

Dear Sir;- 

I have recaiced your favor of the 22nd inetant today, 
and have nated the contente of same. 

I am sura you will admit that I have dono everything 
that I possibly could to bring about a settlemont of thia matter. I 

am 80 very busy that I cannot spend any more time an it personally, 


and I have turned it all over to Mr. Mallory for him to oarry out 211 
the necessary negotiations. We agreed to arbitrate, ahd also have 

made an offer to-buy the property and are waiting your deoision as to 

which you vill ascept. 

28th, 1914. 

Dr. Williem H. Tolman, 
Director General, 
American Museum of Safety, 
29 West 39th Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

I bog to achuowlaige receipt of your 
favor of the 9th instant, together with the certificate 
of award of grand prize toe the Edison Storage Battery 
Compsny et the First International Exposition of Safety 
and Sanitation, held under the auspices of the American 
Museum of Safety. 

Allow ine to thank you thereforg, and 

to expreee my gratification that the efforts of my company 

have been recngnived in this manner. 


Miss Eolen i. Esesen, 
qm, Pa . 

% Tne Phonograph Co., 
229 So. Wabash Avenue, 
Chicazo, Til. 

Dear Madam:- 

Your favor of the Slat ultimo to 
H. Uiller wae shown bo My. Edison. Fe read sour 
and suggestions with meh interest, und now wiahes +3 
you hia commects, as follows: 

82517. - Bori nade two records of |i: 
gonge Both gre alike. Artists of this tape resem any 

80105. - We have Pound thet, without no 
ception to speak of, singers are et ond Limi in good voi 
at anothar time are not. It is not the fault of the phone srach. 
Sometimes we take records over two ox three times, ang fren 
finally throw them out. 

85003. = Both Bonci racords of this ssise- 

tion are exactly alixe. He has lost most of his overt 
He is sharp from thie vase, and has a bad, disagteadh" 

g2049. ~ Mies Yew sang this record thee 
times ani every defect is in each record. ‘ 

Cisnere's singing does not sound wel! when 
she sings in the English language, although she is an American. 

You say thet our instrumental music is 
generally, but that in 82042, 6 i) BROSE, HBOOH, BLoSe 
and 82515 there te PauLby 3 , and no fan. o: 
artist's. Why ghonld the phonozrap diseriminste? 
find in ¢ime, as we hava found, that, if there are fiefects, 
are in the voiee of the artist. 4+ voices will not stan 
glose inspection. ently af one time. 

Me. Edison says he will -be glad to bave you 
sond in wore criticisms. + We want ail we ean fol. 

Youre ee ag ruly, 

BH te: 

Rav. William Arthur Thomas, 
Kirkside Manse, 

South Salem, New York. 
Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 15th instant reached me whon I 
wag laid up for a few days at home with an attack of Lumbagc, hence 
the delay in replying. There has been a great many matters 
awaiting my return to the Laboratory. 

Let me thank you for your kin] words of apprecia- 
tion in regard to my Dise phonograph which was demonstrated by our 
Hr. Morgan. After working so long and go hard to bring about a 
fine quality of reproduction of beautiful music, it is very gratify- 
ing to learn that I have been. able to please those to whom it has 
been my object to appeal. 

Ist me say in regard to your inquiry that we in- 
tend to make a large number of records of music suitable for church 
services. They will be made by the hest choir singers that we 
can find among the New York churches. Just now we are somewhst 
congested as we have a mass of music on hand to record, but we hope 

to get at the church work in a short time. 


ans he SEES 

Soe: —y 



Heoruary «, 1914 

Sorvay Pravess Companys 
Syravuss, Now Yore. 


I beg vo soknowLedge receipe ox your levver ox January 

12, 1914 in wnicu you notity me thav you now elecs to relinguise 

ail rignis under your contract with me daved July $1, 1912 and 

unmner ull cenes yonvracta rererred vo enereia, Wien the result 
vuereio provided ror. 

I am also in receipy or your Levter or Januery 14, 1914 

tu woien you offer to sell me tne Edison rolle now installea ai 

Sibley, Mionigan. Au present TI do noc know of any market ror the 

vOLlis ove will add them to our list ana it we nave an opportunity 

so aia you in selling inem, we Suall de glad vo do BO. In this 

connevtion I wisn vo yemind you iuat any sale or the large rolls, 

wolon are pavenved by we, wuBEL oe in aucoraance with Paragraph 

Piyvveogsun quoted in the convrauy With you dated July 31, 1l9lz, anu 
HUvgeot vo tas paymeny or royalties LO mo. You are vhererore re- 

yuesvea Lo gaviss me ivlly reyarding any negotiabions looking vowaras 

tne yale or vnews rolls. Ag you are no dowbl aware, my patenus Nos. 

ofz,ol6 and of%,0i1, whica oover tav lerge rolls and une mevnod or 

using toe 3amv, nave veen aajuedouved and ovla valid - sec 11 Hed. 

Rep. ov. Furonermore, I huve gsranved oorlain eaclusive yi aa 

Lorial lioenves under satu parvenub. 

Feb. 4th, 1914. 

Sommodore J. Stuart Blackton, 
Atlantic Yacht ' Club, 

Locust Avenue, . 
Brooklyn, N. ¥; 

! ; f Wy Acar Sirie 
I have received an invitation from you to 
| gi abton, the opening night of the Vitegraph Theatre on Satur- 
i day coh, and beg to extend my thanks to you for the 
| sourtesy. , i 
a I should be very glad indeed to send you an fe 
; soceptance, but just now I em overwhelmed with work in ' 
| preparation for my trip to Florida which makes it impossible ; i 
4 | for me to be away from the Laboratory. ; 
i | I am sorry thet I. carmot. come. | 
| Yours v : 

r a 

Jane. Ath, 1914. 

aiss Mary B. Ehrmann, 
yw ANevican Express Co., 
ios angeles, Cal. 

Dear Yadam: - 

Your favor of the 31st ultimo has been 
xvecelved, and I veg to assure you it is very gratifying to me 
+o learn that you have enjoyed the Diamond~Dise phonograph 
and records 60 greatly. I think you will Pind as time goos 
on and as the records are still further improved, that your 
enjoyment of the machine will not diminish. 

. I note what you say in regerd to the fuct 
thut Mrs. Ilsen is going to gend me the books mentioned in 
your letter. When they errive, I shall take pleasure in 

parosing them when I get the leisure. 

Yours ve 


ent rea 

_ Se: 

Mr. J. #. Monnot, 
SL Rue Daru, 
Paris, France. 
Dear ifr. Monnot:- 

I am writing this merely to let you 
know that I am moking a deal with Stone & Company, of 
London, tor the use of the Edison Storage Battery for vrail- 

vay car lighting in various parts of the world. In inaking 

this deal, however, I have not given them any right in 


Ftc pen tenn tool senaeere ana nag ne 

= = 

a ome 


asics Sh <8 


Foh.e 4, 19714. 

Sal. Jaaub Ruppast, 
xi Ava. end 90th. St., 
Nom York i fty, mY. 
Uv dear Telonel:- 
T have been Informed thet you are in the market for 
ghont Benty 5-con truske for short hauls. T would consider it a ravor 

ED res "Ovle allow wre anginsere to cou vor an? enbmls figuras on short 

‘san bankas 



V1 Qa alin on____—. 

P Ss Whatever ast promise. we cen ado, 3 corlf 

mate. qeod, Ao you nlf atau qef wht 
You Cfpect 


: oa Ol clin 


ac sac emeae Te 

AS Rae 

2 SS ee ee = a 



Feb. 6, 1914, 

Anhre se Wowsi, 

City, 2. 


73 you Toterestea in mn protess for sepnrating 

havs a vondexftlig ‘dimple ‘trick of ao ing . 



Feb. 7, 1914, 

Mr. Richard G, Badger, 
294 Boylston Street, 
Boston, aga. 

‘Dear Sir: 

Will you plesse chip ty express to Thomas A, Edison, 
‘ saa EE CARRE 
Port Mayers, Florida, the following books listed in your 6atalogne; 
——— amend ne 

From Cataract to Equater weswn ese= Dennis 
In. Northern Labrador ~--------~-.-~- Cabot 
Tho Psychopathology of Hysteria --- Fox — 
Studies tn Abnormal Psyehology }~~- Prince 
Suboonscious Phenomena ---~---ace-e | 
The Individcal and Society or 
Paychology and Suc lology -----—- Baldzin 
me Evil Hye - Thenatology #t-n—-- Pari 
An Exporinental Study of Sleep =-~- Sidis 
Peychopathoiogical Roasarshes: in | . 
Mental Dissociation weee Sidis 

also the following. two boots, as to which ‘I do not know the publisher: 

Tha Tnoory of Leisure, hy Thornald vedewd. 
The Cult of the Incompetent, by Faget or Paget 

Pleasa sand your bill to the Laboratory. Kindly ship 

oooks at your early convenience. 

Yours very truly, 

MW Slkecivoe ; aad) 

Assistent to My. Ediso 


Feb. 7, 1914, 

2 : My. W. S. Haliory, 
; Pren, Hdison Portland Jemant ty., 
: Stevartaviilo, Ny J. 

Dear Mallory t- 
This is to aonfirm the derision T endorsed on 
t ate : 7 

your letter of puoterday in vegard to the offer of $ 22.500,00 by 

the the Wen Jersey Zino Go. for the land located at Edison, Ke J. 
2 andorstant thet Meadowcroft has telephoned {t to you through 

; Bixlar, The destaton is as follows; 

_ You. can aceopt iedoc. but must be careful 
to raserva elt mineral rights and all the lend and fsoilities ts 
, : Spite: <bho mines, and usa of water, ote.” “ 

Yours very truly, 


Feb. 9th, 1934+ 

re Je We Howell, © 
% Gonerel Electric Gompeny, 

Harrison, U. Js 

My dear Mr. Howell:- 
XI am in re 

regard to the signs 

geipt of your favor of the 5th 

posted around the Jaboratory, 

instant in 

prohibit ing cigarette smoking. 

{son objects on general grounds to 

Yr. Ea 
garette gmok- 

He says that excessive ef 

cigarette pmoking- 
as it is airfioult for 4 

s toward aegeneipy. and 
ry to smoke them in gre 

ing tend 
at moderations, he 

Be says it 4s not 

ig oreated 

cigaratte smoke 

disapproves of the practice entirely: 

stion of the tobacco, but the poison which 

Beside, the cigarette is 
yk-shop- He therefore 

a que 
in the act of burning the paper. 

a greet fire hazard in & factory or Wo 

put up sometime ago* 

S15 Sine a 

cauged the notices to be 

Yours very truly. 

‘ went 

ne ote 




Rt A eee 

SS ee 

= eee 


Feb. 9th, 1914. 

Mme. Ovide Musin, 
51 West 76th Street, 
New York City» — 

Dear Madam:~- 

Your favor of the 2nd instant was receliv- 
ead, but Mr. Edison has been so very busy wsidrfeok that I 
could not make an appointment for him until next, week. 

. If next Saturday afternoon, February 
14th, will be convenient for Mr. Musin, we shall be glad to 
have him come out and play for Mr. Edison. — You could take 
a train from New York at 12:48 or 1315 which would pring you 
here about 2:00 o’clock or a few minutes after. I onclose 
a time table. Make the Ieckawanna trein and get off at 
Orange, walk one block up to the main street and take @ 
trolley marked West Orange. This will let you off at the 
Laboratory door,and you oan there inquire for me or for Mr. 

I shall be glad if you will kindly notify 
me which trein you expect to take. 

Yours very truly, 



seepage SS 


ee ce eee 



Feb. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. Millard J. Bloomer, 
; % Now York Progressive, 
: “Porty-Second Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Mr. Bloomer: 


; Yam in receipt of your favor of the 8th 
instant inviting ms to make one of a party of ten for the | 
and | 

i Progressives’ Lincoln Day Banquet at the Hotel Astor, 


wishto thank you for the same. 
Unfortunately I shall not be able to be 

present at the function, as I am making preparations to go 

to Florida, and my presence at the Laboratory is quite 


necessary as I have a great many very important things to 

arrange before I go away. | 
ee _ 2 | 

peieer rs 

Yours very truiy, 


February 10, 1914. 

QO. W. Ewing, Esq., 
1101 Walker Bank Bldg., 

Sait Lake City, Utah. 



Replying to your. letter of the 26¢h ultima 


xegarding Mr. Eddie Brown, beg to sny that I have asked 

Mr. Edison regarding him and he desires me to write you 

that he does not remember him at all. I have also 

inquired’ from some of Mr. Edison's old employees but 


they tell me they know of no one by that uname ever 

having been associated with Mr. Edison. 

Yours very truly, 

AS Ml 


Be _ SSE 

Feb. Sth, 1914. 

Mr. J. M. Embree, 
Dobbs Ferry, 
New York. 
My dear Sir;- 

I am in receipt of your esteemed favor of 
the 6th instant, and notice your criticisms in Tegard to the 
quality of the Selections that are being put upon our eyl-~ 
inder records at the present time. I assume from the fact 
that you have bought twelve hundred of our records that it is 
the cylinder records you refer to, It has been our aim to 
Keep up in quality on the cylinder records, but the §ratual 
change that you mention has been cause be 2 
of ¢ c to tho de r Ce] > I think 
you will notice, owever, if you will examine our 7 test lists 
that there will be less of this kind of stuff recorded. 

48 you are a phonograph enthusiast, it 
occurs to me to ask whother you have seen my latest Disc 
phonograph. This has the Diamond point reproducer and in~ 

destructible records. I have been working hard for three 
years to perfect this, and I think you would be surprised if 
you could hear the perfeot reproduction of high class music. 

I will ask our Sales Dopartment to send you 8 catalog of 
machines and records, and when you examine the latter, you will 
see the kind of music we are recording for this machine» 

Thanking you for the frank and kind tt 
of your criticisms, I remain pea 

Yours very truly, 

ree C1 a 


<= TSS ee se oR Se a er ag 



Ta keen 

Feb. 9, 19134. 

ur. H. P. Sykes, ‘ 
% Northants Talking machine yooisty, 

‘the Arcade Smporiun, 

Northampton, England, 

Dear fy, Wykear~ 

1 em in receipt of your favor of the 29th ultimo 
in regard to the northants Talking Machine Society, and would say in 
reply that it gives me great pleasure to say that you may put my name 
dorn as Patron of the Soclety. 

I am mush gratified to learn that vour yocioty is 
making such fine headway, and also that you yourself have had such 
great succoss in selling machines. , 

Thanking you for all your good aishes, and assuring 

pou of my raciprocation of the sare for yourself and the society, f 



February ii 
Samuel Insuli, Esq., Pres., 
Commonwealth Edison Conpany, 

Chicago, Tllinotia. 

My dear Sammay:- 

Would ‘you consider having one-of your 
men making an investigation as to desiralfitty ‘of 
your company going into the furnishing of powe? *0 /* 
privately owned trucks; the same as the Hattford ‘- 

Electric Light Company i8 now doing succeasfullye 

I believe I will be able shortly to - 

give guarantee as to depreciation of battery that 

will make it highly commercial. 

1 will be back from'Plérida@ dbout the 

Peer ae “ 

rie en > 
_ rom C € cheowee—— 


middle of April. 


685 ee Oe 



alee Mine eis to Sag ot 

bpruary li, i924. 

Walter H. Miller, Esq., 
73 Fifth Avenue, 
New York City. 

How aboue Saye ES 


; How about 25° © 

Is Setvecct: wiea uc??? For now Long??? 

SO aCe 1 understand Leibeer sav hin 

end he will see us in Naw York and probably siag fer 
we Lat Cane a ol 
the Disc. acd ona Aone ceed € 

ipo Sovbenet ail Wee bd : 
Winen do we get a record with that BIG ORCHESTRA ‘ 

EFPECT you showed ou tne experimental record. 

Be sure to write Tosi te slways keep his phono 

at 80 and not depend toc imuch on the TEE ULAT OE, 

Yours vory truly, 
afl Ses 


See ee ee ee BRST HEeee aa suit Shea Pi 
; pica Jy 

13, 1914. 

My. B..8. Dick, 
g The Seal & Fautoendr Fo., 
140 South Dearborn St., 
Chicago, Ills. 
Ny dear Dick-~ 

In reply to yours of the 7th instant ist me nay I 
can't find much of anvthing in regard to an underntanding Letween us 
soneerning business dong sith Stersge Battery in Eneland. 

My recollection is that you wero So form an English 
Company. Then whem this could not be dono, Morgan and Cacsell vere 
to form its; to which you agreed. This fell throvgn because Cassell 

Now Monnot has formed & Company, but so far has done 
vary little business, although I think he will in time. I em to get 

thirty conts royalty, but havo received none yet. Tf Nomnot comes 

across I will give you some of the royalty. 

Yourz very tiviy, 

lath, 1914. 

Mr. C. He. Potter, General Secretary, : 

The Young Men's Christian Association, 

Orange, N. J. ss 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 6th instant to Mr. 
Baison asking for a special gift towards the purchase of 
a Pull size motion pioture apparatus for the Young Men's 

Christian Association in Orange has been received. "Ha 
requests sey in reply that we have had thousands of 

‘Prom all over tho United States, and we are 

such @ 
obliged. to excuse ourselves from complying therewith, as it 

would be simply ruinous if we were to attempt to make gifts 

of this kind.. 
Mr. Edison sayg, however, in this 

particuler case, that we will make some eoncesBion to your 

Association when you are ready to purchase the apparatus. 

If you will call up Mr. Meadowcroft here on the telephone, he 

will tell you what can be done about this. 
Yours very truly, 
Edison Laboratory. 

nae Ba fe 


General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-097 (1914) 

This letterbook covers the period February-May 1914. Most of the 
correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. Included are 
documents relating to the commercial and technical development of Edison's 
alkaline storage battery; the introduction of disc phonographs in Japan; and 
plans to reconstruct Edison's motion picture studio after a fire. There are also 
references to a lost phonograph recording of poet Alfred Tennyson; a letter 
to author Robert Grau regarding Edison’s opinion of motion pictures; and a 
communication to Percival S. Hill of the American Tobacco Co. concerning 
restrictions on smoking at the West Orange laboratory. Other items pertain to 
Edison's reading habits and tastes, as well as his vacation with author and 
naturalist John Burroughs and industrialist Henry Ford. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. Feb. 18, 1914 To May 20 '14." The 
spine is marked with similar information, along with the number "36." The 
book contains 717 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 15 percent 
of the book has been selected. 


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YOP~ Ln FE -F 26 - 

Se mee aes 
Cee Rise 

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Lo F 


So a a hal gt onan wae 


Cfo - 


Soe arenes aa LTR] #3 T sea RRREANTE, OS 
5 REE Sea Soest SAAR ss Ra Lannne td take 
ieee ene Pree grrerehen PR rT Re rere er TE TEESE WRT RS RS RUTTER E RCE NE 
St ees re 

Specter teers rer ew SET 
Goccconaritnnn9scs Otten 

ea ane 
PERT Cone nero epee eT CEE 




Ss s7~ 

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reece neem 


erg AS 

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FRALEY On Se oa a 8 an 

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S92 ~ 

32 ~ 


Mise NM. A. Branch, 
229 Prospect Street, 
Manchester, He Re 

Dear Madam:- 
Twn in receipt of your recent favor in 

regard to phonograph records of the poet “Pennyeon", Let we say 

tn reply thet ve nag some of these records sore time ago, pub in 

pome unaccountable manner they have beer unfortunetely lost, and 

therefore we shail never be able to reproduce them. They ware 

nade a great many years ago when our business wes not well organized 

dike it is today, or we should probably have another story to tell. 

Thanking you for all your kind worée in 
regard to whe phonograph, I renain 
Yours very truly, 
Homo a. Cheon s 





2 Feh. 18th, 1914. 

Decteur Jean Landre, 
323 Fest 5S7tn Street, 
Hew York City. 

bear Sir:- 

Your favor of the t4th inotant to Mb. Edisen 
pes teen reasived and ite contents very fully voted. 

We would soy for your ingermation that Myr. 
Faison leaves for Florida oii Saturday of this week to be gone 
atent eizx WOOKS Be always hears artists pimsgelf before pernlt- 
ting them to make records for ovr phonograph, and ag he Is 
ecoupied day and night just now settling up matters hnevore Jeav- 
ing for Plorida, $t will be impossible for him to take any steps 
towards hearing your trio at thie time. 

He expects to return about the middle of Aprii, 
and if your artists are going to be in the City aboot that time or 
aftorvara you can communicate with us again, and wa will see if 
some arrangement to hear them can He WAAR. 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

Let) 4a ink 









oi. Depew, 

4) eoneerned, 


a8 GVeL. 

ne gongrabulate you oo your oxn tron gonstitel: 

Ben any reagan why You should nob tory the + 

teonbiey Marin gouste 

my best wish for yoo 

| Zee . %. he eal! ‘ 
Lagatrer sith as 



CE re CEO 

fang EN a ES aE 

ad Ww la) 

ir. G. MM. Gragg, 

t trons Mugia Store, 
Nelphi, Indiana. 


Tt gives mo much plesnire to 

congratulation on my birthday, ond 

Your tetter has been resd with a great deal ef interest, 

Ler | pee ee foc Tosca b= = 4. ey ens H eee nat - ae a . ‘ 
and Toappresiate very Pally fhe foutervash hab pou show ft Deh Tesd. 

Now iu ceply to your qucsticm les ve one 
{1} Vietor records can be played on the 
use of a specie] attachment. ge records ear 
Payed on the Viet 
(P} Ag to the gost of 
tinder machines, let ™e say G 

you s catalog of both kind wi. i the pricaee 

gay thet the 12 inch Dise, whan we projuce it, 
bit at present we are not making them. Tagh aes we 
10 inch Dise records, wd theso play alevea minutes LE you 
1 trust that I shall hear of your leading vp 

shock of ombhusiagm of the Dise mughine and 


ev. 12th, 1914. 

sir James Grant, 
Ottawa, Canada. 

My dear Sir:- 


Ti gives is much pleasnre to nelknowlartge the 

receipt af your mesnage af congratvlation on my birivdgay 

to thank you peartily Tor your Rind remerbrance 

Tam grent}y intesasted La what 
your dlecovery oF orolanging dive, and note by the 
revolutions attached to your ietter that you huve 
per on this subject. I sheald be very glad indeed to 
cepy of this paper 4f it ie possible to do so- Yan tesving 
for Florian on saturday of thig week, and mst ask you ts yindly 
advise my asoistanh, Mr. We H. Meadoweroft, at 
where @ copy of your paper oun pe obtained, and ho 
steps te get it and forward it Torida addreas. 

Once More khenking you, 

SeiblintataieeninttepsiakencenebmeninnnaTimmenmemmmetiiaeesaaiiaicenigmtacabarescrioiiaiod) eamtcasieee eonaenameen er ee. 

Mrs. Isa Maud Tigers 

% Hotel Sinten, 

Gincinrutt, Ohio. . 

Tear Mrs. Tisesn: 

Tedbe dnote 

various places. 


work with 

ife of Hdlson"hnag proven so uselsl fo you 

in the admireble talks which T hate you have bern givs in 
Of course, I see the reporfis as they come in, 
and note thet you have been pyrite busy and dolaz sum good 

we Diamond-Dise. 

I,too, have been excesdinely busy for woz 
festa push wilh, 2 euperabundauce af werk, which Toam now try- 
ing to slean vp as Tecan batere Mr. Déisen gooe avay. 

that the'Boyts fy 


vt, ond eM voce chad te 7 

@ receSpi of your very 



Mr. W. North Robins, 
600 Westcott Street, 
Syracuse, N. Yo 

Dear Sir:- 

Thave received your favor of the Wth 

th a good doal of interest, 


4naternt, which has been read vw 
aa it brings back miny panories of the old electria Tighting 
gays some thirty years or mere ago. ‘I ramember you and 


the cireumgtances that you nention, tub have not geen you 

Por many years. "tT trnet the world has uged you well, and 
that you wre in good health and prospering. 23 yell as you 

sonia wish. 

aida ees 

pen peses 

come ez 

eee ee 

Mr. D. H. Winget, Editor, 
Clinton, Iowa. 

Dear Sir:~ 

It gives me much pleasure to acknov- 
ledge the receipt of your message of congratulation on my 
birthday, and to thank you heartily for your king remembranss 
of the occasion. 

Your letter hus been read with a good 
deal of intorest. Some of the ideas that you suggest for 
new things have already been worked on for some years vast, 
but so far as I nm personally concerned I have not time to 
take up anything more than what I already have on hand. I 
went to express my approciation of your verdes, which I con- 
sider very good. Unless you say otherwise, IT am zoing to 
take the liberty of sending them on to ovr min who writes the 

Phonograph Monthly and let him use them if he wants to. 

Owe Sopris 
reer t 51 THALES SAT ER On 
“egestas sie 


Major James Otis Wooavard, 
Burgesses Corps, 
Albany, Wov York. 

My dear Sirt- 
yi duly received your epteemed favor of the 

oth instant informing me of the action of the Burgesses 

Cor:s in tendering me an election %o Life wmbership, to fill 

the vacancy caused by the dealth of Anthony Wg. Brady. 

Tet me say in reply tirat I greatly appreciates 

tho nonor thus conferred upon me, and take pleasure in sgigni- 

fying my acceotence of the aection. 

Yours very srulys a 

wher Chesen— 

wane ee RE 


peated: Gigi eet ae eae rete ve wee cone 
* ATLA AMON ETT cat + 


ie ease ste 1) Saints co cage eg eee STE PETE 

2let, 1914. 

Mr. KH. M. Saaly, - 
and Stat? of 

Seely. Offices Avpligaca Company, 

114 Tiberty Stre: 
New Yoru City. 

a anet F 

Gentlemen‘ - i 
+ afforded my very much gratification to receive your 2 

Roport of Saies for the moth of January, and to note the splendid 

results shown “Gheraiy. Er-thusiasm and hustle appeared 211 the 

way throush, sau i want bo sonp,ratulate and thant you all for the en- 

couragenent you “re affordod ace 

tn aféition to such a substantial birthday greeting as 
this, let me sigG exprese oP sincere apyreciution of all your good 

wishes to ma for bhat vceas loa. 

Yours very truly, 

ates | re 

Feb. 21st, 

er. FE. Cc. Barnes 
LI Lin0ise - 

Gent iemeni- 

It afforded me very much gratification 
to receive your Revort of Sales for the month of January, 
and bo noSe the splendid resurts showa thereby.  Enthustasn 
and pustle appeared all the way through, and I want to con- 
crabagiobe und tnads you nll for the sncouragement you have 
afforded me 

In addition to euch & substantisl birth- 

-ag this, let me also express my sincere apprecia- 

“jl your good wishes to me for that occasion. 

Yours very truly, J 

hes a yee 

fore iegierera, 


Ea teal 3 Bee 

Feb. 21at, L914. 

Me. Joe M. Chapple, 
g The National Magazine, 
Boston, Mass. 
Dea lr. Chapple: 

Your favor of the 19th instant is at 
hance, aad I wish to say in reply that I receive the 
HMasuszine regularly. I have five copies of your"Heart 
Sans", ond have had every song sung, and many of them put 
on ng new Piss vhonograph. "Heart Songs" is a great 

Yours very truly, 

lo 7“ 
g CLD tie, Bebe 




Feb» 20¢h, 1914. 

ii. H. B. Clifford, 
Waldorf Astoria, 
5th Ave. & 34th Street, 

New York City. 
Dear Mr. Clifford: ; ~ 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 
16th instant, the contents of which heve been read with 
rmieh interest. | 

T do not think you want tc deal with 
Broitung. I certeinly would not deal with thut class of 

wooule Por Love of money 

Yours very 

Funk & Wagpalls Company, 
354 Fourth Avenue, 
New York City. 

Gentlemens - 

aulvy let mse 

Revilying to your 

your nev Sbandard Diebienary has a valund 


I find it of excellent service. 


dnomy Librs 


rently very zoode 


Feb. 19, 1914. 

ifr. W P. Franois, 
39 BoyCston 5t., 
Boston, Nasa. 

Dear Francis:~ 
The birthday congratulations you sont mo were freatiy 

for your kindsremembrance of the 

atod ana I aant to thank you 

occasion. It does me good to neve a reminaer that aome of the old 
electris Light poys art still on the job. 

Yours Vv LY. 

i” ca I Gees 

Tree " . 
AR eR ae AE 

err in 




Fob. 26, 1914. 

Hr. L. G. Gorson, 
% John Wanamaker, 
Broatway &£ 9th St., 
New York City, N. J. 

Dear Mr. Gerson:- 

Mr. volbeer has shown me your favor ot the 17tn 

instent vo him. I xegret very much to learn of Mr. Wanamaker's 

{Tiness and or nis {nabllity to get out except in clear weather. 

It is impossible for me to atop orf at Philatelipals 

as ne have accommodations yooked clear througn, but I wish you zonld 

kindly eay to ir. Wanamaker that if.he can possibly some donn to 

Ploriaa, to our town of Port ityers on the Gulf side, away from the 

Wall Street type of poopie, I vill paarantoe his health aill bo in- 
provea acloklye 

Nr, nenry Tord and John Burroughs the naturalist 

zli1 de with me, and ne novia show Kr, wanamnxer in that balmy cli- 

mate some of the mysteries of nature. we aro all fisherman, bird 

ant fiower lovers and hopo to got into the Evorglades to 5608 tha 

creau birds, OF ahich there are myriads. 
Yours vory 


Feb. 18th, LOl4. 

Lir. H. L. Hotchki$ 
© The Webstor, ‘ 

40 West 45th Street, 
Rye, New York. 
Dear Ur. Eotehkip:- 

Tam in receipt of your esteomed Savor of the 
Vth instant and am very glad indecd to hear from you. L remenber 
you perZect ly well and the contents of your letter brins® buck many 
old tine memories. 

Nos in rezavd to the matter of diet, my suggesticn 
te yon is to cyt down the amount you eat s2y 20% each month, eating 
everything you please. If your weight keeps going up, as if will 
from better nutrition, ent the diet down another 20%, sae keep on 
nntil you juet commence to loge wetgat, then eat just enough to keep 
your weight constant. It will take six or eight menths to pring 
about an equilibrium, but when it hag once been prought abort, you 
will want to climb a tree or run a foot wute. 

tet mo thank you for your ind birthday wishes. 

They aro very much appreciated, as well as your courteous remembrance 

of the occasion. 

With kind regards, fomain 

ir. Valter 2%. Welland, 
59 Zimhurat Avenue, 
Highland Park, Michican. 

Des: ike. Holland: 

” . . 


Iothisk It ts too early at this 

Mx. Ford abort you, but vould suggest that you walt sevhile until 


the oleetric wagon is further developed, then I shalt have fre 

pleasure in speaking to bin abovt you. 

Taw juet setting ready to go to my Sloeiin home 


fe weeks, and exroct to atert en Saturday. Mr. and ire. 

for ou 

down with mo, and undonhtedly we shell have plenty 

Tam godng fy try 

poter $9 the gabisecs, 

wise LL a rest tris and wet talk mich aboub tosimegs. 

However, when the preper time comes, Toghell 

tt Rind 

vanes a Em mete nae SEE: 

Feb. 20th, 1914- 

Miss Helen A. Hayes, 
115 East 34th Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Miss Hayes: 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 

the 7th instant onelosing tickets for the Concert of your 

pupils on March 10th. 

As I start for BPlorida to-morrow morning with 
my family, to be gone about six weeks, it will be impossible 
for me to use them, and I will therefore return them, thanking 

you for your courtesy in gending them to me. I trust your con~ 

cert will be & great puccess. I don't think the tremolo will 

be noticeable. 
I have told Mr- Meadowcroft to send you 8 phono- 

graph such as we gend out for amateurs to make their own records. 

This will be accompanied by & supply of blanks, and you cen malice 

some experiments with your pupils, and see if you can use it 

successfully in your work. This machine will be loaned to you 

for an indefinite period of time. 

Yours V, 

ot We ‘ 

Feb. 20th, 1914. 

Mr. Hubert W. Harwerd, 
34 York Street, 
Ramsgate, England. 

Dear Mr. Harward:- 

I beg to acknowledge recaipt of your 
esteemed favor of the Gth instant, end wish to thank you 
for your congratulations on my birthdey and also for your 
good wiehes in regayva to my welfare. Your courteous 
remembrance of the occasion is very much appreciated. 

I regret to learn that the phonograph busi- 

ness has not flourished as you would like to have it, but 

ag we 

I think better times are coming for all our dealers, 

expect to surprise you shortly in the phonog 

Yours Vv. 


you after your ebsence, and sm please 


Feb. 20th, 1914. 

Mr. A. de St. Chamos, 
6 Poplar Street, 
Brooklyn, N. Y. 

My dear Sir:- 
I am in reosipt af your eateemed 

favor of the L&th instant, and am very glad to hear from 

a@ to learn that you 

have had a nice trip through Japan. 
In repard +o the natter of the 
perfected phonograph and its introduction into Japan, our 

Foreign Department has already taken stops in this direct2on, 

and I doubt that we snould be able to make any arrangeme nt B 

with you, the matter boing already taken care of. 

tT nave asked Nr. Baison in regard 
to giving you Letters of jtatroduction, 2s desired, put it 
olicy, #9 he never gives eny such letters, 

4g against his Pp 
he must /ask to be excused. 

acd in this case he says that 
Trusting that) you are in the enjoy- 

nent of good health, and with kind resaras, I remain 

Yours vory fealy, 

we fpr? 1 AES, tly? 
Li "4 he cele Lit ee ly 









re OE TT 
TRS Tes emer 




temah ine 

Sra OPE oo 


See rer heres: 


peer tt 




REpisan bien cena 


Orr orn 

Fob. 20th, 1914. 

Jacot Srnith, 
ronartment of the Interion, | 


Oitava, Cunade. 

QEPer error nee 

Penr Sirte- 


2d 6 

Your favor of tho 9th instant to Mr. Edison 
sag received anc reat ty him with a good deal of interest. : 
he suggeation you make that he himself should bi 


etures has many times heen m 


aprear in the talicing motion pi 
ties, but he has never been 
as he balks immediately 


able to bring 


before by various par 

jvimse lL? to the point of really doing it, 

ywhon the subject is presented. 

Possibly we can find him in the proper mood 

will capture him for posterity. 

sometime and 
your good yords and 

®panking you for ind 

interest, we remain 
Yours very truly, 
Baison Laboratory. 

ty iti 

taceenre re coemeemergncamemaesmatetaetr settle tal 

jana, Peesident, 
Baiagen Illuminating Cos., 

WAT Tt ams: 

Tun in receipt of your esteemcd favor of the 
tiug na if I ean name a tine, after my return 
to meat zou and other membere of the Edison 
ILiuminating Companies at a presentation dinner. 

Allow me to assure you in reply that I am 
daeoly appreciative of the honor that you desire to show to 
* the Pact is, I am growing more and more averse to 


nitse dinners, as they generally result ‘in about a week 
of ring for me. In the past few years I have Looked 
forward dinners with a feeling somewhat akin to apprenen~ 
Side : 

In the cirgunstances 1 ain somowhat embarras- 
sek. bat to be quite frank would say that 1£ I covld be excus- 
fuente indeecé be very creteful. There is no dowbt in 
thot vou and my other fetands will fully appreciate 
that it is not by reason of any weakness of the spirlt, 
hay a weakness of the flesh which prompts me to write to 


With kind regards, I vemeta 

Yours very &> 

Feb. 20th, 1914. 

« Wm. Seaver Woods, 

The Literary Digest, 
44 East Twenty-third 5t., 
New York City. 
Dear Mr. Woods: 

in reply to your favor of the 1%th inst., 

let me say I believe that at the present time the 
Literary Digest prints the most valuable and interest- 

ing matter of any publication of similar character that 

Yours veny tes 

I kmow of. 

xi penance smemoeTonreaeasanaseatine com 

Fob. 26th, 1914. 

Mr. Chas t.. Alexander, 
Dept. of Applied Mechanics, 

‘Pratt Institute, 

Brooklyn, N. Y- 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 2ist instant to 
Mr. Edison has been received. He has gone away to his 
Winter home in Florida, where he will spend the next five 
or six weeks. 
; We would say in reply to your request 
that Mr. Edison has been obliged to suspend the visiting 

privileges of the Jaboratory and Works for sometime to come « 

We are so very busy that we have found it a serious hind- 

yance to our work to have parties of visitors going through 
the shops, and in accordarce with Mr. Eaison's instructions 
we shall be unable to comply with your desire. 

Yours veny truly, 

Baison Laboratory. 


Feb e 26th, 1914. 

Mr. Brace Calvert 
379 Hancock Street, \ 
Brooklyn, N. ¥. 

Dear Mr. Calvert: 

I beg to acknowledge regeipt of your favor of the 
23rd instant, and would say that I also felt a great deal of regret 
that I was obliged to be away from the Laboratory when Madame 
Calvert came to sing for Mr. Edison. It ip very rerely that I am 
away, but once in a while it will so happen, and here is one ot she 
opportunities that I have missed. 

Now in regard to our making records of Madame Cal- 
vert's songs, let me say for your informetion that Kr» Edison said 
he was not quite ready at thie time to take up theae Folk Songs, but 
expected to ao go a little later on, after he retarned from Floriia, 
which will be ‘about the middle of April. of course, ite will taire 
‘ps week or two or him to ¢lean up his ncowmlation of work, ané then 
he will take up the subject of music agonist. Shere is no avavlate 
certainty to the date or time when he will take up tote matter of 
Poli Songs, but we shail pring the matter to his attention soon after 
his return. Yor orci wrile oe apron gabon aii ees we 

Yours very truly, 





sean somata 

cements eek Mmm 

= eons! 

an ammamaenaapnen = 

tater amare RETR oro 

March S, L924. 

The Baker & Saylor CO«, 
37. Zaet 17th Strest. 
Union Squars, Werth, 
New York City. 

Enclosed perewith find money order 

for fifty. 

($.50) sents for the publication 
waich you sent to Fort Mye>3, wicrida. 

Kindly send the athar gubzication POULT OF 

‘TWCOMPETENS? +2 Bort Myers, Fiorids, LU received fran 

the publisher not Later taan Apes. Sthy, senaiws tht 

Lapetasery Ter peng LEAe2S. 

HA Melba, 


anvoice for Bane to the 
Pous Wey trubye 

March Sth, 1914. 

Bode Sea RS, 
General Electric Company, 
Ft. fayne, Ind. 

Dear Mr. dipple: 

In the early part of last mont’: 3x. Edison 
received a typewritten letter enclosing copy of a song made 
by one of your employees, Mr- oil, which you tuought might 
a4nterest Mr. Béison- There was no name gigzied to the letter, 
put we rather thought that it might have cosa from you, Bo I 
am writing to ask whether this suppositior is correct. 

If it is , Mr- Edison war.s me to thank you 
for having sent him a copy of this song, which he found very 
interesting reading: 

He and his famity have gone down to Plorida 
fox five or aix weeks, and 1 hope that ne will got the: rest 
and recreation that he well Aagoyvere 

With kingost regards to you vad yout family, 
I remain 

Yours very truly. 

March 4th, 1924. 

Mr. W. Ss Mallory, 
Edison Portland Cement Co., 
Stewarteville, H. J. ; 

Dear Mr. Mollory:- 

A day or two before Mr. Hdéivon went away 
Mr. Bugene H. Grubb, of Carbondale, Colorado, who is known ali 
over the world as the Potato King, called and had a telk with 
Mr. Edison. Be came to deliver a message from Ur. Inther 
Burbank to Mr. Baison, and they had a fine time together. Ure 
Raison suggested: that Mr. Luther Burbank join the party dowa in 
Florida, and Mr. Grubb said that he would carry that message to 
Mr. Burbank and thet Mr. Edison might probably see them both dow 
there. , 

Mr. Grubb has written a boek on the potato, 
and before he went away he said he wonld send me a eouy avd 21380 
one for you, as the Manager of Mr. Edison's farm up thara. The 
books have been received, and I have sent yours to you by mail. Tf 
trust you will receive it safelye You ean acknowledge it direct 
to Mr. Grubb if you so desire. © 
Yours very truly, 


BaP vt roo AR Ea ren 

Maroh 6th, 1914. 

ir. Thomas Ce Ballard,. 
Morrigson, Plwimer 
3° LO Feat Washi ngto 
Chicsfo, ILL. 
Dear Siri 
Your favor to Mr. Edison has. been 
roceivea: He hes ‘gone to Florida for a few weeks for 
reat awl change, and therefore your letter cannot receive 
hie attention until he returnse 
‘Hawara ‘H. Johnson is still on deck and 
wi believe is interested in electrical enterprises. His 
address is 20 Broad street, “New York Oity. 
Yours: truly, — . 
Edison laboratory. 

, els. 

Miss Telen toulse Zsee:, 
She Phonograph Compas, 
£69 So. Vabush - 
‘Chinsgo, ILI. 

Nz eit 

uy dear iiss Eagen: 

I beg te acknowledys receipt 0 
of the 3rd instant enclosing. copy of your 

| - down to him tp ay mail today. — 

| Yours very traly, 

CMe ep 
B Gall acece: 



9th, 1924. 

Mr. Bugene H. Grubb 
Carbondale, : 
Dear Mr. Gruvb: 

I have receivad from your publigher, Dourleday 
Page & Company, three copies of your book on the potato, one 
for Mr. Dolbeer, one for Mr. MaTlory, the Manager of Mr. Edison's 
farm up at Stewartseville, N. d., and the other for myself. 

Allow ma to extend to you my warmest thanks for 
this copy of you: valuable book, and I am sure that this is go- 
ing to bee sources of great deal of information and interest to 
me in reading the same. I have abowt ten acres back of my 
house, and perhaps I can teke advantage of the secrets you are 
giving aveay in your book and grow some potatos that will be worth 

I trust you nad a very pleasant trip hones, and 
that you were able to gee Mr. Burbank and dndused him to go down 
to Plorida to join the party @oyn there. Ho éoubt, if he goes 

ou will go to, and I an eare that you will ell have 2 Torlous 
& , y 

time ‘together. 

With kindest regards, I remain 

Yourn very truly, 



HMereh Sth, 1914. 

€ H.-W. Hillmen, 
Generali Vehigle Company, Tue., 
Tong Island City, N- Y. 
Dear Hr. Hillman: 
: Your favor of the 27th ultino to Hr. Edisin 
was received, and T sent 17 down fo Wim in Florida, where he 
staying for a few weeks at; his Winter home. 
ee To hava just reaulved your letter beck from 
him with a memorandum to the following offect. 

He wiehes to thank you fer tha letier and the 
information contaLned theroin. He says that he would like 
you to tell Hre Feconer thst he, ir. Edison, will risk another 
geal wiih wunother “icy om the san asis ag Hartforarif Ur. 
Wagoner ep desicese 

Z ‘expect Raison te return about the middle 

of Aprile 

March Sth, 1914. 
Mr. Pav: A. sovewell, Vice President, 
Topoka, Aarwsad. aaa 
Dear Siri- 
ie Your tavor of the 24th ultimo wag receiv- a 
ad and has has due nongid@eratloas. : 
Je vould gay in vaply that the reason that : 
-o suyply reacraés in greater ii 

the groat ditficulfies we have 
We moat ask you to bear 
Lamond Dige pheneogragh «..10 
y ereates & new epoch ard W | 
that are incident to She - 
ney things Whe technical qneations lirstved. hi 
able, and we have had trovble with our oY 
nag with microscopi2 particles of dirt ; 
She air, which would make their way ivto the surface 

reacvie und so help to bring about rough seratchy surfaces. 

siso nad vexvy. great trouble in. breaking in new help, end 

wvg in abtalning the apeaial machinery that hee been 

Coy manufacturing these records... 

. We would say, however, thet within the 
last few weeks wu huve inereased our capacity 25%, and thie 
inerease will be continued. with comparative rapidity 

Ag to artists of reputetion, we have quite 
& larga suirber on our List of singers anda players, but no 
matter how sreat the reputation of 2 singe: taht be we try 
459 gecure only theea who Weve really good volavs. F 

Mre Edison has been concentrating 2 creat 
: uy iS 

deal of his time and attention on the line of singers and of 

vocal music, bRt gpddenly there came from all parts of the 

country & tremondons demand. fox dance music, end he has been 

obliged to switch his attantion to that. for: awhila. However, 

he.ig still following up the matter of getting really fine eS, 
voices and is gcourifag ell burope with this object in view. - ee 
There will be no let up on.his part. to put on this Dise maohine 
the very finest music that‘cen be produced. 

Yours very, truly, 

" Eadgon’ faboratory 

109 Engst 

fay Yor 



Ae. Edison is away 

ahont four weeks. Ct 

In the meantime we vw 
a fixed up so thit Lt 5 

of April. 

you plesse send for it, wd when 

you had better Tet us have uw piuno 

i fe 
fie oe Meng ge 2 trey nota 
dsg Pined mp at your faertg 


Dacca alt alist alg er sgbday hekss tie 8: let See ean aarti mA 

March 11, 1914. 

Standard Essence Co., 

Maywood, New Jersey. : : 


Attention Mr. EB. W. Preston, Sec.-Treas. 

Dear Sir:- 
Your letter of the 24th ultimo regarding 

LITHIUM CARBONATE has been forwarded to Mr. Edison 
in the South, and I quote his reply thereto:- 

“pelays cn part of Mr. Ford has hauid up | 

e cannot state whan Ford 

starting new factery and w 

will be ready. De not stock.up-until I get some 

assurance from Pord". 

Yours very tru’, 

Pp. B.-= Ya think it would be well if you wound card 

with e 

ach drum a card. Like sample. giving your anil ysis. 

neat ee en RET 


h Lith, 

Mr. William E. Horne, Secretary, 
The Raison Portland Gement Coe, 
Stowartaville, N. J. 

Dear Mor, Horne: 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 10th 

iastaut, and have reo the contents of same with a great deal 

of interest. 
Please do not think for 4 moment that I intend- 

ed to mike any harsh eriticiem, for I aid not. Your Office 

is usuelly very prompt with its report, and I am getting them 

All I wanted to do was to let 

right along now every day. 

you Imow that Mr. Baie on. was expecting daily Operhe from me, 
and I 44a not want your end to be behind the. others. 

I quite understand that at the peginning of the 
moath there will be 4 little deley, but thet is all right as 
we will always Imow the reason for ite 

Yours very truly, 

tad fs: 
ad pata . . Sant 


LEAS ne! 



March 1th, 1°14. 

Mr. Edward H. Joknsor 
20 Broad Strect, a 
New York City. 

“Doar Mr. Johnsos: 

Yours of the 27th ultimo sent to Mr. Edison dowm in 
Florida wae received by him, and he has Bent it to me asking me to 
let you know thiuti he was proatly pleased at the good reports you sent 
him in rorard te the meeting at the Union League Club. He seys tho 
point you make abeut advertiging in a lecture is 2 good one, and he 

has asked me to show your letter to Hutch and have vim take note of 


your remarhs on the eub ject. I have attended to this. 

To eseeen to the matter of making 4 atandard motor 
for Mr. Ford, ifr» Edison says that he will greax to Mr. Ford himself 
about this. Mie requirement is 4 motor of 36 volts, 55 amperag 
5000 to 3600 revolutions ner idinute, 2nd st met ba lignt end of high 
eoonomy - , 

He apked me to got from you the answer to your conun- 
drum, bub I believe T have ub from Euteh, whe Bays “hat ga man has to 
get off his horse. 

With kind regarde, TI vemuln 

Yours very truly, 




pene ar METER TN ONT 

Marek wth, 1914. 

lir. Ae Kobb 
88 Leonard Street, 
New York City. 


Your favor of the 1lOth instant to Mr. Maxwell has beer 

Dear Mr. Kobb: 

forwarded to ne, together with a carbon copy of his rerly TO YOU6s 

I am going to forward the same to Kr. Edison, who is 
at gresent in Plorias, enjoying 2 well earned vacation. I am very 
positive thet bir. Raison will bo greatly intarest:d in your letter. 
It ig lovers af real music, Like yourself, whom Nr. Baison has had in 
ming during all the yaers of strenuow work that he has put upon the 
recent development of his phnonogreph, and he is always greatly yleasad 
to receive coments ani suggestions from such. 

I shoulda be very glad if you yould kindly inform me 
as to which particular “iss of Palestrina you vefer to in cornection 
with the Beneiietue mentioned in your Letter. IZ you have in mind 
any other gelections from any of his works, Mr. Edison would be very 
plad Af you we 1a mardion them to te, an? I will get the music so that 
he may noar then shen he returns from Floridu. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Hr. Bdison. 

a ac ETE TESS Or hoe 



set tenan) 



ner ee 

aan eee 
: Aten, 



ps0 Sr 

een eee ane 

a,(52 eos Ss 


March 20th, 1914. 


Mr. W. S. Mallory, President, 
The Edison Portland Cement Co., 
1133 Broadway, New York. 

Dear Mr. Mallory: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 
19th instant, enclosing letter from Mr. W. S. Saunders in 
regard to the Railway Storage Battery Cur Company. 

The report in regar¢. to the Railway 
Storage Battery Car Company quoted in ‘ir. Saunders’ letter 
is substantially correct. There are, however, two very im- 
portant qualifications. One is tha? the exclusive zvight 
for the use of the Edison Storage Basiery merely relates to 
4ts use for street cara, propelled uron rails, for earrying 
passengers. The other is, that while the term of the oon- 
tract runs for ten years, it may be terminated in sixty days 
42 the minimum amount of business required under the ecntract 
is not complied with. As you will see, these ere impor cart 

Poasibly it might not be well te have any 
letters floating around that might tend to injure or hAinaor 
F. J. Idsman & Company's efforts. Mr. Edison's contract is 

with Lisman and not with the Railway Storage Battery Car Co. 
You may possibly think it diplomatic to call Mr. Saunders 
up on the telephone and give hin the information I am giv~ 
ing you in this letter, rather than write to him. ‘Whatover 

version he chooses to give his friend would be his ané not 

However, I am going to leave you to handle this 
matter in whatever way you see fit. 

Yours very truly, 

ON Meadow 

T nahean Ip. douinotacs’ Bolter, 

ma eyskoes 

= irene 

Uigtee n  See ath 

“rte eet 




wat SSO m eee 

March 25rd, 1914. 

Mr. B. H. Grubb, 
My dear Mr. Grubb: 
I amin receipt of your asteemed favor of 
the léth instant, and greatly regret te learn that your grip 
from you at the station when you were leaving New 
have no doubt that it contained other articles whia: 
also regretted to lose. 
of course, I shall be delighted to send you 
avotrer copy of the book and the pamphiet which I hended to you 
when you were heres They are baing forwarded to you under 
separate covere 
I am sure that Ir. Edigon would greatly regret 

the inability of Er. Burbank to go down and spend & while with 

him in Plerida. It would have been @ great source of enjoyment 

+o both of then, Iam very sures 
With kind regards, tT remain 

Yours very truly, 


Mr. Henry J. Puller, 
30 Church Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 20th instant to Mr. 

Poyer of the Edison Storage Battery Company has been forwardod 
to me for attention, as I usually take care of mattare ef thio 
ind for Mr. Edison. 

Tet m say in reply that I an arranring 
with our Recording Studio to make an appointment with Mme. 
Gertrude Auld te go to the Studio and make a trial record for 
Mr. Edison. This will be attended to without delay. 

Mr. Edison ig at present in Florida put 
is expected to return about the middle of April, ywnen the record 
will be sent over for him to hear and pass wpon. He personally 
passes upon the voices of 231 singers before they are engaged to 
make records for the now Dise phonograph which x. Edison has 
recently put upon the market. 

Yours very truly, 
OW hicabewen 
Assistant to ur. Ea Ne 

ga i" PRESTR he SRR hcl 

March 26th, iMiol. 

Mr. John Perrari, 
64 8. Portland Avenue, 

Brooklyn, UW. ¥. 

Dear John: 

I am in veceipt of your favor of tne 47a 

instant and would say in reply that = here «2 wasitiv 

information as to when the new Studse <£12 os spenefi. Ff 

asked Mr. Hutchison a few days arc, =24 ne ssit thet i« 


expected to start work there in two or three necks. af 


told you when you were here, I have neshing @ <21 to So 

with this. It is Mr. Hutchison cho 3s ssmaglag ft, wx SF 

think that you had better write to bis sHein. 

Yours truly, 


ret eS 






" or me ae os 7 g oo os - 
Eeeires ae x 




ar RAE 


pee eee 



Mrs. J. H. Price, 
1Ié Seventh Street, 
Streator, T11. 



Dear Neden: : 

Replying to your favor, I heg to say that 
the reason yeu aid not hear the surface sounds of the records 
in our Chicago plece is that in a City there is a continuous 
buzzing noise, which renders the ear ‘less sensitive to weaker 
sounds, but in a smajl tow, ina private house on a quiet 
street the ear is very sensitive, especially at night, and the 
curface sounde would he heard more pisinly. 

These sounds are primarily due to factory dust 
and fine carbon from chimneys which gets into our mixture, but 
ye are gradually eliminating these troublesome things. The 
snaps that you hear are due to various causes which we are in- 
vestigating very ¢losely, and are also cl€minating as fast as 

nossible. — 

Shere are enormous technical difficulties en- 

countered in making this new type of record. I expect to over- 
come them all in time and produce far better reproduction of 
music then you have thus far heard on the Dise records which you 


Yours very truly, 

Ne mm a 

a ee 
ecamameemeenrecn erate POPC 

March 30th, 1914. 

Mr. Chas. D. Stanford, 
The Elms, 
Ipswich, less. 

My dear Mr- Stanford: 

Referring further to our yecent correspondence, 

let me say that I neve sent your Letter down to Mr. Edison in 

Florida, and have received it back from hin with a memorendum 

at he canmot go into the enterprise you mention. 
9 much complaint 

to the effect th 
When ne owned the Tansden Company there was 8s 

from other manufacturers of trucks that he had to sell the con- 

cern and get out of ite 
Be says further in his memorandum why do you not 

soe the General Motors Company about this. 

Yours very truly, 

Re | 

Parte rraeiine 



April ist, 1914. 

» Prederick 1. Hoffman, 
The Prudential Ineuranace Co., 
Howark, Ne J. 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 3lst ultimo to Mr. 
Bdison has been reaeived. Be is away in Florida, tek- 
ing & well-earned vacation, and I do not expot him back 
until the middle of Aprile : 

In his absence, I beg to say that we 
ghall be vexy giad to have Prof. Farnam come over and visit 
our Iaboratory and factory on Wednesday afternoon of next 
week. I would suggest that he come over about 2 o'clock 
in the afternoon of that day, so aa to allow plenty of time 

to see things, 
As Mr. Raison is away in Florida, a personal 

interview with him wilt not be possible, 
Yours very truly, 


cafe yf! ft 4 z 
Lo OP peed. cider Soc! 

Assistant to Mr. Blistn. 




So rsrreses 

poe SSE oe 



{UI AL eee 

April ist, 1914. 

The MacMillan Company, 
64 Pifth Avenue, — 
New York City. 

Gentlemens - 
Your favor of the 18th instant to Mre 

Edison, addressed to him at Menlo Park, New Jersey, Was 
forwagded here to the proper address. 

Te book you mention” Progressiviem and 
After", was never received. This might be accounted for 
py the fact that it was probably addressed to Menlo Park, 
New Jersey, and we believe this clasa of wail is not forward- 

Yours very truly, 

. Eéieon Iaboratory. 

a EDEN ‘ : 


April 2nd, 1914. 

Dr. H. Robarts, \ 
Belleville, . 
Dear Dr. Robarts: 
I am in receipt of your esteemed favor cf tue 29th uitimo, Wi 

came as & surprise after so long a lapse of time. 

I am afraid you have come to the wrouc Sher in regard to rad: 

What I don't lmow about it would make @ act of bovks sufficisat to fill: 

New York Library. The fact of the matt~r ty, i have never had any acti 

dealings with this material, and cannot ba oz the siigntest help, unfort: 

We have made no experiments with it here at the Laboratory, an 

go there is no one around here wi.s san help you out with regard to your 
Leoture. I would suggest ths. Fou comaunicate with Mre W. J» Hamner, 

West 46th Street, New York ¢’".. Bo gan give you. a good deal of infor 

tion about it. 
I. am sorry to learn that you have had some trouble consequen 

upon the Xrays. While they are bad enough, you are fortunate in that t 

were not worse, and I am glad to ‘learn that you are getting slong prett; 

nicely now. I was fortunate to escape with only just a few minor burt 

They are.not handsome, put they do not give me much trouble. 
Yours very truly, 

yim “Meares: ofS 


pita i 

er eS 

ar tama a 


ee ee 

April 6th, 19le. 

Jas. Horsburgh, JYre, 
Gen'l Passenger Agent, 
Southern Pacific R-R. 
San Francisco, Cal- 

Dear Sir:- 
yea from you for Hr. Rdison your feyer 

& book ty 

I have recei 
n article enclosed therewith , 

of the 24th ultimo, also 4 
any, a cone ind she-3~ 

Mr. John Muir, three pamphlets igsued by your comp 
All of these I have placed in his a@eak, where ir wel 

about two weeks. T shail, o> 

see them on his return from Florida in 

course, ¢all his personal attention to them. 
ars ago i went out to the Paci 

gs trip and 1 aid 

Some ye fis Count by 

rtunately it was 2 short busines 

your line, but unfo 
although I hed © great 

not get time to go and see the giant trees, 
It would appear that your company izead the 
ribution, and if euch is the case T 

with copies of them, sa I imtend te take & 

the plassure of soving . 

desire to see them. 
three pamphlets for general dist 

would like to be favored 

vacation sometime and give my wife end sel? 

these wonderful trees in person. 

Thanking you in advance, T remain 

Yours very truly, 
Bil tovsen oo 

Assistant to Mr. PAlgon. 


_ sauisaoraniale 
April th, 1 

ur. Je M. Priaulz, 

% Q. He. Ditaon & Company, 
10 East 54th Street, 

New. York City. 

Dear Mr. Priaulx: 

I am informed by Myr. Hayes, this morning, thet 
the cylinder record which Was mado of the voiee of Hr, Bromber; 
was passed upon by the Committee at the Recording Booms, instesc 
of having been sent over to Mr. Edison. This, I think, was a 
nisunderstanding of our directions from the laboratory. 

I think it will perhaps be well for Mr. Brombe 
to come over here and let Mr. Edison hear him in person Phen he 

returns from Florida. I expect him home in about tro weeks, & 

‘a8 soon as he haa cleared off his accumlated matters, he mtiz 

ets; Ca 

ready to hear voice trials again. May I suggest te you thet 

drop me a line about this somewhere around the first of Nay. 
With kind regarde, I remain 
Yours very truly, 


Appr om 
OF a liace., 



Ig ga « 


Ao Ae 


April 9th, 1914 

Miss Ada FP. Gardiner, 
Portland, Me- 

My dear Miss Gardner: 

I received your favor of the lst instant. If you 

do not always get prompt replies from me, you will know that it 

is because I am so exceedingly busy that I have to neglect my 
correspondence temporarily. 

I am delighted to learn that the William Tell record 
was so satisfactory. 

We heve made several attempts to-make records of-the 
Barcarolle from "The Tales of Ho ffman* but so far we have not 
succeeded in obtaining one that Mr. Edison has consented to pass 
upon favorably. We are still trying it, and as soon as one comes 
through I ghall be very giad to let you know. 

With kind regards and trusting that you are improv- 
ing in health, I remain 

Yours sincerely, 

W Weds v5. 

pees oP 


“april 3th, 1914. 

Mr. J. M. Hill, 
405 Sharon Building, 
San Prancisco, Cal. 

My dear Mr. Hill: 

I am in receipt of your favor of tho 2nd inst.-, 
and recall our previous correspondence in regard to the 
matter of educational films. 

This matter has taken a gomewhat different turn 
since you commmicated with me before. Mr. Edison is going 
very slow on this subject at the present time, as he has not 
been able to give as mch of his personal attention to it as 
he wishes. It is developing slowly along & little different 
line than that upon which we started out, and I am very sure 
that for the present there will be no opening here for awhile, 
for others to make connections. ; 

Mr. Edison has set his plang in mind for oarry- 
ing out this work and developing his geheme, but the thing 
hes not yet assumed a definite shape. The time ig not yet. 
right to make an application for the friend whom you mention. 

Mr. Edison has not yet returned from Florida, but I 
expect him in about ten days or two weeks. 80 far as ow 
he -is having a fine time, but he never says anything about 
it in his letters to me. All T hear on that subject is from 
members of the family. Higa letters to me are just simply 
full of business matters and nothing else. : 
I trust you are well and enjoying life, and with 

yindest regards, remain 
Yours very truly, 

A ME Nios .. 
SCE aoe bey 



April 15. 1914, 

W. 1. Rdigon, Esq., 
Sussex Avenue. 

Morristown. WN. J. 
Dear Will:- 

Are you to pay the fees in connection with 

the patent on the "TOY Gim” which was recently granted 

ta you and H. B. Palmer? If go, please let we kntw 

how to. deduct it from your check, and have Mrs, Edison 
O.K. it. 

Yours very truly, = 
w/t fa ws 





' & 


Pe nreweec en” SOLE TT NTE oo 



eee ast f a ES 
STEER. PSP NE Sit rane 


April 16th, 1914. 

pares Pear fF 

Seer ere Se rn a 

Mr. Halsey Hammond, 
1121-25 Bedford Avenue, 

Brooklyn, HN. ¥- 

pee PEE 


My dear Mr. Hammond: - 


in replying to your esteemed 
ing Mre Baieon's absence in Florida, I have 
ingly busy, 4t being my auty to keep in tou 
aey, a keep hin posted about affeirs at the Laboratory and 
Forks e 
I am more than willing to 40 anything that I Alte 
possibly can for you or your son, but in thia case I do not Hig 
veh an arrangement a8 you desire. Bi. | 

see any possibility of making 8 
that most people are under & migapprehen- 

Y find by expsriense 
pion as to the practical part of our organ 
it is tre that Mr. Edison has & 
great deal of experimental work, the men who are employed here 
are ail specialists and experts in aifferent lines k 
Since Mr. Baison went out of active touch with electricel 
‘aatters some years 260, 
yt engineering. except in regard to shop practice or in euch 
‘spacial expe rime mt5 as Mr. Edison may have on hana at this time. 
Yr. Edison has been applied to a great many 
n college students during the Summer months, 

ao go on the ground that it 

‘thet: he has around 
aut pefore nim according to his ® 
g the slightest prospect of 
ly too 

various Lines. 
in this regard, I 
toy to make some arrenge- 

ang Mr. Raison's policy 
n the subject and 

glad %o broach him © 
o your sone. 

jng to make & 8 zastion 
1 an thot anything wit result 
a of the Generali = 

, there is 
John We Howell i 

nent in regard t 
to you, el- 

oom it. 

lectric Company, 

¥arrison a technical engineering aepart- 
coat of which Hr. g the nead- T do not mow 

Mr. Halsey. Hammond, 
Page Be 
April 18th, 1914. 

whether or not they are open to any such arrangement 48 
thig, but 1f you wish you can write to Mr. Howell, and teli 
him that you are a friend of mine. I am not sure whether 
you will accomplish anything or net, but sanpray it is worth 
the trial. 

With kind regards, I remain 

Yours sincerely, 

al hal . 


oh be a 
Ce a ae oe 



tae Se a 

APRIL 20th, 1914. 

eo 8. H. Clark, 
The University of Chicago, 
Chicago, Til. 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the ‘th instant to Mr. 

_ Edison was received and sent down to him in Plorida where 
he has been taking a vacation for the past few weeks. I 
have received & memorandum from him this morning asking me 
to reply to your letter to the following effeot. 

. He says the Comma was inserted in the 
Codification of the law on patents. fhe clerk who copled 
the Codified laws put in a comma. ‘This was about thirty 
six years ago. fhe comma was inserted in the wording that 
concerned the expiration of the American patent at the time 
the foreign patent expired. 

Yours very traly, 
x”: Este + 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

a eT 


eee ee eS 

9 een ON 



April 20th, 1914. 

Mr. Joe M. Chapple, Editor, 
The National Magazine, 
Boston, Mass. 
Dear Mr. Chapple: 

| Your favor of the 9th instant to Mr. Edison 
at Fort Moyers, Plorida has been forwarded by him to me. He 
wonders whether you mean Ada Rehan, who has been a favorite 
actress with New Yorkers for many years. We never heard 
of her doing any singing, but Mr. Edison wishes me to find 
out from you whether it is Misa Ada Rehan that you refer to 
fn your letter. 

If so, and she is still living, we Will Bee 
about getting a trial record. Will you please let me know 
at your early convenience whether thie is the lady you refer 

With ind regards to Mrs. Chapple and yourself, 

Yours very truly, 
Ge : 


Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

April 20th, 1914. 

Mr. Thos. N. Nelson, 
409 - 9th Street, 
Sparks, Nevada. 



Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 6th instant to Mr. 

Edison was forwarded to him in Floride, where he has been 

spending a few weeks at his Winter home. 
We have received your letter back from | | 

him with a memorandum as follows: 

"We had an adjustable stop placed on the first 
lot of our Disc phonographs that were sent out, 
but customers never took the trouble to set then, 
and we adopted the regular stop." 

We return your Blue Print herewith. 

Yours very truly, 
Edison Taboratory. 

aot ERR 

April 20th, 1914. 

Mr. John As Stewart, JX, 
45 William Street, 
New York City- 

Dear Sir:- 

{ received your asteemed favor 4 few days 869, which 

was read with a great deal of snterest, and I assure you it gives 

me a great aAeal of pleasure personally to learn that the Baigon 

Diamond Disc phonograph nas proved to be such a source of gratifica- 

tion to you. I have no fear of your pleasure aiminishing, 2&5 Mr. 

‘Baison is constantly working to make the machine and records more 
and more perfoct. 

t have just received from him the letter that you 
wrote to him on the 7th instant, which I sent down +o Florian. Ho 

wishes me to thank you for your kind interest and to gay to you that 

the wood horn is not generally good for music. It seems to be im- 

possible’ to prevent tts"blurting” out on low notes when it is in 

yisea RCA 

tructions to garry out 

He says that ‘he will give ins 

and in accordance with iis directions 

your suggestion about the Tangos, 

I am going to take the matter Up with the Manager of the Recording 





Apr}1 21st, 1914. 

Mre. Theodore F- Borst, 
15 Beacon Street, 
Boston, Mass. 

Dear Sir:- 
B Your favor of the Lsth inatant has been 
ies received, and sopies of your two story books have also come 

4 to yunds 
I have glanced over. tb 
erial for good phonograph 

ese bOOKB, and if seems 

to we thet they contain suitable mt 

It is a source of mush gf 
cording these cnr my mew Biso 

Igo gard Ing 

atification to m to have 

: . recormus. 

r preference for re 

you oxpress you 
ga the Menager af om 

and I have instruct 

J Meee 

lisners 2: zrerarni ip 

Studio to eonmuntaate with Fou and your pub 
tee cuesticn as 

x this 

tev of dis cussing 

making 2 test record with a Vv 

to whother Ws gan make suitable business &rr& 



April Sist, 1914: 

Mr. Joseph EH. Dodson, 
3901 Assoolation Bldg., 
Chieago, Ill. : 

Sear hire.’ Dodson: 

I have just returned from Florida, and your 
favor of the 17th instant is befor: me. Your Little book on 

birds and bird nouses was received. It same to band etter 
Mr. Porioond Mr. Burronghe had left Plerias. Xo reasé it and 

enjoyed it greatly, und I thank you very much for eendings it 

to ra. 

I Ghink that both Mr. Zordé and Hr. Burroughs 
would Like to have a copy of this book. 

Yours very. 

crest st tp ZERIT ERE 
sin ong ente 1ghea Atte aia i Hh pe ARRAY RS Dee 






| eae April 21st, 1914. 

ur. Henry Olerich, 
2219 Larimore Ave., 
Omaha, Nebrasim. 
Dear Sir:- 
Your fevox of the 17th inatunt, 

enclosing sepy of reply to Sir Oliver Lodge's Inaugural 


Addrese us President of the Eritish Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science has been received and read with a great- 
| deal of interest. 
| I think it ie a fine"reply", and 

wovld say that I have no objection to having my nama_assocta- 

ted with the other names, as indicated in 4 

Yours very 

% The Phonograph 

April 22nda, 1914. 

Mre Co Ee Goodwin. 

229 So. Wabash Avenue, 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Mr. Goodwin: 
I am in receipt of your 
Henrietta Wien of your city, mak- 

favor of the 17th jnptant, 

enclosing a letter from Mrse 

ing inguiry about certain records. 
Let me say in reply that I have maée inquiry out in 

the factory and find that the working moulds of "Ie Felom” 
will be ready May Ist, and offThe Rosary" on April 24th. 
We have not listed any selection by the neme of 

I am inclined to think that Mre- Wien 

"Tonging for Home" - 
Jed "Heinweh", which in the German 

refers to the selection cal 
Language means Tonging for Home. If thie is the one, we have 
Catalogue number is 80075. 

a gtock on hand. 
a with kind regards, I 

Qrausting you are well wi 

Yours very truly, 

APM Baebes 


April 2énéd, 1914. 

<a ere ain 

| a Houghton Mifflin Company, 
| i 4 Park Street, 
? oi Boston, Mass. 


: Gentlemen: 

pet tes 

I em in receipt of your favor of the 16th instant, 


in regard to to books by Mrs. Theodore RB. boret, together 

S22 fell dain Caan. 

with copies of these books. I have also reseived e letter 



from Mra. Borst on the aubject of making phonograph records of 

i. : stories. 

So far as I can form an opinion from reading these 

books, they ought to provide accoptable material for making 

enone ves 

phonograph records, and I have written to Mra. Borst, telling 

her that I have asked the manager of our recording studio to 

e with her as to making a test record with s vio of 


” the possibility of making some business arrangement, baeca upon 

the success of the sue. 

Yours ae 

os Ct \Lobecaon—- 

April @2nd, 19%¢. 

Mr. Robert Undervood Johnson, 
32? Iexington Avenue, 

New York City. 

Dear Mr. Johnson: 

On my return from Plorida, I find your favor af the 

12th inetant on my desk, 

In xoply, let me guy that while I sreatily appreciate 

the compliment you pay me in asking me to tecome one of the 
Founders of the American Academy of Arta aud tetters, I cannot 
See my way vlear to send you an acceptance. The fact is, oy 
business intacests and expertmental work have grom te such lerge 
proportions, that I am greatly desirous of concentrating all x 
attention on these things, which concern me e090 closely, and of 
withdrawing from all sffairg of & public nature. 

Allow me to extend to you and your 
thanks for your courtesy in eongidering my nscre 

Yours very trp3 

ARC E IAERR SI AO a eas Ep i 

Se aR ae 

April Rene, 1914. 

John Stewart, Jr., 
45 William Street, 
New York. 

Deer Mr. Stewart: 

My. Mesdoweroft has ghown mo your letter to him of 

the 14th inatunt, and I have been much aratified to learn how muck 

pleasure you nave derivad from your diac phonograph. After work~- 
ing hard for many years to attain a high ideal in the reproduotion 
of mic, it afforda me & poouliar DLaeeiee to learn that FT have 
succeeded in appealing to the toate of discriminating lovers of gang 
musica. Tharefove, Your letter 1s very “encouraging to me. 

It occurs to m that possibly you might like to ran 

over some day and take a look around the Tevoratory. I? so, ze 

ghall be glad to have you come over, and 1% you wish, to bring § 
friend with youe You cau telephone to Mre Meadowcroft in s&vaned 

and he will sec thet you are teken good care of. 

April 24th, 1914. 

The Casein Mumnifacsuring Coie 
Hanover Bask EBuilii: 
Pine and Hassan Strocts, 
Bex York. 


Your favor of the 20th instant, asking 
whethor Ur. idison has completed his experiments with 
Cassin has er receivad. Ee requests us to say in renly 

that the thing he wanted to do he finds emmnot be aceomeliah- 

al ty Casein, and therefore we shall not be in the market 
for any supply of this material at this time. 
Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

area re cane tr eo TE 

April 24th, 1914. 

Mise Alice Adele Folger, 
JO38 Pine Street, 

Cineinneti, Ghic. 
Dear Miss Folger: 

On my return from Plorida, 1 find your faror 
of the 14th tnstant on ny desk. 

She enntente of your letbher affords ine much 
pleasure, and I wish to extend my thanks to you for your 
kind assistanve to Mrs. Tlsen in consummating the arrangement 


Yours very truly, 

ee Coe 


Ber. 25, 1914, 

My. Harry V. Atkinson, 
2517 Spruce Screet, 
Philaacelphia, Pa. 
Dear Sirr~ 

Your favor of the ~2nu instant was rocolived sna 
shown to Mr. milson. 

He wishes me to say that if you are willing to 
come on trial ac Ninevy dollars a month on Hesvaron work and 

Experimenting, you may come as soon as you like. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. rdison, 


ase —— 


Apr. 25, 1914. 

Prof. 5. H. Clark, 
The University of Cnicugo, 
Chicago, 111. 

Dear Sire 

Tam in recuipt of your faver or the 22n0 instant, 
but am arrald it will be some time berpre Mr. sdison will be able to 
give any attention to the matter, 

He has just returned frem the South and not anly is 
there a vauu anouht of ucuumlatet work before him, but ne hae entered 
upon & mite investiration or some very tmporcanc Suojeots, and has 
already began to work day and nipht apain. He lurt the Laboratory 
this mocning about 8 o*elock to go ond Get oreakrasy, after working 
all nignt. . : 

His prusen, investigations will require some weeks or work, 
ana in the meantime it is our care to hola back any matters that 
are nut of tne mast urgent impys tances. 

Yours vury truly 7 
DH thenre aap 
Assistant to Mr. wai ggl. 





eee eared 

Ltt Se SLT 


pein 2 iniateree tse 

Sos SE 


April. 27th, 

pr. EB, W.. Caldwell, 
‘ 480 Park Ave@e, = 
| Yew York City. 

i! Dear Dr. Caldwell: 

My. Hdigen has returned fromm Florida, 
and I have laid before him your fnvor to mei of the 9th 

He sayy in reply to your questions 

that he did not try all. the fluorescent erystala phote-. 

He tried them only visually. He says 
‘ing hundreds of chemical 

there are liats ef cryatala compris 

substances that are fluoreacent. under the X rays. | He says. 

that these lists will pe found in X ray literature. 

All the records of our experiments here 
are buried under o masse of material, and 1 have no idecr 

coat where 16 earch for them. Bven if I could find them, 

they would not be of much use to you, AG all of lr. Edison's 

experinente | were visual and ‘not photographic. 

With. Kindest regards T remain, 4 

ery truty, 


cas di aan Dena rma 1a 

pas Pena 

Nr. Hans Zeeman, 
¢ Mr. Thowas A. Edison, 
Port Myers, FPloriaa. 
Dear Sir t- 
In the basket on tne vaple which <r. ism used 

vor writing upon while he was there the last few weeks, Tnere ana 

erm device maae up of a fea pieces of tin. Se lect it there i 

the basket. Hey wants you to please pack it ourerulay sma sera tt 

to Dey oy express. 

FRero ts anotner matter~ 
Nr. Eaison waste wo te seno you <me onalnsen peckere 
of scads he has yeealvad "rom Valifernia. “ges are pice iret weedz, 

am he wishee you te plant wea in tne rercen ant eqerntm wrest cure 


tn trvine to raise them. 

Assistant to xr. Sdison 

Mrs O. P. Aveatin, Sec., 
we oat 

iv ntional Geographic Society, 
washington, D. C. 

Dear Sir: 

un my r-turn from Florida i find your favor 
of the 23rd ultimo, and have signed the nomination 
blank whien you will receive in separate letter 
from my Assistant. 

Let me say that my two favorite magazines 

are the Literary Digest and the Nationnl Geographic 

Magazine. The gubject matter and the photograp 

in the latter is for vetter than in any publication 
that I know of. 

Yours very aN 

oo a eee 

~ April 27th, 1914, 

ir. UW. H. Atkine, 
i Sdieon Electric Tliumin:ting Co., 
| 39 Boyloton St., 

Drea eaeee 


Bosten, Lass. 


Wo eee 


Dear vr. Atkins; 

Some weeks ugo, Billy Ree troughtinto the 
litrary here a framed picture of myself taxen many yenre 
age up ut the Concentrating plent - Billy told me tnat 

you hud sant this to me with your compliments. 

in presenting this picture to me. My wife also appreciates 

it greatly and nus asked to have the picture sent up to 
the house. 

with kind regards, I remain, 

| I want to thank you for your kind thoughtfulness 

Yours truly, 


. - | | “he 

April 27th, 1914. 

ur. Thos. C. Ballard, 
guorriseon, Plummer & CC., 
330-314 We washington Ste. 
cnicageo, Tllinois. 

Dear Sir: 

yeturn from Florida, 1 find your favor 

the mail that has peen kept 

on my 
of the 25th inetant among 

until I came yack to the Laboratory+ 
I am glad to heer from you after so many years, 
you have enjoyed my new Disc phonograph 

also to Learn that 
neers in exhibiting 

so much. ‘AB you were one of the pio 
chines in 1878 you will realize the 

the old tin foil ma 
years of hard werk. : 

development tnat nace taken 60 many 

ith kind yegares, 
Yours very truly 

J remain, 


weet g case cee a 


Mr. Court Freshel, 
603 Roylaton St., 
Boston, Mass. 

Dear Sir: 


- YT have returned from Florida and find your 
favors of the 10th and 27th ultimo awaiting wy. attention. 
in reply 1 beg to say that you may use my name 
as one of the Committee in connection with the wemorial 
to be erected to the memory of Thomas fuinzs I am tro 
busy to give you uny of my time on this matter, but you 
may use my name in addition to the others wentioned in 


your letier, as a member of the Commi Ge 

Yours very 

foes) ro Cs : 


Deutsche Edison Akiumulatoren 
Dronthetmerstrasse 35-36 : 
Berlin, W. 20, : 

germany » 


betas I beg to acknowied re recelit of your favor of the ?th imst., ond 
to thank you for the statement of royalties on batteries a0ld by you, as 
well as for the check on the National Sank of Commerce, New York amount - 
ine to $519.93 in payment thereof. — ; : 

n Under my agreement with you I am entitled to royalties on all 
storage battexy cells manufactures by you during the life of the arres- 
ment. In my letter of Oetober 3¢, 1913 I made fhe concession +2 not 
requiring you to pey revsity on any eell prior to its shiprent from your 
factory, said souteceinn talas made, as set ?orth in said letter, without 
prejudice te oF rignt to receive the miniumm royalty provided ‘cr in the 
agreemant. .Therezove, Tam at this time entitled to royaities on All 
cells which were shipped Trom your factory during the Strat quarter of 
1814 whether such eelis were ectualiy gold or. whether. they were ahi pped 
on consignment. T am inclined to think that you hove ovyerLouked this 
point, 4nesmich as the check you gent me voverp only cella actualiy solc. 

notice ‘thst unier the terns.of the epreement you 
ment of all celis manufectured by you during each 
concession mads in my letter of Detcber 
50, 1915, I growld say thet cach staterent shoulé give full information 
regarai ng all cells nuunvufachared by you 4uri ng ener quarter YOer, Ae 
algo regarding all celis shivned from your Zestory during cach guester 



You wili eiac 

should send me a stat 
quarter year, and iu view of one 

1.98, which T have 

auarte: of the yes 
Sament of cella 
Sor the reyalties 

tT have eredited ye with the check for | 
applied on account of royalties due me for ; 
r : + a ay3qt us 
Ais, and smll be obligenr LF you Wilt now Sey { 
shipped by you on consipnzent, together with Your shes 

due to me thereon. 

Will you kindly send ug a copy of pour caesews 
our uso in verifying statement 8. ee 


Yours very truly, 





April 29th, 1914. 

Mr. Ben CG. Holt, 

% The Holt Manufacturing Company, 
60 Church Streat, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

I have received your favor of the 25th inst. 
asking whether Z can use one of your Cutsrpillar machines 
down at my place in Florida. 

let ma say in roply that I have no open lend 
there. It is all trees, which I vant’to retain. 

Have you ever had your Caterpillar used for 
the pulling out of the Ploride serub palms? otf not, thera is 
a large field in Southern Florida for this wrk. 

Yours very t : 

J have seenthe piclune, de good. 


April 29th, 1914. 

Hon. Gifford Pinchot, 
1212 Real Estate Trust Bldg-, 
Philedelphia, Pa- 



Doar Mr. Pinchot: 

On ny return from Florida after sn absence 

of several weeks I find on my desk your favor of the 4th ultimo 



in regard to using my influence with Mr. Henry Por to have 

him come out for the Progressive Party. 
Tet me say in reply that while I heve every 

wees Se = 

wish to forward the intereat of the Party, I aannot see my way 


clear to do what you ask me to do, aa ft regard it as too deli- 

; cate a matter for me to approach Mr. Ferd 
Yours very % 


-aanseepen aes agran wrnmearpnnamenne Sof CUEE HIRE momen une. 

April soth, 1914. 


Mr. George H. Kaltachmidt, 
Clerk of Board of Trustees of 
East San Diego Sshool District, 
East San Diego, Calif. 


Dear Sir:- 

On my return Prom a few weeks! vacation in 

Florida I vind your favor of the 30th ultimo informing me 

one of your new 

that the Trustees heve given my name to 
Public Schools, in accordance with a request made by the 

children of your School District. 

Allow me to express to the Nrustees and to the 

children wy appreciation of the honor they have thereby con- 

you all for the sentiment implica - 

a ce ee 

ferred upon me and to thenk 

in the compliment thug paid me. 

- ie i 



J ? / 
: i 
[pO 7 May let, 1914. 
Mr. A. Xobh, 

| % Ohas. Chipman's Sons, 
68 Ieonard Street, 
| New York, 

oti = Paid 
a a i SE 
SS a a 

| ; 
Dear S3ir:- 

Your favor of the 26th ultimo has been. 
brought to my attention, and I would say that wo have on 
hand a lot of records made for ue by Boxi, Déstinn and 
Martinelli, which will be issued gradually. 

During the years I have spent in developing 
my diac phonograph, the one etandard in my mind has bésn 
that it should be the medium through which high clases misic 
ouly should be recorded by artiste of real merit. Innocent- 
, ly 4 , 7 agpumed in the beginning that high class 
: artigta who, generally speaking, talk much about their love 
i for their art, won}d giatly join ‘hands with me and for 4 
i fair or even extravagant compensation wonld make recoris 
whoge reproduction would do justice to their voice and art. 
Y have been disillusioned, and fini by experience tat with 
aimet all artists of either real or press~agent reputation 
eo money, and money only, thet counts. Although we { 
spms, they have in some oases 1 

en TE oe 

have peid our artiste larg 
thrown ua over for a little mre mney 
whore etrongest aivertising point is e liet of names. 

| offered by companies 
| ; | ZI am sonstantiy on the Look out for artiates of 

yeal merit, and with past experiense in view am arranging 

matters a little differently when i fina ee 
eas eee 
" fae 

res Bat ees 




May Sth, 1914. 

Raison Laboratory. 

Your favor of the 30th ultimo to 
Yours very truly, 

Mr. Edison was received, and he wiehes us to sey in reply 
that at one time Willierd 0. Greene was employed in the 

Rochester, N. Y- 

225 Powers Building, 
Jaboratory, but he has not been with us for wore than 4 

Gent lemen: ~ 

Measrs. Keenan & Keenan, 

year past. 

~@ er se eee em ramen 

: Saenger 

‘i une Mey Sth, 1934. 


My. Edwin W. Preston, 
Dear. Mre Preeton: 

I am sorry to be compeiied to make & 2reit — 
less report to you,after alle We fount the Ietter from 
the German Comany, but tb did not ‘give the name of the 
consesn from whom they had been buying their iftnia- It 
_ pimply says that they have ponght their Lithia from the 
sane concern whioh had been supplying it to thee rignt alos. 
Ervidentiy Nr. Edteon had an iupreseion that the nam c2 ths 
concern was given, but it was note =. 

+ am sorty thet ¥ cannot give you Just the 
information that you want. 

Yours very treaty, 

Asgistent to Hr Ediecn. 



May Sth, 1914. 

- Prank & Sprague, 
165 Broadway, 
Yew York. 

My dear Mr. Sprague: 

Your fever. of the 2né inatent enclosing & 
Yetter from Prof. Xarapetotf cane. te. hand © Theae latter 
bave been Wid vefors Mire Raison, and he wants me to Sey 
te you that he docs not want, to put out piano records. 
yet, an he thinke that the tachbniqne has not yeschea the 
point of sufficient perfeation to wake & good piauo record. 
‘Re. wishes wa to say, howswtar, ‘that he ta constentiy 6z- 
perimenting on thig Line. aad hopes, ahextily to be able to 
record the phano prfteatiy- . 

With ktm regarés, T remabn. 

Yours very +raly, 

assistant, to Mr Badiecne 



eee eee 

01 ga 




Wey Stn, 2934. 
Mr. Do J. Walker, 
2332 Ridge Avenus, cE 
Phila. Pa. Ge 
Dear Sir:- LE 
Your favor of the 4th instant in regsr2 iB i 
ee np am ets nS | be epee 
to a reproducer to play Edison diso records on Victor oF 4 
Pate o Pa a ‘ Bt H 
Columbia machings han: been rece iveas’ °We would say in resis a ‘ 
that Mr. Edison haa no desire or intention to mke reprodncere a 
of this kind, and while he thanks you for the opportunity of Bee 

making one according to your sketch, che will not avail himselt 
of the gamo for the above reasons 

Youre very truly, 
Edison TYaboratoTy- 

May f. 1924. 

Mv dear Ferzusonn:~ 

Woat 18 the :natter witn your Walker 

truck people ? “ney owe the Storage Battery Company 
a360.808.AL since January 1944. 
They won't answer Our letters: piease 

etir them un. 

With kindest regards. I am; 

Very truky yours. ZY 
7 a 
Y ak (ae ee 
Wrage HERE Ree 

ee ee 

Louis A. Ferguson, Fea, 
Second Vice-President. 
Commonwealth Edison Co. 
120 West Adams Street. 
. Chicasa. Thlinots. 


eee tate 


praia Zi 









peer MONEE wr vente aS 


regina ye 


puts a) 
“Dt tee eth 

as va 



die tolerance | 


May 6th, 1914, 

Mr. Albert Mildenhberg, 
. ENE 
Dear Sir: 

: Replying to your favor of the 24th ultimo, in 
which you state your desire to have a phonograph record made 
of the complete opera score of your new opera "Adrienne", let 
me say thet it would be too expensive a matter to record the 
whole opera, including recitatives, incidentel music, etc. It 
might come within reasonable pounds to record all the Arias, 
auetts, trios, quartets, eto., and as to this I would suggest 
that you go down to our Recording Rooms, #79 Fifth Avenue, 

New York,and talk the mtter over with Mr. Walter H. Miller, 
the Manager there, who will report to me the results of‘your 

Yours very truly, 

Te ee EN 

nod ! | 

May 6th, i914. 

Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, 
% The New York Evening Post, 
20 Vesey Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Mr. Villieri:- 

I have roceived your favor of the 30th 
ultimo, together with copy of your previous letter which 
was received during my absence in Florida. , 

Let me say in reply that I have put this 
matter up to our Advertising Department several times, but 
they have always said that thay could use the appropriation 

to greuteradventage. However, the next time we make an 

appropriation, I will insiat on the Evening Post getting a 
share of the advertising. 
With kind regards, I remain ene eee 


Yours ve ry_truly < a 

ok a 

Lee carne 



May Sth, 1914. 


Mr. Edwin R. Weeks, 
604 New Nelson Blag., 
Kansas City, Mo. 

Dear Mr. Weeks: 

I have received your favor of the 50th 
ultine, ani am glad to hear from you. The clipping you 
enclose. ftom the Kansas City Star of April 19th, 1llustrat- 
ing one of ny earliest dynamos used by you in Kansas City. 
brings back a host of recollections of those hustling days, 
thirty four years ago, when there was a busy buuch of us 
marsing along the infant art that hes since grown to such 
large proportiona. I am pleased to see that you are still 
in the game, and hope you have many years of agtivity before 
ee. en 

Yourg ae Taly , ee 
- per os ote 
ye Thea Ch choses... 




acs enaemet ccssremmaam 


May 7th, 1914. 

Mr. Je Me Dimmick, 
127 N. Sheldon Street, 
Chicago, T11. 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 5th instant has been received. 

In reply we beg to say that we should be only too glad to give 

you the information that you osk for if it were obtainable. The 

assay of the ore which your father sent to Mr- Edison was made 

over 30 years ago, probably at the Menlo Park Laboratory, #6 

po one Imows at this date where the old records are. Many of them 

have been destroyed, ami it would be the work of monthe to try. 

and hunt up the information you want and in all probability 4t 

could not he found. Mr. Edison has had several laboratories 

since that time, and his papers have been moved about & number 

of times Consequentiy, it would be Like hunting for 4 

particuler grein of gand on the sea shore- 

Yours very truly, 
Edison Laboratory. 


Myr. Robort Grau, 
53 Elm Avenue, 
Moupt Vernon, N. Y. 

Dear Mr. Grau: 
I received your favor of the 25th ultimo, 
Iet me 


regard to the new book upon which you are ‘engaged 

gay in reply that I believe it is a great mistake to show 

the public how motion pictures are made 
ultimately in the loss of immense 

It destroys the 

$liusion and will result 
o the moving picture industry « 
o copies of.your new 

sume of money t 
I have subscribed for tw 

‘book "The Theatre of Science”, and have sent the subscription 

paper to my secretary with instructions to forward a check 

therewithe = 7 ee 

eM Rect 

Erne oe 



Mr. Calvin W. Rice, Secretary, 
; The American ‘Socioty of Mechanical Engineers, 
#29 West. 39th Street, 
New York. 

Dear Mr- Rice: 3 

I duly received your favor of the 15th ult., 
in regard to the application of Mr. H. EH. M. Kammerhoff, 
and would say in reply that I will stand sponsor for hime 
Mr. Hanmerhoff has just completed a good piece of engineer- 
ing work for me- 


Heated died b ge 2 

sera ee SS 




ane Perticne 

ary ermarpragicvenerere ay sree mere 

“May 9th, 1914. 

Mr, Thomas K. Ws Carter, 
President, Public Service \Corporasion, 
Newark, Ne de 
Dear Ur. Io Carter:~- ; 
I am sure you believe in reoipresity. Hy 

Companies purchase a freat deal of "fuice” from yours, and my 

employess have handed over a larre number Of nickole te your 

trolley lines for many 7ears. Why cannot you usé my cement in 
your nen eaenacad wore ? 

, May I. send our Tice President, #0 nas charge 
of coment sales, to teik to you or your representative ? 

Yours very 

en nae 
aa mE SEO 

May 8th, 1914. 


tae = Kabb, 

% Chas. Chipman's Sons, 
88 Teonard Street 
New York. 



SS Ee 

Dear Sir:- 
On reading your favor of the 6th instant, 
which I found very interesting, I notice that you are very 

Silas minn orotate ss 

much in sympathy with my ideas about singers. I have been 


s0 much misunderstood on this subject, that it is a real 

relief and pleasure to me to receive a letter showing that 

my ideas are appreciated by some real lover of music. 

I am working hard on the manufacturing 

Seo SS 

technique of the records, and as soon ae I get things fixed 

to my satisfaction I intend recoming Beethoven, Brahms and 

ee eed ene 

the best symphony and chamber music. 

Yours very traly, 


May 12th, 1914. 

q .@. Fe Elliott, 

W. U. Tel. Company, 
195 Broadway, 
New York City. 

i Dear Sjr:- oo 
Mr. Edison requests us to acknowledge 

| , 
e receipt of your favor of the 9th instant, and also of 

three copies of the song entitled "yl Kissed Her in My 


Dreams”. He has sent this up to the Music Department 
i here at the Iaboratory, and as goon as he gets time will 
jeagee heve one of our singers ging it for him to see whether it 

4g available for the phonograph. As to thie he will advis 

you later. 
Yours very truly, 


Baison Laboratory. 



er SHE TERE eae 
Storer err RETREAT a, 

Moy 13th, 1914- 

Mrs. Belle Yendey Evans, 
Fort Myers, 


Dear Madam: - 
the Laboratory 

Raison has forwarded to 

r of the 2end witimo in regard to ant roduc = 

your favor to he 
ew York city: 

th Traoue of UN 

We would susge 
artment, #79 F4 
who will tex ye a cyan 

anda send a4 over 

ing Miss Blizene 
1 Wiss Trabue 

gt thet you a8 
fth Avenue and 366 

to call at our Recording Dep 
er there, 

Mr. Walter HB. Miller, the mas 
y Miss Trapue 

a voice trial » 
If Wiss Srabue wt 

ander record of 
5 upon 

o hex and pas 
ur. Miller, th 

for Mre Edison t 
e matter will 

present the enclosed r1etter to 

tent ion- 

receive proper at 
very truly, 

Mi filteasnoref S e 

Agsistant to Mure ahi 

May 12th, 1914. 

Mrs. Jennie Ross Standart, 

H. Boulevard 
Colle Pointe, 
Tong Isiané, N. Y. 

Dear Madam:-~ 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 
, Sth instant, in regard to making an appointment for you to 
coma here and mike a voice trial for Ur. Edison. 
Iet us say on Friday of this week at 
2:30 P. Ma, or if that date does not euit you let it be 
; Monday or Tuesday of next week at the same time. Please 
notify me. whet aay you. will be here. 
The boat way to come here is by the 
Lackawanna Reiiroad, leaving the train at Orange, then walk- 
ing up one block to the Main Street and taking 4 trolley 
for West Orenge, which will let you off right at the Iabora- 
tory door, 

; : Yours very traly, 


Assistant to Mr. Ed 

sees adie PELE 

San eS 

May 12th, 19% 

- Samel Wieder, 

Zeon Mann Company, 
906 Broadway, 

' New York City. 

Dear Sir:. 

r Replying to your favor of the 9th inst., } 
I beg to say that I cannot make appointments for Saturday 

Migs Eisenberg may come here on Friday 
afternoon at 3 o'elock,if convenient. If this time is 
not convenient for her, you can call me up on the telephone 
{908 Orange), and we will make another appointment. 

The best way to come is by the Iackawanna 
Railroad, leaving the train at Orange. Then walk up to the 
Main Street, take a trolley for West Orange, and that will 
let her off right at the Iaboratory door. 

Yours very truly, 

WN kleadow 

Assistant to Mr. Edistn. 

“Mr, Weld Arnold, 
Nutley, * 

New Jersey. 2 

Dear S8ir:- 
I am in recoipt of your favor of the 8th 

inetant, and note your question in regard to the seventeen 

hnrdred candle power, nitrogen-filied, tungsten- filament 

lame. You ask why it must de kept in @ vortical position 

when lighted, snd T would say for your information that the 

tungsten vyolatilizes in the gas and goes upward and deposits 

on the glass. amd Yaus slope ea af haft—— 

Yours truly. 


May 14th, 1914. 

Mr. William H. Carmint, 


Dear Sir:- 

I have received your favor of the 12th instant, and 
have spoken to Mr. Edison about making an appointment for you to 
come over here to make a voice trial. He has not been mking any 
appointments lately because he has had such an immense amount of 
important work on hend that required his personal attention and kept 
him busy day and night. It will be uncertain when he could make & 
definite appointment, and he suggests that you go to our New York 
Recording Rooms, #79 Fifth Avenue, New York City and see the Manager, 
Mr. Wal ter H. Miller, who wili take a trial cylinder record of your 
voice and one of your songs and send it over to Mr. Edison so that 
be may hear it and pass judgment upon it. 

As you are some little aistance from New York, it might 
be well for you to communicate with Mr. Miller py mail in advance of 
your going to New York in order thet you may make an appointment for 
the purpose of mking this triel. In your letter you can state you 
have a note from me, or, better still, it might be well to send him 
this note so that he will know whet kind of a record to make for Mr. 


I presum it is unnecessary to state the fact, put 

we always do it to prevent misunderstandings, that we do not pay the 



Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

Yours very traly, 

2 aetna oe 

Car mint, 

expenses of singers going to our Recording Rooms to make 

trial records. 

Mr. William EH. 
Mey 1th, 1914. 

Page ~-2- 

Hay 13th, 1914. 

Mr. Chas. R- DeBevoise, Presifent, 
Chas. R. Debevoise | Company, 
Rewark, Be de. 4 

Dear Sirs- 

Iam in receipt of your favor of the 1rth 

instant, and would say in reply thet it is impossible to bring 

about reforms suddenly yhen men nave formed certain habits> I 
think beer should heve ite aleonol redneed to et from 3-1/2 te 
4, “nich is whet 44 uow. contains, generally apesxing- T think 

that strong Hquors should. be abolished. Then, in the course oF 
twenty or thirty yearo hance reduce the percentag? of alcohol 
an peer to 1-1/2 %, and ‘ayunkenness will practically coase to 

She newspaper stem vas not ‘gorrect in ragars 
40 the vending of the signe. Cur. signs in the laboratory read 
eB followe; "Che smoxing of aivarettas is pronintted in this 

ay, oe 
Yours Very 


Mey 14th, 1914- 

Brother Joseph Dutton, 
Molokai, T. H. 

Dear Sir:e 
vacation in 

hought fulness 

On my return from a few weeks 

+ I am indebted to your kind t 

Ploride, I fini tha 
which hag been made up and 

for a deautifal plaque made of Koa, 

forwarded to me py the Hawaiian News Company, Ita. at your 

s to you ny appreciation of 

I want to expres 
que and peautiful gift, ani 

your courtesy in sending me this uni 

to thank you for the same- 
I eam vot quite sure whether or not I acknowledg- 

good wishes you extended to me on ny sixty 

I aid not, allow me to thank 

seventh birthdey- If 
your kind remembrance and all the good wiehes you oxpress 

ed the receipt of the 
you now for 

ea for 

my welfare. 

Yours. very traly,? 

1 Aacs OV de (veh 



- mt 
at 4 



ee eee 
> of, 
ete 4 


a ale 
a alain 

May 14th, 1914. ; 

Hawaiian News Co. td-, 
Pp, 0. Box 664, 
Honolulu, gt. He 

Gentlemen += 
On my return from. a few weeks vacation in 

Plorida I find your favo 
plague maie of Koa, which 

yr of March 4th aa also the peautifal | 
you have pad made up ana sent to ; 

me at the request of Brother Joseph Dutton. 
Allow me to compliment you on the peauty of 

the workmanship aisplayed in making thie plaque, and to thank i 
y in sarrying out the wishes ) 

‘you for your kindness and courtes: 

ther Dutton in the. making end sending of the same to me- ‘ 
I have written a letter of acknowledgment to : 

rewith, asking you to ! 

of Bro 

Brother Dutton, and enclose the same he 

kindly correct the address if necensary ani feresra to Hin. 

Interraticnale-Tinoindustri e-Ausstellung 

VITT., Rékdcai-ut 53, 
Sudepust, Thingryy. 

Tlicve been directed ty Mr, Ediscr to eckmewle 

17th wlt,, amd te advise you that Mr, maison is 

acotpt, bat tefors deciding, he wishes to ingaixe 


pos are 

into a few points through lf. Thomas Graf, Terlin, whe is ut present 

hore, and whe wiTl call om you soon efter his 

rs Deed : P44 Cet Tira 
towoedg the end of this, or veg 

Mr. Charles Eqley Hall, 

New York & London Preeas 4ean. Thee, 
FLB West 85th Strest, 

Mew York City 

Bear Bir:- 

tT have recpived your favor of the 5th 

iuetant in regard to your Asaoctation's forth eoming work 
and beg ho say 

6 i b- gec TE 
Vsmerioun Banking Elnanclsl achievers 

thet. you may enter my gubsaription, for one copy of the 

woFk, wher, completed, at $50. 
return herovith the manuscript by 

a ie 

tn which two or thres frifling 

; "axe EThws, sd 
Bester E. var Hiiwarde , 

corrections hevs besn meha. I.aiso sond you 4% autcpraphes 

photograph by thig mii uniar seyarete cover. 

Yous yers-eTaly, 

May 12th, 1914. 


| Mr. J. Gummar and others, Re : 
89 Lakeside Avenue, “ 2 < { 

Lae Orange, N. J. , 8 i 

| . 

wt Dear Sir:- . zs ie \ 

of uf received your letter and was very’ much 

surprised to tead the contents of the same. © Tet me say” 


toe vour infopration that I have'never given ‘Instructions 
to turn avey padi worlaen because of their nationality, 
whether it be Greek or any other nationslity. If any such 



pet thing has been done it 19 Without my’ knowledge or consent. IT am 

cf willing to employ work people Pisa any nationality if they are i 
i respectable peopld ana behave in an orderly manner. aa! 

. Tt will make inquiries about the matter that 

Z ~ you mention. 

arrpseojsererpe nny 



4 689 | 



Mey leth, 1914. } 

| | 
Mr. Miner L. Hartmann, 
Coolidge Iaboratory, fi 

Harvard University, , 

| Cambridge, Mass. \, 
Dear'Sir:- . ., = 4 

rae Your favor of the 14th instant has been 


received and shown to Mr. Edison. I am glad to be able to 4 

say to you that he will take you on his staff at the salary i 


named in your “letter. . Mr. Edison says an increase will 


depend how you fit into ‘the - games Sethe ik Hae b 
You may come along, you are 

ready. It would be well to -advisé me ‘as, to. whensyou expect i 
to report here. . Ag SP TR ER A ee 
: Yours very traly, i 


Assistant to Mr. Edison. 




6 A 


Mr. Percival &. 
President, The 


142 MPth Avenue, 

New York. 

Dear Sirs- 

inatant and 

factories any signs specific 
of the six thousand fact 
jes under my control to re- 
ems that have 

nor have I asked any 
nt manufacturing compan: 

the aiffere 
ttes- The newspaper it 

frain from smoking cigare 

recently appeared are, therefore, incorrect. 

past, I have head signs dis 
use cigarettes, and I have abundant rea 
suppose I put a co 

men on the experiment and 

I have received your favo 

In my Iaboratory, however, 
played forbidding my @xPe 

To make sure, 

American Tobacco Co-, 

in reply beg to say that 
ally prohibiting cigaret 

ory employees of 

get lot 

Yours vé 

May 20th, 1914. 

ry of the 18th 

XY have never placed in my 

for @ 

gone for ite 

of data £ 

te smoking, 

long time 

rimenters to. 

ple of my 

General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-098 (1914) 

This letterbook covers the period May-September 1914. Most of the 
correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. Included are 
letters to Percival S. Hill of the American Tobacco Co. and others regarding 
Edison's widely reported opinions about the deleterious effects of cigarette 
smoking. One letter remarks that "this cigarette controversy has aroused such 
wide attention that... | cannot spare the time from my other work to answer 
all the letters that come in." Also included are letters to American statesmen 
and politicians William Jennings Bryan, Edward W. Townsend, and William 
Hughes concerning the disruption of trade during World War |, its effects upon 
the American chemical industry, and Edison's experiments toward producing 
synthetic phenol as a substitute for the imported carbolic acid used in the 
manufacture of phonograph records. In a letter to Samuel Hill of the Home 
Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Portland, Oregon, Edison expresses concern 
that "some of the boundary lines" on the globe Hill gave him "will have to be 
changed as a result of the present conflict." Other documents relate to the 
commercial and technical development of Edison’s storage battery, 
phonograph, and motion picture businesses, as well as the market conditions 
for electric vehicles. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. May 20, 14. To Sept 23." The spine 
is marked with similar information, along with the number "37." The book 
contains 694 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 20 percent of the 
book has been selected. 

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May 20th, 1914. 

Mr. A. B. Hepburn, 
% The Chase National Bank, 
New York. 

Jear Sir:- 

I amin receipt of your favor of the 18th 
irgtant inviting me to becom a member of the France-America 

While I thank you for this opportunity 

offered, let m say that my time and attention are 80 fully 
taken up with e miltitude of business affairs and experimental 
work that I am desirous of keeping out of all public affairs. I 

shall therefore have to ask you to excuse me from becoming a 

member of this Committee. 
Yours very ae 
bod han ioe — 

REET Raton shee 





May 20th, 1914- 

Dr. S&S. S. Laws, 

1723 Q Streot, Ne We, 
Washington, De Ge © 
My dear Dr. lews: 

Let me thank you for your xind favor of the 16th instant 
which came 48 0 pleasant surprise. I was very glad to hear from you, 
Zor about two years apo someons tola me that you had left this more 
or tess troubled life. I doubted the report, however, yemembe ring 
your powerful oarsonality ang that good heavy head of hair you had 
wren I last saw you. Yotr letter certainly does not bear the im- 
press of a men ninety years of age, and you are to be congratulated 
on the attainment of guch a ripe old age with so much vigor in store. 

J must thank you for your compliments in regard to my 
daughter. Yes, ner mother and I are rather proud of her, and indeed 
of the whole family. 

Your 1ife has peen so well ordered and your powers So well 
properved that I guess it is safe to wigh that your years may still 
be prolonged and happy. With this wish and my kindest regards to 
you and your wife, I remain — ey 

ig wo 

0 cy 


May fist, 1914, 

Mr. Fe PF. Kehow, 
eee 2 
Dear Str;- 
Replying to the inguiry in your favor 

of the 16th instant in regard to my son, let me say that the 
boy eats about one half the quantity that boya gonerally eat. 
He sleeps about six hours: and is as bright as a dollere He 
would take still less sleep, but his mother hap got it in her 
head that he must have at least six hours, although she herself 
does not get that much. mast = “= 

Yours vary ‘traly, a 

thes O C chao 

sens sy rym Bak NNO MSE 
ee eae 


co he » 

Mey 22na, 1914. 

Mr. Walt Mason, 

Dear Mr. Mason; 

I have enjoyed such of your prose poems as I 
have seen, and I have also enjoyed reading the plain prose 
in your favor of the 18th inetant that tells me of the 
Pleasure you derived from the phonograph. It does me good, 
for I must confess to a similar weakness. I am glad you 
like the Blue Amberol records. We try to make Ener as good 
as possible. 

Have you heard my new diso machine? If not, 
you should drop in to sce one of our dealers and let him play 
e few records for you. 

It is gratifying to learn that you are one of 
the admirers of the old Heart Songs. So am I, and I intend 
to put out records of Grandfather's Clock, Blue Alsatian 

Mountains, and a lot of the other old standard songs. 

Many thanks for your kind letters. 


re ad “truly, 

Avie OF Cobaen. 



ere on taeaneA Loca Satamd Eat 

Moy 22nd, 1914 

Proudfoot Sonmoresal Agency. 
Singer Building, 
New York Oity, 

My dear Ur Proudfoot: 

Kr. Edison wants to know 4f you have any 

report on the New York Peace Society, 507 - 5th avenne. If 

you neve, will you kindly gend me & report and oblige 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mre Edi De 



May 2ist, 1914. 

« Frank C. Reilly, 
Eleotric Sales Company, 
Detroit, Michigan. 

Dear Mr. Reilly: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 
favor of the 18th instant, ani thank you for brochure on 

the cigarette enclosed therein. 

This is one of the fumiest and most 
entertaining things I have seen about the Cigarette, and I 
want tG thank you for your courtesy in sending it to me. 

Yours very truly, - 7~y 

_ . es 


ER Ra 



May 2eni, 1914. 

Mr. Vance L. Stowell, 
Wind River, 
Wyoe - 

Dear Siri- 

Your favor of the 15th instant has been 
received, and while I thank you very mech eon the opportunity 
offered to record these Indian dances and susie for my talk- 
ing plotures, 1% will be impossible for us to tele advantage 

of the same, 28 we are 80 greatly crowded with work that we 

could not do it at this time. ae a3 

Yourg-very truly, 

i Alaa Eve 

py, Bhs 3B 

pe, G00. vs atljcor, 
-48 Plane Stephanie. 
penvesia, 2O%givree 

Bear vires 

tas in rezeipt of your 

ami algo ef the exail cod large sempane OF FP ee toe pte (TPS 

Tea avo nos velng in ene brunsn of Cer ot! B 
joree quantity of non-Inflacnt bis elim that iF str liny S23 Tt Lie 
ecu nave cont. Le Soa prey Pn. and th Ys made Ce acetrs. re 
shape fre several wspatee caren ov tet pabiciel fr yon ao 



i, tris country. 

ie tne Tibn ef shish rou have sent oe cd 



sent nt, 

we made vheamep car that whton ve bug, Et wowed pe % 

May 23rd, 1914. 

Mrs. Jacob Cohen, 
2460 ~ 7th Avenue, 
New York City. 
Dear Madam: - 

Yow favor of the 18th instant to 
Mr. Edison has been received, and in reply we beg to say 
that both he and our Company receive a very large number 
of requests for donations of phono graphs, and in each case 
there is apparently good reason for making the request. 

It is impossible for us to respond 
favorably in these cases as it would entail enormous ex- 
pense, beside, such donations would make a great deal of 
trouble for us in view of our amtrects with those who 
deal in these machines. 

Yours truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

saci melts orem aaa ay Sa ors ene AEN 


“sate pone Bi ann 

eb ya Nee DS 



pone a aalt 




Mey 23rd, 1914. 

Steinway & Sons, 
107 East 14th Street, 
New York. 
Gent lemen: - 

t am in receipt of your favor of 
the 20th instant in which you state that fhe repairs to 
our Steinway Grand Piano #66793 are row complete. You 
may gend it over here to the Laboratory at your earliest 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

ance teeny pM SST 

May 25th, 1914. 

Mr, Percival 8. 2 A: . 
President, American hopacde Co-, 
Lil Fifth Avenue, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 
I am in receipt of yor favor of the 2end 
een noted with 4 great 

instant, the contents 

deal of interest. In regard to the production of acrolein, 

I am afraid your 4nformant 1 

facts i spent two years 

tion, ‘burning and distilling of wood, paper, ete, 

snvestigations I made to produce mts for the incandescent | 
and I am pretty well acquainted with the products of : 

lamps ,; 
combustion, which aiffer according t 

Bhere is & long story <2 seated with oi ger- 
ettes, and if one of the experimenters vy c\uve ts re leased 
from & job on which he is nov exanding ais tine, 1 will put 
him on the experiment to get the data. ; 

Tet me say for your information that I have 

found in practice that many cigarette amokers will not take & 
job unless they are permitted to use the regular cigarettes, 
notwithstand ing the fact that they would ~, nLiowed to use 
cigarettes with tobacco wrapperse 



re aera ea 


May 25th, 1914. 

Mr. Grant Van Hoose, 
% Union High School, 
Yuma, Arizona. 

Dear Sir:- 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 
15t*. instant, asking me for a repjica of my letter to Mr. 

Ford about cigarettes. 

I must ask you to excuse me, for the 
present at any rate because this cigarette controversy has 
aroused such wide attention that it is loading my mail basket 
up too much, and I cannot spare the time from my otner work 

to answer all the letters that come in. 

Yours ve uly, 

rs OA { Ohaort——— 








May 27th, 1914- 

Myr « B. Be Provdtit, 

Z Tne Aeolian Company, 

29 West 48nd Street, ‘ 
Wew York City: 

Deer Siri 
e5th instent, Let 

Re plying to your favor of the 

on that we ceesai to do pusiness with you 

te say that tho reas 
n with the service 

sometime ago was not from any aissatisfactio 
or with your music roll. 

When I subsoribed 
6 so that Mire 

for rolls gometime 2g° it 

layer her Baison could heve 

s selections. 
consisting ofp 
f£ selections of aiffe 
ishes to be rooor’d 

wes for our piano Pp 
For sometime past we ~ 

him the variow 
layers ma Singers, 

rent kinds 

played for 
Have had @ mgicel staff nere, 
who pley and. sin 
go that bre Edi.gon can select what he w 

iced oe ee ae Re aot... 

g & vast number 0 
ea OD 

the pnono graphe 
8 Very truly, 
i hy 


i : ar” 4 


Assistant to Mr. gaiuon. 



May 28th, 1914. 

Mrse Hi. Goodstein, 
376 Park Place, 
Brooklyn, NW. Y. 
Dear Medam:~ 
Your favor of recent date to Mr. Edison in 
rerard te ming a special price on a phonoyraph for the 

Hebraw Orphan asylum of Brootlyn has becn received. Mre 

Baison requests us to gay that he would very much Like to 
accommodate you in this regard, but it is simply impossible 
owing to ovr eonbract relations with dealers. 

We have w vael nuber of applications simiiss 

to yours, but we ure obliged to give & uniform anever to all, 

as if would make a great deal of trouble for us Ww th our dealers 
if we were to compete with them in theis omn torrltonyady toanlenes hte » ben, 
Yours very Luly, 

Edison Labtoretory- 




Meee og PE oe me 



vevicun-Philigpine Compeny, 

Church Street, 

New Yorke 


Iam in receip! of your favor of the 2stn 

our out of my line, 

thatenal, and would say that the glow is 

gay thet almost any traction Loy GOW GLE vated by 

steam or gasoline can also be op erated by eksetric motor and 

storage battery juat as well, and if water power ig avsilable 

foe Mumisiing power to graurge ohne batteries, Very uch chesper- 


She oporativn of the plow by electric motor sondi also be vere 

a he 

wuch less complicated. 

Qe initiel investuent, prince ipelly fer soc vege 

patteries, would be considerably higher tran for steam or 


Mre Touls He curpenter, 
2200 Warren avenue, 
Chics, Tile 
Bear Sirs- 
Tam in receipt of your favor of 

and would say in yaply that I do not 

the 22nd ingtant, 
y in Une 

got mixed Up any furthe 
and tbarefore en 

gant to vigaret te BoneLo- 
all aob be able 

versy at tke present time, 

VG oe 

zo dg arything in regard to the suggestion Fou na 

Yours YG1y 


SS ESR OE en e E 

Muy 28th, 1Sii. 

Mr, Edward 4 Runel, 
4% Phe Interlaken School, 
Rolling Prairie, Inliana. 


of the Sist instant, enclosing an article desevibing the 
principles underiying the Ford business. This 
urticle, and I have read it with a great deal of 
As you asy nothing to the contrary, I aseume that you gost 
me to keep this article for my file. If I am wrong shout 

thic, please let me know and I will return it to you. 

Did you seni 2 copy to an 
Yours yeey truly, 


May 28th, 1914. 

Hy. Geo. De Scott, 
kK. Fe De No. 2, 
Tom's River, Ue J. 

Dear Ure Scotts, 

Iam in recetpt of your favor of the uéth trast 
and em plui to hear from you after the lapse of 

80 Many geare. 
Your letter bri 

468 back memories of days so long past. 

i shall be #lad to gee your two sony if they will 

some over here to the teaboratory, and of course WIT afford 

them an opportunity of going thro ugh the Works. 
I would sugeest that they commumicate vith o 

assistant, Mr. W. 3. Meadoworoft al 

this address vhen (1 ey wish 
to come over, so that they will be sun: to find we at Liber. 

Yours very truly 



June Ist, 1914- 

Mr. Emil Raech, 
859 N. ia Salle Street, 

Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 2vth ultimo to Mre 

Edison has been received. He requests us to say in 
"metnod” of reading four Lines 

reply that there is no 
Be suggests 

It merely requixes practice. 

at once. 
one line at first, 

u try the reading or 
omict lee virbil 

that yo “gensing” 

and gradually ‘extend your you can take in 

Yours Very truly, 

Baigson Laboratory - 

Eee _ 

May 29th, 1914. 

Mr. M. Maurice Lehmann, 
Pavia: pee Peusten Ecuries, 
Dear Mr. Lehmann: 

There was a large accumlation of work awaiting 
my attention on my return from a few weeks vacation in 
Florida, and I have only just had time to take up the matter 
of the invention of Mr. G. A. Le Roy, covered by your recent 
correspondence with Mr. Meadowcroft « 

Mr. Le Roy's invention is undoubtedly very interest- 
ing and ingenious, but I am afraid we shall be unable to avail 
ourselves of the opportunity so kindly offered to purchase the 
Same. It would require a long line of experiments, and our 
own manufacturing processes have already been definitely laid 
out at enormous expense for machinery and plantn, I cannot 
see my way clear to change to another process. 

I return the papers specified in your letter of 
March 10th, 1914, and beg you to extend my thenks to Mr. Ie Roy 
for his courtesy in offering us the opportunity to look into 

his invention. ee ea 
Yours very wary a 
3 03 Ch hho —— 

Inetts wa : 
rit oft Lo 


aI -omse 

yaw wo eee 

tol forts 




May 29th, 1914. 

Mr. Wm. Milligan, 

Dear Sir:- 
Your letter of the 14th instant hes been 

forwarded to me by the Rev. De. G.. Jackson, and I write to 

agsure you positively that the phonograph that we manufacture 

gannot be used by any evil disposed person to produce the 

effect that you complein of. I am very sorry indeed to 

learn of your trouble, put you may be very sure that it is 

not caused in any way whatever through ny phonograph. 

I hope that the trouble you mention will 

soon céass. 

May 29th, 1914. 

Mr. Alexander F. Quailer, 
725 East 9th Street, 
New York City, N- Y. 
Dear Sir:- 

In reply to your enquiry of the 27th 
instant, let me say that I am not a Socialist end I do not 
believe in the theories of the Socialists. 

: I must ask you to kindly regard this 

letter as confidential and not for publication, ————— ~~. 
= a7 we 


Y Ay, 
ours very trey, 

Aw a tame 



June 2nd, 1914. 

Mr. Fred Babson, 
Chicago, «|. ! 
Ilis. - 

Dear Mr. Babson: 

I suppose it may serve a useful purpose if I 
occasionally point out some hustlers to you. In going over 
our:daily tnaveller's reports and the sales reports I am in- 
terested in noting the personnel of our dealers, and when the 
facts disclose a real live wire I take note of it. 

Tyo men in small towns in Iowa recently attracted my 
attention. Each one ordered a car load lot of Disc phonographs, 
although the population of one town was only 2276 and the other 
1161. I understand these men make it their business to circu- 
late in the adjacent territory and sell the goods. 

Hence, it seems to me that you would perhaps like to 
know the names and addresses of these men. One is A. D. Smith, 

New Hampton, Iowa, and the other George J. Elkader, Iowa. 

Yours very-tfuly, 

Caer ‘ . 
toa Ch Wolo on— 









June 2nd, 1914. 

Liv, W. C. Anderson 
Detroit, , 

Dear Mr. tridersoni~ - te 

I thought I mde the proposition as to guarantee plain. 

Is this plsiner? ~ 

A customer buys an Anderson Vehicle with Edison battery, 
all complete, at your list price. 

You then hand him a guarantee from the Edison Storage 
Battery Co. stating that extending over o period of 8 years from the 
dete of the purehase, the battery company will make all necessary 
repairs, furnish electrolyte, and, should the battery fail at any 
time within the eight years to be capable of giving its guaranteed 
capacity, the battery company will repair the battery or substitute 
another; for all of which it will charge at ceguiar rates, but in no 
event shall the gross sum of these bills exceed $680, or eighty five 
dollars oer year, for the eight years. . 

Now, this seems plain to me. Of course, no battery lasts 
eight years and we shall heve to make at least one renewal - and 
furnish electrolyte. 

If from neglect, etc-, we are compelled to meke two re- 

newalu, we shall lose money - but we gamble on the fact that there 

rmoo LL8 

k to ovsh 
dtiw emit 
stod tone 
sia deve 

pL arsifob 

besoy sigte 
pie delet 

ov ,ulswort 

fae Uf ae 

Mr. Vi. Oe anderson, 
Page -2- 
June end, 1914. 

will only be a cexstein percentage ‘ 
i Shae OO Rha, 
Is this clear? If not, we wALL try it again. 
ee, ; Yours very truly, 
Bde eee Cotte, 
“s L_dAwon* 
ae > 
or ate ids 

Pa - 



a ne ‘ ; ; 4 by 2 “ 
ee va f ? : 


June Sth, 1914. 

Hon. Ben B. Idindaey, 


My dear Judge: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 
2nd instant, enclosing & copy of a letter written by you to Miss 
Olga Nethersole- I have shown both of them to Mr. Edison, and 
he saya that he wil be very glad to have her come over to the 
laboratory at her convenience. Undoubtedly they will have 6 
very instruct ive interview, and I wish you could be present. I 
am writing to Miss Nethersole today to make the arrangement 8. 

I have a very pleasant recollection of your visit- 
hnere- You may be able to indentify me py recalling the fact 
that I sat with you ani your friends on the train going baok to 
Kew York that evening: Of course, you also saw me aroun the 
Tabrary here. 

With kina regarde, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edfgon. 





4 po he oc? 
P| {fix 
” i 3 fous wes 
/ 2g Fa 2 = 
ae ; f 43 hee Eve Pas 
7 ’ ss we 

: : Re 
oe ; a 
. “ee 
et Rg cad 

wee June 8th, 1914. 



Miss Olga Nethersole, 
Plasa Hotel, 
New York City. 

Dear Miss Nethersole: 
I have received & letter from Judge Ben Iindsey , 

enclosing copy of & letter of introduction to Mr. Edison, and sent 

to you. 
I have shown these to Mre Edison, and he says that 

he will be very g1sd indeed to see you whenever you are ready to 


take a trip over here to the 
ur information that it is possible 

Tet me say for yo 
Mr. Ed@ieon might have to pe away fo 

early part of next week, but otherwis 
every day and all day- I would suggest that you call me on the 

telephone (908 Orange) and let me know when you think of coming 

overe try day Wels weed: = urcutd Ge. aE rag coe. 
pat to-morrow, Tuesday, 

xr a few hours some aay in the 
e we expect him to be here 

I am usually here all day, 
put expect to return 

I will be obliged to be away in the morning, 
to the Iaboratory by 2 o'clocke 
Yours very traly, 

dj . 

Assistant to Br. Bdisone 


varanasi ea 

pincers teenie 


A fy 
ee ry 

June 9, 1914. 

S. Bergmann, Beq.. 
23 Oudenarder Str., 
Berlin, N. Germany. 
My dear Bergrann:- 
1 am in receipt of 2 letter from tne 

Deutsche Edison. Akkumulatoren Co, dated May 25th. 

We buy DRY LITHIA HYDRATE from Nerck 
for ninety eight cents per peund. It comes to vs 

moist, but we buy on the pasis of dry pydrata. 


= = = « 

T have a long contract with them. 

Witn kind regards, I am. 

Yours very truly. 

sata | 

Cr ove 


Jane 9th, 1914. 

Mr. J. Cornelius Earl, 
325 Waldo Avenue, 
Pasadena, Calif. 

Dear Sir:- 
Replying to your favor of the 26th ultimo, let 
me say that I cannot defend my use of tobacco for chewing. It 

4s a habit I acquired when a young telegraph operator, 

smoking was not allowed. 

It appears that the calls of the body will meet 

a@ adapt the body to such environ- 
the cells resent any change- 

the environment of the -body an 
ment, but after guoh adaptation, 

For instance, the cells resent the use of 

consent to it, they adapt 

tobacco, but after they are forced to 
If the user attempts to 

themselves to the changed cont ition. 

stop, they resent any change in the other 4 
The celle that control our 


organism seem very 

ive entities and resent change. 
Yours very truly, 




Lea Ch bese 7 



ony of pencil wemorandum sent Johnson, June 10th 191.4, 

in reply to his letter dated June Ath 1914. 

el ate, . 
Ee 7 zt smm You 4200.00... WHY DOW’? you 



To Ur. #. H. Johnson, 
20 Broad Street. 

Wer York City. 

cS June llth, 1914, 

Mr, Melville Clarke, 
410 South Michigan Boulevard, 
Chicago, Iil. 

Dear Mr. Clarke: 

Referring to the recent visit of Mr. 

Roberts and his conversation with Mr. Hutchison in regard 

to the proposed motion pictures of piano playing, let me say 
that I ought to have written-to you several days ago, but ow- 
ing to the fact that I have been at tha dentists practically 
every day for the last week or two and attending to a big 

rush of pressing matters on returning to the office, the matter 
has been delayed. T must ask you to accept ny apology. 

Before going on to take any actual motion 
pictures of the piano playing, Mr. Edison is desirous of hav- 
ing the basis of our arrangement put in writing. As he told 
you when you were last here, the piano motion pictures would 

E not be available for our reguler business as they would be 

z unsuitable for the requiremnts of the motion picture theatres. 
i: Therefore, the piano playing motion pictures would have to 

: be made eBpecially for you and hence at your expénse upon 

such terms a8 Would be mutually agreed upon between you and 
our company. : 

As there would be quite some expense con- 
nected with making the first expsrimental pictures, Mr. Edison 
would like to have you submit to him the basis of a working 
arrangement between you and our Company. As soon as this is 
settled upon, we can get right down to work. 

Yours very truly, 
OV heecéo: ae - 4 
Assistant to Mr. ae 




ce coemage ENGEL TATED: 

June lith, 1914. 

Mrs. Jopephine Ro Ober, 
Sooiety Editor, 

The World, 

Jew York Gity. 

Dear Mrs. Ober: 

Mies Edison has asked me to take oare of the news- 
papers in connection with her approaching wedding, and has given me 
your letter to her under date of June Ist. 

Let me say that on Monday next I shall be able to 
give you & memorandum of som pre-nuptial festivities, which you 
ean publish in Tuesday's paper. On Wednesday I can give you a 
memorandum about the wedding, including description of gowns, etc. for 
publication in Thursday's paper. 

On Monday I expect to give you an order on the 
photographers for & photograph of Miss Edison which is to be taken to- 
morrow, and for a recent photograph of Mrs Sloane. 

If you wish to send a reporter on the day of the 
wedding you may do S0- A lady would be preferable, but it is to 
be umerstood that the ceremony itself will be private. The recep- 
tion will be at 4. 50 o"alook. Of course cameras will be barred. 
Kindly acknmwledge receipt. , 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mre Edi som 

c vte tere) Bid pber pe cee top be 2d Sia arp WAS 

‘, ~~ Ay ar 



Ne & 

June Leth, 1914. 

Hon. Gifford Pinchot, 


Dear S8ir:- 

I have received your telegram 
and must ask you to exouse me from replying affirmative- 
ly, as I do not want to get into politics. 


Yours ve 

ey a 


13th, 1914- 

Hone Re Borghetti, 
Regia Ambasciata a'iItalia, 
Washington, D. Ce 

Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the ena gnstant in regard to 
my patent for @ system of constructing concrete pouses, and in 
ay that the pat ent nas not yet been issued. 
o have puilt 

veral tnventors wh 
to give you thei 
a great many hou 
gest that you mi 

reply bes to 8 
Tere ere 8 

put I am unable 
nave puilt 

y addresscs- 
ses at 

nouses with form, 

United states ,Ste 
orks in Jorain, 

The el Co. 

their ¥ 
investigate theses 

Ohio, ané I would 8vZ 

Yours very t 

a panera 


gune 13th, 1914- 

Mr. William Feather, 
1202 Ashland Block, 
Chicago, 111+ 
Dear Sirs 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 

patent informing me that I have been 

rary Vice-Presidents of 

favor of the oth i 
elected ons of the Hono 

the Paine 

Monument Association in the City of Chicago, and would say 

that I accept the same with pleasures 

"Zhe Truth 1s mighty and will preveil." 

ep ser nrae 

pCR mets 


sromeces ene 







June 13th, 1914. 

Mr, A. B. McCall, 
631 West Edwards St., 
Springfield Til. 

Dear Sir:- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 6th 

of a pair of your trouser shields, for which I 
to say that I shell have to disappoint you 

f# bicyoles and 

instant, and also 
thank you. I am sorry 
myself, 4s J am not a user 0 

in regard to wearing them 
However, I will turn 

would have no occasion for using them myself. 
make good use of them. 

hat 44 will be impossible for me to 
marketing this product, a8 it is 

general rules for marketing 

them over to someons who will 

I regret to say t 
practical advice about 
There are no 

give you any 

entirely out of ny line. 

miscellaneous products, and I em so busy day and night with oy own 

affairs and experimental wo 
me to attempt to advise othe 

rk thet it is simply out 

extensive bus iness 
rs on such subjects. 

of the question for 

Hence, I must ask to be excused from offering 


June 13th, 1914. 

Mr. We 8. Wood, 
1727 Ian Title Building, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dear Sir:- 
Iam in receipt of your favor of the 5th 

no electrical 

nt, amd in reply beg to sey that there is 
I think it 

nu the position taken in sleeping. 

gignificance 1 
ed that in order to give the heart free 

ig generally conoed 

action, it is best to sleep on the right side. 
Yours very, ee ee 

aD {deer seo 


June 16th, 1914 

| i j Mr. We Ke Dickson, 
| Point Pleasant, 

Iondon, S. W., England. 

: Dear Dickson: 

I have been so busy since my return home from the 
South that it has been simply impossible for me to do more than 
touch the high spots in my mail and other matters. 
| Much as I would like to heip you out, let me say 
that on account of the great depression in this country, I am 
actually unable at the present moment to let you have the loan 
you ask for. 

It was very kind of you to prepare an answer to 
the misleading statements in the Financial News, but 1 have 
gotten so that I do not care to deny newspaper mistateme nts, 48 

I have invariably found it to be miunsatisfactory course of 

procedure e 

Yours very i 

June 15th, 1914. 

Measys. Harger & Blish, 
@11 Walnut Streot, 
Des Moines, Iowa. 

Gentlomon: - 

Your favor of the loth {Instant in regard te meaking dise 
records of tho various Odes to be usei in connection with Secret Order 
work hus been received. ; 

J wish that you would kindly obtain for me a very full 
list of 211 songs that are used or that are desivaple for fraternity 
associations, such as Freemasons. if you will send this ligt on to 
me IT will go through it carefully and pick out the best so that we can 
nave & full line of these Odes recorded. 

As I am not a Mason T shall not know dnieh of the Odee 
are on essential part of tneir ceremony. In a full list, I suppose 
thet probably some of the 6des mentioned might be alternative. 1 would 
suggest, therofore, that you give each one & number and write the word 
‘eggential" or the word Nglternntive" opposite each number. 

of course, I do not know whether you would be allowed 

fo ao this, but you Will see that what I am after is to make one full 

list of everything essentivl, enywiy- 


June 16th, 1914. 

Dre Je Ge Iipman, Director, 
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations, 
Hew Brunswick, Ne de 

Dear Mr. Iipman: 

Referring to your favor of the lst instent, 
in regard to establishing at Rutgers College a Fellowship to 
investigate uses of pulverized limestone, ‘let me say that Tf 
would be glad to have the Fellow ship established, and will 
personally pay $600.00 a year for three years therefor. 

nrasting this will be saitsfactory,. I remain 

Yours very truly, 

iat Tomer 
Lar a, 2 tile BERR SEEMS 2 ee 

7 4 ny 
tyres Tae . 



June 16th, 1914. 

Mr. I. He Burkart, 
Walnut at Eleventh Street, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
Dear Mr. Burkart: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 13th 
instant, enclosing some printed matter relating to the 
Phonet~-0-Sco pee 

. Let me say in reply that 80 far as I can 
learn this is merely 4 stock selling scheme, and there are 
several parties in the field doing this ‘kind of work. 

Please accept my tnanks for your courtesy 

in calling my attention to this matter. 

Yours very tru 

- ies eS oer 

irestea ees 


i nea ian se art 
antennae int 

neve Sec edia 


nin * 

Shay tASCen 

Syne aan 

Sea DR AAA BAS tan Nan REMI 

paranat ant innn nes 

eR RRA Hates 

rete rers 
Serer et 
eres vt 

siren tt es 

eet eore 
Or et 


pat tascsaa ahs 
ead et ter Piety 



IEE perce - 
aan per tirn ire cgers 
va ets eat Spe ae or or 

SUT AEE T NT Primate Tee 

Lee ET Oia ie nes er reas 

June 16th, 1914. 

Mr. Charles R. Flint, 
| q 4 East 36th Street, 
7 New York City. 

My dear Mr. Flint: 
y favor of the 13th inst. 

Replying to you 
at the newspapers reported me ansorrectly- Tf aia 

let me say th 
working on getting electric 

not say that I am now 

from coal, but gaia that 

ity direst 

I had worked on it, am pelieved that 

g who are now working in that 

some of the many exper iment er 
on will ultimately succeed. 

When you beco 

me & neighbor I ghall be 

very gisd to have you come and gee Mee 

Yours very truly 



June 16th, 1914. 

Brooks Brothers, 
Minnesota Transfer, 

Gent Lemen:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 14th 
instant, which I have read with a good deal of interest. 

Let me say for your information that if you 
will investigate you will find that the Brewers of New York 
use five ton electric trucks almost entirely, having previous- 
ly tried gasoline trucks. The reason that electrics are 
better is on account of their simplicity, the motor having 
only one moving part, namely, the armature of the motor, where- 
as the gas car has several hundred. 

The drivers of gasoline trucks must have 4 
certain degree of mechanical skill, which is not required by 
the driver of the electric. For this reason, the drivers 
of gasoline cars are prone to get together and unionize. This 
gan be offect by using electrics, as anyone of ordinary in- 
telligenoe can learn to operate an electric in an hour. 

The repairs on gasoline cars are quite extensive, bat 
are two thirds less on electrics. Besides, the eleotrios are 
reliable, just Like trolley cars. I feal very certain that 
the simple electric motor truck is found to replace all others 
for vehicle traffic. 

There are two makers of good five ton trucks. 
One of them ig the General Vehicle Company of long Island City, 
New York, who makes exclusively electric, and the other is the 
General Motors Company of Detroit, Michigan, who buflis both 
electric and gasoline trucks. L lmow of no other concerns 
who build five tone electrics. . 

Qrusting the above information will answer your 
purpose, I remain 

Yours very tx 

June 23, 31924 

Deutsche Edison Akkunulcioren Company, G.m.o.H., 
Dronvueineratyr, 55-56, 
Berlin 7.20, Germany. 


Having received no reply vo my levter ot April =. 
19ke, I am sending you uerewieh &« voOpy OF vhe same. In this 
Leiter I poinved out thas the royelty stavement tor the tira’ 
quarter of the year 1914 was deregtive in certain respeste, enn 
also thab ins ocneck received from you was only ror cells actuai- 
ly sole oy you auring that quarter, whereas on esoh royalty re- 
wurn cate I am entivled vo royalties on all sells shipped trom 
your zveutory during ene quarter whether soAd or nov. Will you 

uindly give ibis mavter your avtentéion. 

Very traly yours; } 

aay | 


Seyret ems 

a TS 
anit wecher  arced ieee trot 
sagt een 



proce St 


aie tsacers trite 


ras revit 

ae tes 


seer nse 


June 22nd, 1914. 

Mr. Yoshiro Okabe, 
Nippon Kinetophone Co-, 
Hibiya Toshoken Mae, 
Tokyo, Japan. 
Dear Sir:- 
I received from you safely and in 

good order the handsome cabinet that you sent to me, and i 
want to express my thanks to you for this peatiful piece oF 

work and for your kindness in presenting it 

Your very 



June 22nd, 1914- 



Mr. Tester A- Simon, é 
Box 32 
Texas State Penitentiary, ' aaa 
Huntsville, Texas. ie 

erer i 

Dear Six:- HA 

J received your favor of the 14th a 


n by you for 

a MEER IAs! 
ey ED 


eee RP Page 

instant, anclosing copy of an essay writte 


Sere rere, 


the ‘Americen Magazine, ani thenk you for gending it. It 

makes me blush a deep Aniline rede als 

Yours truly, 



ih Taned 

send AS Gt 

Tune 23, 1914. 

A. #Llipstein & Co-.,. 
644 Greenwich St., 
New York City: 
Gentlemen: « 

Years of the 17th instant received. 

The samples of palm wax we nave received are 
all adulterated. What I want is the wax without 
adulteration; it is too much botBer to get the different 
stuff ovt that they put in. Can you tell me what 
country it comes from and I will try and wae it. 
uneadulterated. If I find it you can deaj direct with 
the dealers and precure me 2 supply. 

Youre very truly. 
a ae Oa 
cor nee i Nhe 

Wr. Helville clark, 
#10 South Hiehigan Boulevard, 
Chicage, Tis 

Dear thr clarks 

Your favor of the T5th iueatant wes 
received, and the wetter has been auomitted for kr. Bdte n's 


as our errengements stand at the preserk 
time, we have & stuaio oquipped and a corps of men especizl 
4tyained for the toliciug motion picture Wore We depend on 
egular steady pro duotion of comercial “yeoords 
>» day by day. Ag: you ars probably aware, the 
“eZuess depends upon the regular qua tity of 
4 to fulfill our contract obligations with 
picture houses, wnich aro usually based on a certain number of 

yeleases per weeke 

Unless arrangements are made with the 
eireults of the Vaudeville housss throughout the country to 
antroduoe the fim showing the artiet playing and provid Ing 
for the use of & piano, it : undertake the 
experiment. But if contracts cou & p with several 
Hunired theal res in Vaudeville, we ure of a fair Te- 
turn and you would get the savertisement atso the films for 
your stores. Othervise, it would not pay us to take up the 

‘Sime of our exporkse 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to ire Bdisone 

TE EE ong thors 


June 23rd, 1914. 

Mr. G. We logeie, 
Whetoom Pall Mills Co., 

Bellingham, Wash. 

1athuest - 

Sake Saas 

Shcteies . 
Seen et 



Dear Sir:- 


I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor 
reat deal of in- 


of the 15th instant, which has been read wilh @ & 

thank you for the {information therein contained 


torest. Let me 

and to congratulate you on & discovery of such wbi lly. i an 

glad to learn that you wili at least be credited with your idea, 
although it is too bad you could not have derived more subdstaatlsel 

recognition. I shell,have our people try graphite in our poilers, 

and hope we may find the results as successful a6 your own 4.98 

of ite 

Let me thank you for the suggestion of experiment- 

ing with this substance for tempering copper, but I have such =n 
immense amount of work before me now that I fear it will be iti- 

possible to experiment on other Lines at this 

my cold 

9 Ssam 


Beet 4 

be f\e 4 

a June 26th, 1914. 


Mr. Wn. Toudon, 
1621 Twentieth Avenue, 
Seattle, Washington. 

Dear Sirs- 

I am in receiyt of your favor of the 18th 
i{netant, and in reply would say that in my opinion @ nickel 
sulphide ore oarryiig more than 5% of metallic nickel is about 
as low as the ore can be profitably worked. 

The nickel trusts have enormous deposits of 
5 to 8 nickel and 3% copper gulphide ore, which they roast in 
‘the air end ran through e matte furnace. They practicelly 
control nickel in the United States. Unless you have quite a 
rich ore and plenty of capital it. would be 8 tough proposition 

to compete with thon. = 
a Pa 
Yours ve Falyy~ | 4 
A ee 
- Mae % . 4 (Secon 

June 2%th, 1914 

Mr. Re He. Beach, 


ass ers : A 
RAR AS er Es Ese 

Singer Bldg., 
New York City. 

Engh paps 

Dear Beach: 

Iisman's people are complaining to me 
about your send ing through the mails some advertising 
matter implying that ‘you have rights for my battery in the 
United States. , 

“*. ' pigase out that out, and confine your 
efforts to the real thing that we telked about, namely, 
foreign sales. 

Yours ve 's 

June 29th, 1914. 

Professeur He. Pierson, 

Directeur du Laboratoire de Psychologie, 
A Ja Sorbonne, 

Paris, Frances 

Dear Sir:- 

I beg to aclmowledge receipt of your estcemed 
favor of the 5th instant, in which you ask whether I could find 
in my Laboratory one of the eleatria pens that I used to male « 

I regret to say that I shall be unable to help you out. I have 
looked around, but camot find a single electric pen left in the 

Laboratory > 

I am afraid that you would have to go to some 
makers of philosophical inatruments to have one of these made « 
We have no facilities for making one at ny works here, and I have 

long since lost the drawing and specification for the manufacture 

of these articles. 

Regretting that I cannot aocommdate you I 

remin a 
Yours very truly, 
a *2 cla 
The 2 ¢ ‘ 
eerie Lehn nee. 
vs " 7 : + . a 
afer pare Ba OME apple revered -y tir bgeaees wuvdeene | soreeoe 
é ee rc 
“4 ton f ; et : , sec ' mt a 
“ faa fer Ca rete “ Prank? Beelinag ra Reon ny vo eden Pe ae 




June 30th, 1914. 

Mr. B. M. Anderson, 
1001 Bast Main Street, 
Richmond, Va. 

Dear Sir:- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor 
of the 26th instant, ani to express my appreciation of the 
kind words you have betrayed in regard to my disc phonograph. 
After working hard for some years on this 
machine and records it rewards me to learn that lovers of good 
music appreciate the results of these efforts. 
Now in regard to your idea as to short phono- 
a to be sent through the mail, it has peen worked 

graph record 

on by many inventors, but nothing has been done that was commer- 

cial. Some concern in Germany had them manufactured and made 
a great deal of talk about them, but the sales were very pooxs 

We are so busy here that it would be simply impossible to take 

up this scheme at the present time. We may be able to reach it 

at some future day. _——, 

Yours ve truly, 
6 Mes Cob con 


June 30th, 1914. 

eee EE 


Prof. Wm. Chas. Bauer, 
2149 Sherman Avenue, 
Evanston, I11. 

erg Yee, 

rer sien te 


Dear Sir:- 


I beg to aclmowledge receipt of your favor 


of the 22nd instant in regard to your primary battery cell. 


In reply let me say I do not think we should 

pRRAa ea 

take up the matter with you nw, as we ourselves have been 

SRT TeT ean 

experimenting with cells of this character for over thirty 


years. We prefer to wait until you can present a completed 
commercial cell, and if we can then see a profit in it over 
anything we now heve ourselves, we will be glad to treat with 


ccs aeneesreernes unease rr 
eeccibens mri 




agpen atc 

See eee 


July 7. 



o 6. 



been with me at the Laboratory for seven years. 

His servicen have been very satisfactory in al 



He leaves my employ of his om a 

Betrerss So 

BBR APR Ape bent AOL 

in ts ila 





July 16, 1914. 

Jacob Stahl Jr .-& Co 

Cubes be GAQS First avenue, 

rr nr La 

poe yim eo a New York City. 
Dear Sirsie ;- 
» TY eeha you a bax of BHUNSWICEY eleeare which 

sll hurn inwast age -eshiel aber tussasible to 186, 


They arecantizely, ~wi2ica“thoge of this brand. whic’ 
Ioheve veen buytae Prade. HW, Vetker & Broa. of Oranze 

for the past twenty Tive-teateaT 7 7 
: Pr ee ee 
I thins Sabetaze ia being praesiced in your 
fastory by the 1. WW. W or something of that xind. 

Yours vers nce) 



Went neranantgns SREY 
Ree Eten Teer 

CRcieeh caaeashnerenaiey ig 
Manas : 











July 22nd, 1914. 


Mr, George H. Follows, 

6428 Darlington Road, 
e Pitteburgh, Pa.. : 
Dear Sirs= 
bc 4 | Replying to yours of the 16th instant regarding disc 
4 records being out of trus, LI would say that I have investigated 
or the eccentricity of our records and find about 2% ran out due to 
Bw ; holes, which is due ‘to carelessness on the part of the operator 
B on centering machine and will be iSuadeted's This eccentricity ; a 

is sometimes due to warping. 

fhe scouring noise or run out as we call it is due to , 
an uneven weld between the plank and the veneer. The continu- 
ous surface sound is broken up to strong and weak, We are 
constantly improving our t¢echnique in this respect and will, I 
hope, practically remove it. 

The new disc machine brings out all the defects of the 
ainee; At first we thought these aefects were in the recording | 
and reproducing, put they are bas They do not show in the 
4netrum ntal records end when listening to @ repetition of & song 
with the ear only, these defects are clearly in the singer's voice. 

As to Ragtime, Comic yecords, etc., we are compelled 

to put them on the market or go out of pusine 

Yours very Ve 

Ps Very PRrambpul ysuy . G 


reg eee Be 


Die Internationale Kino-Industrin Ausstellung, 
a Budapest, Hungary. 


Gentleman: « fos 
I nave received your courteous invitation ta 
become the Honorary President of your Exhibition, and 
in reply beg to say that it gives rie pleasure to advise 
you of my acceptance of the same, and to assure you of 

my wishes that you may have a most successful Exposition. 





beta entra 

PUTT sett a 




PEE oie Sa 

Paes : 
ame ee 


Judy 2B. “yors, 

he Oe ie oar 
Pree Twos snendler, 

Le A; Rioudtsot, SE oe 
oot Ste On wee AT 
Dear Sirse ‘ . 
Sa ee Yow York Cito. 
wre a ’ , My Ree. ce : . 
ana proudPsttrn rts) Goes of pene te Litt nates 
ne tol wratiea! aginn yi. gare said ee 
ae Begone ormAndEey raz eivede: 

MAI Tae cs 

COROT Ss Seber arate ‘tpt ose Ne na 5 aire: nay * ; gor - 
Sit hgh De desaed i. SRG $a, 3° erobpes, atstee, Grau 
i. * So yat to wn 
an i wi 0 chatro metiace the, 70 oh Litan Grera House He 

seme ee G FURR Gee on the yee Poe Sah - 

6  Inadlneen doing 2 large _fmount of writins in the vaet 

sem wm 
“ + tus 
four year 6 in relation 2 Vy iy “which 

seems to r*« OD. K- ee 

ne at ee, + 

i pave him the money to help hin 

along Tt was several months ago. 

Sh a ee See . 


Se ee 






heoyv WY 

ing t° 

of HSOT Dg 

SS eke re ky is -ac. 
Bite oh pp Ce 29 -dbew 2b 

at who ciaizo memared the, Resrep pas 

Twos os Hendler, 

Hegudtdct , 



rg ae 

wy Ob 

n st ewe hte 
“iy Fre OR AS 
> New York City 
menuaeneete 2 ees OE Tkn 
wes 28! sey yene rary T° 


ky sale: sen 






r 2 


doing 2 lsrge _pmaunt 

< g the vrether ot. the Grau 
CFS 13,$5 , " ou r 

Po “ORD pabeanar oan wy reDel vege - 

ae nal Ty 
a 3 Marek ts 207 

sem me 

years in relation 1, ry Ve >A 


si a knl 
Loa bass 

leave nin 

- yas several months 

ae Bat 

“he monay to heln ht: 


YoyreVéry tru 






Aug. 5, 1994, 

Mr. Geo. F.NeVo), 

Karengo, Ohio. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 22nd ult, in regard to 
making Chinese Reoords for the Phonograph, has been 
received and read with much interest. 

I vegret to say that I shaj] be unabje to 
make a favorable reply te your inquiry at the present 
time, ap we are so very busy on matters of pressing 
importance, and that we sha}} be unable to take up the 
matter of making Chinese Records for some time to come. 
We shal] undoubted}y do it at some future time, but cannot 
take it up just now. 

Youre v uly, 

BFS ee | Ei ee 

ee eee aria ee 



STE re 

Aug. 4, 19174. 

Ta ee ET 

Mr. Semue} Ineull, 
#320 Weat Adems Street, 
Chicage, IJ). 

Uy dear Insu)): 

I have received yours of the Jst instant, :| 
together with copy of Mrs. Lippincott's Jetter of Jwy " 
27 th, : i 

It is true that Lippincott Jost his all, i 
put I found out when al} was over that he had made fa) se fe 
statements to me and at aj) times was two-feced. Under 
al) the circumstances, I think that I have fulfilled every ‘ 
moral cbligation if there ever were any. : 

Yours ve truly, é 

ae Co Gy won | 

Aug. 5, 3914. 

Me. Robert John, Secretary 
The Luther Burbank Society, 
Senta Rosa, Cal. 
Dear Sis: 

Referring to your favor of the 2)st ultimo, 7 
beg to say that I have received Volumes I, II and III of 
my ret of Luther Burbank" s Lidustrated Records, end ver 

to thank you therefor. 

i ec | 

La 5 

Yours very truly, ee 
(ot ) 
Jon Cleat er ne | 



cnet Serres 

nent ye 


Aug. 5, 1924. | 

atte ae Patan Ae 






Lherck & Company, 
#49 Park Place, 
New York City. 

Ame oan ie “= 
Ne prep ereees ea IT rete 



Gent? emen: 

ST ae 

Referring to your faver of the 30th uls. I 


neg to say I don't think we can une Letn-Para-Creso). a 
Ag to Carbolic Acid, I was trying to find out | 

whether I could get it in this country, not Abroad. We a 
area now pretty wel) eupplied with carbojic acid, having a 
bought about 60 tons in thie country within the jast fev a 
days. 4 : 
If you hear cf anything along these Jiner that prey 

you think =4]1 interest me, ? shel] be Riad te hear from 

you. Lee 
Youps) very truyy, et 


Gon i 


Mr. Fr, Meitz, 
#602 South 9th St., 
Lafayette, Indiana. 

Dear Sir: 

Your very interesting Jetter of the ]7th ult., 
addressed to my Company, was handed to me. I have read it i 
very carefully and beg to thank you for the kind words wi th ) 
which you are pleased to commend my Diamond Disc Phonograph. i 
I enjoy full and frank criticism and expression of opinion, 
and have been greatly interested in reading your letter. : 

Let me say in regard to some of your remarks that ; 
you must bear in mind ve have just started in with an absolutely 
new technique in the phonograph art, and it takes time to 
develop something which is radically new. In good time, ne \ 
expect to have al] the beautiful music you speak of, and shaljJ ; 

also add to our Staff the best singers that we can find, put 
we sha)} not empJoy singers naphazard Jike some of our come | 
petitors, who use only those who are celebrated thru newspaper : 
mtoriety. Many of these are celebrated not for instrinsic | 

merite of their voice, but mostly for stage presence and 

We have plenty of Bori records, which wil} be put out 

as we go along. Uriup sang ten records for us and I sent them 


THE ped 8 

Mr, Pr, Meitz, Ze 
Page ~2- 
August 5, 1924, 

to the scrap heap because the surface noises were too great, 

He sang in London ten more quite recently, and I scrapped then 

a)] because he was in poor voice. Our chief competitior 4 

would have used aj} of then, 

I had fifteen records sung by Knote and relegated i , 
; I 
aj] but one to the scrap heap. \ 

I had twenty records nung by li 
Agostine)3i, #1] of which, except one, turned out badly and 

I scrapped a3} of them except this one. 

She was in poor voice i 

when she sang these records, and had a terrible tremoJo from 

start to finish, 

Finaldy, ané sad to relate, 92% of al} the records \ 
we have sold in the Jast thirteen weeks have been of the popular 
variety, and only 8% were of the class of music that you want. 
Thies has been a great disappointment to me. 

Yours truly, 



August 5, 1914. 

Messrs. Nichols & Hobbie. 
7? Rast 42nd Street. 

New York City. 


Your letter of the 20th ultimo regarding tha 

Iona Teland, New York. proverty received- 

T originally bought this land in 
iron mine on the property, which I located. 

I paid $3,000.00 in cash for it. 
wood from it to the amount of 4994.50. and 

taxes amounting to $1,009.00. 

I will seli for Cost, plus taxes 
at 6 per-cent from date of vurchase. minus 
of money received for wood: in other words, 


I enclose herewith a description ees 
You ery truly. 

WF ee 


PF acai Bebearoretee” 





Rasa keabe sees 

u or STIS Fanti 
eonene aos 


SET TES Sacre ee 


1890 for tne 

Te ey eter Ee 

eemerrere cre 

Have sold 


SUSE aeons 

nave paid 

and interest 
the amount 

cost to me, 

Ve : Aug. 5, 1924, 

PT ar er ee eres a 

Medeam Blanche Arra), 
#500 Fifth Avenue, 
Yew York City. 

uy dear Madem: 



I em afraid that you wil] have but a 
pues. opinion of my promptness in answering Jetters from 
the fact that. you have not heretofore received a reply to 
your favor of the 29th of June. The fact is, I went for 

a vacation the day afterwardg and have only just returned, 

I must, therefore, ask you to kindly excuse the deJay in 4 

reniying to your Jetter. 
Perhaps we did not come to a complete under- i 

etanding when I Jast had the pleasure of seeing you. You 

explained to me your project and said that you expected to 

have +he manuscript of the vaudeviljJe sketch in a few days 

end would then come sround again and bring it with you, 10 

that we could talk the whole matter over with lir, Edison, 

Aftar you ned left the office, I explained the matter to 

Mr, Badeot and ne thought rather favorably of it, but said 

he would postpone final deoieion unti] you came around with 

your vaudeville sketch in manuscript. Thin wil? explain 

why you did v4 hear from me, for I was expecting you to dad) 


Madam Bianche Arral. 
Page «£6 ' 

Aug. 5, 1934, ass 

again or communicate with me, 

I fee) sorry that there has been any mise 
undexstanding in the matter, but trunt that no serious 
inconvenience has arisen therefrom. I shaJ] be glad te 

se@ you and take up the matter again at any day that may 

be convenient to you, 

I Yours very truly, 



EES Fas 

Lat cn nnn a ars 






a oa sree 
spate 5,914. 

i Z ul 

lx. Alfred Edgarton, 
#55) First Street, 
Fulton, New York. 
Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 2)st ultimc, together with 
copy of your report to Professor Yerkes in regard to Tom 
Stringer, reached me in due course. 

The case is undoubtedly very interesting and 
worthy of profound study and experiment. To be of any 
asaistance in this matter would require both time and 
gS effort, neither of which I can give outside my own busineas 
and exparimental work. Inasmuch ae I work about eighteen 
rours a day on the Jarge interests which require my conatant 
nttention, I regret to say that 1 shaj} be unable to be of 
agsieatance to you in connection with thie peculiar case, Hence, 

I must ask you to kindly excuse me. 

I return the copy of your report herewith, 

Fy ees [a 


ur. D.C. Kaseman, 
#2033 Tioga Street, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
Dear Sir: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the soth 
wt, in which you make some inquizries in regard to the 
firat Electric Light Plant in Shamokin, Pa. Z have aj so 
read your paper, copy of which was enclosed with your 
Jetter and found it very interesting. As 4 matter of fact, 
Sunbury was the first three-vire Hlectric Light Station in 
the world, where overhead conductors were used thru the 
streets» It was started in operation on July 4th, 31883. 
Shamokin was the second station of this kind, out I da not 
recolject what date it was started in operation, a) though 
it was not very Jong after the Sunbury Plant was started, 

Although these were the early pioneer pj ants of 
the three-wire System, and were the source of considerabje 
anxiety and care to me and the men I had working with re, 
ny recollection of the days in which they were instaljed 
and atarted have always been very pleasant ones, not only 

on account of the success which attended our early efforts 

in a comparatively unknow field at that time, but also by 

Ur. D, C. Kaseman. 
Page -2- 
Auguaet &, 1934, 

xveason cf the pleasant associations with a Jot of good 

fellowes at those towns, 

Ae you may not have information in regard to 
the original officarn and directors of the Shamokin Company, 
T wii] mention them for your benefit, They are as follows: 

The original officers of Shamokin Co, were - 

W.H. Douty, President. 

Holden Chester, Vice President. 
John Mullen, Treasurer. 
Wiljiem Benry, Secretary. 

The origina) Directors were - 

W. H. Douty, 
G. C. Leader 
John Lujjven 

A. Robertson 
Holden Chester 
William Benry 
P. B. Shaw. 

Trusting that this information wil] be of seme 

Yours very touly, » 
£ TT 

ure to you, I remain, 




Sosep ol 
fat il 
hoe A 

a Aug. 5, 19234. 

Mr. Gi3vert MeClurg, Of The 

New York Committee of the Internationa} 
Longfellow Society, 

#55 South Street, 

Morristown, N.J. 

Dear Mr. McClurg: 

Your favor of the 6th ultimo came to 
hand in due course, but 1 have been so busy the Jast tuo 
weeks that many matters have been Jaid aside unti} I got 
a little Jeisure. 

It gives me much pleasure to say that I 
shal] be happy to join your Society as a Life 
accordance with the statement which you enclosed in your 
letter, I send you herewith check for $]C0.00, drawn to the 

order of the International Longfellow Society. 

tS ot 
ere 2) 

ao = 

ae er 


Treen ae; eee 
we er 

LEIP PE eer gg Tt 
ihioene saan as 
PUES Sr ase 


See ere TE LETT 
Peer EY 







5, 1914. 

ur. John F. Monnot, 
Zéison Accumulators, Ltd., 
#2 Duke St., Pioeadilly, 
Lendon, S.U. Eng) and. 
Dear Mr. Mennot: 

I just drop you a Jine to warn you to 
be very particular about something, and that is, to arrange 
matters in al) your instellations so that the battery is 
never charged. hot. If a battery is charged below 100 
Fahrenheit, the Jife is enormcusly pro) onged. 

We are collecting results of experience from 
verious persons and concerns, and many thousands of ceils 
have gone above four yenre of Jife. Thore that have never been 
charged hot, or above 300 Fahrenheit, seem to be about as nood 
aa ever after three or four years of use, put these betterles 
shore owners charge them hot, only juat about puld thru the 
fuur years and that was because they had an excess of batteries, 
us aj} trucks have. Discharging the batterier hot doer not 
appear to diminish the jife. 

We get people te came in at nignt and open 
up everything, so as to cool down the batteries belo 300 

Pahrenneit, then put them on charge. A)J the Beach cars 

et RT ort nt nnn sof A sn TARTS 

tase ee ; 
: wright 


ci was 
ee ae 

Hr, John Monnot,. 
Page «2a 
Aug. 5, 1914, 



ar eee 
that do this are making: fife records. Seme concerns use 

Jittle desk fans to coo) the batteries down, 

Yours very truly, 

EPS Fo are 

if duppose Tho war los olappeol everyheng 
As ik Russa + wanke fice, 20 for 
ua howe Geen umable to get Ate hom 

ay. ten Joo. 
Can you outget “ is | f 

sort hp hin — og 

Aug. 6, 1934. 

ur. C. E. Soribdner, 
Weotern Electric Co., 
Bethune Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Mr, Seribner: 

It was very kind of you to send 
me the photographs and description so promptly, and 1 
appreciate it grestiy. Let me thank you for your 

I want to squirt a tube for making 
a phonograph cyJinder and had no idea how the die was 
made. Of course, I wil} regard the information as 

Yours very—truly, 

<< Aes a 


August 7, 1914. 

Edison Portland Cement Co., 
Ww. & Mallory. Bade. pres-, 

Stewartaville, ew Jersey. 

Dear Mr. Mallory:- 

Fnclosed finde certificate Ho. 1726 for 

376 ehares of Common stock of the Edison Portland Cement 

Company. which Hr. Edison wants split into forty shares 

in the name of H. vw. Phillipe, and 336 shares in his own 

He says to send Phillips the shares promised. 


Will you please attand to the matter 
ana oblige, 
Yours very truly. 






7, 1974, HI 

| i 

| H 
| A 
Uias Antonia Sawyer, i 
ile tropoditan Opera House, i 

#1425 Broadway, 4 
New York City, a 


| fl 
| Dear Madam: FE 

Tn accordance witn the promise that i 


Mr. Edison made you the other day when you called ners, Ei 


he has autographed one of his photos for you, and I an iH 


sending Lt to you by registered mai] under separate cover, Ba 


I should be obliged if you wi3] kindly be 


acknow) edge receipt. : 

Yours very truly, re 




a ee 

Se nme Ret ead ere ne SI ag a merece Te 5 

Aug. 8,2924, 

Pref. Tuizi Romance, 

#210 Mott Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir: 

I em in receipt of your favor of the 7th 
inntant, and would say in. reply that so far as I under 
stenéd your. Kinetophone Waltz has not yet been reached on 
the music to. be recorded by, our Recording Department. Just 
at prosent that Department in closed down for two weeks 
vacation, but as soon as they reopen, I wil) cal} thelr 
attention to the matter and see what progress hae been 

Yours very truly, 


FP ase 



Ass 27, 3994, 

Mr. o. BL Foloy, 

cfoD. lL. & W. Ralixoad Co., 
#90 Want Strect, 

few York City. 

Dear lr. Foley: 

BE want to thank, you in behalf of Exe. Pdisou 
and aise permonally for vour kind faver of the eth inetant 
and also foi the letter frer your Chief Engineer, ha. Res, 
tn regard to obtaining sample of G2esaute and data relating 

We have sent over and cbtained the sample, 
which is now tebne tected by Ms, Edisen te see if we can 
use in sacs of something tise that he has had to inport 
from Abroad, 

Thanking you for your courtesy, I remain, 

Youre very truly, 


a cle te ee 
MabiBET iGo: 0 oe RR BSE 

Aum 10,3924, 

Genera} Navad Stores: Camncn 
#175 Front Street, 
New York City. 

Gentj asen: 

Your favors of the Tih and 8th instent, together 
with the soerplern of Fine Creosote O47 Have boon reecived, 
and we beg ta thank you for your prompt attentien tc our 
telephone revnage, 

Yr. Edison wishes me to inform you that he hae 
tested the samples you have sent, tut iney axe not avaijleble 
for the wore that he has on hand at the present time. What 

he is after is cresy}ic scldsa,but there is not enough in your 

‘gomples to make the materia) avalicble If you have any thing 



elze that you think uould be more ~uitable for hig reguire- 

ments, wa ghowld be gle d be heas fron you, 

ASSISTAMT Thom ruteay 
AOL ETAL T Clie setae e EC 

kr. P. Eijburn, 
e/o The Edigor. Portland Cemort C>., 
Steweortevijje, NT, 

Te 4 ch 
Dear Sir, 


Toam dn veeeirt 



er. a * a “ ate ie ~ 
Syour faver sf uve Pegh Pret. 


agkine for the setuan of the report of Daliv Burireaas 
Booked ag of August 6th, and beg to hand you the enme 

hereri th. 

about the neceseilty for promptnesn os: these repothe. 1% 


Jeoks for thee. from day ta day, and your report isa on 

y ons 

of a series, You urculd neve telerhnonee me te return this 
report of August ¢th, eas you would have saved at Jeast ore 
day. Tt will te the third day before I can get this report 
back from you, which rears that the whose serien of reports 
wi}] have been held up three Gaye, anda Ur, Edison vill find 


Al? our other reports come very 
premptiy, ond I would sugeersy that sou be 
having thoi 2:27 Zinta the same dine, 

Youre very tivly, 

A irate denen Sek A 

TRE @ 
; : Aude 25, 1574. 

Mr. P, Eidvurn,. 
The Edlacn Portiend Cement f.,, 
Eteworsaville, VT. 
Dear Sir: 

I heve received your favor of the 22th instant 
and return your enelcaures herewith, 

Bridentiy you do not understand, I wlll try to 
make it claar. Ur, Bdison wants these roepertr every cay 

promptly. He wants each report for each day separately. 

etcieeiie Bawa See remem ee 

gust an you have been doing before, Flease do not deviate 
the alishtent from this requirement, end kindly wake cut 
sezarute reperte far cach day since August 6th and send then 
to me just ag quick as you Pussibdly can. Lr, Hdison la 
getting very impatient on this aatvee: : 

Yours very truly, 


nn SSeS 


pe ee 





a SEE 

ty, Henry Eneu Jonnsen, 
Bally Road & manadowne Ave., 
Lansdowne, Fae 

=. ee, ee 

Denar Sis: 

Your caver of the Mth instant, enclosing 
copy of your application for Jetters patont on 

Stereoreopic Hotion Picture FlIn, cence auly te wand, snd 

£ expert on this 

tT submitted the sume at once to my chie 

particular ines I think it ¥i7) be bent te send you 

copy cf nis report to me. 

_"y nave. read carefully the application for 
patent of Henry Eneu Jounson for the production ot 

4 Stereorcopie Lotior. Picturos. . 
"The methods augrected by him are aynvariably 
the first idear that come to anyone a@enirous of tasing 
sterecre mpic negatives in motion. 
«there is no aifficulty in the way ef taking the 
etereoncopic pair in a motion pieture comnera. 
; “one promiem in etereoscopic pradection is how 
: to differentiate the imeses of & atereoscopic paiz for 
q the rient and left cye. ; 
be “Perniatence of vision dcen not entex ints this 
7 at aj}. . 
“storecscopic yiaton requires a slight muscular 
a change in the axia of each eye when a ehsnge of view 
P point is teken und both eyes ara atmultetcs wy 
on varioun objecte euccarriwety in differens parts cof the 
scene and this sensatics ut be reprea@uced in viewins 
wicture to possess aterpoesepie viston.. 


: ethis necesss vtec 8 Aiasinitselly in ire pietures 
* whieh if scen by roth oyes simul taneceesy beoculte in a 
; confusion in the ploture as the Aware, ol - etereoscopic 

pair do new repicter esthenry or meehae cooly , 


ent, vogethox with 

hed dis 

Yo ur wey tral y, 

os, aa Cherm — 



Ur. Walter P. Phillipey 9° 
o/o Columbia Graphophone Co., — - 
Bridgeport, ‘Conn, : 

Dear lr, Phillips:- 
: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 
esteemed favor of the 13th instant, which, together with 

the enclosures, have been read with a greet deal of 


interest. It seems to me we are never toc o1d to Jearn, 

so tet me congratulate you, that you,an o]d time telegraph 
man, hateJearned something new about telerrame within the 
Tast feu days. / 

‘If your friend, Er, Winter, is desirous 
of making a visit to the Leboretory, I wil) take care of 
him when he comes, and try to get a minute or two of Mr. 

Edison's time to have him ercet Mr, Winter, This War has 


caused up ro end of inconvenience, as I suppose the case 

with your Company, but Mir. Bdisen has not ceased to he a 
giant when confronted with difficulties. 
Youre very truly, 

Mange a 
BP A hchad ten ota hat 


apa iin ens soe REPT EY 


aug. 14, 3974. 

Dr. George L. Schnerger, 
Armour Institute, ; . 
Thirty-Third & Federal Ste., 
Chicagea, 133. 
Dear Dr. seherger:~ 
I bog to acknowledge receipt of your 
favor of the J3th dnatant, enclosing your blographica) 

artioje of Mr. Edison, written by you for "“Greates’ Living 

Amexicens". % 

o In accordance with your desire, I have 
looked over the manuneript, and havo ‘taken the Tiberty. cf 
making a few changen in accordance with facts, and have 
also added a few suggestions in regard to your vib} Lography 
at the end, al} of whicn I trust will be satisfacterzy. 

I am returning your manuscript to you 
enclosed herewith, and have sent you by mail, under separate 
cover, a photograph of ir. Edison to which he hae appentied 
his sutogzaph. 

On my vacation, from which I have 
returned a fev days ago, I had the pleasure of spending 

several) weeks in Maine with Dy. Monin, whom I eateen very 

“We had en axe “tina together, 

Yours very truly, 
ae LO Mee cert eee 
uy ere & e 5 v 

. : : 4 - # 

| oy 
- | oe : 
: : 



irmabemeness FESS 

ve CB 

Aug. 17th, 1914. 

SERRE GTN Settee ens 

: Barrett Manufacturing Co-, 


Philudelphia, Pa. 
Gentlemen: ~ 

Referring to your favor of the 6th instant in whnicn 

you made quotations on Oreaylic Acid, will you Kindly inform me in 

regard to the first two items, viz, Uresylic Acid 97-99% and 95% 
what percentage they carry respectively of the following: | 
An early reply will greatly obtige: my 

Youre very truly.» 

; heli loam 
Mus WA 0 Orthe + Planef 
fsa Gude — 2 



Aug. 17th, 1914. 

Samuel Hill, Esq., 
Home Telephone & Telegraph Coe, 
Portland, Oregon. ; 

Dear Mr. Hill:~ 
I have received the globe which you so 

kindly sent me in accordance with the promise made when you 

were at the Laboratory sometime ago- It is very handsome 

and I wish to express my thanks to you fo 
The only thing that +roub les 

and complete, rc sual 
a splendid and useful present. 

my mind now is the possibility that some of the pounéry liues 

will have to be changed as & result of the present conflict. 

with kind regards, I remain 

ce rere 
A nn ast AEE SRST 

ST ter carers 



Aug. 18th, 2914. 


Bayaay Chemical Co.-, 

Elizaboth, 3. d- 


qT reveived your favor of the 17th this morning, 

and thank you for your prompt attention. 

We are now experimenting on the synthetic produs tion 
of phenol by the Benzine Sulphonic Acid alxaline fusion process and 
are getting protty good yields. This process was nuded in Germany 

after the English G.vermont pur an embargo on phenol ia 1699. 

Shoula we succeed in ‘gatting the process anyahere 

witnin 3 reasonable cost 10 wilt move guick, and will be ina position 

to act :mickly- 


STF Eee 


<A sities ts 5 I etn SE ea i aaa 

Mr. A. Kobb, 

% Ohas. Chipman's Sons, 
349 Broadway, New York. 
Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 14th instant has 
been received and its contents carefully noted. We beg 
to thank you for your very kind interest in our records, 
and also for frankly expressing your opinion in regard to 
the paring of the selections. 

_ The matohing of the selections that you 


August 18th, 1914. 

mention was done some time ago when we had comparatively few 

records ready to be put out for the public. Now that we are 

increasing our list of selections, we are using more care in 

the matching, and I think that you will find that there will 

be less and less incongruity as we grow. 
Once more thanking you for your kind in- 
terest, I remain , 

Yours very truly, 



salen ieee 








Maman A adage Bs ae wy Wo Fae cate cath 

August 20th, 1914. ts! 

Yen. John Braden, 
Buumann Studios, 
669 Pi£th Avenue, 
New Yerk City. 

My dsar Vrs. Braden: 

I received your esteomed favor of the 15th 
fnetent, the contents of which were very narefiilly noted with 
4 great deal of interest. 

I suppose you have been waiting for ue to 

make an appointment for Mr. Eaison to give a sitting. a 
presume you are in no particular hurry for 2 thot time, end 
47 I may suggest thet you wait for awhile, possibly a weet or 
tro, it woulé be hotter then trying to follow up the matter 
OW “he European War has caused a great deal of disturb- 
ance in our establishment as yell ag in many othere by reason 
32 the Lnability to obtain our suppiies of chemicels which are 
very much needed. 14 is a very serious thing to us as well 

- as to many other manufacturers, and Mr. Edison is exccedizgly 

busy just now trying experiments $0 that he will be able to 
surstibute other materiale or mata them synthetically. 

XY truss you will be content to leave the 
matter in my hendu, and let me advise you as to the most 
propitious time. You may rest assured that no one else is 
voing to dap in, but that I shall look after this matter person- 
ely e 

Yours very truly, 


__— August 20th, 1914. 
owen : 

Mr. T. He Davis, 
Vice President & General Manager, 
Bayway Chemical Company, 
Bayway, Elizabeth, RN. d. i 
Dear Mr. Davis:~- 

Your favor of the 19th instant has been 
turned over to me. Tet’ me say for your information that 
Mr. Edison has ten mon working on the synthetic process you 
mention, and is getting excellent: results experimentally. The 
work is being rushed as much as possible and just as soon as 


he is ready you will hear from hin. 
it will please you, that from this time on he is going to favor 
American products to the utmost extent. There will be no 

foreign products come in here if he can get the American 
equivalent. Tis is for your personal information. 

Yours ver truly, 


August 21st, 1914. 

ir. Henry E. Johnson, 
Batly Road & Lansdowne Avee 
Lensdowne, Pa. , 
Dear Sir:- 

I have received your favor of the 17th 
instant, and in reply beg-to say that my experts have tried a 
vast number of schemes for. producing: stereoscopic motion 
pictures, andi any opinions they may express are usually from 
practical experience and not theoretical. Tet me say for 
your information that I have an impression there are several 
foreign patents issued which cover the general lines of your 
sohene. : me 3% 

You will pr bably be surprised to learn 
that the motion picture houses will not pay anything extra for 
novelties. We found that they would not pay an extra $10.C0 
@ week fon talking motion pictures. There is not mich ide 
for novolties if they increase the cost of production. ; 

Yours very truly,—— 


2.8. -- I return your "Radiascope”. 

Senate et at cute 

eechreg haben Lebiarst 




August 24th, 

The Clayton Aniline Co, paid 
Manchester, England. 

Gentlemen; - 

Me Edison Airects me to write to 
you to ascertain if you manufacture Paraphenylenediamine. 
If not, will you kindly ciate him a qnotation on Parani-~ 
tranilin in ton’4 tots. Ee would aiso like you, to send a 

priced catalogue : of y your productions. 

Yours very truly, “?* 

. fern 
a ne : i 

_ Bete oant 49 Ji. 


1914, . 


SOU pa pao gee eM ae 


August 24. 1914, 

Edison Crushing Roll Co.. 
Stewarteville, New Jersey. 

Attention Mr. E. 8. Ondyke. 

Dear Mr. Ondyke:~- 

Will you kindly advise me whether the 
following plants using our crushing rolls are in 
operation, so that I can check up my bookea:- 

Kelley Island (Akron plant) last report April 1914 

National Limestone Co. . . " ” 
Dunbar Stone Company A> aie * May “ 
fornkins Cove Stone Campany * * June ° 

An early reply will oblize. 

Yours very truly. 


August 24th, 1914, 

Messrs. John W. Leitch & Gos, 
Milnsbridge Chemical Works, 
Near Huddersfield 

Yorkshire, England. 

Gentlemen: - 
Mr. Edison wishes me to enquire 

whether you manufacture evephenylonedtemine or Paranitrenilin. 

if 50, Will you kindly “quote prices in ton lots. Please also 

send your general - catalogue ‘and Beige list. 

. _ tours very truly, Lope 

MH olteddnreuaf ; sep 

Assistant | to ues Ed! 




August 24th, 1914. 


The New England Gas & Coke O04 
111 Devonshire Street, 
Boston, Masse ~ 

Gentlemen: - 

Mr. Edison desires me to ask if you 


make Benzol, and if so, what quotation you. can make in. 

car load lots. i ve 
‘Tg you ‘do not megufeoture this material 

he would be glad. ie you would kindly glye him the names and 

addresses of Tar Distillers. : 
Yours yery truly, “0m 

Zz : Pg Lote He. 

EY hy ay es 

4 Assistant to Mr. Edipo 

EY < 7 ue ' 

7 : > 
v wo 

3 ph One - 

tare as anne rn ere 


August 24th; 1914 

Mr. W. HN. Matthews, 

’ e 

3722 Forest Park Boulevard, 
Bb Louis, Moe 
Dear td Matthews ; in receipt of your favor of the 19th 
instant, and have since received the two books you kindly 
sent me They are very interesting. 

You have so many kind words to say about 
me that I feel much embarrassed to be obliged to disappoint 
you again in regard to the talking motion picture. 

You have been misinformed as to ‘there have 
ing been mate a talking motion picture in which I appear. 
For certain special business and family reasons I have agreed 
not to make a speaking record for the phonograph, and I have 
never appeared in the motion pictures but twice, one at a 
private gathering of motion picture manufacturers, and the 
other at my daughter's wedding. These pictures were of a 
private nature and there are many reasons why I could not 
consent to even a semi-public use of them. This I am sure will : 
be quite obvious to you. ’ 5} 

I-am sorry to disappoint ‘yous 







sagt” 7 ant ll 


August 26th, 1914. 

Wr. Je We Rochlitz, 

* The Rochlitz Studio, 
281 Fifth Avenue, 

New York. 

Dear Sir:- 

XY am in receipt of your favor of the 
25th instant, the contents of which have been read with 
eareful consid eration. 

Possibly I am at fault in not having been 
more explicit in my former letter. While there is no 
doubt about the artistic quality of your work, the 
privilege given to Mrs. Braden was accorded not on account 
of her connection with your Studio, but on account of her 
other business associations in which we are interested. You 
will see, therefore, it would be useless for me to enter 
into any discussion of the matters relating to her connec- 
tion with your Studio, and I shell have to ask you to excuse 
me on that score. 

Of course, I quite appreciate your wish to 
have a sitting from Mr. Edison, but unfortunately I shall 
be unable to make any promise in this diréotion at the 
present time. He is exceedingly busy day and night on 
very important matters, and I know that he would not consent 
to another appointment at this time. If you will take up 
the matter with me again in a few months, I will see what 
gan be done, but, of course, I cannot make any definite 

Yours very truly, 

De HEP OO ae a a 






a note Bt 

Mean si we a 

pent Sua Neneh See oe Te TREES 

ie f wee 
tA _ 
al . ge oe 

C August 27th, 1914. 

Mts, Blizabeth A. Evans, 
5016 Sheridan Rd., 
Chicago, Til. 
Dear Mrs. Evans: 

. Ir am in receipt of your esteemed favor 
of the 2ist instant, and regret to learn that you have had 580 
much trouble on account of illness since last I heazi from you. 
It has been a long siege, but I am glad to learn that you are 
now out of the woods, ami trust that you will remain so. 

As to your coming over to the Laboratory 
again in October to sing for Mr. Edison, he is quite willing 
that you should do so. I wish you would kindly let Imow a 
few days in advance of your coming, 80 that I may be sure to 
have an accompanigst here. 

With kind regards and all good wishes for 
your trial records, I remain 
Yours very truly, 

wares fa ‘ £. 

Lite of 

Assistant to Mr. 


Mr. Albert W. Hartt, 

N. H. 

Dear Mr. Hartt: 

I beg to aclmowledge receipt of your 
favor of the 22nd instant, and am glad that you wrote me 
about your enjoyment of ny disco phonograph and records» It 
is a great gratification to me to mow that after the days 
and nights of hard work in the years thet I have spent to 
make the phonograph 4 real musical instrument that I have 
succeeded in pleasing lovers of real music. 

We have records of many ‘violinists, such 
as Carl Flesch, Melia, etc., but none can approach Albert 
Spaulding in yerfection of technique, and I am pleased that 

you confirm. ny judgment. 

Yours very 

| Cette 

August 27th, 1914. 


ne ; 

August 27th, 1914. 

% 0. Be Haynes & Company, 
121 West Broad Street, 
Richmond, Va- 

| Dear Mr. Haynes: 
Your favor of, the 2ist instant came 

reply that we have still some 

e to take many more when 

to hand, and I beg to say in 
more records by Anna Case, and I hop 

she gets back. 

Yours very truly, 

ates au stoy ef ; 
. | 

een August 27th, 1914. 

Mr. T. J. Parker, 
) . General Chemical Co., 
rz 25 Broad Street, 
| New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

When things are normal we use about 25 pounds 
of Paraphenylenediamine daily. Until the last few weeks we 
rohased it regularly from the National Anilin Works, New York. 
ey got it from a Buffalo concern whom they represent. When 
we originally started to use it we were told. they had 60,000 
pounds in stocks We ourselves have been carrying about 2,000 
pounds in our stock. 

A few days ago I asked the National Anilin Works 
whether they would be able to take care of us, to which they 
replied that they didn’t have a pound in stock, and I could 
not get any satisfaction as to when they would have any. Ir 
cannot resist the conclusion that they simply sold out to 
speculators, thus leaving at least one regular customer in the 
lurch. We paid them 50 cents a pound. 

I am supplied for 90 days and intended to im- 
port from England some Paranitranilin end reduce it myself, but 
as I learn your people make Anilin oil, I thought I would state 
these facts to you and see if you would not like to do this your- 
selves and sell the Paraphenylonediamine to me. 

I am very glad to get the tables on Sulphuric 
Acid, which you sent to me through Mr. Meadowcroft; also the 
pamphlet, which I have read. Your prompt action in regard to 
the Hydroquinone is appreciated. 

Uae be Pete gk oath rivet “EMTED LE ATE ESE TP SPINEL CETDRS Vf Rp LEER ECE pte i LOPE PS Cue tip fete F : _ 
a eee whee CEPRRA Sa apres ey Cae tec Ae A od toe od Se a A 


sin tae neperramts 

RS eee 

Fes REE a ee 

Dar SasaeeabSaaas Deseo Tact 

ag, a Re Sener 

+ Mie SRLS Taal a stats 

ad 1 
ws : 

August 27th, 1914. 


This ia to certify that Mr. Thad D. 
Smith has been in my employ, as draftsman, for nearly three 
years. His work has heen satisfactory. He is laid off 

because of the disturbance of business conditio by 

the European War. 

Ser eres tert aS 

Re een ERA 






SGT ee Ee 


August 27th, 1914. 


Mr. J. H. T. Tudsbery, . 
% The Institution of Civil Engineers, 


zt x5 NTS hase eae 
SON errs erg Tere re 

Great George Street, 
Westminster, S. We, 
London, England. 
Dear Sir: . 

I am in receipt of your circular letter 
of the 30th ultimo concerning the disposal of the balance 
of the Kelvin Memorial Fund, and beg to inform you that 
I am in favor of the recommendation of the Executive 

Committee as therein outlined. 

Yours ve wy, 

CONG es 


vethte eda ibe es at dsb bokeh 


August 3let, 1914. 

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sayre, 
164 Tonnele Avenus, 
Jersey City, ie Jeo 

Dear Friends: 

Your favor of the 24th nitimo was forward 

ed to Mrs Edison, who was much gratified to learn that your 
disc phonogreph has given you 80 much pleasure. 

He has given instructions to have 4 record 
made at once of the som "J hear you calling me", and in due 
time you will be able to get it. You will appreciate, of 
course, that it takes some weeks to put thie through the 
regular course of manufacture. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

anarsrepenebere eee ST EAT TCATAL TARE es Es ARSE re UAL soni ad ” a 

TREES Fa Tae aes” 




August 3ist, 1914. 

Hon. E. W. Townsend, 

Piss ca TE, ai 

House of Representatives, 

Washington, D. C. 

Dear Mr. Tovmsend: 

I want to thank you for your favor of the 28th 
instant. Let me say for your information that the State 
Department obtained the consent of the English State Depart- 
ment to lift the embargo in my case so as to permit me to 
have 50 tons per month of Carbolic Acid. Today, however, =F 
received a cable stating that the British Board of Trade did 
not agree with the English State Department and are hesitating. 
So I may not get it after all. 

Replying to your question why we cannot make 
chemicals here in this country, I would say that if you and 
your friends in Congress will get together at once and pass 
& Bill similar to that which the Canadians have passed to pre- 
vent “dumping” in this market, (Canadian Customs Tariff, RS. 
1906, Sec. 12.), it will be a builder in this country and make 
America dominant in the chemical trade. 

We need no protective tariff, - just stop this 
dumping business and that will do the trick. You can doubtless 
get a copy of the Canadian act at Washington. 

The German chemical industries maintain very 
smart representatives in this country. The moment they hear 
of some small capitalist going into the manufacture of some 
special chemical material, down goes the price and the jig is 
up. The monied men get scared and withdraw. 

; The waste of raw materials in this country on 
i this account is awful. Pm 

Yours very truly, 

LAS AC ws ( ed flaws. ns 


x a 



I Sas 

6 est 


Sept. lst, 1914. 

Sou. wake ee J. Bryan, 
Segvetery of State, 
Vash strat on, De. OG. 

My dear Mr. Bryan: 

‘te you can get your friends in Congress to pass a Bill 
similar to the one the Canadians have passed, to prevent "Dumping" 
by the Germans into the United States of America, it will build 
up our Chemical industriede Te BALL I refer to relates to 
Canadian Customs Tariff, Re Be 1906, Seo. 12. 

The Germans nave extremely adroit ‘agents in this 
country, and every time a small man attempts to start manufactur- 
ing one or more of the standard chemical productions the Germans 
cut the ices The monied men backing our chemist withdraw, ad 
the jig is ape This is very unfair We don't want any protective 
tariff. Just pass the Canadian Dumping Bill and we can block the 
Amn of our German friends. 

Cur waste of raw material in this country te-awsl. 

Yours very truly 
<hact Coon 

nate Lp as meretipnmmercanhagReORRNE peo armmmerent ! 

Sept ° 2, 1914. 

Mr. Kaspar Siedler, 
44% Wo. Oak dat 
Buffalo, He ' 

Dear Sir:- 

favor of the 29th alte, to Mes, Edison 

and we beg to say ‘in reply that 

nm the Rhine” was made at 
terdey. It will 

eB of manufacture 

has been received, 
a record of the “Watoh 0 
our Recording Laboratory only yes 
ugh the various process 

ar on ow list of records + 
fortunately for your purpose this will tek ‘several 

weeks, but we shall try and hurry it through 8&0 that 
may have 4t ap quickly 2 possible. 
Yours .very truly, 

have to go thro 

pefore it can appe 

the public 


FR Me ne RE 

PRR WEN Ee ere At 



Sept. 4th, 1914. 


Messrs. William #. Gray & Coe, 
76 William Street, : 
New York City- 

Gentlemen: - 

Referring to the telephone conversations 

oft and your Mr. clifford Dixon today, 

between Mr. Meadowcr 
to take the two car loads 

I beg to say that I am willing 
of Benzole at thirty to tnirty one cents per gallon, 
assuming that it is 90% Benzole. 

You might say te your fr 
portunity of bidding On any surplus 

iend that I shall 

pe glad to have an op 

supply of Benzole he may have. : 
Yours very 4 ‘a : 
ae ae ie 
‘ r 
hes Colaw renee ; 
, I 




sept. 4th, 1914. 

Hon. William Hughes, 
, United States Senate, 
Washington, D. O- 


iF My dear Mr. Hughes: 
I pag to acknowledge receipt of your 

eee OT EGR 

favor of the and 4natent enclosing & letter from the State 

: Department regarding the exportation of carbolic acid from 
England to United States, and thak you for your very kind 



attention in the matter. 
I think that the conditions imposed on 

such importation will enable us to still maintain our factory 

1 in operation and keep our employees at work. 


Sept. 4th, 1914 

« 8. Irvine, 
6.Blysian Avenue, 
ttaburg, Pas 


Lear Sir:- 

Your favor of the ist instent to Mr. 

Edison has been received, and we thank you for your kind 

Mr. Edison roquesta us to say that we 

are large users of Carbolic Acid, and use Benzol to manu- 

facture it synthetical 
Should you at any time have an excess 

ly by the sulphonic process, which is 

now in operation. 

of Benzol, we would ask you to kindly advise us. 

- Yours very truly, 

&, : vt, 
Leal 72 bn ae 


SEPT, 4th, 1914. 

Hon. John V- Lesher, 

%, House of Represent atives, 

Washington, De C- 

My dear Sir:- 
xy am in receipt of your favor of 

the 2nd instant in regard to Mr John Cruikshank, and 

n reply that from the tone of 
utter lack of information as + 

his letters, 

would say 4 
o the 

which indicated his 

aed that he was demented, end 

state of the arc, we cone lu: 
ve paid no attention to him. The fact is that 

eny other American inventor has been able to 

ng motion pictures on aco 

neither I nor 

ount of 

got a ‘valid patent on talk 

patents in foreign countries 
Yours very + 

antedating us- 




September A, 1914. 

Wifth Ave, & 27th St, 
New York City. 
Gentlemen: - 
Will you kindly renew the subscriptions 
ef the various periodicals, sent to Thomas A, Fdiasn, 
Tuntor, Burlington, New Jersey, upgn their expiration. 

es per your letter of the 4th instant. 

Kindly send bill to the Laboratory and 

Yours very truly, 

Hf fe 


Sept. Sth, 1914. 

Ea, G00. . Cope, 
Baitor, The Iron Age, 
239 ‘lest S9th Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sirs= 

Your favor of the »th instent has been received. 
In reply I would say that Gexvnolic Acid is not obtainahle in , 
this country as our tars contain scercely any; hence we are 
dependent on Englend and Germany. 

IT em the largest single user of Gaertolic Acid 

hore, and the embargo placed on shipments by England, to- 

gether with the impossir ility of obteining any from forery, 
hes put me in a pretty tight place. However, by massing @ 
hig gang of men in three anifts I have erosted all the 
machinery ard apparatus Yor weleing Phenol synthetically Pron 
Benzol, end my plent is nov wording, but ~ shell manuracture 
only for my own use in the production of phonogravh records, 
It occurs to me «het there are many things we 
are short of in the chemical line that could be made, here 

qvickly 12 some people in the trade would act - not talk. 

600 : 

Sent» 9, 1914. 

A. I. Clymer, Eaq.. 
Van Wert. Ohia. 

My dear Mr, Clymer:- 
Your letter of the 15th ultime received. 

We are just holding our own a6 far as 

profit is concerned. Truck sales by the manufacturers have 

almost dropped to Zero, and railroads are buying very fow 
patteries for lighting nurposes. 

Mor. Ford is not yet satisfied with the 

model of hia electric, altno he has made three and is now 

testing his fourth one. We are prepared to give him all 

tne oatteries he vants. 
The Beach company failed becauver their } 

A New York banking fima 

business methods were dubious. 

nas taken over the yusinese and have gold several cars. 
as the war is more settled they exnect to 

They say as soon 

do a large business. 

We have no trouble with the battery in 

cold weather. A car and two trucks ran last winter in 
Canada, there are 

Fairbanks, Alaska; and up in Winneveg, 

more than a dazen cars that went thru two winters. 

If things were only norimel we could be 

making lote of money. If Ford succeeds our profits will 

pe very large. 
Yours very truly. 

se v8 

Cas hee. hata, 



Sept. 10th, 1914. 

Mr. Malcolm Colcleugh, 
Gear Sir:- 

Your daughter informs me that you have 
retired from the Grand frunk Rajlwey after fifty two 
years service. X am pleased to hear of you after the 

lapse of so long a time, and trust you may live many years 

to enjoy the rest which your extended service has fairly 

entitled you. to. gy 
Yours vexy-truly, 
gee ae 
a #.. Ga (eer 


Sept. 10th, 1914. 

Dre avthurs Py Holding, 
103 Pur avcuna, 

New York. 

Dear Sir:- 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 
the 5th instant, together with photog-apls illustrating cancer 
cases before and after treatment. Allow me to thank you 
for your letter and for the privilege of looking at these 
photographs, which are returned herewith. Ea vather 
curious to know whether your method of treatment is by the 
Xray or some other special plein electrical treatment that 
you use. The results certainly look good, and if I had time 
I should accept your invitetion to witness a demonstration of 
your methods, but I am tied up here day and night with my ex- 
tensive work. 

I should be glad if you will kindly let me seo 

a copy of your article when it is published in the Medical 

Journal. ns 
Yours v [rw 2 

os {clears aaa 

Sept. 12th, 

iv. woorge H. Babcock, 
Brooklyn Borough, 
Kings County, N. Y. 

2aar Sirs- . 

Roplying to your recent favor, we 
Sag? vay that your copy of the little book "Tuskawanta” 
a3.) .2 lace Edison was received and has been handed over 
we Ams He hes been exceedingly busy for several months 
ate hes not yet had time to read it, but as soon as 
te hus Ladsure will Leok it over. 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 





“aN p> we 


Sept. 12th, 1914. 

Dr. Le. dk. Etrashborg, 
1957 Madison avenue, 
Baltimore, Md. 
Dear Sirse 

Your favor of the llth instant to Mr. Edison has 
been received. He requests us to say in reply that he is 
nugh obliged to you for your frank expression of opinion in 
yerard to the pzinging out of records of dance music, put asks 
that you will kindly bear in mind that our diamond disc machine 
fs comparatively new, and that we are building up our catalog. 
no this end we are hastening to get in position to put out the 
any Levest dance music and also other musical selections of 
yaoent publication. 

' Up to date we have issued the following records of 

danea music, and more ap peing recorded all the time: 

"pe Poem Waltz - Boston 

EL Rio Rey - Rango 

Muy Lindo 

Pastime Rag 

Sean Souci -  Mexixe 
Admiration Waltz - Bos ton 

Meunea Tango 

La Paolista 

Dreaming ~ Hesitation Waltz 
Adele - " " 
Tele adtAmour - i a 
Mac face Isso 

Anafa ~ Maxixe 

Maori Tango 

Yours very truly, 


prs Te 

eS Sept. llth, 1914. 

ce ens oe 

My. Mevman H. Hoexter, 
Dear Sire 
I have received a copy of the Century 

F Ouere, House Magazine in vinich there appears an article 

entitled "The Phonograph", whic 

woivben by you, hn I have read 

witha a great deal of interest. 

Tf you can spare the time to run ovor to 

ery glad to have a chat 

a pu 

tho Taboratory some day, I shall be v 
u something new and interest- 


and think I can ghow yo 

ri bh yon, 
u telephone my Assistant, 

i Ang,iuk F would suggest that yo Mr. 

seermyeredb, so 78 bo make sure that I shell be here at the 

capex cae Deere yak 

Sabet vats Daze 
SORRY ron aca 


Sept. Lith, 1914. 

Mr. We S- Mallory, President 
Edison Portland Cement Co., i 
St. James Building, 
New York city. 
Dear Mr. Hallory: 
I am in receipt of your favor of the LOoth inst. 

in vogard to lr. Eugene H. Grubb. He called here and hed quite 

a conversation with Mr. Baison after he had visited the farm at 

Hew Village. He made an exceedingly favorable report to lr. Edison 

about the work that Mr. Kiefer had done. 
According to the post of my recollection, when 

tie, Grubh came here @ few months ago he volunteered to go UD to the 
tai and Look things over. Tam quite sure that Mr. Edison aid not 
ags him to go, and I know for a fact that no definite arrangements 

were made as to his going in any official capacity: 

Nothing was seid or hinted at on his recent visit 

4o Io. Baison thet he would expect any foe, and, as a matter of fact, 
T do not think that he will expect any remuneration from Mr. Edison. 

Yours very + ruly, 

i atria pier ngewe emt s TIE A LET 

SSIs y ee 

pee trae oa 


ee a a 


Sept. 12th, 1914 

Wilson Remover Company 
115 Chestnut Street, 
Newark, Ne d. 

Gent dathenge 

Your favor of the , 9th instant to the 
Edison Storage Battery Company has been handed over to Mr. 
Edison. He requests us to say in reply that we shall only 
make carbolic crystals for our own use. He states that there 
4s a Chemical Works in Pittsburg intending to make Carbolic 
Acid Crystals. He does not recall the name at this time. 
He also wndorstanis that the Barrett Manufacturing Company ‘axe 
to orect a plant for the same purpose. 

Mr. Edison asks us to say to you that he has 
m Crystalized Ortho Cresol, in 

about 40,000 pounds of pure Germ 

cens, which is for gale. If you can use any of this, he will 

pe glad to get your offer. It is a wore powerful aisinfectant 

shan Carbolic. 

Yours very truly, 

agnk % 
ie 5 See 

Assistant to Mr. Edison 





Tt ee 


- Sopt. 12th, 1914. 

Mb’. Joe Mitcholl Chapple, 
The National Magazine, 
Boston, Mass. 

Dear Lin. Chapple: 

Replying to your favor asking me to 
write you sore thing on the subject of "How's Business?", 
let me say that if Ll should write you an answer it would 
be necessery 40 bring in the subject of the war. There~ 
fore, I think it is better to wait a little while until 

thins are more clear. 

Yours very tr 


Sept. 12th, 1914. 

he He E. Heitman, 
% Whe H. EB. Holtman Co., 
I. Myors, Pla. 
bear Sir; , 
Your favor of the 8th instant has been 
received. In reply let me say that I do not agree with you 
4 in sonere to the Dock, and I do not intend to spend any more 
money until I am obliged to. ®re whole place is a sink 

hole for money. 


Sept. 14th, 1924, 

Bayway Chemical Coo, 

Blizabeth, N. d- 
Gentlemen: = 
Your favor of the 12th inatant in 
o the orystalized ortho Gresol has been received. in 
ay that I em willing to sell what Ih : 

half cents per pound, which is just 

regard t 
reply I beg to 8 

hand at geven and one 

ave on 

what it cost use 
Of course, you understand that it is 
first come first served, and this offer is subject to prior 

pacer e 

Yours very truly, LZ 

AGA Et TURNER eee ool 



Sept. Lith, 1914. 

itive Van Vocrhis Close, 
1f Alpine Street, 
Newark, We Je 

Dear Sire 

Your favor of tho 22th ultimo, together with 
your description and drawing of a mooheniam to be placed within 
a motion picture camera for the purpose ¢ f yroduaing stereoscopic 
effect was received. 

Z have ned one of my experts go carefully over 
your description and drawings, oni have rasetved o report from 

him that the sam? is impracticable. the following is eu extract 

#rom his report: 

“Tt have. carefully studied the desoription given and ac 
companying perell sketoh of the devies for producing 
atercosoopic motion pictures, and my opixion is that 
such a device for taking motion picturs negatives 
ptereosuopically will have many serions objections, the 
most serious one I think is whether it will be possibile 
in the brief period of tim between the successive ex- 
posures to shift the mechanism that claws the film and 
carries the sprocket whesls for feading the film from 
the upper to the lower retort, @ distance of 2~1 2 
dnohes, bring it to a dead atop in register and lock it 
80 rigidly as to arrest any 4ndependent vibration petween 
4+ and the lens and smtter bearing elements. This must 
all be accomplished in not more than @ 1/25 of a second, 
to be at reat during exposure. Having made a negative 
and positive print from it, there is still the inherent 
defect in the method proposed for projection that persist 
ence of vision will convey the impression of a rapid to 
andi fro movement of tne eyes or a confusion of the two 
images, as the right and left eyes are continually seeing 

oe aw 7 ote cea 



Mr. Van Voorhis Close, 
Page -2- 
Sept. 15th, 1914. : 

both images of the stereoscopic palre 

We have many simple ways of obtaining the atereoscopia 
negative images and printing devices for arranging 
them on one film for side projection or segregating 
them for two projection machines put no solution, at 
least none that appears practical, other than to use 
alternating shutters operating synchronously for the 
right and left eye consecutively, or to differentiate 
the images with the colored spectacles of red and 
greene By superimposing the red image for the Left 
eye of the stereoscopic peir upon a green image for 
the right upon one strip of standard perforated film 
and viewing with the colored spectacles, we got a 
perfect serecacopic motion pioture." 

While I thank you for your Kind offer to turn this 

tT cannot make usc of the sane 

I therefore return your 

idea over to me without charge, 
on account of its impracticability. 

description and drawing herewith» 
Yours vory truly, 

Jo mew ocean hae 


aecumrenete VEC reat a ad 

encom een 


bE A cataesnnet nia Bcd or 

Sept. 25th, 1914. 

Mr. Henry Gavin, 
233 Riley Street, 
Buffalc, N. Y- 

Dear Sir:- 

Our Hy. Gardiner has celled on me this morning and 

handed to me the portrait you made of ma in cil colors. It lea 

very creditable plece of work, and it give me mugh pleasure to accapt 

it and to thank you for the kindly sentiment which prompted you to 

paint it. 

Thinking you might like to have one of my photographs 

I send you one by this mai. 
Yours very truly, 



Sept. 15th, 1914. } 


Hon. William J. Bryan, 
Secretary of State, 
Washington, De C. 

My dear Mr. Bryan: 

In reply to your favor of the 9th instant relating 
to "Dumping" by the Germans into the United States permit me to 
say I entirely agree with you that there will be no dumping 
while the war continues. 

Let me repeat, however, that if you wish to build 
up an Amerioan chemical infiustry,now is the time to pass the 
Dumping Act. We need it now. 

Nobody will aiveet money in a chemical works at this 

time, for they know that when the war is over the Germans will 
start the old game and ruin them. You prevent the Standard 
Oli from going into a community and ruining the small refinery 

and yet the Germans are permitted to do @ parallel thing. 
Yours very A 

2 Ss epeb one 

we er Lang is 


oH Yate. 
. 2pre* 

Sept. 15th, 1914. 

L. Co Gorsuch & Company 
Wao Ronktainsas,. 
Springfield, Ohio. 


I am in receipt of your favor of the 12th 
instant, and in reply beg to remind you that our disc busi- 
ness is comparatively new and that we are building up 4 
catalogue and must put in ell the old standard ballads and 
other selections. You must remember also that in a list of 
Rifty records divided up into eight sections, some sections 

will be weaker then others. We are now recording every new 

piece of music of any value as fast as it cgmes-out’s >) 

Yours very truly, 

Sa ‘ 
63 oi C discon 

( : Daag get Tees, 
Lee | 




Sept. 1Léth, 1914. 

Mr. Ro He Donnelley, 
22% Fulton Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sivs~ 
Wi11 you please send at once by express to my assist~ 

ant, Mro We He Meadowcroft, at this address, one copy each of 
Classified trade telephone directory of following olties, as per 

telephone conversation of todays 

Brooklyn Milwaukee 
Albany Providence 
Buffalo Rochester 
Chicago Troy 

You will find check for $8.00 enclosed, in payment 

for sane 
Will you do me the favor to note on enclosed sheet 
wherts 1 oan obtain similar classified trade teLephone directories of 

the cities named thereon, and return the sheet to Mr. Meadowcroft. 

Yours very truly, 

Romas GQ. Vleion 



“4 asianciblinbadaniniaa 



an . 
Spe 18, 1944, 
MN Jot oS Retacy ' 
S64 fag obue, 
Neus tporda. 
Deon mn. Rivtocr : 

IM. Seteron Jays you eau Come ow 
Pond ceaidcceah | aut beac Ne wort. Me 
we stmt you at “Yo a cweak. 

OF aie, Gini, pain, Gan eaeeies Ge 
& fla. tras Ganug WheGohnn at $8.20 - Tee 
4 mag Ge mm same tau, You Can wadt 
Jr me ot chance of Frets GQ- I cfm 

ay BOn uxtt Ce wet me. 


Sept, 1Bth, 1Loid. 

Me, do M. Howtliton, 
348 Hummel Street, “ 
Harrisburg, Fay 

Dear Sirie 

Your fever of the 1Lét togtent to Mre 

jus been received. He suggests that if you bappen “So WO es 
over to New York City, you can call in owe Roeording Soudio, 

#79 Fifth Avenue, New York City and B06 Ure Weiter Tad 
ur. Héieon 

who Will meke a tost phonograph record for you. 
ing "Hattinete™ 21 Wg 

further suggests that you 8 
ever Told", so that we may compare the regoras i th acnething 
that we ulready havec Tz you intend going over io flew Yor, 

you could write Mre Miller in advance and make an appeintuent 

with hime 

In order to avoid any misunderstanding, let me 

state that we do not pay the expenses of singers coming to our 
place for a trials 
Yours very truly, 
UW Yeuliecd igen teS 
Assistant to Mr. paisox. 



er taba 


Ease aa ena 


Sept. 18th, 1914. | 

Proudfoot Commercial Agency, 
Singer Building, 
New York City. 
My dear Mr. Proudfoot: 

Mr. Edison has asked me to write to 
you and find out what wot think about the Salvation Arny, 
from which he receives occasional requests for financial 
assistance, and has answered some of them favorably. He 
does not care to have you go into any exhaustive report, but 
state generally whether- you think it is. all right to assist 
ocoasionally. , 

“In regard to Col. Martin, we have decided 
not to have any dealings in that direction, and therefore you 
need not go any further in making reports on hin. 

Yours very truly, 

a ae ane 
Lf re Ae) deg get oF 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

mpeeenrenpsernnny nT ET TERE 




Sept. 16th, 1914. 

SOO F. Taylor Commission 0Co., 
BO Pine Street, 

New York. 
Gentlemen: ~ 

I beg to aclmowledge receipt of 
your favor of the 16th instant, which has been placed 
before Mr. Edison for his consideration, He requests 
me to sayin reply that he could not use the lower grades 
that you mention, and as to the Carbonate of Potash, the 
price is too stiff for us. 5 
Thanking you for your prompt atten- 
tion, I am | 

Yours very truly, 
ayo, C 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

saeperrenrreTOR ET TENCE STE TEI <u PETE EE 
"A i 

Re, a at 
Sapte. cand, 

Ho. Jou Oglling, 

158 Central Avene, 



Dear Sirs- 

Replying to your favor os the Letu 
instant, let me say that I have had my Plorids jhovuss paiatkec 
this year. I believe there is considerabis construs:ton 
work patie on at Fort Myers, but am unable to say Whet ies. or 
not there would be any opening for you. 

Yours very traly, 
Pilomas &. Gliom 


LO Le. 




Sept. 2eand, 1914. 

Mre Ae Co Phelps, 
1352 St. Mary Street, 

New Orleans, La. 

' Dear Six: 

Your favor of the 14th instant has 
peen received. If you will send copies of your songs to 
mo at this gadvead I will have them played and sung to me, 
and if any of them are found gesirable for the phonograph | 

ve can talk of business arrangements later One 
Yours truly, 

VE peee Gwe 



ie Sept. 22, 1914. 

H. 3. Gibson Realty Co., Inc., 
Forty Second Strect Building, 

20 Bast 42nd St., New York. 
Dear Sirs: 

Replying to your letter of the L7th inst., rerord- 
ing the property at Ho. 10 Fifth Ave., ‘ew York, 1 wonla say 
that I will sell the same for just what I paid for it, vis: 
$113,743.00. There ie a $75,000.00 mortgage on it ai of%. 
In eddition to whet I paid for it, 7 have expended thonsands 

of dollcrs in improvements md aiteretions. 

Yours very 


Sept r gand, 1914. 

Mr, Allan L. Benson, 
1 Arthur Street, 
Yonkers, Ne Yo 
Dear Mr, Benson: 

I duly received your favor of the 16th inst. 
enclosing olipping of your article from The World. In 
reply let me say that while your scheme ig desirable, it 
‘geema impracticable. . On the whole, I am so discouraged 

by this War that I feel it is a eae anything. 
Yours very truly, 

a a Ge ou 

' - 

TENCE erence UA EVER EE ee 




General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-099 (1914-1915) [not selected] 

This letterbook covers the period May 1914-February 4915. It contains 
letters of transmittal and other correspondence concerning the procurement 
of materials and supplies. The spine is 
other markings on the cover or spine. 
pages, all but 19 of which are blank. 

stamped "Letters," but there are no 
The book contains 693 numbered 

General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-100 (1914) 

This letterbook covers the period September-November 1914. Most of 
the correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. Included are 
letters concerning chemical shortages during World War |, Edison's opinion of 
Jewish bankers and industrialists in Germany, and the feasibility of constructing 
concrete houses in France and Belgium after the war. Other documents pertain 
to Edison's property at 10 Fifth Avenue in New York City; demonstrations of the 
disc phonograph; and commemorations in honor of Edison and electric 
lighting. The correspondents include Herbert L. Satterlee, a biographer of J.P. 
Morgan; longtime Edison associate Thomas Commerford Martin; reformer 
Lillian Wald; and financier Jacob H. Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. From Sept. 23, 1914. To Nov. 25, 
1914." The spine is marked with similar information, along with the number 
"38 "The book contains 703 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 15 
percent of the book has been selected. 

re reviekeraters 


eobh seermnne recente 



. 1S. 

«Sica at 

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f oy 





x Sahn pence nt eRe 
ee Te eee ra NENTS 



Ba, eer yy Da Se 

! tot 
i i La gs s GW t i 
? Bp ~ a ne NX ~ 
2 wm BW YS YB wo +3 

IB4 ey Cel oo: 

bathe, | Uhr 

Baw i £0. 

Bacon, Charles U. 

pateheler, Cot, $1. v 

6 ae 

ee Waren 

bacherrtk Me, Che, 

Rallinirrr sie aa 

Kana se tea 

Daten, a ae vee 

Birch, Pidbrk 2. 

Baertet th , z 

Pipi fix Doiob, nr. & MY. 

annrewws CM. 
Bagg ned WMetor 

fects (utnan &. 

Bictclle, ,farotel 

cae Pu, dif 

tr ; 

/é Wn. Morin 

acer, FU (Vier fe.) 

BU, W. Fachone ; 

hs AY (Pett 

ee Saintes 

Birmneleei ,/Pramare 

[5-/86- 2Y-0- | 


/AZ- 322- 

[34- 282 - 

[Sb- /SH#-4-39- 



ZU fe elle SJE 


ene nares 
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ag bes Sata a earns aren See 

bata nel , Charke jt. 
Phachurvoct, Orth 
Ruther, Waw. 
bramddtetter , Lrtaniw 
ie on 
BrreRbee, , gil, ke. 
Bhanrfcthal, Trurresy E. 
(Sremntarr, Herbert 6 
brancen, cassia Kf, 
bonnir, Pa ue 
rack, V2. Jobo 
Dhak. , He. 

hehe Burkert 
(dower, M. 2. 

Pru Te ame 

Breage it. 
pis Lee aon 
Bene, (Care oto 
(Braun , hor ge 

(yuan, Sarit Oh ie, 

f / 

Caw, ne 9. 

[preter Odum. 

brrdtrr, Atte 

AytLe- 36% - 
BL Z- 

“Fy oa 

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37-6 b0- 
—Sme— 5/3- 







rt Ba ec e 
denis aerate 


Clhkelo, Wein, /?. C 

2, OS 
Caw, W&, 

habmtenr, Ione, FF 

Coren, imata + 
ie li, Anat 

Caoae, Pnr080: MNary i 


Lh fale , Fie Muter wees 
het f ie Ante? , Cz, bet 

- V 
Codbecaves, AD. 

lark, Thomas C, ( Zoltinr ) 

Conant okth Colacze Ce, 
Couck, An, Ag sure 3. 
Crecher, tee It 
Contree , Al fecnesr Je 
Orbis, Set 
Comrad, tor, &. 
Coelbinn a SE. 

awit deg tte [Abb hte 
Clarkes, eee Tare 
Chiband, o 
Chartttir grin, 
Cooke Wriac, (Alda 

Ooncatt, WYuas, hha Cp Mabe 

ye | 
S2- 2il- Cr 

uf H/ 
iy | &- 

nanan Nem MCL UNS SL SENET SS Bat Be Cs 





Wb Viet e 

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Vaarp Courity Gees Cdr. io 
. aac 

nani, Mrs, Thera 5, 
{ plows 

Checbure [biel Caw oF CVA CAT nk | 
Crane Ab tora RO | 

‘ Edina, Fx. 
En Se ar ae 







wm © tt | i 

fin, Wook jet x /ol- 

4 rcut4, 7. oy. ee 

Aber Ca Co. Law, HH 

he loans ae see bebe SET | 
ies f - Ahh - otro Ze G 

Yn ett, Cuge Ke aE ! 

4 bachbe, liatter ©. of 
Aline, rn. (ott? #7. : 
Lyre, fatrrrard %, 

29 3- 
4Y of’ qt 
ae = ey be 
Lg-aHtricls , eames yon se 
& Lopes. » gl. ye e 
rf ; j io oO aie 
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esa fe vit 
alive, nese. heey Powe : 

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rab! ee Onliasqe Le ; 
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uy, iver 
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Yyjith bigs 
vipa, TOS ia S2S- Sho - O6i- 

; 3 PTt. es - 
J the 
MLA, he le. ae Jed, ee 
Yrutt : a lt. 
Loto oy 

Ct , Wad, ct. s09- oe 

SESS REA Spe ens ea 

Hage, 6./3. a 
Habbare, OF thee (rss, oe 
sna ie f3-Sb-/so- 
Haren, oe of oe 

/forr, Kaoconrd - as 
citi oa Leonhard oe Ha 
TORE, Wow, Tit. 7 | 

lt: ann, poten = 

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nn EL 

|fawaers, Te ie 
Hanoen, ee eat 
|tarfar ¢ Krve ae 

[rape too, 0 ee 
Mags ¢ Aah . sae 

| ee oes eo 15 |- BSG- 
/ . ; VWarws, nets 
Marre, Jute ne 

j aves, ann is ie 

j olrechn, Miso, Koma ors 
Htarurick, Pre. aaa we 
powerek Mb. /¥ Zo G- 
7 / 7: cor re ike 
nds ai gape 
jl oe ee 


Hop £ae 


£, zi ne pee eetiess Ir De 
2 eS ES ee 

yo — 











0.6, (Gare. me ., 



MWe. ( Pree.) 

See eoraees 


i: tage, 
| / 

i ; 

Hubtcll, rank Ruthey 
[ford der, Nermare ote 
Horne, lo. ©. 
|eldetranel, fev. A. Mt. 
/trward, Sees 

Ges bmn. 

Jtrefeine, 7, 7 

belt, Yeo. a, (Pee) 
jt teat 

jfotlaow FCo, COD ee 


/forw, Dr, clea sf: 
citthare, epee 


1479 - 

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ye RN a 

vA Ywe 

a a 
Bal lias 

Chere , 

[eclte, }- fe 

SELL, STEAD ES pad Sans 

Poe ; irae habe, A Mee 
: T= 109-17 [98 e191 BS FTE - 
rs ‘ 100 e 

Knepper Vest hv be 

200-58 8- 

os ‘} ' / it A 3 a 

cenlow Deg 
; / of ONzZ 
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AOE © a 
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fy, L 

a ij Fae 

2 G22- 

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are ae ) as 
a3 Ww. Ld, 

WO aR ee Lon, Wnro. Mate by D- 
Lopate Ie (Prus.) ie 
: oe en, Le oO. . ; ies 
a, 65 2- 

aga aus, cs 

Yura Lalor , a oo 
Angeles . 5b —(08-(7§- FH0 - Ho §- 
yrablrry ae LADO TBR EAT IS ee fone: 
te, Miao, tk Fein 
Mmochbin, Witlreot ee 
WM, CG. o. [WrL0,) [fi- 
Violen. Wisse 
Menton, 2. ee 

Wak cee Nit 

Mamufaclin yrnnaiee ole malice Celera wee 
“ aN 
ae Mrrace iS - 
« 2 , 3 
Marke 4 Bey <. Crpuelen sls, 
Oss foe 
Wacker, Wie, tices / 
tes (hie Catlin ‘ . 
pve - 
cet | €Oten, 
; Ao S$ 7- 
mMiAwee ,Wikkine U5. he 

yuttor Zoo, pain eos 
a. /f. 27- TT 

Cy rae aa HT - 37O- 

Miter is LH, Jot 325- 

Whe, Wary F /S3- 
Paoli Loot & i hee /02- 

wWiuhhe, ten. lan. os [ |b b-— Z3S- 

Want ws ene Ch 17) _ 1-b3- 
Wired, Lom, yi re, 2 36- 
ererlh Ws, Hannah Mm 7! 
NU12AL, lu. Dies + L60- 
Vitlher, Cf Re. ae ZRb- 
TNeket , i Pp ste. 32G- 
apiniar: LY. Cin Fee uh Dey ) GIO + YE-LG 
/ ¢ teat i 
m £0 , Cn etie ue 24 aa 
4 ae a ’ P66 
VALE | ee 
: ee 
Mrvrco, pale gal 
Mngtre , arb. Wz 626- 
- SH teI ee Té. o Pees 
Iida, ie ms AN ~ 50 &- Oph 2S 
% ‘* l by aa 
Mow 1 rae. Maru Lpby 
U-b F- 
mill t fh. q 
Mulhr, lini: Ve, (Luwe./ a 
Mintle, W, Ww. Sib o- 
rae de SY-l- 
Mrrric Bee J 6 &b— 


Me SN onabla, Pre? | oa 
Ww Brae (pts ae i i 
Wyte hone, Yerriras ae Bhipipe oS Mie 
We Cate has aoe fa. £09 

me Cate, Mik 


Tw: om ae Co. 

| Nn, 

setae Av. &.& 
sas Jude Peskin deen 

) Norng 

ae aes sien Co. 

1. pies ied élciwedl (Bark 

0 , ea 
Oia, enue 

Di ldiness ; Da. il eat ai 


Oroee, Mnro. Moret ©: 
O Brinn, K¢. 

Orlin, &, , ( Caabirr) 
Uttr, Wikkiane a. 

Ot, Wwe, Wey abelh 

ee ie 



#70 - 



[30- LM - 47 3- 
Sole FIO- 
Sioa ed 

G2 §- 
Sof 3 - 

5 9/- 



errs te tt 








Paar, Wr 4. Yeont ae 

/ iB y) 83- b-0b~ HP ~ 
sl [os- 
hiaksen tee a /06- 261- F4-7- 654-70 3- 
sane p Od 7-187 
Vv Jes 

Poht, Coluard , Ucer. (nso. ) oe 
Proll, Wr. /G4- 
OOS ie . Pitre oe | 

oe by cre 218 - 

niudfert, , AIG 
Toms oar Elen Ww, og 

ae / ie ea ents 
Pele oie, fede: LTT- 
baa 7. ‘ We) S- 
(rach 7% (Hen age ) £74 

fun ‘bound Maclin Height ¢ (oasrtn bo 

Fea 28 (dees | 

: 8/- 
ee 7 Aan ie 
a ns r, is Vet bt su ye 
P an, Sdinund UV. . sop 
ig Le; ; We, lima fle. oe 562- 
Varhec, Hf | site 
ayn, lan. a S92- 
P meth, Wars, Clea, eG £93. 
Prclerctir , Vacet é §f- 

CHinain, Ob. 

feie / ‘ 
poole Chorkes lu. 
(Rare, Pranks, 
Uatnealici, (ere Co. 
fad, Willard I. 
freee a Clarenee ©. 
amor. HG Mee } 
(eccbtirn , Vbbert- 
Ma, Meo, e Cred 
SERGE eee 
jCuaacbhl, fete. ¢ 

tar ahi St fs 

Orberts FR 


Ryeroire, Nn, poe %, 

imine. Dae LN 

Rureuar , oon, 

oe 7- 
OS S- 
igs e- 


Ahablirdrage (ebinaer Cs: 
Santon, (Cabfed C. 
dali, Pot K 
Eero ee ee me 
Aardearte, je ©, 
dehramuy anette ©. 
scheye, Viele. ae 
bhubdow, Y, ra 
Achiuitt 4, w. 

Aretynidt , / 
Ly ne 

¥ Le ia: 
Aho, (ertert 
7) ; ay 

} ria ale 
: bist Be stn 



Hl - 



pe eee ae da 
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peqeereennere were ser 

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Ahi , Wt. | 27. 
hurvick Mv. linn, Prise 
as Aero, iv. ie. YL _ 
= aw ar 
; Alef , Pa fi 
a y) bly. PA ff, ; 79. 
SN Marke, Pruderick bs. ; 
ao Manclarel havel Alen ap 
ee sy 
Aiokr, io ae 
eres Aecclrnart , be ce, ee 
aly 2 
eee Aleurart,, wortin (° on 
ei bhi: lu. ko. | Faro. 



Be: Lh = 3b6-BibV-SSU™= 60 /- 
fr 138 H 

Loip- 3OF- 
Atrother, cae +f, 

= * s 
AMS we Aree pe Ee ah 


Pyieean st 





Rea ett 

Ba eon 


ae tna Maodepre7 SAI 


FOES ZI supped ree 

fe 2 
Uarnprecre, [etn 

Up rmtte CA. tte it 

Lar, Inies, Konan 

Dmpreh, Mnies. Wir tr 
; ae | 

J \ 
Irie, hao: & 

lu ake, Tries. dlbcen on 
lworner, It. Me a 
Wada Eh, nak ee | 
Wantmohir phar nt 
we, ie 
/ ie 
alacn, /*. Ww. ; ‘3 
1S 8- 
We Mm. (Arad Titameste) a 
; 2 _3 hee 
and, ei 2 as me 
lwoettats , &./t ‘ 
“5 fe & 
Deehes, (Ar, Ww /2. Gs 
, I 
wrbatbach a 
fe 656- 

4 1 

Sept. 22nd, 1914. 

| | Mr. Geo. D. Moulton, 
1) : 141 Milk Street, 
Beston, Masso 

Dear Mee Moulton: 
Allow mo to thank you for your very anteresting 

lotter of the ith Angbant end for the suggestions contained 


your kind- 

therein. I also want to express my appreciation of 

ness in sonding the List. of calls for the old time dances. It | 

have given ‘instryctiens to get th 

ep emcees 

e music of all these dances, 

and will then see what gan be Gone about recording them for the 

phonograph. z ee its 

It affgrds me, much ‘gratigioation to learn that 

fereeurenenenmnennie rat 

a pise Phonograph. TI have pub a 

you aro enjoying the Dismonc 
ing, the est three or four 

great deal, of hard work into at. dur 
years and, naturally, it is very aioourentne to learn that T 
vers of real musice wring 


Yours very. 
el fo % 
ee rors) iG Cai nye 

nave pleased 1o 

Sept. 23rd, 1914. 

Mr. Howard Shelley, 
% Century Opera Co. 
62nd and 63rd Streets, 
New York. 
Dear Sir:~ 
Your favor of the 21st instant to Mr. Edison 
has been recived, and he requests me to say that he will be 
glad to see you ‘tomorrow if you wish to come out Herel I 
would suggest as the best time either between 9 and le: 50 in 
the morning ‘or ‘between 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoons 
It might be well for you to telephone me in 
advance of your ¢ coming, 580 that I will try to keep him free of 
appointments for the hour you mention. Our telephone number 
is 908 Orange. 


Yours very, truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


EE ee eee 


Sept. 23rd, 1914. 

Mr. O. P. Harlan, Vice Prese, 
‘he First Netional Bank, 

Stamford, Texas. 

Dear Sir:= 

I beg to acknowledge beceipt of 
your favor of the Lith instant, and would say in reply 
thet our five concerns have each pought a bale \nrovgh the 
Houston Phonograph Company, and these bales have been pald 
for. You will see, therefore, that we have already attended 

to our part. —y 

Yours very t ? 

iO CAwan= 


: a ‘ } Vd 

Sept. 24th, 1914. 

Mise Lillian D. Wald, 
265 Henry Street, 
Nen York City, WW. Y. 
Dear Mias Yald:~ 

I m in receipt of the joint invitation of yourself 
and Miss Addams to me@t with some friends for a romd tableconferonce 
on Tuesdsy next, and beg to express sy appreciation of your courtesy 

and confidence in inviting me to thie meeting. 

Owing to the great a{sturbance of business conditions 

aue to the War, I am pvernorked, and regret to say it will be utterly 

% angy» notsithstanding my earnest desire to do 30- 

impossible for me to ge 

Yours ve ly, 

i, yah romee 

Sept. 25th, 1914. 

Bayway Chemical Jompany, 
Bligabath, N. J. 

Gentlemen: - 

Por the present ve aro atoring druns of Bénzole out 

Avera under tarpaulins, and Mr. Edison wants me to inguire of you 

He wishes to know whether the 

ahother thas is 211 right or not. 
drums laak or must they be stored in 4 puilding; also whether Bonzole 
nued cold : 

‘311 be injuriously afzected by any cold sneps or conti 

Yours very truly, 

tn ; 

Assistont to Mr. Edison. i 



Sept. 25th, 1914. 

Rey. George Drew Egbert, 
77. Bowne Avenue, 
Flushing, N. Z- 

Dear Sir:s- 

TI amin receipt of your esteemed favor of 

the 22nd instant, and peg to say in reply that I shall be very 

gee you and ‘show you around the Laboratory at 

glad indeed to 
I am usually here 

e that will suit your sonvenie nce. 

any tim 
0, except Saturday when I try 

every day from 9 to 4:3 
1 expect that Hr. Edison will be here every 

to get away 

in the afternoon. 

day, go there ie every probability that you would be able to 

‘ghake hands with hime 
If it is possible, 
ee of your comings 

I would suggest that you 

line a day or 80 in adven 
Youre very truly, 
Lif 7 

a@rop me & 


Mr. H. B. Heitman, 
Fort Meyers, 


Tear Sirc- 
Raplying to your letter of the 22nd 

instant cesarding the dock, Mr. Fdaigon wants i5 

patched up only 80 asp to prevent any accident. 

Yours very truly, 





Sept. 25th, 1914. 

Mrs. He S. Latimer, 
208 Lefferts Avenue, 
Brooklyn, N. Y- 

Dear Madam:~ 

Your favor of the 22nd instant has been 
received. In reply we peg to say that if you will go to our 
Recording Rooms, at #79 Fifth Avenue, Yew York City, and hand 
this letter to Mr. Walter H. Miller, the Manager, he will make 
a cylinder trial record of your voice and send 44 over to Mr. 
Raison for his nearing at the Laboratory: 

If you prefer, you can write to Mr, Miller 
with this letter and make 6n appointment with him for a definite 

Yours very truly, 

Aad ‘ a 
ey Ae pice * 

ro? rr) 


i ty 


\L. ail 
‘ ~ fos 

Sept ° 26th, 1914 r) 

t 80S Mr. F. Morsfelder, 
Hoare 436 Fourth Avenue 

he ’ 
pale Newark, N. J. 


Dear Mr. Merafelder: 

q I am in receipt of your favor of the 23rd 
000T instant, and would say in reply that Mr. Dolhart's trial 
aoeH record is in the factory undergoing the factory processes, 
one and we shall not be able to obtain the mould for hearing 
wee until about a week or ten days from this time. of course, 
Arie Mr. Edison would not pass any opinion in the matter until 

ok he has heard the trial record, 580 there would be nothing 
aE more that he could say for the present. 
edph As soon as the record comes through, I shall 

drop you a note and you can come over ani hear it. 

Yours very truly, 

peigrrng mersth nad RES eet 

ee ee nix orate 

ote een ea 

“k ee 

i fa 
\ ‘ ne 

Sept 25th, 1914. 

Mr. Ae R. harvey’, 
pd ea 
Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 2lst instant came auly to hand. 
Its contents were noted carefully, and I laid the whole matter pe- 
fore Mire Edison. He appreciates very much your great interest 
in his machine sail ‘yecords, and has read the advertising paper 
that you submitted. He desires me to say to you thet our 
advertising men have already used most of the arguments you set 
forth, so he is afraid that we cannot make any trade such as you 
suggest. t therefore return your paper to you herewith. 

; Mire Edison asked mo if I mew 4 tittle more ‘about 
you, that 4s to say, your age and what sort of business you are 
engaged ine I tola him you were a atranger to me, but T would 
ask the questions. If there is no ob jection to advising me on 
these points T shall be very glad to hear from you againe 

Yours very truly, 

Assistat to Mr. Edison. 

sq wh 

Ke tse 



5 Tont 


aso’ ” 



Sept. 26th, 1914 

v. Re Fe Eldridge, 

% Bw Jolly Elk, 

VeL Hast Pitth Street, 
St. . aul, Minn. 

Dear Mo. Eldridge: 
ky. Meadowcroft 1188 shown me your Letter to him 

and also the sample sopie 

ery day life aro very remark- 

3 of the Jally 

of the 19th Instent, 
tT. goincidences of av 

able, and it “es certainly odd that 

old acqueintance ov nine 

my assistant should have 

in writing bo get some 

hit wpen en 

4nformation fox ice: 
J shank you for 

your kind wishes in regard to 

myself, and trust tiet the world has used you well in the ye ars 

ed since last we met. 
Yours very tz ; y 

ae _— 

that havo olaps 

soul ct ae eohary gn emer eS 

Sept. 26th, 1914 

Hr. C. Be Prayer, 

Edison Storage Battery Co., 
2025 Nichigan Avenue, 
Chicego, Ills. 

Dear Sir:~ 
I have been Looking over a long list of returned 

cells from Chicago from different people, and I do not under- 

stend why we have so much trouble, except it may meen that our 

Inspection Department is either inadequate or incompet ont. 
Please forward to me at the Laboratory, hereafter, 

the daily reports of the inspectors, signed by the owners of tho 

batteries, so that I can keep a line on them. I will then 

turn them over to the Battery Company here> Chicago is the 

only spot that we have had any serious trouble. 

Yours very tr 

7 Sept. 26th, 1914. 

Mr. G. B. McLean, 

Manager New Business Dept., 
Pacific Light & Power Corporation, 
624 Pacific Electric Bldg., 

Los Angeles, Calif. : 

Dear Sirs- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 

the L8th instant, and would say in reply that there is a basis 

of fact that Mr. Henry Ford is considering the putting upon the 

market of an electric vehicle in which my storage battery will be 


So far as I am concerned, I am ready with my 
battery, but lire Ford is still experimenting on the vehicle. He 

_-has had made and tested four different types of car, and from these 

experiments is puilding his fifth. 
2 with the performance of his vehicle, 

I presume that when he has 

satisfied himsel he will be 

ready to put it out on the market. 

ret ied | 
Yetnetonsl i 

a? b = prea 



abide? eH 

2 tea tweted 
+. Cau 
7 nay 


Sept. 29th, 1914. 

Mre Philip J. Sullivan, National Sect'y, 
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, 

Thompsonville, Conn. 

Dear Sir:- 
I bag to acknowledge receipt of your 

favor of the 26th instant, ani also of a copy of the 

Directory of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America for 
In behalf of Mre Edieon, I desire to 
thank you very much for your prompt and liberal response to 
my letter. 

Yours very truly, 
Ay ved "more. Fong Beret ae IG 
4 he 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. } 

ceuver 29, L914, 

T have read tne letter wiia: Tr. Asa ng Potver 

Ou vue oete of the c4tn ‘inetent, and ote 7 he has 

nraeTe “@ vlearly the main points of the general nian 
A to him when he called upon me. The onrryin - out 
heen entrusted to &n organization oo» specilly 

wou. T have ed at worl: several weeks. 

ses nay ion to 

It will *e the pepo oi t. is or 
lerse forse ox -.on +. : vesitals in 
notensce, I ocpect oeoh wen in 
where trey could he oe sy Yor Soverel yoars 
3 recitals To the mune a onisae 
Sous IT e pacr vo 072 
anion located here, 

Love a 

As £ oxpletiued to 
its &rrense Lor end 



done sithout the slightest SeeunpE at: conmmeroeleliai: 
I seid that possi>ly, coter soue months ov experience 
; he a>le te 2 @gormection with the "ea sons, 
& Svore on 1 tn Avenue for the sale of our 

ye recitel wort, aS ahove outlined, 

tne nagexent of uy special orituclt section 
‘co one Inndved dullaers a nonth. There would be no 
acrne2ntod wil titis unco:merciel exploitet ion. 

Should he 
SORGGCTH, wi bat 

wourse, seeck: * 

tiv business, 

c0 i. O% 
uf on these lines, 
oy soon 

sept. 30th 1914. 

| WwW. S. Gray & Co., 

‘ 7G William st., 

i ton York City, b. ¥- 
Atvention Er. C1ifford Dixon 

safes Gentlemen: — 

I am offering the 40.000 pounds of Ortho Cresol 

ven and one half cents a pound, F- 0. B. our works 

t this price 1 am willing 

crystals at se 

at Orange, X. J- If you make & sale a 

to pay you a cormissior of two and one half per cent. 

pe understood that this material has been 

It must 
offered to others, end I shall set} to the first comer sho is will- 
ing to take it. 

Yours vory truly, 

ee ee ee 
: ae 
The. hao Ct RU ne ie oe 
e ab zs, 
; (Od ste. 


Sept. 50th, 1914. 

Mr. Laurence H. Ilucker, 
5165 Marquette Avenue, 
Minneapolis, Minn. 

Dear Mr. Lucker: 
I am in receipt of your favor enclosing 

a list of Norwegian songs that you say you would like to have 

recorded both for dise and blue amberol. I am having the 

kead up for me. 

music of these Belections loo 
1 the Worwogians understand 

Inasmuch as al 
be permissible to 

English, let me ask whether it would not 
lish Language end 

pest of these songe into the Eng 
of our first class singers. 

translate the 

have them sung by some 

I would like to hear from you on this 

point « 

Yours very t S 
ah 2 
ea a eet 


eee = 

brkmbesieeio Reber 



Sept. 30th, 1.914. 

Lebanon Chemical Company, 
932 Cumberland street, 
Lebanon, Pa. 

Gentlemen: = 

Your favor of the 28th inatent has been 
received. In reply I beg to say that 4t requires quite an 
elaborate and expensive Lot of machinery and apparatus to meke 
synthetic carbolic acid. We only intend +o make enough for 
our own Use. 

As you desire it for disinfectants, why do 
you use carbolic, while ecarbolic with one atom of Methylene 
added to it and galled Cresol is & much more powerful aisinfect- 
ant, and can be obtained in this country? 

I have 40,000 pounds of pure erystalized 
Ortho Gresol, imported from éermany in tin cans. T will sell 
this at seven and one half cents per pound. tT flosuerly used 

4¢ for making varnish, but found that the regular carbolic 
tter results. For your purpose, however, 

Gresol is better, and if you adopt Gresol you will be able to 
get crude Gresols in the Mmited States in any quantity 

I will have & sample of the Ortho Cresol 

gent to you by mail. today. ae 
Yours es aa . ae 


Sept. 30th, 1914. 

Mr. Frederick W. Starke, 
ae a 
Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 28th 
dnstant, in regard to refined phenol: Let me say in reply 
that I am making carbolis acid synthetically from Benzol,at 
our Silver Lake Chemical Works. The plant is in operation. 
We are producing right along. . . 

If you would like to call in ami gee me, 
I shall be pleased to have you do 80. If you will ask for my 
assistant, Mr. Meadowcroft, he will arrange for an interview. 

Yours very truly, 


aap iet 

v sed 


em tel 







Oot. 1st, 1914. 

Praltz & Bauer, Ince, 
300 Pearl Street, © 
New York. 
Gentlemen: = 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor 
of the 26th ultimo in regard to synthetic earbolic acid, and 
would say in reply that as I have constructed my plant on & 
basis of manufacturing only for my own use, I shall be uneble 
+o scoommodate you by letting you have any of my products. 
Regretting my jnability to help you out, 

I remain 
Yours very truly, 

Oot. 2nd, 1914. 

Ye. Frank E, Hering, Man 

e : agin, 
the Eagle Magazine, Seneinatoant 
South Bend, Indiana. 

Dear Mr. Hering: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 

29th ultimo, and would say in re 
ply that perhaps I might have b 

oe eck Asa beara ie my previous letter a dtabing the Oued 
of yout Grders sire to obtain a directory of the various lodges 

Mr. Edison has created a new epoch with his new 
Diamond Disc Phonograph, by moans of which he is able to record 
and reproduce music as perfect as the oxiginal. He is very_ 
anxious to have this heard by the public unier the most favorable 
conditions, and has therefore been giving a large number of com- 

plimentary music recitals ‘for clubs, ohurches, associations, etc. 
ierever they are given, 

These recitals are entirely gomplimentary wh 
and do not cost a single cent to the recipient. Usually the 
program is sufficient for & whole evening's entertainment. 
Mr. Edison is sending out ten men from the Labore- 
56 tMeke these reoitals, and feels sure that the members of 
yarious Lodges would be highly pleased and delighted with the 
Lae of any recitals 80 given for theme ‘His only object in 
ng Phe pireotory mentioned was to be able to correspond with 
aarg of the ‘various Lodges in regard to giving & musical 
mere fax ‘theme Let. me say ‘that at such recitals our aemonstra- 
hyp AOae 2ot meke any atte me word in. regard to salee 
ip tesiness 18 merely to give the concert. is only comme rola. 
; that Mr. Edison wants to establish the 
and inoidentally to obtain some for 


that with this explanation you will be able 


i date Mr. Bison, I re 

Yours very truly, 

Af Hulleatowedf 

Assistant to Mre Edigone 

he EGHE Le 

‘ wr ; 
oo ‘ ie 
wo Poa 

Oot. 2nd, 1914. 

Prof. Jay Le Chesnutt, 
215 Harvard ‘Street, S. Ee, 
Winneapolis, Min: : 
My dear Sir:- 

I want to thank you for the unsolicited 
words of praise contained in your favor of the 28th ultimo. 
Having worked hard day and night for about four years on tho 
development of my aisc phonograph and records, eiming at 2 
high standard, it is certainly encouraging to me to learn 
that the results are appreciated by discriminating lovers of 
high class music. 

Yours very truly, 



SSR wees 

areeeererre = 



eee inane 
sanctene enact 
Spirits _oP & 


Oct. Sth, 1914+ 

Lebanon Chemical Co. 
932 Cumberland Street, 
Lebanon, Pa 

Gent Lemen:—- 

Replying to your favor of the 2nd instant 
wo beg to say that the Ortho Cresol would be most suitable 
for your purpose. The carbolic acid coerficient, 1-8, 
the disinfecting power, of Ortho Gresol is considerably higher 
than pure Carbolic Acid, and you would have to use only 
about two-thirds of the Ortho Cresol in quantity 35 compared 
with Carbolic. 

Cresol is soluble in all the agents in which 
Carbolic acia is soluble, and 4t can be Ligquified by slightly 
heating it, just the same a8 Garbolic Acid. 

Tre pink golor of your preparation can easily 
pe obtained, when using pure Cresol, by adding a trace of an 
aniline aye, 48 for instanc®, Safranine.- The shade obtained, 
which is & Little too pright, can be dukled by adding @ small 
amount of Coal tar oil or a Low grade Greasote (dead oil). 

We are mailing you a sample which we have 
prepared from our Gresol, snd which matches your product fair- 
jy well. it contains 10% cresol and should be equivalent in 
aisinfeoting powder to a Carbolic preparation containing 15% 
or more of Carbolic Acid. 

Yours very truly, 

at og 
Topare Qo Fae we. 


Oot. 6th, 1914- 

Miss Elizebeth Bonner, 
1720 So. 58th Street, 
Philadeiphia, Pa. 

Dear Madaim:~ 
Your favor of the ard instant to Mr. Edison has 

He will be very glad to have you make & 

peen received. 
n order to do this you will 

trial record, but i have to call at 
our New York Recording Roo 

ated at #79 Fifth Avenue, and 
Walter H. M 

ms at your convenience + They are 

4f you will present this 

Aller, he will make & 

letter to the Manager, Mre 

f one of your songs ani send it over to Mr. 

cylinder record oO 

Eaison for his nearing. 
Yours very truly, 

Eaison Lab oratory 

Oct. 6th, 1904. 

Mr. Asa. P. Potter 
1 Bast 39th Street, 
New York City. 

Doar Mr. Potter: 

Your favor of the 2nd instant has been handed 
to me by Mr. Thompson, and I have talked with Mr. Edison re~ 
garding the matter. 

Your ‘understanding of the proposed arrangement 
is substantially correct except that you will be located in 
New York City and not in Orange. 

Tf you will iindly call here tomorrow or Thurs- 
day and se6 either me or Mr. Riley, your connection with our 
concern may commence at auees 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edj.sone 

Ur, oO. Be Frayer, 

Eaiuon Storage Battery Looe 
2025 Michigan Ave-, 
Chieago, Ills. 

Dear Mr. Frayert~ 

I most ask you to excuse the delay in 

acknowledging the receipt oF the tmmskallonge you-Ho kindly 

It came to hand in good time and in splendid con~ 

Bent me. 

aition- I enjoyed e@ting & Tibveral portion 0 

to exprese to you Ww thanks for your xindness “in yromoember ing 

f it, and want 

me nith sucn & rine specimen of your prowess 48 & fish 

Yours truly» 

Oot. oth, 1314. 



ooh oT Re 

Le ANOER ad ane atten Shen nee aa 

Oct. Gth, 1914. 

Mr. We Ae Steadman, 
Bubler, - 
Pas ; 
Dear Sir:- 
Your postal card of the 29th ultimo to the 

Buehn Phonograph Company has been forwarded py them to me. I 
regrat very much to learn of your disaatisfection with the Lith 
aupplement. ‘I am doing my very beat to bring out such yecords 
as will be ‘satisfactory to dealer and the public so far as we can 

, I should be greatly obliged if you would kind- 
ly favor me with the names of some of the selections which you 
would consider good and new. If you will send this +o ma personal- 
ay at your early convenience I shall be very glad to get $+ anf will 
give the matter prompt consideration. 

Yours very 


Oot. Sth, 1914. 

Mr. De We Jayne, 
Chemical Department, 
Barrett Mfg. 00., 
Prankford, Pa. 
Dear Sir:- 
We consulted with our friend, Mr. P. J. Parker 

of the General Chemical Company, who referred us to you thr ough 

your Hew York Office. 

Mr. Baison 4e desirous of obtaining a Still for 
redistillation of Bensol from 90% up to 98 or,99%. He finde it — 
vary asffioult to get any adequate information about such a Still, 
ann finds especially that wherever he has inquired they say they 
cannot deliver for two or three months. 

fs you distill pensol in your works up to a high 

point, Mr. Baison wonders whether you can give him any informtion 
as to the obtaining of 8 Still for his own purposes here. Any 

light you can through on this sub ject will be greatly appreciated, 
especially if you can put Mr. Edison on track of getting such a 
Still without having to wait ‘such a long time. 

Yours very traly, 

Assistant to Mr. Baigon. 

4 oy _ . ; en 
on. Waive ue rete” Praabal, Fa were Sheed, af Be 

Pie q . or P Sry . Po . 
oo tiled os a eo. 8 . Br Gages 


Oct. Sth, 1914. 

Miss Elizabeth I. C. Clark, 
1709 Pine Street, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
Dear Miss Clark: 

i beg to aclmowledge yeceipt o£ your favor of 
the 20th ultimo, and would say that I have read it with 4 
great deal of interest. It affords me much gratification to 
learn that it was my, son-in-law who happened to come at an 
opportune time to seve you and your frieni when you were in such 
an awkward plight. He always impressed me as 4 fine type of 

man, and I am glad that you had the good fortune to experience his 

senso of right. 
Thanking you for your letter, I remain 

Yours very 

ce cae rte me 

MPR rota 


ssigiis pete ie 

Oot. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. Kendall Banning, 
44 East 23rd Street, 
New Yorke 

Dear Mrs Banning: 

I beg to say in regard to your favor of the 1st 
instant, that Mre Edison has been so exceedingly busy during the 
las} week or ten days, that it has been almost dmpossible to get 
a minute of his time, but I have consulted him in regard to your 
desire to use a fac-simile of the"Don't Talk - Act!", and as I 
told you when you were here, he does not wish to have this done. 

He thinks it will be quite surficient to copy the letter from 

the Iron Agee 
I received your artiole, and there is considerable 

It 18 impossible for me to get at this 

omorrow and send it to you 

change to be made in it. 
today, but I shall hope to get at it t 

Yours very truly, 

Mt’. flac data tte. cf 

Assistant to Mr. Faison 



Baltimore Bargain House, 


Gentlemen: - 

The Edison Storage Battery Company recently 
ttle of the water such a8 is used by you 

sent me a sample bo 

for your Edison Storage Batteries. 
made of this, which I understand 1 
write to you in regard thereto. 

While this is not 

patteries would prob 

ably fuifiil t 

we guarentee put not much Longer, 

them constantly. 

patteries, 4nstead of 
last two or three years. Longet 
at will pay you many +4imes over 

do not quibble on small things, nor do we 
der to crawl out of @ guarantee, 

use the argument of 

good distilled water js used in your 
the City water, we believe they will 
than our aranteed period. 
to use distilled water 

neglect in or 

as is often the case, but we know 

water. There are 

the market for making 

ed, and it puts us in the position of 


Yours Very uear 

erst Ch Chen or 




eee eee 

pest nas ahe 


ore ret 
aS SRA Rae 
acre or ese ri 


Oot. 9th, 1914. 

I have had an analysis 
sg the City water, and now 

Sera aT 2 

distilled water, your 
he four year period which 
4? this water is used in 


patente ens 






Mp aweeres 

what the patteries will do 

ater. You had better 
out of it by using distilled 
of inexpensive apparatus on 

Seer eres: 
pane gs 





Oct. 9th, 1914. 

q Mr. H. 8S. Jones, 
Dear Sir:- | 
Your favor of the 5th instant to my Company 
has been handed to me, and I went to say in reply that your 
suggestion about recording Juaniatea is a good one, and I shall 
proceed to carry it out. We will get it into our list of 
records a8 soon as possible. 
Thanking you for your kind 

_J remain 


Yours very tx 

ae yee 
. Kao Cals cpp then 



Oct. 9th, 1914. 

Lebanon Chemical Company 
932 Cumberland Street, 
Lebanon, Pa. 

Gentlemen: - 
Replying to your favor of the 7th instant, I beg to say 

that no filler was used in weparing the sample which I sent you. It 

consists of nothing but slecked lime, cresol with a trace of 

Safranine to color it,and a little Creosote ofl to dull the bright 

alor given by the Safranine. 
It order to answer your inquiry as to how many pounds 

of Cresol are equal to one gallon of Carbolic Acid, we must imow 

what grade of Garbolic Acid you are in the habit of using. Kindly 

ample of the product you are now using and let m 
Please address this 

send me a 8 e know 
under what specifications you are buying it. 
We H. Meadowcroft at this address. 

sample to ny assistant, Mr. 
~ beg to say that I can supply 

As to quantity of Gresol, 
at tho present time up to about 40,000 pounds. Of course you will 
hat this offer is made subject to prior pale, as we have 

realize t 
several inquiries concerning it. 

Yours ve ; 

Oct. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. £.C. Martin 

% National Electric Iight Assoc., 
29 West 39th Street, 

New York. 

Dear Martin: 
I have received your favor of the 6th instant contain- 

ing your suggestion in regard to the rehabilitation of Belgium and 

the Northern part of France after the cessation of the War by means 

of poured cement houses. 

Your idea is a very good one, put unfortunately I am 

not ready to take it up. When I took up the Dise phonograph about 

three and a half years ago, I had 40 lay aside the pro jeot of the 

poured house for the time peing. At that time the moulds were 

about 60% completed. I have never found time to resume work on 

this sub ject. 

tT am so overworked at the present time, that it is simply 

impossible for me to take up anyt hing peyond the sub jects I am at 

present engaged upon, put I do hope at some future time to take up 

the cement house proposition again and finish it. 
Yours very truly, 

Cather yen 

roy eae oe SS 




Oct. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. P. B. Shaw, 

My dear Shaw:~ 

Meadoworoft has shown to me your letter to 
him of the 8th instant in regard to obtaining 4 letter of in- 
troduction for your friend to Henry Ford. 

If there was any one in the World that I would 
ve willing to do this for it ig you, but I shall heave to be con- 
sistent and treat you 48 I have treated everybody else and ask 
you to exouse me from complying with your request. It is just 
this way, my relations with Mx. Ford are of a gocial as well as 
of a business nature, and owing to the delicacy of these relations, 
I have never yet introduced anybody to hin, and he does not give - 
letters of introduction to me. You can very well imagine that I 
am overwhelmed with requests of this kind, but I have treated every 
one alike. I hopo you will appreciate the spirit of my action in 
adopting this policy. 

With kind regards, I remain 
Yours very truly, 


a 1 
e | : 
ATE Tt) 


Oot. 12, 1924. 

7 rail 

you, but 

My. G. W. 5. Aticins, 
Vice President, 
Western Union Telegraph Yo-, 
‘ay York City, 2b. Y- 
Dear wy. Atkins:~ 
I am somewhat tardy in notify ing 

that I have scoonded Mr. Kin’s 

take pleasure in letting you 7 

nomination of yoursaif ae © -enpor of the Sseox County Country Club. 

wath Kindest regards, 

Yours ve Ys 

_ a " — 


Oct. 13th, 1914. 

Prof. Chas. Baskerville, 
College of City of New York, 
146th Street & Convent Avenue, 
New York City. 

My doar Sir:- 

Your favor of the 10th instant and sample 

of slete has been received, and I have called the’ same to 

Mr. Edison's attention.. He has instructed the factory to 

Dp an eed 
ship to you ons hundred pounds of the kind of iments that you 

vant The order has been turned over to the factory, and 

they will cali you up on the telephone to ask more specific 

directions for shipping. 
Yours very truly, 

fh et od DO 
nny a oe a oo 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

Dyin a 


Oot. 13th, 1914. 

Mr. A. A. Hassan, 
Crimora Manganese Corporation, 
15 Broad Street, 
New York City. 


Dear Sir:- 
B In reply to your favor of the 10th 
ed instant let me say that I was only after the Cobalt in 

Mengenese, but now get all I want from Canada. 

Yours very truly, 

: wy 



‘Lebanon Chemica) Company > 
#932 Cumberland Street, 
Lebanon, Pa. 

Gent? emen: 

Your favor of the 12th inetant has been rveceived,, 

together with your sample of carbosic acid, 97%, which you have 

been accustomte use, 

We veg to anfoxnn you that from 5 to 5} Ths, of our 
ortho crese} ate equivaient. in bactericidal affects to one galton 
of thie carbolic acid. 

When you prepare your product with our creso} » you had 

; *. 
vest fuse the same by application of gentile heat, sashes the 

Jiquid@ thus obtain®by adding a emal] amount of a red aniline dys, 
for instance, gafranine base, obtainabdje from the Heller & Mera 
Company, Newark, New Jersey. Next you add a emai} amount of a dark 
cotored eresate o13 to dulj the pright color imparted by the 
aniline dye, and then proceed as usual. . 

Should you desire to operate with exactly the same 
volumina as you useiwith carbolic acid, you can pring up the volume 
of the creso? vy adding elthsr water or, preferably, & 

nydrocarbon oil of suitable density. This, newever, we think is 

not necessarye 


Lebanon Chemica) Company. “2+ Oct, 13th,1974, 

If you desire any further information on the 

matter, we shal] be giad\to furnisn it. 

Yours very truly, 

WHelwadon ef , 




Mir, Wilidem H. Schee), 
#159 Maiden Lane, 
ew York City. 

Dear Sir: : 
Wi) you kindy reply ta the following at your 

earbiest convenience: 

Jat - Can a regular supply of sandarac ve obtained, 

that can be yelied upon? 

and ~ Does the price fluctuate much? 

ard - Is the quali ty even or ir it greatly variable? 

You have one ton and half in stock; could you 

if not, now Jonz wou 

4th - 

procure an additional supply at once; 

and how much could you obtain. 

4% take, 
f the supp)y ig incon 

Y hesitate to use qo 4h ptant 

e subject to great fluctuation. 

Yours very truly, 

7K. a Bee A 
Poppa ee Tome ete 

an eae 

ox the pric 



Oot. 13th, 1914. 

Messra. Blake and Burkart, 
¥Yalnut at Eleventh Street, 
Philadciphia, Pa. 

Sent Lomn:- 

Replying to your favor of the 7th instant in 
regard to Grand Opera records, let me say that I have had recorded 
nearly every good Grand Opera record by the principal Opera 
artists in every city in Europe, put I have throm them out. There 
is soarcely one in a juundred of thase singers that have passebie 
voicas. {fhe public infer that their reputation is due to their 
voices, whereas it is almost entixely due to their acting, the 
yoice being secondary and very wanatural. Tneso voices are 
specially trained to give great volume in order to fi11 the la.rge 
auditoriums, but when heard on the Goncert stage without sconery 
or other stage surroundings and environment, these voices are 
generally absurd and ridiculous, as they are also on the phonograph. 

I shall put on all that do not produce 

ridiculous results. 


Oct. 16, 1914. 

Proferaor Luigh tomano, 

Dear Ulisse 

irs Edison end our family all wieh to join with 

me in expressing thanks tor the very handsome aonfection which you 

se kindly prasented to ub & Yen days “ete Te have all enjoyea it 

in eatly- 


Oct. 19th, 1914. 

Mr. Le EB. Proudfoot, 
— Singer Building, 
New York city. 
My dear Mr. Proudfoot: 

: Enclosed I beg to hand you an xpplication 
to Mx. Edison for assistance on pehalf of the New Jeresey 
Children's Home Society. He would like to have a v¢ port 
from you about this Society. 

Yours very truly, 
t ets + gel eS PS 

Assistant to Mr. Bataan. 



al at 

Oct. 19th, 1914 

Mr. J.» C. Rieger, 
Broadway ‘and Baxter Ave., 
Louisville, Ky. : 
Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favur of the 6th instant, 
the contents of which have ‘seen read with a great deal of interest. 

Tet me say iin reply that 90% of the bad blasty . 
notes that you refer to are aue to trouble with the singers’ vocal 
chords. We formerly thought that the trouble was aue to the 
phonograph 4tself, but we found on close examination thet it was 
not. Thorough investigation proved that we aia not get it in 
dnetrumental music, but found it only in aingers' voices. 

Yours very truiy, 

Ce as 

ST 8 


Oute 19th, 192< 

Mr. Willian Ee Scheel, 
159 Maiden Lane, 

New York. 

Dear Sir:e 

J must ask you to kindly excuse the deley in getting 

off a confirmatory letter in regard to the small order I sent you 

over the telephone on Priday of last week. Mr. Edison went away 
for a week or ten days yesterday, and there was ao much to do in 
preparation for his going that I was unable to get the letter off 
to youe 

. I now beg to confirm the teJephone order given you 
for 5 pounds each of Gum Acoroides, Gum Fater, Indian Gum, Kadaya 
Gum and Rubber Pitch. 

confirming also what I said over the telephone, let 

me now say that if our experiments with the Gun Sandarac turn out 
as well as they promise, Mr. Baison will not shop around, put will 

get you to take care of his reaxirements 80 far as he can see at the 

present time. 

i Yours very truly, 

ie ee 
i Assistant to Mr. Ediaon. 




Oct. 20th, 1914. 

Mr. Roger ¥. Babson, Pres. 
Babson'’s Statistical Organization, 
Wellesley Hills, Mass. 

Dear Mr. Babson: 

. Mr. Edison received your favor of the 16th instant, 
and read it with @ great deal of interest. He has gone away 
for an automobile trip, and will not return for a week or ten 
days. Before leaving, he asked me to write and say to you 
that ba idea you suggest is a very good one, but at the present 
time we have not enough phonographs in the hands of the public 
to warrant the expense that would be involved in carrying out 
your idea. 

, Yours very traly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

aera eae war eee Sas 



Oct. 20th, 1914. 

A Ae 

fear Recon s 

Prof. J. Re Mines 
70 MeGill University, 
Montreal, Canada. 

Fue SRE 

sen henaceast 


Dear Sir:e 


Your favor of the 7th instant to Mr. Edison 
was received and perused with much interest. He requests us 
to say to you in reply that we shall be interested in the 
subject you mention sooner or later, but just now the disturb- 
ance of business conditions owing to the War has upset everything 
so much that our educational work is being held back for the 
time being. 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory- 




uw ; 


Oot. 21st, 1914 

Bayway Chemical Company, 
Blizabeth, Ne Je 

Replying to your favor of the 15th instant , 

Mr, Edison requests me to say that he does not think we can use 

the Cresols.+ {The Condensite Company are experimenting with 

them, and they do not, have the problems to contend with that Mre 

Edison hes» You might write theme They are at Glen Ridge. 

Mr. Bdison wants Benzol, of course, and is 

about putting in a still to refine it to 99% Can you continue 

to furnish him with Benzol? ; 
Yours truly, 

MY beasoucnf 
Ys Exterior 

Ahieé fr 7 

sn acim Pascoe sap bei DET FRE REE Oe BRS perrerrreconreyreoaiennr ray 


Octe Blet, 1914 

BF. Bredt & Company, 
240 Water Street, 
New York City. 

I use about twenty five pounds of Paraphenylens- 

diamine per day, ani have enough on hand to last me until 

Jamary next. Then I shall have to buy {t or make it from 

Myrbane, or Aniline Olle 

Now, what can you do for me? 
jenediamine (Commercial)? If not, 
of Myrbane or Aniline Qi1 made 

Can you provide 

a continual aupply of Parapheny 
gan you quote me on & regular supply 
from pure Benzol with but a small amount of Toluodine contained 


Awaiting your early reply, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

Lee 2 oe, 2 : 


q a 

3 a \ } ? { 
: AF 

q aan “ | 
q tay | 
: aoe | 

a i Oot. Rist, 1914 

Mr. Eugene H. Briggs, 
12 Francis Avenue, 

Greenwood, Mass. 

Dear Sirse 
Are you still open to the considere- 

al would 

tion of a proposition for introducing ons of Mr. 
new invent ions? Only ® moderate amount of capit 

be necessarye 

Yours very truly, 
Ut lea Broearcea$ S 
Assistant to Mr. Hadi sore 



ees Sticist 253 


Te ee Se re 


Oot, 2lst, 1914 

Compagnie Parisienne de Couleurs d'Aniline, 
9 Rue du Faubourge Poissoniere, 
Paris, France, 

Gentlemen :~ 
wenty five pounds of 

We use about t 
ommercial) each dey, and have ale 
st until about January let, 1915. 

ish me with 300 to 400 Kilos 

Paraphenylenediamine, (Cc 

ready on hand @ supply to la 

Can you fur 

per month? If s0, please quote a price for sam f£.0«b. 

y at a French or English port. 
Yours very truly, 



2 he : Cy 
AVttOM teed LL Cebadere 



Mr. Frank H. Coyne, 



Oct. 21st, 1914 

Ser rae ert Ne ee 

se aS 

rr EEE 

69 State Street, 
Boston, Mass. 


Dear Sir:- 
Are you still open to the considera- 

tion of a proposition for introducing one of Mi. Baison's 

E new inventions? - Only a moderate amount of capitvl would 

be necessary - 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


Oot. 2lat, 1914. 

| | 
d Mx, Andrew J. Farrell, 
d 920 ‘Penn Street, 
4 Hollidayaburg, Pee 
| 7 Dear Sir:~ 
j Are you still open to the cons idera- 
4 tion of a proposition for introducing one of Mr. Edison's 
£ capital would 

new inventions? Only 4 moderate amount oO 

‘ be necessary. 
Yours very truly, 
é - 


Assistant to Mr. Bdisane 


Oct. 2ist, 1914. 

De. 0. Haynes & Coe, 
3 Park Place, 
New York, 

Gentlemen; ~- 
Will you please enter ny subscrip- 

tion for one yoar for "Weekly Drve Market", and send the 

he Laboratory? 
Yours very truly, 

wl LRN KS 

seme to me here at t 

Pe or eee 
Ch Sedat Vey 

MII bes 
A ts te 


Qoct. 21st, 1914 

A. Harvey's Sons Mfg, Co, Ltd., 
‘Detroit, " 
Gentlemen: - 

Your favor of the léth instant came 
duly to hand, and I have also received since the "Wrench 
with a Backbone”, which you have sent me with your con- 
pliments. Please accept my thanks for your courtesy. 

Yours very truly, 


Mr. Edison left after this letter was dictated. 


- Oct. 21st, 1914. 

Messrs. Harger & Blish, 
811 Walnut Street, 
Des Moines, Iowa. 
Gent leren:- 

Your favor of the 13th instant to Mr. Walter 
Miller was forwarded by him to Mr. Edison, who has instrueted us 
to savethe music you sent and let him hear it on his return. He 
has gone away for a week or ten days on an automobile trip, ‘ane 
we expect him back in the early part of next weeke 

In regard to the selections that you mention, 
et me say that we have made "My Croony Melody", also "I want to 
go back to Michigan" by Band and also Vocal. Mr. Edieen wil 
pass on these upon his return. 

Yours very truly, 


Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


7 f 

Oct. 2lst, 1914 

Menufactur Lyonnsise dae Matierss Colorantes, 
6 Quai Brotteaux, 
Iyon, France. 

Gentlemen: - 

We use about twenty five pounds of 
Paraphenylenediamine, (Commercial) each day, and have 8l- 
ready on hand a supply to lest until about Jamery lst, 

) Can you furnish me with 300 to 400 

Kilos per month? If 80, please quote a price for same f.0.b. 

Steamer at a French or English port. 
Yours very truly, 

“f an 

Oot. 2ist, 1914. 

Mr. W. Irving Morse, 
South Woodstock, 

Dear Sir:- 
Are you still open +o the considera- 

tion of a proposition for introducing one of Mr. Edison's 

new inventions? Only & moderate amount of capital would 

be necessary 
Yours very truly, 

Assistant to lir. Edisove 









Oct. 2ist, 1914 

Mr. Fe Ae Rumpf, 

Dear Sir:- 
Are you still oepn to the cons idera~ 

tion of ® proposition for introducing one of Mr. Edison's 

new inventions? Only 8 moderate eanount of capital would 

pe necessary. 
Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


& + 

| a 
4 oe 
’ i 
| Oct. 2lst, 1914. | 
| { 
q Mrs. K. I. Southworth, : 
2617 Broadway, : 

Toledo, Ohio. 

q Dear Madam:- 

Your favor of the 14th instant to Hr. 
q Edison has been received, and he requests us to say that he 

WiLL look into the matter of recording "Are You Going to 

Dance", and will probably put it on the list a little later. 
Just now we have a tremendous lot of music recorded, sian 
4 to £411 up our lists for several months, so it may be gome 
little time before we put out the record above mentioned. 
Mr. Edison desires us to express his gratifi- 
cation on learning that you enjoy your machine and revords so 


Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

Oct. 2lst, 1914. 

Societe Anonyme des Matieres Colorantes 
et Produits Chimiques de St. Denis, 
105 Rue lafayette, 
Paris, France. 

Gent lemen: ~ 

We use about twenty five pounds of 
Paraphenylenediamine, (Commercial) each dey, and have al- 

ready on hand a supply to last until about January lst, 

Can you furnish me with 300 to 400 

Kilos per month? If so, please quote a price for same 

Steamer at a French or English port. 

Yours very truly, 



See Ee earn 

PT rp ere 







Pay neers 

Bee bee eeEhioes 







Oct. 2lst, 1924 

Mr. Oriendo Thayer, 

42 Broadway, 
New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

Are you still open to the 00 
one of Mr. Edison's 

osition for introducing 

tion of & prop 
moderate amount of cap 

new inventions? Only @ 
would be necessary- 
Yours very truly, 


Assistant to Mr. Baisone 



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Oct, 24rd, 1914, 

Mr. Ernest Newton Bage, 
P30. Box 817, 
Springfield, Mass. 
Dear Sir: 
Your letter to Mr. Edison was received, but 
: after his departure for the West, where he has gone to spend a 
few days. Therefore you will see that it was not in time 
to give an answer to the question that you ask in regard to the 
favorite tunes of Mr. Edison. 
Let me say that Mr. William Kennedy Laurie 

Dickaon is just now in this country, and is stopping at the 
eed Cuvee AL OES: addy 

q Vanderbilt Hotel in New York City. a Geawe 

. 7 Met 
Oued lelephorend Bee @ Youre ery truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. | 

My, Janes Gayley, 
555, Paris Ave. , 
Rew York City, N.Y. 

Dear Sir:- 

My. Edison hae been so exteauely busy of late that 
his eorrespondense haa ‘lacked prompt attention. He has gone. anay 
for a short time, but before leaving asked me to inform you that cue 
method -of securing ammonia you refer to sonsists of passing Hyarogen 
and Nitrogen over finely divided a rod hoat. his method 
is used by the Badische So, Lud igshafen, Germany « 

; Caceacvady truly, 

WH, Menden rec FG 

Assistant to Mr. Sdison, 


Oct. 23rd, 1914. 

is den fore wesley tS 
New York. : 
Dear Sir;s- 

Your favor of the 19th instant to Mr. Edison 
has been received, together with page proof of an article by 
Mr. Leon Goldmerstein. 

Ure Edison is away, and will not return until 
sometime next weeke In the.meantime, let me say for your in- 
formation that Mr. Baison hes been asked many times for his views 
on natters concerning the War, but has uniformly declined to 
give any publicity to his views on that subject. As it would 
be impossible to make any remarks or give an interview in regard 
to the subject of Mr. Goldmerstein's article without touching on 
the War, I am very sure that Mr. Edison would ask to be excused. 

{ therefore return the page proof to you here- 
' Yours very truly, 

ie ea 4 come Soe 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 

u : 


Oct. 27th, 1914. 

Mise Mary Adele Case, 
110 East 3lst Street, 
New York city. 

My dear Miss Case: 

I am afraid you will think that I am entire- 
ly without manners to leave & tady's Letter so long unanswered. 
The fact is, i have been up to the ears in work for the last 
few weeks and I am only just beginning to see the bottom of my 

Mr, Edison pas not heard any singers for some 
1ittlo time past, and is now away in Detroit. I expect him 
hack in a few days, ana when he returns and nas aisposed of pis 
acoumalated work, I will call attention to your matter and see 
4f we cannot make another appointment for yous 

With kind regards, I remain 

Yours very truly, 

Pf Relea tow ar 


2 asada 

eee HERE ANE ON ete 

gene i ETT. 


Oct. 27th, 1914. 

ee aaa 

Your ciroular letter in regard to the two books 
by Mre Frederick He Wagner has come in Mr. Edison's mail this 
moming. He is away in Detroit at the present time, but will 
return in a few days. 

tr think he would probably like to see the book 
entitled "Coal Gas Residuals", and would suggest that you mail a 
sopy of it to me 80 that I can lay it before him for his examination 
when he returns. 

Of course, I cannot say for sure whether or not 

he will teke it, but if he does not want it I will retum it to 

you promptly after he has seen it. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


aeanewe vente 



aot renee RAS Su a 







Oct. 27th, 1914. 

Rosenstein Piano Company, 
406 North Howard Street, 
Baltimore, Ma. 

Gentlemen: - 

. Your circular letter of the 24th instant 
sony of which you have sent to Mr. Edison, has been receive 
this morning, and we Imow that he will read it with a great 
deal of interest when he returns from Detroit, where he is spend- 
ing a few days. 

X see that you are following up Mr. Edison's 
favorite idea, that is of giving recitals. He is a great 
believer in this way of doing business, and it has been pring- 
ing good results to our dealers wherever it has been tried. Just 
now we have a large force of men in New York who are doing nothing 
put giving these recitals at various places. 

In Mr. Edison's absence I am going to enclose 
you & letter which we have received from the Brant Baptist 
Boys! Brigade, asking us to jaake a donation for their basaox. 

We have such applications by the thousands, and of course we 
cannot make donations of this kind, 48 it would bankrupt us. 

The reason I am writing to you is to send 
you the letter and see if you want to arrange tomke a recital 
at this Bazaar. Possibly you may think it worth while to do 
go if you oan get the proper facilities, such as 4& quiet room, 
ato. I forward this letter to you leaving it entirely to 

i your judgment as to whether you think. it would do you sufficient 
good to take the matter up. The suggestion is for your 
possible benefit. 

Yours very truly, 

os () 
a fede dcr ce Le, 
Assistant to Mr. B 16pn. 


Late Lae ree 


> eae oe a ee 

fren i sige tein A ae 



i ~ 
SSE tee eee een 

shes) Oot. 50th, 1914. 

pret RF 
SER aa 

aN, ier oe 

Lebanon Chemical Co. 
932 Cumberlend Street, 
Lebanon, Pa. 


SRA eS Toe 

Referring to your favor of the 27th 

instant, we beg to say that your previous letter ordering 

50 pounds of Ortho Cresol to be shipped to you was received 
in due course, and the material was sent out by express the 
same day. Immediately on receipt of your favor of the 27th 

instant, we started a tracer after it, and have been hoping to 


be able to give you some result of this tracer, but so far we 

have heard nothing, however, the matter is being followed up. 


We trust that you will have received the 
shipment before this reaches you. 

Yours very truly, | 

Edison Laboratory. | 

Oct. 30th, 1914. 

Mr. Horbert L. Satterlee, 
ew Yorke 
Dear Mr. Satterlee: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 
the 28th instant, and would say in reply that I shall be more 
than pleased to be of assistance to you in connection with get- 
ting the story of Mr. Morgan's friendship with Mr. Edison in the 
old days. As you are probably aware, Mr. Edison ‘4s away from the 
Laboratory, but I expect he will return in the early part of next 
week. As soon as he has had an opportunity of clearing up a 
lot of work that has accumulated during his absence, I shall take 
the matter up with him and write you further in regard to an 

I think there will be no objection at all to 
your bringing Miss Boynton with you, as she then can take notes 
of the conversation that you have with Mr. Edison. However, I 
will write you about the whole matter later on. 

Sincerely yours, 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 






Arh oes 

November 2, 1914. 

Dear Nrs. Oeser: 
Wnclosed find draft on Berlin for $600.04, 

covering August, September and October remittances, 

J have been waiting until I heard from 

you to be sure of. your correct address. 

3 Your father igs on a tris to Mr. Ford at 
Detroit, and he has visited his boyhood home at Port 
Huron. Michigan too. He is motoring there and back, 

we expect him in a day or sc, He te wall. 

I trust this will find you well and that. 
the war will soon end abd bring your husband cack to you 


Youra sincerely. 

ff Pt Age 
wide The. 
Mrs. Warion E. Oeser. 
Neuenburg. Baden. 

Nove 3rd, 1914. 

3 Miss Joan McDonald, 

4% Mre. Samuel Kilson, 
25 West 67%th Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Madam;- 
Your favor of the 3let ultimo to Mr. Edison 
has been received. If you wish to make a trial reoord of 
q one of your songs, we would suggest thet you present this note 
to Mr. Walter H. Miller at our Recording Rooms, #79 Fifth 
3 | Avenue, New York City. He will make a trial record of 6 
q gong and send it over to Mr. Edison for his hearing 
a Yours very truly, 
Assistant to Mr. Edis on. 




Nov. 4th, 1914. 

Mrs. Mary B. Ehrmann, 
Hotel Sinton, 
Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Dear Madam: - 

Replying to your favor of the 28th 
ultimo, I would say that your bools of songs for children 
were sent to me by Mrs. Iisen sometime ago. I have looked 
them over, rather hastily I must admit, but have not yet been 
able to come to any conclusion about putting any of these songs 
on the Diamond Disc record. 

This year has been an exceedingly busy 

one for me, and my time and attention have been given to a 

number of important matters day and night throughout the year. 

Our factory and Recording Department are also busy up to the : 

limit in putting out records of standard music. You will please i 

bear in mind that my Disc Phonograph is a comparatively new 

production, and we are obliged to first get out a large catalog 

of standard musical selections, after which we shall be able 

to take up specialties. 
. So far as our business is concerned, your 

songs come under the latter head, and I shall hope to look into 

the matter more closely when we have our standard catalog to the 

proper dimension. 

Yours very truly, 2 si, Sense 
iors @. felon , 


Nov. 4th, 1914. 

Mrs. Isa M. Ilsen, 
. Hotel ‘Seymour, 

44 West 45th Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Madam:- | 

I em informed that you have called while 
I was away to see mo about the possible continuation of your 
demonstration work. During my absence I have given the whole 
matter a great deal of thought and have finally decided to con- 
solidate all our demonstration work under one department. This 
department has been already established and Mr. J. J. Riley has 
been made its Manager, as you are aware. Mre Riley has been 
given full charge of tris department, including the engagement 
of demonstZators, and I would suggest therefore that you call on 
hin next Monday at 10 Fifth Avenue in regard to making suitable 
arrangements to continue in the work. I do not see that an 
interview with me would avail anything, as I am so busy that I 
have been obliged to leave all details to Mr. Riley. 

I would suggest that you see Mr. Treton 
this week end close the arrangements under which you have been 

working in the past. ; ) 
Yours a truly, 



Abas o fodacic. 

mend i aan SERIE tata a a 

Seertenet Sobre sara ca sik. de age ? 

- | 
y 3, 
1 i we 
Nov. 4th, 1914. 
Messrs. Pfaltz & Bauer, 
300 Pearl Street, 
New York Oity. te 
: thee 
Gentlemen ;~ ey 


Referring to the telephone conversation 
of today between you and Mr. Meadowcroft, I beg to say you 
may enter our order for one ton of paraphenylenediamine, at 
sixty cents per pound, provided it is of the same quality as 
sample submitted some six or eight months ago, and provided 
that it can bo delivered in the United States of America with- 

in two months from this date. — 

Yours rte 

a ' 
arn yi 0 CARAS OWE 
ES ade 

 . xf 
PA antl 
ew es 
bY wok 

peb YM 


meme x 
h£LO wo 




Nov. 6th, 1914. 

hiv. John Wanamaker, 


My dear Mr. Wanamaker; 

I received your kind invitation by telegraph while 
EI was in Detroit. On my way home I started for Jenkintown, 
but got badly lost and hed to make for my home as night was com- 
Ans Ome If the latch string still hangs out, I will gladly try 
it aein at the first opportunity. 

Yo was glad to see that Mr. Ford has a fine picture of 
you {abcut three feet square) hung up in his vrivate office. 

On my return, I find in my home a very handsome hank 
from you with your card of congratulations and regards on the 
yocent anniversary of the incandescont lamp. Allow me to express 
my thanks to you for your beautiful present and especially for the 
kindly sentiment which prompted it. 

With kindest regards, I remain __--—-~—-—~.. 

ee - 
Sincerety yours, 
pe Sele 




Nov. 6th, 1914. 

Mre Henry C. Demming, 
15 North Third Street, 
Harrisburg, Pa. 
Dear ir. Demming: . 

Allow mo to acknowledge receipt of your 
favor of the 4th instant and to thank you for your kind con- 
sratulations and good wishes. Tam glad to say that I 
Gerived a great deal of enjoyment from my recont automobile 
trip to Detroit, and am feeling first rate. 

Trusting that you are enjoying life, and 

with kind regards, I remain cane ee 
a Bi 
Yours i ce Z ea 





Nov. 6th, 1914. 

ir, Re LM. Geddes, 
. 4 Richardson's, 
23 Shudehill, 

Manchester, England. 
Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 12th ultimo, and the 
Blue Book issuod by His Majesty's Government camo whilo fT 
was away on an automobile trip, but having now returned to 

the Laboratory I beg to acknowledge receipt of same and thank 

a } 

Pati a 
Your oe ’ 

you for your kind attention. 

ass weer 
ee TT 

Nov. 6th, 1914. 

Rellor & Verz, 

22 O1irf St., 

Now York City, nh. Y. 
Gentlamon: = 

nok Please forword to my Laboratory at your ecarlest | 

aonvenionce, samples of all the nigrosine and indulin dyes you 

ante: i have in stock. And oblige, 

seit! Yours very trely “ 
rag _ 



Dr. Novil Monroe Hopkins, 
2188 Bancroft Place, 
Washington, D. C- 

Dear Dr. Hopkins: 
On my return to the Labo 
I find your favors of the 24th and 

ratory efter an auto~ 

mobile trip to Detroit, 

nould prefer not to have 

sath ultimo, and would say that i 4 
ur Committee. Xt am bus 
e desirous of keeping out 

my name {noluded in yo y from sixteen 

to twenty hours @& day, and am quit 
as the additional work which 

of matters of a publics nature, 

such publicity makes for mé is somewhat of a burden when it 

43 added to ny present duties» = ae, 

Yours ve sruly, 
i aan) 
$ . fr gf Eo eae 

y, AS ba toe ee 

tov. 6th, 1914. 

See eee 



Aa ee Te 
Pare eS 




ESTE Treen Nace 


ee ery 

Perera ae 




2 peer 



Nov. 6th, 1914. 

660 Fifth Avenue, 

« the 



New York City. 


RE ANE eben 

My dear Mr. Venderbilt: 

I have been much interested to learn that 



you recently bought one of my new dise phonographs. 

do you like it? 

Why don't you motor over to the Laboratory 

You might tele- 

I shall be very glad to see you. 

some day. 

phone in advance to my agssistent, Mr. Meadowcroft, to make 

sure of my boing here. 




0 a Fa 


Yours very 

9th, 1914. 

New York. 
Gentlemen: ~ 

Referring once more to our correspondence 
with your Mr. Westlake, we peg to say that Mr. Edison on his 
return from Detroit hes requested us to write and say that 
Phenol is 45 cents per pound as against 7-1/2 cents for the 
Ortho. Cresol which he is offering. He wishes us to sey 
further that Cresol 4s Phenol with the addition of one atom 
of Methyl. 

, Yours very truly, 
yer F 

wt Lg peter 6 tall : 

Assistant to Mr. Edison. 


Nov. 9th, 1914. 

Paltz & Bauer, 
300 Pearl Street, 
New York. 


Your favor of the 6th instant has been receive 

» was here the other day we forgot 

ed. When your Mr. PLalt 
ptain Hydroquinone. 

to ask him whether you are in position to ot 

Ye use two or three hundred pounds a month. Will you kindly 

ascertain whether your consignor can maize shipment ot this 

material, and if 30 at whet price it can be furnished - 

Yours very truly, 

wa Et 

Assistant to Ky. Edison. 



sei, Oth, 19146 

Mys. B. Cuman Ray 
3 Chopin Place, : 
Eartford, Conn. 

Dear Madam:- 

Your favor of the 3rd instant to the 
Raison Phonograph Toy ifg. Company has beon formarded ts whe 
Laboratory. We regret to be compelled to inform you chat 
4t will be impossibdlo for you to have the talking dolar 
restored to thoir former usefulness. It is tense OhSSs oa 
were made here, but they were mamfactured on cores of hs 
Edison Phonograph Toy Lifg. Co.cany, which went ows of ex he 
onoe some years &G0- All the tools and parts nave lon, since 
been dismantled or dostroyes, and we do not mney: of any Nay 
by which you could have the dele restored to wovlang oo dition. 
Your: voy vealy, 



re ee 




SS - 




0) a 

Nov. 10th, 1914. 

iy, [Tdward Bromberg, 
138 West 91st Stroet, 
New York City, N. Y¥. 
Dear Mr. Brombers; 

I find that ib will be sometime before lir. 
Edison will be eble to hear singers personally, 50 I think 
it woulibe well for you to go down to our Recording Officc, 
at 479 Fifth Avenue and make another trial record, which wiil 
be gent over to Hr. Edison for his hearing. 

I woud suggest to you that you sing for this 
record the Evening Star from Tannhauser if it is in your 
repertoire. This would enable Mr. Edison to compare it with 
one of our stanlara records. 

Yours very truly, 

vf ot 
US) Manion. a. 

asstatant to Mr. Efison. 


Woy. 20th, 1914. 

Mr. V. Ee Miller, 
#79 Fifth Avenue, 
New York City. 

Dear Mr. Miller: 
Mr. Edward Bromberg, who 18 a friend of 

some friends of ours, went down to your place sometime ago 

and made a record, but it was not sont over here. 

AS this is a matter in which we are 

desirous to please our friondg wo have asked Mr. Bromberg to 

come down again and make another record. WiLL you please 

have this one sont over to Mr. Edison so that he can hear it? 

Yours vory truly, 

Weenie Noe 

Se SEE, 

Nov. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. 8. G. Bayne, President, 
The Seaboard National Bank, 
16 Broadway, New York City. 

Dear Mr. Bayne: 

Your favor of the 21st ultimo was received 

at wy office while I was away on av automobile trip to 

Detroit. I have returned, and now bog to answor your in- 
wiry in regard to the coffee which I use, and would say that 
it is the Keffee-Heag, which has been advertised a good deal 
in the periodicals and also in the street and other cars. 
Yours very truly, — 

wy Ct “Lal EATEN recom 

Nov. llth, 1914. 

Mr. W. H. Gartley, 

Engineer of Works, 

The United Gas Improvement Co., 
Broad and Arch Streets, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

My dear Mr. Gartley: 

Your favor of the 9th instant to Mr. Hutchison 
has been handed by him to me. 
The Benzol matter is one of some importance to 
mo and I would run over to Philadelphia to see you, but just 
now em working day and night on some problems which demand my 
personal attention. Beside, I am expecting any moment to be 
called away for a tew hours to appear as & witness in a law suit. 
Could you not spare the time to come over here and 
seo me, go that you and I can disouss this whole matter? Let 
me suggest that you first telephone my assistant, Mr. Meadowcroft, 
to make suxo I shall be here. If you will let him mow what 
troin you are coming on Wwe will have an auto meet you at Newark 

sie } 
a ’ : Fe 

and bring you out here. 

one engage arent FMP 

Nov. 10th, 1914. 

Hon. Robert H. Gittins, 
Niegara Falls, 
New York. 

My dear Sir: 

ed at the Leboratory during my absence in Detroit, where I 

went on an automobile trip. On my return, there was & mass 
of accumulated matters awaiting my attention hence the delay 
in tho acknowledgment of your letter. ' 

I must confess to no small degree of 

embarrassment ‘in seeking to express my feelings in regard to 
the great compliment which has’ been paid to me by the Joint 
Resolution of the Senate ana House of Representatives, and the 
honor therein proposed to be conferred on me. If the result 
to contribute anything toward the welfare 

of my work has been 
of our race and coyntry, I am more than gratified, as my ‘Labors 
in the years past have been undertaken with that one object 

ta view. The seeking or expectation of honorg has never been 
an iy thoughts, consequently, the one now proposed by yourself 
and colleagues has come upon me in tho nature of a surprise, 

acd all I can do ts to express my thanks and grateful apprecia— 


Your favor of the 16th ultimo was receiv- | 
‘ | 

Allow me &1so0 to oxpress my sincere thanks 
to you Sor your many good wi shese XY can only hope, in view 
of tase expressions of esteam and honor, that I may continue 
to wear the sane sise of hat to which I have pee omed. 

Yours very truly, 



Nov. llth, 1914. 

li. BE. Li. Herr, President, 

Westinghouse Electric & Menufacturing Co-, 
Bast Pittsburgh, Pa. 
My dear Mr. Herr:- 

I am attaching a true copy of a ocire- 
oular letter which has peen sent out »b 
considerable number. ey eee es 

2 The manner in which a forty-five ampere 
Bdison Storage Battery is compared with a twenty-two ampere 
Lead Battery, even if the cost per hour to charge the Edison 
Battery were correct, causes the Edison Battery to appear to 
very great disadvantage and with resultant damage, the infer- 
ence being that an Edison Battery requires twice as much energy 
+o oharge it, for a given capacity, a8 the Lead. 

I am under the impression that this 
letter was sent out without your Imowledge or consent, and feel 
sure that on my calling your attention to the matter you will 
cause another ‘Letter to be sent to each recipient of the letter 
roforred to, ghowing the error ana correcting the data. 

You will, no doubt, remember that this 
4s the second Sime literature aerogatory %o the Edison Storage 
Rottery has been gent out by your Gompany, and that you were 
Jind enough to correct the former error. 

Thanking you in anticipation of your 

ovely action in this matter, 1 remain ae / 

Yours very truly ’ 

rare go 
oe ‘ - 
Pa ! f A 
’ ce ae i we te we 
° ’ 

Nov. 10th, 1914. 

Mr. Edeund V. Parr, 

% Bruns, Kimball & Co., Inc., 
115 Liberty Street, , 
New York City. 

Dear Sir:- 

‘Your favor of the 3rd instant to my Company 
was handed to me, and I am much gratified to learn that you 
are so much pleased with your Diamond Diso phonograph. It is 
@ source of much pleasure to me to learn from our customers 
that the results of some years of hard work on my part are meot- 
ing with the approbation of lovers of good music. 

Now in regard to your complaint about several 
of the records, let me say that your dealer ought to be able 
to supply you with Rubinstein's Melody in F, also with the Last 
Rose of Summer. If he. has not got them in stook, let him 
write a Letter to the factory or to his jobber and order them 
to be specially sent. As to Cavalleria Rusticanna, I would 
say that this record is being manufactured now, and will be 
out before oe great while. I was not satisfied with the original 
records and there has been some delay in getting it out. The 
game remarks apply to the selection from the Tales of Hoffman. 
We are pushing these forward as fast as is practicable, and I 
hope they wiil be ready for our customers before very long. 

I see you realize some of the Gifficulties of 
getting out a large catalog of standard selections. . We are 
filling up on this line as fast as possible, and are adding 
several munbers each week. We have recorded the patriotic 
selections and also some Christmas music, and these also you 
will be able to get in a short time. — eee 

Yours very 

be Cota) 

mn ot 







9th, 1914. 

Mr. He A. Rnasell, 

% General: Electric Co., 

Rialto Building; : 
San Francisco, bal. 

Dear Mr. Russell; 

On my return to the Laboratory after an 
absenoe of a little over two weeks I find your favor of the © 
2end ultimo. When I read it and Circular Letter XXIII and 
nse of regret that T wasn't with you. 
and I am glad of it. 

the verses, I feel a se 
Evidently you had a fine + ime together, 
You are freey forgiven on account of the 

telegram which you framed up a8 coming from me. I don't 

think I could have done better myself. 
het me thenk you for all the kindly senti- 

ments of yourseif and your associates. I appreciate it all 

very greatly- 

ener ne A ATR AE OS 

Nov. 13th, 1914. 

Mr. W. H. Gartley, 

% The United Gas Improvement Co-, 
Broad & Arch Streets, 

Phila., Pa. 

Dear Mr. Gartley: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 12th 
instant, and beg to say that so far as I Imow I shall be here 
all day on Monday of next week, and shall pe very glad indecd 
to see you and also Mr. Thomps L think 
4¢ would be a good thing for + as wo could 
then discuss the whole problem, and it 1s one of some import- 
ance to me, and may result in some good pusiness for you. 

The only uncertainty there ip about my being 
here is on account of the lawsuit in which I am to appear aS & 
witness. The. Legal Department tells me that it is not vory 
probable that I shall be called upon on Monday, but Mr. Me adowe 
oroft has had a telephone cowrersation with Mr. Thompson this 
morning, during whioh it was arranged that he would call up 
Mr. Meadoworoft about. 9:30 on Monday morning, at which time I 
think we can tell for certain. I sincerely hope that nothing 
WLLL happen to prevent our having an early meeting, as I am 
avite anxious to take up the matter with you and your associates. 

Yours very truly, 
Veoinag Q. Cterer. 



Seat eee cen ee pn etn NEN ILE TNL AEB EIDE 

Nov. 13th, 1914. 

Mr. Wm. H. Payntey 
New York Manager of Demonstrators, 
New York City. 
Dear Sir:- 

Mr. Riley handed me your letter to him of 
yesterday's date, in regard to the subject of carting by 
Nr. Chas. Klenke, who agreed to do all the trucking in the 
aecond, third and fourth districts of New York for $30.00 per 
. As I telephoned you yosterday, Mr. Edison 
says all right to this, put under no circumstances does he wish 
+o use any signs in connection with @ truck that is doing the 
oarting of our machines. You will please see therefore that 
‘no sign is used. 

I return the letter to you, and you can hand 

it to Mr. Riley when you seo him again. 

Yours very truly, 

WPL Maco wer bl, 


Assistant to Mr. Edison. 



Nov. 12th, 1914. 

Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, 
William and Pine Streets, 
New York City. 

My dear Hr. Schiff: 
Replying to your favor of the 10th instant let me 

en the newspaper arti 
that the Germans took 

say that I have not se ele you refer to, but 

and it was this: 

J remember what I said 
nee of their nation in commercial 

all the credit for the great adva 
the fact is that the m 
gs enough to take the advice 0 
and gave the captains of in- 

Llitary group that 

prosperity, whereas, 
# the groat 

yules Germany had brain 
Jewish bankers and business men, 

e hand, thus euabling them to puila up the enormous 

dustry @ fre 
jndustry of modern Germeny + 
and gaia t 

I instanced the Blechroders, Ballin, 

hat if one vent down to the pottom 

Rathenan and Loewe, 
n the great and most succes 

gful. industries, one woulda 

of things i 

dig up a Jew who furnished the ability that made them a success. 

yours very truly, v 

<_ohws eee 



TTS FEES Lg eee 

‘gard to coating the records with a thin coating of pure Glycerine. 


Lo Nov. 16th, 1914. 
Mr. LL. K. Berry, 

551 Woodland Avenue, Netherwood, 
Plainfield, N. J. 
Dear Sir:- 
Your favor of the 6th instant to our Company was handed 

to Mr. Edison particularly with reference to your question in re- 

He wishes us to say in reply to this question that oil or glycerine 
does no good to the records. On the contrary, it mekes them gather 
dirt and dust which would add to any surface sounds. Mr. Edison 
requests us to sey that he is constantly at work on these surface 
sounds, and he will never quit until he is rid of them altogether. 

Jn regard to the selection you mention, would say that 
"Phe Little Gray Home in the West" has been recorded and will soon 
be put out. Mr. Edison will look into the other selections that you 

mention with a view of recording them if it has not already been done. 
Yours very truly, 
Edison Laboratory. 

tLe nibh Tae bended BA Ct 

Blake & Burkart, 

Walnut & Eleventh Streets, 

Philadelphia, Pae. 

Gentlemen: - 

% am in receipt of your favo 

jn regard to Mr. Riley, 

he has made such & good impression on 
een at work with his men in 

yoeks that he has b 
e that good yesults will result from 

ing recitals, I feel sanguin 
his campaign in Philadelphia. 

I am glad : 
port, and thank you for 

hearty sup 

I am trying to do e 

and am very glad indeed to 
During the, few 

your prompt recognition 0 


Nov. 16th, 1914. 

r of the 13th instant 

jearn thet 

New York City giv- 

you feel this matter 1s worthy of your 

£ what 


Yours ph ne 
a oh, | 


~ e 
bed oe 

Nov. 14th, 1914. 
King Dot ae ; hla abs , 
iy dear lir. King: 

Your interesting favor of the oth instant brings 
pack to my mind a host of recollections of our boyhood days, now 
so far in the past. I have beon through so meny yariod exper- 
4dences during the last fifty years that the days of my poyhood 
soem to belong to a far distant period, although I am glad to say 
that my memory still holds good as to the many interesting episodes 
of my carlier years. 

Let me thank you for your letter andi also for all 
the good wishes that you express in my pehalf. T am glad to hear 
from you, and also to learn that you have prospered in the world 
and that you are eble to onjoy your Life. 

With kind regards, Iovremain | ...---~ 

Yours very truly, Lat 




3 4 


f “ \ ow : 

F Ot re 

‘ pat ge 

; ard | 

: ma | 
ste | 


Nov. 16th, 1914. 

Mr. William #. Soheel. 
a 169 Maiden Lane, 
a New York City, N. Y. 
Dear Sir: - 
Afew weeks ago you sent me sample 5 
pound package of 
Gum Acoroides 
" Ester 
" Indian 
" Kadaya 
Rubber Pitoh 
W411 you kindly favor me with prices 

on the above. 

Yours very truly. 



Nov. 16th, 1914. 

ee eeee a B. Trow, 

n Charge Retail Reoord Department, 

The Phonograph Co., : 
229 So. Wabash Avenue, 

Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Miss Trow: 
Your favor of the 11th instant to lir. Edison was 
yeceived and handed to hin. He has read 4t with much interest. 
He wishes me to say to you that we have half a 
dozen of Anna Case's songs recorded, but naturally we cannot put 
them all out at once. Wo also have records from more than 

fifteen qwellimowm artists who have sung for us- 

Ye are prevented from putting out what we would like 

to issue by the (miserable to Mire Baison) dance records and war 

song stuff. He wishes to assure you that we heave the goods if 

we can ever get & chance to put them out. 
Yours very truly, 
a tt: i 

Assistant to Mr. Ed.isone 

pWicige RT eit er 2a pe cde ae 


Noy. 16th, 1914. 

ire Wm. He Wiley, 

% John Wiley & Sons Coe, 
432 Fourth Avenue, 

New York. 

Dear ir. Wiley: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 

favor of the 12th instont and also of the complimentary copy 

of your latest electrical work, for which please accept my since: 

The book is beautifully gotten up 4 
rest assured it will find a place in 

thanks. nad seems to be 

very complete. You may 

my library. 
With Icind regards, I remain 

: a 
Yours ve fey ee 

a4 ; 
ve “Aiwa C 


To res 





J epee 
el RE ETE 

Soe RS 


Nov. 17th, 1914. 

Dr. Jobn G Ryerson, 

Dear Sir:- 
Mr. Headowcvoft has handed me a copy of your book, 

"A Mind Remedy", and has fully explained your wishes in regerd 
thereto. Tet me say in connection therewith that while the dis- 
covery you have meade is se 
ated by the profession, I must ask you to kind- 

n in the matter. 

emingly of much interest and ought to be 

thoroughly investis 
ly oxcuse me from talcing any specific actio 

In the first place, it would bo unwiee from 4 
duce any specialty of this neture in 

pusiness standpoint to intro 
e send cases o2 sickness 

Under, our general practice Wi 

my factories. 
g any questions that might 

practitioner, thus avoidin 
tg Liability laws. 
oncentreted day and 

to a regular 
In the next plece, my time 

arise under employer 
night on the muLltija 

ttention are entirely ¢ 

and av 
rests and 

tudinous problems arising from my owtensive business intore 

oxperimental wore Consoquently, it is really impessaibic for me 

to devote any tine whatever to affairs not valating thorato, 10 

interesting they may seem 6O DGes 

matter how tmportant or 



Nov. 19th, 1914. 

Mrs. F. P. Chalmers, 
—_ 1155 Farwell Avenue, 
Chicago, Ill. 
Dear Mrs. Chalmers: . 

Mr. Le Be Myers has forwarded to me your letter 
to Mrse Myera in regard 4o the subject of your coming to our 
New York Recording Studio to make a trial record of your 
voice. I see by that letter that you have read the communi = 
cation which I sent to Mr. Myers, and are willing to take the 
risk of making the trip to New York for this purpose. 

I have written to Mr. We H. Miller, the manager 
of our Recording Studio at #79 Wifth Avenue, New York City, in- 
forming him of your intended visit, and have asked him to make 
a trial record of your voice in one of your songs and gend it 
to Mr. Edison for his hoaxings { have no doubt that any of 
the three dates that you mon fon in your letter will be 
entirely satisfactory to Mx. Miller, and I think hg will find 
that he will give you every opportunity to show the quality of 
your voloe-. Unless you are & coloratura, I would suggest that 
you ochoase ‘a song that has 4 distinct and attractive melody 
rather one whose chief merit is its brilliancy- 

Allow me add my sincere wishes for your success. 
Yours very truly, 

Assistant to hr. Edison. 

srpEEnI MRM ee WMAP ete SEERERTG TEE Ec Fhe teeRspePaee nk 












me > 

Mr. LI. K. Berry, 
551 Woodland Avenue, 
Plainfield, N. J. 

Dear Sir:- 

Replying further to your favor of the 6th 
instant, we beg to make the following report as to the record 

you inquire about. 

Massenet's Elegy has already been recorded. 
Mighty Lik’ a Rose will be recorded soon, and Little Grey Home 

in the West has already been recorded by two singers, put neither 


ATT ee 

Nov. 20th, 1914. 

ax ESET TEC ene saOnCODE sey 
Soe eeeesenees ana aie ah eR aaa 

Seenrrr rr 





Ee eee fae eT 

of the records were satisfactory to Mx. Edison and he did not pass 

them for manufacture. He hopes to get @ satisfactory singer 

for this song very soon. 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 

re oes 

ce meepece crt aa aR NINN aE EME OTS 


Nov. 20th, 1914- 

Mx. Samuel Insull, 
Edison Building, 

120 West Adams Street, 
Chicago, Ill. 

lly dear Insull: 

I have received yours of the 17th instant, and 

would say in reply that I have not the slightest objection to 

your using my photograph with its juscription in the collection 

of your speeches that you propose to publish. 

know at your early con- 
gp that distil their 

I wish you would Let me 

venience whether you contol any gas companie 

tar and make Benzol. You have probably seen items in the news- 
am making My own CGarbolic Acid, and 

papers to the effect that I 
pose. I am buying some 

I sm using pure Benzol for this pur 

from the United Gas Improvement peopl 
Yours vV' ruly, 

e in Phila 

{Me ACs 





Nov. 20th, 1914. 
Hr. M. L. Lefferts, President, | 
The Celluloid Company, 
30 Washington Place, 
New York City. 
Dear Mr. Lefferts: 

I received your favor of the 17th instant in 
regard to the Redmanol Chemical Products Company, and thank 
you for calling my attention to their use of the word “Amberoid”. 
This word is very near the one that we use to designate a . 
tyve of machine and records, but our word is “Amberol." 
We have no connection whatever with the Redman- 

ol Company. I think they make a sort of Gondensite, and do 
not kmow how to work it. 

I return their letter to you nerewith, and remain 

Yours very truiy, 



Co Fin ho 

SESS ra ere 




Nov. 21st, 1914. 

Mr. Charles H. Botsford, 
Room 1635, 25 Broad Street, 
Newark, We. J. 

My dear Mr. Botsford; 

I ghall have to ask you to kindly exouse the delay 
in replying to your favor of the 12th instant. I have simply 
been swamped in work since the receipt of your letter, and it has 
been a matter of impossibility for me to get at my correspondence 
Por a woelk. 

In regard to the manufacturing of chemicals, as 
suggested by Mr. Edison, I Imow that there are quite a number, but 
it would take me quite some time to obtain anything like a full 
list. I lmow there is a great shortage of dyeing materials, and 
I would also mention a few of the things for which there is an 
opening for a manufacturer. These are as follows: 

Carbolic Acid 

Picric Acid 

Aniline O11 


I think that you would find the above quite enough 
to matte u start on. Indeed, you would yxeebebly have to make a 
aolection, #5 you would soarcely ba able te hendle them ell. 

With kind rageras, 7 vemaly 

Youn we haa: > 

fot , ON 
WG allen tycteeG G 
. # 


Nov. 20th, 1914- 


ba |S, eee 

na FENG Sy tet 

ened 2. 80% 

Eo sito rel. 
Mr. ; 
26 Disneonda, 

(rete yee Buffalo, N. Ye 
Dear Siri , 

Replying to your favor of the 7th instant, let 
ay thet you will probably find in our Christmas supplements 

4one that you desir 
ay for your 4nformati 
You w 

me Ss 
6, a8 mentioned in your Letter. 

the select 
on that we are making some 

411 probably have noted 
o or three Saxaphone 

annot put them out - 

“tet me also 8 

my Syety bth 

pell yeoords. 

more Saxaphone & 
ay in the catalog tw 

‘gs? eav 
qatota, patie” 
that there are alrea 

yen tt 
ofa andvesot- 
e inch records, we & 

I have noted your rema 

fa roksom, ba : solos. 48 to the twelv 
W oct Aguorti: ! as yet. When the time comes for these, we shall put them out 
: only with the symphonies of Bethoven and other magical composi- 
$4ons of similar Length. 
: rks in regard to the 
ave ArovE Ui winding device and will ascertain what the trouble is. Will you 
windly write and let me jmow what type your machine is? Please 
and I will 

number of the machine, 

cv poy ovin 9° 
‘give me fall particulars and. 

arrange to have it fixed upe wa 
Yours very i, 2 
ss, 108 ct <hact— 

Wats as 
My ga 



Nov. 20th, 1914. 

Mr. Geo. Js Lenth, 


Dear Sir: 

I have received your favor of the 17th inatant, which I 
have read very carefully. Perhaps you are right in your remark that 
we are dead ones, but if 80, that gives us more latitude for improve~ 
ment. . 

Now as to the various points covered by your letter, let 
me sey that I will take up the matter of the castors immediately, and 
trust you will have no further reason for complaint in this direction. 
As to publicity, we are starting a big national advertising campaign, 
as well as a broad-cast recital campaign. We find this is much more 
immediate in its selling returns. 

J.have in New York City sixteen men doing nothing but 
arranging for and giving recitals day by day. They are doing some 
pretty lively work, for instence, yesterday afternoon and last night 
they gave, with the assistance of dealers,twenty one recitals to as 
many groupe of people. 

Experiments jin several cities show as 4 result that as 
against $1000 spent for advertising and $1000 spent in giving tecitals, 
that the latter plan was eight times more efficient ,as shown by sub- 

er SS 
a / 
#. “ Torercy y. a 

suTe Vaorgcbre A 

aa ed) - ; 
oe ey C? 4h deren 


eoytest sales of the doalers. 

Bset evad 
jah OLB OW 

woy  .trem 

,ovsg Yodt 
qvorg Yasm 

£% santsgs 
edd tedt 

Be teonpos 

Nov. 20th, 1914. 

Kay #. He Lapping, 
52.6 so:th 10th Street, 
St. Louis, Ho. 

beat Sirie 

As the mero acquisition of money is not the principal 
ambition of my life, appreciative letters such as you have written me 
ure a source of much gratification, for they indicate that I have 
sucueeded after years of hard work in coming close to my ideal, which 
is, to afford a never ceasing fountain of pleasure to real lovers of 
isi. Tt want to thank you for your letter with ite expressions of 
appreciation and good will. 

I have inateuobed the proper department in our Works to 
see that you are provided with the parts you desire to make your 
machine a worm-wind, as desired. As to the selection you would 
like namely, "When you and I were Young, Maggie", I am Looking into 
thet matter, and shall hope to put out a record of this selection as 

goon ag our routine of recording will allow oa, 

Yours very truly, : 
aon . 
Qh Chvcen— 
(3 | 
Y 24ows dont ricci. Menken anabhy Arthas 






Novo 2ist, 1914. 

Mr. W.Hoe Fart Loy, 
Engineer of Works, 

United Gas Inprevement Co. 
Broad & Arch Streets, 
Philadelphia, Ps. 

Dear Mr. Gartley: 

The five gallon can of pure Benzol came duly 
to hand, and I have had it tested. The results of the test 
are very satisfactory ‘and show that it is just what we want. 

The Barrett benzol is nearly the same, except 

that it contains considerable se cena. 

Yours-very truly, 

: fa 

le “ 
WC a 
red Watt ori 

Rakearkes cds weatbes 



4 Sy 


at, 1914. 


Hote 2 
Arthur H. Thonas Company, 
eat Washington Square, 
Philadelphia, Pee 
Gentlemen :-~- 
I have received yow favor of the 19th 
instant and note that you are going to offer a personal con- 

‘ference with Mr. Ford. If you have not already done 

this, let me suggest that you do not approach him yet. His 

Laboratory is not ready, and when it is he will probably want 

me to do most of the work. ae 

Yours 3 weary truly, 
1 ae : 

ae oath a eee 

aonranncersee-retereiersraienniciah uaiiall PAD aati ore 085 ei Pleated a RTE atte 


ct Nee tone i ec crn Eee 


Noveyber 23, 1914, 

Mrs. ‘Marion BH. Neser, 
Neuenburg, Baden. 
Dear Hrs, Oeser: . 
Our bank. “the. Uaion National of Netrars, 
Néw Jersey has to-day inetruoted the Dresdner Rank, 
Berlin, to place the equivalent of two hundrqd dellars 

to your credit with the Dregdner Bank-Filiale-¥reibure, 

With Kindest regards, I am. 

Youra vefy truly. 


Nov. 24th, 1914. 
Mr. Nathan He. Alterman, ) | 
. 590 panton Avenue, 
Bronx, New York. 
Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 20th inst., 
which has been read with a great deal of interest. In reply 
Let me say that while I am very glad that you have called my 
attention to your Society, I shall not be able at the present 
time to be of substantial “financial assistance, 4&8 the disturb- 
ance of business conditions due to the War in Europe will not 
allow-.of my diverting from my pusiness interests any of the 
money that I requiréé to keep them moving. - 

I think, however, that possibly it may happen 
that I may be able to be of more practical assistance to some 
of the members of your orchestra. I assume from your Letter 
that most of your players are people who work in the day time 
and have their evenings to themselves, and as I am going to con~ 
duct some extensive experiments in yecording music in the 
evenings here at West Orange, 4% may be possible that I can 
arrange to employ some of your musicians for evening work. T 
am giving this matter a great deal of consideration just now, and 
you may hear from me again before 4 great while. 

In the meantine, if you have among your people any 
players of especial talent, I should be very glad 4f you could 
send me a memorandum of their names and. the instruments they 
play. Tf I conelude to make arrangements with any of them, 1 

presume that you would prefer that 4t should be done through you. 
Yours very $ruly,.. sent. 
warn (A “ et we 

ave mercer tcccrrnnene ts NSM HT nwa ai Sagi i CSOT a BS TET ay 

bap prushpe RM eLhe ght CER ELE 


Nov. 24th, 1914. 

Mr. Henry A. Ashmead, 
16 Belmont Street, 
Toronto, Canada. 

Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 19th instant has been 

handed to me, and I want to assure you that its contents 
have been a source of great satisfaction to me. I am much 

gratifiod by your words of appreciation in regard to the list 

of British and Patriotic selections, and am glad to learn 

of your enthusiasm which has led you to the sale of our 


Tet me say in eonciusion that intelligent 

suggestions ani ideas are always appreciated by me. 



Nov. 24th, 1914. 

Mr. F. R. Johnson, Sales Manager, 
East Kentucky Coal & Coke Company, 
Central National Bank Bldg., 

St. Louis, Mo. 

Dear Sir:- 

4 XI received your favor of the 16th instant, and 

q .would say in reply that its contents have been perused with 
much intorest,. I am always glad to receive criticisms in 
regard to our records, and am glad to give them my personal 
attention. Let me say for your information that we receive 
a groat variety of opinions about music, but they vary in a 

very astonishing manner. _AllL sorts of suggestions and ideas 

H come to us, but we find that they are not universally applicable. 

} For instanco, records that are salable in New England are un- : 
Salable in Iowa, and vice versa. 

You say that the music sounds thin in spots. 
Lot me call your attention to the fact that four violins play~- 
ed in exact time give the effect of one violin of large tone, 
1 If the players cannot play in exact step, you can then tell 
: that there are four violins, but not otherwise. We have 
twenty four men in our band, and nearly every one of them comes 
from tho Philharmonic, The Symphony Orchestra or the Metropolitan 
Opera House Orchestra. The closer they play, the fewer there 
appears to be playing. This from a musician's point of view 

is correct, but probably a mistake from a commercial point of 
view. : 

Our competitor's type of Orchestra might please 
you bvettor,. The dealers sell an attachment with which you can 
pley Victor or Columbia records on your machine. 

I am working hard to make our records as perfect 
as possible, and we shall probably improve as time goes on. 

See ~ 
Pee ee 
a) Cia = 

Yours a 
ee. neat 


‘Nov. 24th, 1914. 

ee Mr. C. I. Roberts, 

‘ : wo Wahl Adding Machine Co., 
LE: 252 East Ohio Street, 

ash Chicago, Ill. 

red Dear Sir:- 

y IT am in receipt of your favor of the 19th 
instant, and would say in reply that most of the things that are 

COW . 
odds | 

very attractive for manufacturing at the present time are in 

the chemical line. Many of the chemicals are paying enormous 

; profits to the manufacturers, but this line of work requires 

ay : experts, and real ones are very scarce. 

Many propositions for manufacturing in the 
mechanical line have been offered to me, but I have turned them 
away because I am so filled up with my own work that I cannot 
take on anything else. Many of these have been taken up by 

nT a cert a 

other parties, so should I come across something promising I 

will let you know. ae 
Yours ver oe - 

ran f 
yes UAE cin tetug no 
—_ Nae 


eS aaa aT 



Bf 0% 


Nov. 24th, 1914. 

The Savolainen Company, 

Gentlemen; - . 

Your favor of the 19th instant in regard 
to records in Foreign languages has been referred to me. The 
trouble is that at the present time we cannot get the mw oper 
singers to make these records, on account of the War; then 
again, we are so pressed by people in the large cities for 
dance music that we have been obliged to pay spooial attention 
to that lately. Just as fast as we can we Will make up @ 

list of records in Foreign languages. ees 

Yours ve LY, 



yee 103 CA 

Nov. 24th, 1914. 

Mrs. R. M. Willson, 
R.F.D. #2, 
‘Huron, Ohio. 

Dear Mrs. Willson:- 

1 was indeed surprised to receive a letter from you, but 

am very glad to get it and to read about the friends of days long 
gone by- L remember the lines very well, but i was only seven 
years ola when I left Milan. A great many things heve happened 
since that time, but my memory is still good as to lots of things 
that happened during those very carly years. My father enjoyed 

a vigorous life until he died when he was ninety four years old. 

Harriett Ann and Pitt both died 4 long time ago- 
You must be getting quite old now, and I don't wonder 


that you fecl rather lonely with so many of the old faces missing. 

T have been so busy all my life that I have not time to get old. 


ot, S With kind regards and all good wishes to you, If remain 
; oo 
fifw Yours very poe G8 —— 

” ee 
a fe ogee 
a Faca A Liq GDR AD IDE ee 
2 26S 


General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-101 (1914-1915) 

This letterbook covers the period Nov 1914-February 1915. Most of the 
correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. In addition to 
letters concerning the commercial development of disc phonographs and 
recordings, much of the correspondence relates to World War | and its 
disruption of markets for carbolic acid (or phenol), which Edison used in the 
manufacture of phonograph records. Numerous letters pertain to Edison's 
move into the manufacture of chemicals for his businesses, with the 
construction of his own benzol absorbing plants, and the sale of his excess 
supplies. Included are documents regarding his sale of toluol to the British 
government through J. P. Morgan & Co., along with correspondence about 
industrial waste from Edison's chemical works. The letters from 1915 contain 
numerous references to the fire of December 9, 1914, that destroyed or 
damaged more than half of the buildings in the West Orange laboratory 
complex. The correspondents include General Electric executive Charles A. 
Coffin; W. W. Richards of E. |. Du Pont de Nemeurs Powder Co.; the Cambria 
Steel Co. of Johnstown, Pennsylvania; and Harger & Blish, phonograph 
dealers in Des Moines, lowa. 

The front cover is marked "T. A. E. Nov. 25, 1914. To Feb. 13, 1915." 
The spine is marked with similar information, along with the number "39." The 
book contains 710 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 20 percent 
of the book has been selected. 

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einen oF 


Nov. 25th, 1914, 

Mr. George H. Follows 
6428 Darlingbon Road,’ 
Pittsburgh, Pa. 

Dear Sir:- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 
the 21st instant, which has been read with considerable in- 

terest. I want to thank you for your kind suggestions and 

to say that I am always open to fair criticisms and also to 
suggestions and ideas for the bettering of our products. 
4 I am preparing to install and equip a special 
recording room, and I am sure that we are going to get some 
music that will be very much better than that produced by our 
previous efforts as soon as this special room is finished. We 
are very much handicapped in trying to get good voices. Those 
that sound dl. right on the stage when there is a large orchestra 
and the hum of the audience, enlivened by the dramatic environ- 
ment, show up glaring defects when put on the phonograph. 

Many singers "break" on some notes, thus causing 
& blurred, chattering sound. If the singer is a celebrated one, 

, the phonograph gets the blame. 

Nov. 27th, 1914. 

Mre Charlas Sv Brafiay 
41 ‘Parke Row, 
New York City. 


Leav Mr. Bradley: 

Your favor of tha 24th instant, in regard 


- MEe Guido Meisel, a German chamigt vas received by Mr. 
Edison, and has had his attantion. He veque3ts me to write 
and ask you whether Mr. Meisel has had factory axperience in 
tho mann*aeturing of commer! a1 ahemicels. Jf ao, will you 
kindly inform me just how much experiance: *e ha: nad and In 
what partt anlar line. 
Qrusiiag you sre wall, and with Zinf regards, 

I remain 
Yours vary truly, 

Oellien roweog' 

Assistan: bo Myr. Bdison. 




Nov. 27th, 1914. 

stot. Charles Baskerville, 
vaureee CP the Clty o% New York, : 

J9th Street & St. Nicheiey Terrace, 
New York Clty, ' 

aV Sear Six, 

Ihave sent you by mail today a small sample of 

Viskel flake which has been prepared with great care by our 

“nenists over in the Storage Battery, 

A careful analysis of 
chile showa .259% of aopper. 

This is not undissolved copper 
zeems to be from copper in the anode itselz, 
+ Edison Says that I should teil you that this small percent. 

of COpper would probably disappear after 
eke, and we ars 

La oe but z 


a little use of the 
going ahead trying further experiments in the : 

expectation that we will be able to practically eliminate 
86 coppey altogether, 

"yO ard 

I hope to send you some other Samples 
‘thin a few days. 

Will a sample of the size sent you today be suffi- 
“ut for vou to make a test? 



Yours very truly, . | 
WH lea doueudf' 

Assistant to Mr. Edison 

Nov. 27th, 1914, 

ir. Be H. Collins, 
Nassra. Steinway & Sons 

107 & 109 E, 14th “strect, 
New York. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of tho 23rd instant has been 
“eselved, and I have talked with Mire. Edison in regard Sherenos 
He wants mo ta say that he is not ready. yet to consider the 
purchase of a new piano. He is experimenting on our old piano, 
and thins he can make it far better for his purpose than a new 
vne would be. ; 
. He wants me to sey to you that he has a new 
#1000 Stcimvay at his house, and it is fine. 
Yours very truly, 

WY lianieurcecft, 

Assistant to Mr. pee 




abe dah 



eee ne 



Nov. 27th, 1914. 

Prof. John Leotti, 
152 E. .108th Streat 
Now York City / 

Dear Sir:. 

Mrs Cronkite of our Recording Department has 
spoxen to mo about you. I told Mr. Cronkite that I desired 
to get-an expert to help me in some extensive experiments that 
I am going to perform in the recording and reproducing of music. 
I infer that you got an idea from Mr. Cronkite's conversation 
that I should desire the expert immediately. This, howevor, is 
not the fact, as I shall not be ready to start these experiments 
for some little time, as I am building a special place. to carry 
them on. When I am ready, I hope I can avail myself of your 

Should you have spare time enough to come over to 
the Laboratory at Orange, I should be very glad to seo you some ~ 

day. You had better telephone to my assistant, Mr. Meadowcroft 

in advance of your coming, so as to make sure.I shall be here. 

Yours very truly,-~ a 

2 S 
; Ot CG a of peta ben eet 



Nov. 27th, 1914. 

ord ve + 
sal =; tzey Fe Morgan, 
voll na oxmed Y.ES.CE., 
LIL, Ne Ye: 
ped wear Mr. Moerorse 
At Mr. Edison's request, I beg to hand you 

eae enclosed u cpy of the regular program that we use in giving 
ot recitals under Mr. Riley's direction. This program is a 
aT winner. A gomiinetion of the regular numbers and the request 
tt sianbee below is a good one, because it caters to everybody. 
ait The preparation of this program was largely Mr. Edison's work, 
a08 and he divided it into two parts because if there are people in 
rot the audience who do not care particularly for tha numbers In 
ents the reaular order, that is to say,from one to twelve, there is 
+28 a request list at the foot of the program, from which the, 

have selections playod. As you will see on examinition, chase 
one is all souts of music on this sheet. 
yb Another thing. live 2dtaon think: (at you 
at eater to churches rather too suo, ‘and be 43 AoRded |. erg 

Posy Pande vi at Sete 

segitals given to fraternitias, “0 0 8S 
tions, as well as churches. 
Yours vary traly, 

ie apices © 

gseiste. ca Mae Hapson. 

Nov. 27th, 1914. 

My. I. B. Perrine, Pres., 
Twin. Falls Railroad, 
Quin Falls, Idaho. 

Dear Mr- Perrine; 


, your favor of the 13th 

I am returning herew3%: 

inetant, with our varioua moneys ale wpor ite You will seo at 

the top Mr. Edison's memorandvii tolling me to send the whole 

thing to you. The ropors of vir epemist about the ore of 
4 the foot of 

which you sent nim sample is written in pencil @ 

your ioster 59 rie. ; 
Mr. Rdison is very glad indeed to learn that 
+ ytorage battery cars are operating so well, and says that 

he sti ha very gina to see you on your next trip to New York. 

In regard to killing the blight in pear trees, 

us, Haison's recollection 4s that he told you what they do in 

pum large electric lights in the 0 

Germany, and that is to 
and in this 

ps which catoh the flying insects, 

at night, with tra 
large extent. This 

vent the second generation to a 

way they pre 
emany, end has been reported 

plan is being very largely used in G 
to be quite successful. 
With kindest regards, I remain 

Yours very truly, 
‘ LP iene ote Lb 



Nov. 27th, 1914. 

Mr. Gao. B. Reid 
% Vanity Hanufactur ing Co., 
Buffalo, N. Y¥. 

Dear Sir:- 

. Your favor of the 17th instant to Mr. Edison, 
togather with the sample of your idea of an index for record 
cabinots came. duly to hand. He once submitted this to the 
Engineer of the Works, who made the following report, Mr. Edison 

gays try again. 
The report is as follows; 

"In connection with this yeoord index, I find thet this 
style of wooden separator in disc cabinet drawers is 

no longer used. 
Ther have been discontinued because: 

iw Soratched records 
~ Osoupy too much space 
“30d warps making records fit tight. 

- wuxpense : 
Stain comes off on records and peoples *fingers. 


-whed a system of card separators 

®here has been + itsti! 
ach separator and & filing card. 

with t-4ex numbe2” 11 6 
The drawers ere vs igvs ded into ten parts oy means of 
wood separators. 

Bach part holds ten esa.ras with 10 indexad separators. 

The new system shows she following adv 7:6 ess 

1- Each separator hes an index nur... qthich is not 

liable to break off. 
2- The drawers hold 15 more records 

3 It is cheaper 
4- No trouble from seratching or worpinG. 

5~ No tight fits 
6- Large filing oard - removable for changing and 

passing ‘around af desired. ; 
y= Has been found very satisfactory." 

Yours very truly, ¥ 0 Kabovetery gn 


Nov. 30th, 1914. 
Mr. : Be se Brand, 
Acting Chief of Bureau, 
Departnont of Conmerce, 
Vashington, D. C. 
Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 18th instant has been handed to 
me, and in reply I beg to say that we have started mnufacturing 
chemicals which we were formerly compolied to import from Germuny. 
We do not manufacture for sale, but only for our ow use. 

However, we are in possession of considereble in- 
formation regarding German chemicals and the commercializing of 

the same, and I would be glad to see any representative of the 

Department of Comimerae, should you ie ae on mo. 
Yours vory y x 
* woe 


i nay GQ Cit idee 

Se eres STN ea 

SSS ca errag rer 



Sr ae 

Gat ae aot SNS EEE 

Nov. 30th, 1914- 

a conten Miller, 
Pittsburg, Pa. 
Dear Sir: 
Your favor of the 26th instant has been handed 

to me, and I beg to assure you that your kind words of apprecia- 
tion in regard to the Edison Diamond Dise Phonograph are very 
gratifying to mo, as it indicates that my hard work of the last 
few years is accomplishing what I set out to do, that is to 
please lovers of good musics . 

- in regard to the" Daisy "songs, I have given in- 
structions to look these up and have them tried out, and if 
we can do so we will put one of more of them on the record. 

‘Phanking you for your Icind interest, I remain 


Nov. 30th, 1914. 

Mr. Goo. C. Silser, Vice Prasident 
Harger & Blish, , 
811 Walnut Street, 
Des Moines, Towa. 
Dear Mr. Silger; 
, This is to confirm tihe telegram I sont you last 
night in regard to the Anna Caso record #80120; 
"Anna Case Eighty one twenty mould wont pad. 
Hove fixed. Hope to ship you all you want 
Saturday, December 5th." 

Although your lettor was dated the 25th, it did 
not reach me until yesterday afternoon, and within an hour the 
above telegram had been sent you. You will gac we are doing 
some hustling from this end also. . 

Yours very truly, 


astm inca data Mahl Rd ered Sea 

Vai Fe Rk Sd OR AnD aha alarmed ake SEIN Tae s70¥8 Bima’ w 



Nov. 30th, 1914. 

he Geo. C. Silzer, Vice Presidgft 
Bll Walnut Stroet : 
Des Moines, Towa. 
Dear Mr. Silzer: 

It will interest you to kmow that that boy of mine, in 
nis Edison Shop in Orange, sold eight phonographs last woek, two 
of which were cylinder machines. 

Outside and store recitals did the business. They 
have given as many a5 throe recitals outside (to associetions, 
schools, etc.) and one store yecital in one day. He does no 

I have sixteen men in New York City, doing nothing cise 
but giving recitals before associations, fraternitics, churohes, 
publio schools, atc. During the day they go around and arrange 
for recitals, and nights and afternoons give the rocitals them- 
solves. The average attendance ig about one hundred and thirty- 
two per recital, thus reaching over two thousand people 4 day. 

The New Yory dealers are full of prospects, and sales 
are swelling. 

Yours very truly, 

wee ey 

rena ERI PERT nn a haa 
‘ Titania pin cg EE ETE na 

Nov. 30th, 1914. 

Senta Yo Watch Company, 
bal Kansas Avenus, 
Topeka, Kansas. 

Gentlemen: - 

Your favor of the 21st jnatant has been handed to 
mo, and I have read it with a great deal of interest. 

Hos it evor occurred to you that records salable 
in one part of the Country aro entirely unsaledile in anothor part? 
We set a variety of requests from all over thea Country Prom 
New England we get violent protests against putting on ‘ragtime and 
Coon Songs. Up there thoy want operas and orchestra selections, 
togather with dance veooras for the factory people. The Broadway 
pits do not soll there. 

In Dakota they want Band records. This is true 
also of Southern Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessec. All these demands 
are backed up by sarcastic letters, ell of whieh are very discourage 
crn 4n fact so much 60 that if I had known that there vere such 
a wide difference of opinion about music, I would never have had 
anything to do with it. Sometimes I wish I were owt of it alto- 
gather. All I cam say is that wo will do the pest we can to 

satisfy these conflicting requests. 
Yours very t af 7 

VC tees 

f a nen 

he pa 

Nov. 30th, 1914. 

ure John E. Teeple, 
50 East 41st Street, 
New York. 
Dear Sir:- , 

Your favor of the 27th instant nas 
been received, and we beg to say in reply that Mr. Edison 
thought that he might be able to use Pine O11 in the synthetic 
production of Garbolic Acid Crystals, but found that he could 
not inake vse of it for this purpose. For the present, at any 
rate, wo are out of the market for Pine Oil. 

Phanking you for your Irind and prompt 
attention to the matter at the time we had our provious corres- 
pondence, we remain 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 



Mr. H. H. Blish, 
% Warger & Blish, 
Des Moines, Iowa. 
Dear Mr. Blish: 
Your favor of the 20th ultimo to Mr. Walter 
Miller was forwarded by him to Mr. Baison, who wants me to 
inform you that Millicent has been recorded and is now on ‘a 

the vay through. Mr. Edison has given instructions to have 
tke sample rushed forward to him so that he can see whether 
tho ~ecom is good enough to place on the list. 

What Mr. raison cannot understand is that he 
pets as many letters from so many dealers asicing him for 
heaveny seke Let up on Bands and so much dance music, while 

“yc Say im your Letter that your people are crazy for it. 

Yours very truly, 
on ? 
i we ie FeRAM ee a y 
Assistant to Mr. Eqison. 

Mr. We. W. Nichols, Deo. lst, 1914. 
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 

350 Church, St., 

New York. 

Dear Mr. Nichols: 

Referring to your favor of the 27th ultimo and the 
enclosures forwarded therewith, Mr. Bdison requests me to write and 
ask -you if you will kindly ask Mr. Blauvelt whether they distil 
all their By-product Sar, or would they sell any. What Mr. Edison 
wants is a continuous supply of Benzol, but he understands that the 
Semet Solvay people have tied themselves up to the Barrett Manufactur- 
ing Company. That Company is hogging s+, and refuses to sell me Bis, 
any, although %usesit only for mown purposes in manufacturing 
Carbolic Aold synthetically, and sell none to the publics Ho would sed 
not hurt their market. 

Yours very truly, 




Dec. lst, 1914. 

Mr. %. Cc. Martin, 

@ National Electric Light Assoc., 

29 West 39th Street, 

New York. 
My dear Mr. Martin: 

Your favor of yesterday with olipping from 
the New York Times has been received. I had not seen it, 
and deeply regret to learn that this dreadful War has been 
the oocasion of such a loss to you. I sympathize with you 
sincerely and deeply, and wish to add my tribute of honor 
to the memory of a dead hero. I remember him very well, 
and enjoyed the pleasure of meeting him greatly when he was 
here sometime ago. 

Very sincerely yours, 







DR aa Le tei ah th ae ea 

See ete eae Tanna Ee et nah er eee ee Tene ene ee wie he Maney ure ay Sabre ye Pine Sree rm terra teac ks remite nen map coe een ae Te 


Dec. 2nd, 1914. 

Mr. Roger W. Babson, 
Wellesley Hilis, 
Dear Mr. Babson: 
The enclosed clipping is from your 
Weekly Report of December lst, 1914. 

Are you quite sure of the correctness of 
this statement? If it is all burnt up in eighteen months, 
where do the riches come in? Roumenia, Hungary and some 
others of those countries have been pastoral for a long 

time. Are they rich? 

Yours very : “> 

thes O Even 

‘Mr. John Wanamaker, 


#dec. 2nd, 1914. 


Ny dear Mr. Wanamaker: 
Your very kind invitation to dine with 

you and a few friends on Friday of next week has been 

received, and is greatly appreciated. 

would like to accept but the fact is, 
I shall be overworked until after January and cannot get 

away. Unless another war or & Continental earthquake 

intervenes, I will gladly come ne ae 
Yours y truly, 

O Econ 


Mr. H. D. Beaves, 
New York. 


Dear Sir:- 

Your favor of the 27th whhincs “ao ae. adison 
hag been received, and he requests us to say im coply cia we 
have alveady started to do suse advertising, bub we vane “he. 
recitals given in churches, and before associations, fvaternivcce, 
etc. brings the instrument itself before the neople, ani chig 
is vovy much better than advertising, in seliing resules s 

‘in regard to the question of a clroulavins 
library of records, wo beg to say that the soason it bar cob 
succeeded is that the children in the homes seratch wy tho 
vesords so much that these who have tried this projest hava 
beon obligsad to stops 

Yours vory truly, 

Edison Leboratory. 


Dec. 3x4, 1914. 

Mr. W. He Gartley, 
Engineer of Works, 
United Gas Improvement Co., 
Brood & Arch Streets, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dear Mr. Gartley: 

Mr. Edieon wishes me te weite and ask you 

whether you would be willing to trade 2.0, 000 gallons of ovr 
90% Benzol for C.P. 3enzol, we yaying  osnes per gallon 
forthe exchange. We uvo putting ap 2 distilling apraxic 
for turning our 90% Bennol into G.B., put it is not quite 
ready, and this ouohaws wf 19,000 geilons would hely Liv. 
Eé@igson out. No thinks that probably you may be inehiued 
to do this, es there would uot bs any extra call on you fer 
raw material. 

Yours very truly, 

ee ne 

a LOO le, 

Assisvant to bi. 

Deo. Sra, 1914. 

United States Theatres Co., 
617 Washington Street, : 
Hoboken, N. Jd. 
Mr. Koch of our New York Office handed us a card 
stating that you wished to find out vhether you could get two 
or three of our phonographs at dealers" discounts, as you were 
going to give them away. 
Ur. Edison requests me to write and say to you that 
he is very sorry that we are unable to allow you & discount. 
We have a contract with all our dealers, which prevents us from 
allowing discounts to any put a regular dcalor in the goods. 
Possibly you might be able to make some arrengement 
with the local dealer in your city o7 the besis of advertising. 

Yours very (caly, 


Asaiatanc to iy» dison. 

segemmepm ate: 

Dec. Srd, 1914. 
Mr. J. H. Vail, 
Grand View Senatoriun, 
Wernersville, Berks Co., Pa. 
My dear Mr. Vail: 

All I can do is to ask your kind indulgence for my long 
delay in reply to your favor of the 13th witimo. I have been so 
overwhelmed with work during the last few weeks that my mail has 
been terribly neglected, and your letter has suffered severely. I 
vant to express my apology and to ask you to kindly overlook what 
seems to be neglect. 

I enclose herewith your letter with Mr. Edimn's pencil 
memorandum on it, and also my memorandum to Mr. MoChesnoy, the 
Manager of the Motion Picture Department, and also his reply. You 
Will be able to gather from these original papers the whole story. 

I am sorry that it conld not have becn of a more en- 
couraging nature, but I Imow this, that they would not left any 
friend of mine go into it if there were any risk. 

It is with much regret I learn of your illne:s and the 
unfortunate experiences that you have had. It seems toc bad aftar 

a life of hard work to have things turn out that way. Tanagerely 

trust that before long somo way will open up to you of recnuncre ting 
from these reversos. 
With kind regards, I remain 

Yours very truly, 


Mr. CG. A. Coffin, 

Thirty Church reat, 

New York. 
My dear Mr. Coffin: 

I am in receipt of your Page OF 
the 2nd instant, and in reply deg to suy that To rexnnot 

yemember Dr. Edwards, nor have I any recollection of 

any work by anyone of that name. ate 


Oo aes Ch Chane. 

Yours ve 



a ae Tapia 

rarer etn 



Ve. WV. E. Gartley, 
“aginear of Works, 
Vnited Gas Improvement Co. 
‘yond and Arch Streets, : 
“nilaiolphia, Fa. 

Near Mir. Gartloy: 

Now I am appealing to you for some incormat lon. tT. Ht 
“ant to store my bensol in to tanke, of Say, 6,000 grtioas oiaive ; 

WAll you please advise me on the: following points: 

1. Should the teanics bo vertical or horivontsLT 

2, Wheat thickness of ivon showld they be? 

paths a Shin ae 

3, Muy they oe outdoors, oF should they be facitde the 
Qa BoOV or sunk in the proud? 

4. Should thoy 2s Boove erourl, 

5, What precautions ere necessary? 

You will sec the 

Line of anformation T am ater. LE 

I have not asked enough quest ions, WiLL you out of yout arhendad were 

on all necessary oF assentigl roti 

yariencs Kindly cost m6 

Mhanking you in advanes Lor ey YOMaALy 

Yours si LS ..* 
Haha Ch Udon. : 

lire EB. EH. Gary, 
656 Bifth avenue, 
New York City. 

My dear Mr. Gary: 

In accordance with my promise a fow cays L 
have instructed my people to send to your reaid@ence one wh Ny 
rocords. LT oinsre bsc 

new Diamond Disc Phonographs and some 

given instructions to send one of our men to your house bo ane 
pack the machine end to instruet your hitler now to onerate it. 
I do not Imow your taste in music, anil bGherexore 
sent you only & Limited quantity of youords Zor a bart. Yu 

nh, % catalogue of our yeecords, wre 


will, find enclosed, harewit 
~ $b over an& whooss 

shall be very glad id you will Kindly Look 
as many as you vrould Like. {fF you will sound me ao lsat of 

ake pleasure in having thom sent over 4o youe 

those I shall ta 
| en 

= ver 

is > at Wye yi 

Dee. rd, LOL. 

P, O. Pitkin, Jr., 
Box LéSl, 
Springfield, Mass. 

Dear Sir: 


I have reeeived your yavor of the 2nd 

boon read with a gyeat doal of interent, and Tt 

Sho many wood vores whieh you ave rind snough bo 


my nev Dianont Dise phonograph. 

Coz nreduotion of weeords 2 pomdie fe 

Which our Jesbore itce upon Use JT rmugy comtves 


hove sPovea to be yory aisacpolmeiiy vo Me, 

grade of musicel taste on qho posh av che 

manie, 2nd mind 

real music Lovers who 1iKs 
many more machines, the aaand for it YALL not be grest eng to 

go into it largely. 
However, 2 nyiiiding: & special yagording feo, sich is 


now abouts half finn a4 T shall record el tne 

music, such 8s symphonies , HONaTaE, EUCe, with etrit ny 
Large OLChEeStrEes « 
To shri do this oven if scolus of weooyds oF sone Ghee 
ly fow, a8 Zoom very vond of this o1ass of 1 mgsolt. a Ses 
4t viell, however io a vory aitvienlt matter, ang thare ee a Ee 
cial yecorns. 

done before JT issue any conl 


doal of exporimenting 
Yours ve LULY oy 

ah Cduve 



meron IEE 


Doe. 4th, 1914 

Mr. Geo. C. Silser, Vieo President, 
Harger & Bligh, 

811 Walint Street, 

Des Moines, Iowa. 

Desr Mz. Silzer; 

Referring to yow £Lavor of the {8nd ulbimo, let me 

advise you not to get discouraged ubout the eplinder inc, ous Eeep 

pushing it he 

witil I get things in shape. You Will nove thet 
the latest records have grovm much batter in quality, md they are 

going to be invcroved’ osillL farther. Tha 

ade cai soing 

to be improved. 

Sevazul gelling plens are Neing ciried owl, una ie 

gpota sone deslers ora doins a ime busincag and have been dotue so 


sight slong. They have differcat vianc, however, which we @.- 

Ioam sure th 

iy imoveved records and. 

Hany ' ie) crag ise Case +8 Sg A 
machines selling from {50 te jGO, ans the Diese machines at 380, 

&100, $150, $200, Gave, ote., with gool eobinota, and a Little pros 

perity for the workingmen, have nob had since 1907, and is 


exchange system for o18 tjpe mochine 

to 2 great extent. So kotp at it 


oa 7 A, : Deo. 4th, 1914. 
Mr. We W. Nichols, 

% Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 
30 Church Street, 
New York. 

Dear Mr. Nichols: 
act that Mr. Blauvelt 

nesday, I think 

In view of the £ 

is to come out and see lire Edison next Wed 

turn to you the correspondence 
1, and therefore return herewith Mr. 

I had better re that you 
sent for his peruse 
Blauvelt's letters together with copy of your letter to 

him and the newspaper clipping. 
Yours very truly, 

mh hee abeurceef b 


LF thas Pr ee 4 
a .teatcee geese ftir ya as J 
Coatings Lote et aL TE ‘ 
yi Tf ee area Gaie een Cacal of 

iy Vala) 

Ck ee 
shone Pow 





rr rey 


Lee ACRE: 




Rev Finer se 


Ahan be caess 

r Tee 

Ptr eer 


tee eres re 

Dec. 4th, 1914 

Hr. Edmund V. Parr, 
L15 Liberty Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sirs- 
Please excuse the delay in replyiné to your favor 

of the 12th ultimo. Tf nave been excoedingly busy the last few 
lwiays open to consider letters of 

Tet me say that I ama 
criticism and suggestions, 
aimed at keeping Up a hig 

Woeks « 
in fact, I am vory glad to 

h standard on my new 

get thom. I have 
1 try to maintain it - 

aph, and shel 
remarks that somo of 

Let me say ain reply to you 
e blasts 
We had so much trouble 

Disco phonogr 

the records do plast. Somo of thes are due to the repro~ 

hem to the singer. 
at we had to stop makin 
cord, and 44 was alway 

e fauit of the phonograph, 

ducer, but many of t 
g her records. One 

with one of our singers th 
g the game note. 

of her notes plasted on every re 

e we thought it was th 

dovm we found it 

gard to the stop, 1e 

For a long tim 

hy carefully tracing it 
Now in re 

was in the singer. 

t me say that un- 

fortunately, when we started making records, We had no stop. When 
we got a stop 4 little later these records gave us trouble, out you 
ras will be all right - 

WALL find that later reco 
uzs very truly 

Yo ; 

Dec. 4th, 1914. 

Baroness Cederstrom, 
Craig-y-los Castile, 
Penyoas, S.- O-, 
Breconshire, England. 
Dear Madam:- | 
Through the courtesy of Prof. Luigi Romano, 
ph, which you have kindly 

I have received your photogra 

autographed for me, and I desire to express ta you my appre~ 

The photograph haa been framed 

ciation of your courtesy. 

and is now hanging in my music room at the 

Yours very trely, ———— “ty 


December 7, 1914. 

Mre We. W.. ‘Wachole, 

Allis-Chalmers: Manufacturing Co., 
#30 Churoh St., . 

New York oaty. 

Dear Mr. Nichols: 
. Tem‘ returning to you the letter written to you by Mr. 
BH. de Freyn of tne Ts Koppers Oompany, which Mr. Edison has read with a 
great deal offinterest. 
ae I am algo® ensioaine” a letter from Mr. Geo. F. McKay, of 
the. Otto: Coking Company. We had a talk with him one day last week about 
Benzole, end he said that Mr. 8. H. Bingham of the American Tar Product 
” QGompany was coming on to New York in a few days. We invited him to come 
over to the Laboratory and talk with Mr. Faison about the Benzole situat 
This morning I have received the enclosed letter from Mr. McKay, which Mr 
Edison has seen. He suggests that I. send it to you, and ask you to read 
it in the light of the letter from Mr. Freyn. The two letters do not 
quite "jibe". 
. Mr. Edison has written to Mr- Kuehn to ask him not to 
contract up too tight, but to let him (Mr. Edigon) have a chance to buy 

gome Benzole. 

Yours very truly, 

WWtlander ef 

Asst. tu Ur. sa 

| | 109 

Dec. 4th, 1914. 

| Mr. Geo. He Stevens, 

a7 Orange Avenue, ' 
4 a  tyvington, N. J- 
a Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the and 

instant, and also of a copy of your index of the compilation 

which you nave made of all the public data of the world on 

China Wood O11. Please accept my thanks for this. 
I have experimented to a considerable extent 

with this oil for aifferent uses, put so far have not found any- 

b thing into which it fits. I intend to continue my experiments, 
al later, and then 

a and will probably find some use for the nateria 

a I shall want your book. ae 





Dec. Sth, 1914. 

Bethlehem Steel Company, 
South Bethiehen, 


I am manufacturing Garbolic Acid synthetic- 
ally for my own us6 in making phonogrephic records. In the 
process I use Benzol, and 4m 4n need of & constant ‘aupply- As 
this is obtainable from the tar or from the gas of by-product 
ovens, I should be obliged 1£ you will favor m6 with replies 

to the following questions: 
1. Do you save the tar made from your by-product ovens? 
2 If so, do you sell it? 
3. How many ovens are you working? 
as Do you use the gas in your engines or only for fuel? 
Awaiting the favor of your reply, 1 remain 

Yours very tru, 

ca Faas C gees 


Dec. Sth, 1914. 

Cambria Steel Company, 



J am manufacturing Carbolic Acid synthetical- 

ly for my own use in making phonograph recordBbe In the 
# a constant supply. As 
gas of by-product 

ith replies 

process I use Benzol, and am in need 0 

this is obtainable from the tar or from the 

ovens, I should be obliged if you will favor me W 

to the following questions: 

e tar made from your by-product ovens? 

1. Do you save th 
2. If so, do you sell it? 

3. How many ovens are you working? 

4. Do you use the gas in your engines or only for fuel? 

Awaiting the favor of your reply,—t-—remajn 


Yours yery-tFuly, we 

ent Ch. I SBOP ne 


Dec. Sth, 1914. 

Dominion Iron & Steel Company, 
Sydney, Cape Breton, 
Gentlemen; - 

I am manufacturing Carbolic Acid syuthetical- 
ly for my own use in making phonograph records. In the process 
I use Benzol, and am in need ofa constant supply- As this is 
obtainable from the tar or from the gas of by-product ovens, I 
ghould be obliged if you will favor me with replies to the follow- 
ing questions; 

1. Do you save the tar made from your by-product ovens? 
2. Jf so, do you sell it? 

3. How meny ovens are you working? 

Ae Do you use the gas 4n your engines or only for fuel? 

Awaiting the favor of your reply, I remain 

Yours very Myo 
CG wort 

— vane oaNe SS TE aol pe te eh cane tt 

Beat? poe gh aae Sai 32 RON ROM Oh rea 


Dec. 8th, 1914. 

ain is Broad Sezecty 

We are in receipt of your favor of the 5th inst., 
which has been handed to Mr. Hdison. We return the letter of 
Mr. Ae Be Chandler herewith. You can write to this gentleman 
and tell him that we already have recorded "Old Kentucky Home", 
gnd we expect to record "Home Again from a Foreign Shore". Mr. 
Edison will get the music of "Zaurena", end if he finds it 
suitable will probably record ite Juanita is being recorded, 
and if the record passes Mr. Edison's judgment it will be put 
out on our list. 

) Yours very truly, 



Dec. 7th, 1914, 

Mr. A. L. Kuehn, 

General Superintendent, : 
American Tar Products Co., 

206 South LaSalle St., 

Chicago, [llinois 

Dear Sirs- 

I am in need of & constant supply of Benzol. 

i am using near §00 gallons dally, and use it for making 

Synthetic Carbolic Acid. This ie made ror my own use only, 

in the manufacture of phonograph records. 

I hope you will please not centract up too 

tight with other parties. Kindly Jet me have a chance to buy 

Deo. 6th, 1914. 

Mise Mary Agnes Mullory, 
331 8. Fourth Avenue, 

Kankakee, I11. 

Dear Madan:- 
Your favor of the 23rd ultimo has 

as we have beon engaging a number of 

been referred to us, 
We would say 

on -Dise Phonograph. 
that we only use mals demon- 
put do not expect 

demonstrators for the Edis 

for your information, however, 

strators. We have one female demonstrator, 

o our staff for this purpose. 

Yours very traly, 
Edison. Laboratory. 


to afd any more t 


Dec. Sth, 1914. 

Mrs G. W. Winters, 
Kansas - 
Dear Sir:- 

Your recent favor and sketches in regard to 
spoaking tube for the Pictating Machine were received in due 
GOUurse. We have submitted the same to our experts, who meke 
the following report: 

“We have always thought the use of a pneumatic pulb 
q around the speaking tube makes & bunglesome arrange~ 
; mont and long 8g° decided in favor of our off-set 
handle, which has universally proven popular. 

Mr. Winters probably a@€oes not realize that any 
attempt to entirely confine the voice within the 
speaking tube makes an impossibie recording arrange- 
ment owing to the muffled sound of the voice under 
such conditions. 

Evidently what the gentleman would Like would be 
facilities to permit him to sit in a Lecture Hall oF 
Convention and make & record on & dictating machine 
j instead of using shorthand. This, of course, would 
4 not be practical even though it @ere possible to 
entirely confine the voice of the operator account of 
the impossibility of following & speaker in this manner. 
Mr. Winters will probably be interested to know that 
; 4f ‘he will only pe patient, he will see developments 
4 along this tine, from Edison, which will surpass his 
wildest dream." 

We return your sketches bY this mail. 
Yours very traly, 
Edison Laboratory. 


Dec. Sth, 1914. 

Messrs. Harger & Blish, 
ou deinen ewes 

JT have received your Letter enclosing the 
complaint of your largest dealer about catalogs and the diffi- 
culty of finding 4 record therein. Let me say for your 
information that we are getting out a special catalog for 
dealers, With all kinds of cross indexes, to help them find 
gelections quickly - The reason I changed the catalog was that 
I gave orders to save every cent we could in printing . and where 
printing was unnecessary, 88 I wanted 4o save the money to be 
used in improving the quality of the records. 

Yours very a ; 

a i —- 

PG Weone condugent lenge amounts “efpentss 

qralier to Neo axgfinncan checkers SP ome gouee 
: a ee fire y avs an hfe. ao la ait ie eptesnetanech he 




wae , _A $Oe8 Ger 


petty 5 = 
fittest 2 





pny ae 



Deo. Bth, 1914- 

Harger & Blish, 
811 Walnut Street, 
Des Moines, Iowa. 

Gent Llemen: 

_ Among the advertisements that you sent me I 
find a report made by one of your traveling men, « GC. Ao 
Briggs. This report is returned to you herewith. What I am 
going to write you now is confidential. 

In a sense, Mrs. Smeltzer is right. The in- 
terpretation of the Victor is dramatic. Qux interpretation is 
lyric, but we shall be in &® position soon to produce dramatic 
interpretation. You must remember however that it is only 
good in Operatic music. 

Opera talent have never made a success in Con- 
cert work, except in 4& few cases. Their voices are trained 
abnormally to overcome the great barns they sing in, together 
with the hum of the people and the Large orchestra. When they 
ging in Concert, the results are yidiculous. Their voices show 
up glaring @efects, and as 4 majority have received their reputa- 
tion by reason of pleasing personality ana fine acting, the public 
4s led to believe by the Victor punk thet it is their voices which 

ives them the reputation, and the public can hear them on their 
machines Last Winter ell the critios of the New York papers 
were pounding Toccanini, the Leader of the Orchestra for playing 
go loud that it drowned the singers, whereas the fact was that he 
was trying to save the reputation of the singers py covering UP 
their defects by the misic of the Orchestras 

If you listen to Victor quartettes and other 
concerted pieces sung py their high grade taient, you will see 
at the point where all sing together that it is only noise and has 

no musical quality. 

fo put it priefly, Grand Opera can never be 
recorded successfully on & phonograph by using Dramatic singers 
who sing in large Opera houses, for the reason that their voices 
are especially trained to meet the adverse conditions. But you 
will get Grand Opera on the Eaison records, sung dramatically with 
beautiful voices, and the results will confirm what I say, and it 
will not be Long pefore this happens. 

ane eae 
4 a 
“He Prours very txuly,,., 7 : 
pS. Vode ¢ egeeng eae Ee oh raves dest ew pl Pare a bee ee ‘oa “. ciea | 
snes getters shelf send i ad oN th Cos woh aaa : 




Deo. Sth, 114. 

Mrs. Rosa M. Willson, 


Dear Mrs. Willson: 

I am very glad to get your letter of November 
26th, and am pleased to know that you received my previous 
letter and the news you send brings pack years that seem to be 
a long wayg off. 

I am very glad to learn that you are in com- 

fortable ciroumstanses, and not likely to be in want in your 

old age. I trust that your remaining years may be spent in 
health and comfort, and with all good wishes re 


Te a oF 
Ch { gaborhh. 



Dec. 9th, 1914. 

Mr. David Gibson, Publisher, 

601 Caxton Buiiding, 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

Dear Mr. Gihson: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of 
the 3rd instant, and also of the copies of The Ground Hog, 
which you were kind enough to send m. It is certainly 4 
very interesting publication, and I trust 4t will do well. 

I have shown it to.Mr. Edison, but could not 
get him to express any opinion. These days he is very back~- 
ward to express an opinion on this sort of thing, for if it 
gets out before the public, we are simply inundated with a 
Lot of letters, all of which he wants to avoide 

trusting you are well, and with kina regards, 

I remain 
Yours very truly, 

tp Mes fe ; 
Af J Ci dtee te Oe Bee. 



ce en 

eet oe! Es 

eee rity 


ce ehenaca capes 


by tw NEE 


Deo. 9th, 1914- 

Mr. J. B. Taltavall 

% The Telegraph and Telephone Age, 
253 Broadway, 

New York. 

Dear Mr. Taltavall: 

I beg you to excuse mo for being so long in 
replying to your favor of the lst instant. ~ could not 
reply to it until after the reports of our Recording Depart~ 
ment hai been Looked up in regard to the trial record made 
by Misa Lucille Collette. It is with much regret that I am 
obliged to inform you that Miss Collette's record was not 
passed upon favorably py the committee or by Mr. Edison. 

With kind regards, I romain 

Yours very truly, 


pp epee sa cacactaaaae 
; Reckeparesge ca 


Deo. 9th, 1914. 

The Editor, 

Dayton, Ohio. 

Dear Sir:- 

I have no doubt that the newspapers of Dayton 
are receiving from a11 over the country felicitations upon 
the great results that have been achieved in rehabilitating 
your City and making it a more beautiful city than ever to 
live in. bet me add a word of good cheer and congratula- 
tion to your citizens for the fortitude which they have 
displayed and the courage with which they have taken up 4 
vast work and accomplished such wonders in so short a time. 

Hurrah for American pluck! 

Yours very truly; 7 


Sees deere 

oh be dese 

secaninneao7:¢4: Saercena eee 
eA Ee dee Peace eas 

Deo. Sth, 1914. 

Mr. Jesup WW. Scott, 
2985 Pasadena Avenue, 
Tos Angeles, Calif. 

Dear Sir:- 
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 

2eth ultimo, which was read with a great deal of interest, and its 

soutents brings back to uy mind the days of the o1d Toledo office, 
which I remember very well and also the Michigan and Southern office 

and the Western Union up towne 
In regard to your question as +o making an engine 

work by explosives, I tried that many years ago for James Gorden 

Bennett, using gun cotton for an explosive, ~ put one day the 

explosion took place when it was not intended and I saw the great 

danger of following up this attempt, so I gave it up. I scarcely 
think that it is a safe proposition. 

I am sorry that ny new Diamond Disc phonogreph 
was not on the market ‘when you bought your Viotor. However, you 
may some day be able to arrange an exchange with your dealer. 

I am sending one of my photographs autographed 

by this mail. 

Yours very truly, a 

a es 

ay ree Re 

9th, 1914. 
Mr. Be Ae Whiting, 
Box 231, 
Aganquit, Maine. 
Dear Sir:- 
olmow Ledge receipt of & 

It is rather tate to 6 

put the fact is that your favor was 

letter received in July, 

4a and has only just turned up by accident - 

You are right about the palancing of the volume 

i am constantly 2 

gacoept our 

of chorus gingers. aving troubre in that 
and then again 

Sometimes the tenor predominates, 

with twice the 

ent will blast out 

or some ins trum 
w starting & tot of 8 

the soprano, 
uld gives I am no pecial | 

volume it sho 
minate these 4roubles 

experiments to elt 
tet me th 

Ty }ind word 8 in 

ank you for your ve 
jne and records. after working 

o the new Diso mach 
o learn that 

regard t 
nerd for some years it is cortainly grasi fying t 
+ out to ao,+to please Lovers 

I have accomplished what I have Be 

of real music e 
Yours very sik aed 


Mr, F. K. Dolbeer, 
Victor Talking Machine Co., 
Credit Dept., Camden . N. J. 

My dear Mr. Dolveeri= 
Your letter of the 10th instant 

received. Altho Mr. Edison is overwhelmed with letters 

of every description and every minute of his time is 

taken up relative to the reconstruction of the plant I 

quote you nis reply:- 

"Pell Dolveer the old man is a live wire. 

is-now sizzling and will get back in tne game 

very soon". 

From all appearances 1+ Looks as 

tho we will right ourselves in a very short while. 

With kindest yegards, oeljeve me to be, 

Yours very truly. 

Secretary. ° 

foe | 


December 22, 1914. 

Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Co., 
Mr. W. B. ‘Clarke, ‘Becretary. 
176 Broadway, New York. 

Dear Sir:- 

Repiying to your letter of the 19th instant. 

-] would’ ‘say ‘that I propose reducing: the’ mortgage 
on No. 10 yifth “Avente, New york City, Fifteen thousand 
doliara’ Januzry Lith 19325. and -fén thousand dollars 
January 11th 1916,,ou condition that it be renewed for 

“@irea yeaks at 63 % interest per year. 

Plense have the wecesBary papers prepared in 

the name of my wife Hina M. Edison, as formerly, and 

Yours say. 2 

“sth ee 


Jan. 6, 1916. 

Mr. D. M. Bliss, 
Room 502, 

New York Glty. 
Dear Mr. Bliss: 

I am in receipt of yowr favor of the 5th instant 
in regard to Miss Gluck, and have consuited with Kr. Edison in 
regard thereto. He says if ghe wishes to make a trial record, 
she may go to our Racording Rovms at #79 Fifth Avenue and Lir. 
Willer will take a trial record and send it over to Mr. Edison 
for him to hear. Mr. Bdison would prefer to have her make a 
racord of Sechmbert's Ave Naria. 

This letter will be sufficient authority for Mr. 
Miller to make the record. 

With kind regards, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 





Reece cent eae 

Jan. 6, 1915. | 

Mr. W. C. Chapman, 
Grovatowm, Ga. 
Dear Sir: 
Your favor of the 30th ultimo was received, and the 

phonograph that you forwarded has also come te hand. 7 encicse 

cheek for $20.00 in payment of same, a8 agreed. Had our corres- 
pondence been before the disastrous fire ot my plant, I might 
have been able to stretch the eheck a Little. 

Please accapt my thanks for the holly and Georgia cotton 
polls which you lindly enelosed in the tox- 

Yours very truly 


OT TAN ss 
HTT PEELE TERT (ibrrincht erent cariveton tetas Be ec ota 


Jen. 6, 1915. 

Mr. Mark Hyman, 

Special Assistant to the Attorney General, 
25 Broad Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir: 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 5th instant, and 

peg to say in reply that I shall be very glad to see you here at 
the laboratory soma day next week. I would suggest an earlier 

day if it were possible, but just now I an extremely busy on the 

work of rehabilitating my large plant after the recent fire, and 

some day next week will be more convenient for me to have a talk 

with you. 

I will have my Secretary write to you in the early part 

of next week suggesting an appointment. 

Yours very trlys7 7 a 

ae na yf ; 

Pie ae 



ponrenet cetaree Strty Ets Seige eases Sa 


Jean. 6, 1915. 

L. Rubbelli's Son, 

Drexel's Baiiding 
3S. ©. cor. Sth and Chesnut Sts., 
Philedelphia, Pa. 

Gent lam n: 

Tam in receipt of your favor of the 5th instant in 
regard to toluol. In reply let me say tht there is a yarty 

now erecting a plant for absorbing benzol and toeluol from coke 

oven gasas. This party can close arrangements for 90,000 gal- 

lons per year, and I think bas capacity for consi derebly more. 

Bow much do you want? 

Yours sepaney, 7 

es “VV hel Bch ere 






at neg 

Jan. 7, 2915. 

Ur. Joseph ¥. Hannen, Lipr.. 
Hangen Furniture and Musie Co.. 
Brigham City, Uten. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of tke 19th ultine to ir. vilgen nes been 
hands te me fer attention. t regret thet there =as hear ose 
moh delay in giving attention to thic :2nter 
thet Mr. Edison only heard the eons "Hotin > Dear” « Little 
while before tne fire, and wa nave bean 20 wheé aimee thet. 
avent that our mail has bam yrer7y neh comgestec. 

Ag I tole you when you “<ere mere. Ta. Bison passte 
upon 211 mesic before ne allows it to te reqerdad Lor phonergrarh. 
Ye said in regard te this song that it wae very nimiter to & 
Large nusber of other gongs of the sams character, and while he 
might pase it sometime in the future for receric, thare were 
hundreds of other selections that would hsvs to reekive atten- 
tion first. 

Mr. Edison is the sole arbiter of all smaic that is 
resorded, so ‘ve ahall nave to abide by hin desisten. T cannot 
sive you any indtention as to when he wilh Prnally teaide wha ther 
or not it is to be recorded. 

Yorrs very truly, 

A sesatant tomr, HAiedn, 

am ot s 

HELL TEP wpe ag OS 

FPL UEEERenarerereeeeTe crete erect 




Jan. 7, 1916. 

Ye. Bdward &. HeTivain, Prag-, 
Lehigh Coke Company. 
Sq. Bethlehem, Pa. 

Dear Mr. Maliysin: 

In accordased vith your request, Iam sena- 
you the following #5 2 eonfirantion of the sessage whie® 1 
fot tir. Mendovoreft to telephony yo today: 

It would be ueedgas for ae to.up, as I hays 
most of ny plant designed, and Imoe wmerg I san plase ny hand on 
the material and shops te met: the yarts. YF think T cen ost it 
in operation in 45 working days. As F mest here benzoi, I can- 
not wait the slow action of repuler engineers and Boards ef Direc- 
tors. I must place the plent comewhevs. Tr. Cary offers me a 
glace atcns of his ylanta, tut it ig not se desirable a location 
as yours. J heva been held up by tro other concerns already for 
tro sonths by intersinable meetings 6£ Beerds of Direetors. =r 
2 leeseeen is e ylain tusinasc ong, and the gemble in all on ay 

Broadly speaking, wy preroeition is te pub of 
a ylient to refine the orwie ofl and ship pure benwl. ond tolnel, 
and pay you 18 cents 2 gullon for all that in shipped. A to the 
Xylol and solyet naphthe, I wil pey 10 cents a gallon, reserr- 
ing the right to put it back tnto the gen if I cennot seli it. 
The plant is to heve o capeeity af absorbing 1,000 csallons erage 
dally on a three year contract. If you want to absorb more or 611 
from your gas you pay for additiong, which ~ecid te easily otda., 
and we would operate on joint accomt 30 leng 88 17 bensci and 
toluol do not eost any more than the price mamga. At the end of 
thrse years Tam te hare th right to remove the plant, or you 
may buy it at two-thirde of its original cost, and Teyv to ave 
first call on the produet from 1,000 grltons of cmde for three 
more years at the best market prics you can get from respossitlie 
yerties. If von feel I am not offering the highest rrice, come 
to Orange and Twill convince you to the contrary. 

Z cou only hole this proresition open for s 
few Gays, as avery day counts. 

eet wn oP 

Vo: ‘ae “ 0 on 

Yours very Vey, o 

eae ai ane ¢ 
$3 wane." 
* ee Sins, ao" 


Jan. 7, 1915. 

My. S. w. Granan, 
Graham liueie Stora, 
Coluabus, Miss. 
Dear Sir: 

TF om in receirt of your favor of the second instant, 
ané in reply would say that Port Myers is a very small torn, 
and I doen't think it would support a desler in phonograrhs. 
She climate is fins, except for two or threa hot months of the 
year, ané then it isn't bad. It might pay you to go te Tanz, 
as it is 2 lavge city and there is more business, and the eli- 
mats i9 almost Like that of Fort Myera. 

: Yours very trely, 

% wan <P 


[2 4 
/ ? 
% a 
E 2 an 
fe. ae 
¢ a 
7 ee 
; ye 
po Jen. 7, 1915. 

lr. >. 3. L. Lambert, 
88 Nar] Avenue, 
Lynbrook, T. ¥. 

Dear Sir: 

Replying to your favor af the fourth {Instant let me 
say that I hove already pad Live Rigoletvo records <n by. 
various singers, but so far none cf the reeorés suited me. Tf 
hope to get a good one scon- 1 wil Lock into the matter of 
the Trio fron the Prison Soene in Fansat. 

Yours very traly, 

eraneteR ZTE 


Perecetgeeeet cation 




ro ae 
i % 
Jan. 9, L016. 
t 4 

tir. W. We. Richards, 

Develoyment Departrent , 

#, I. Du Pont de Nemours Povder Co., 
Wilpingten, Del. 

Deur itr. Richards: 

Iam in receipt of your favor of yesterday, 
and voulé reply aa follows: 

Regarding the toiling point, do I unferstand 
that between 80° an& 92° C., will give me al2 the benzol there is 
in the 9027 What J want is mock a botling point as will give me 
oii the benso} with the enallest quantity of ™olnol. 

Re garding United Stute Steel, I have the assae 
vance of Lir. Gary that whatever cortracts they male I will get 
whet bengol I need, Sut large corporat tong (and some smi ones) 
move slorly, and T am no* soing te take any ghonees< "7? 

Yours v 




Be J 








pga te hse TMT TET 


x SR5O? 
piace Sot 


Jan. &, 1915. 

Mp. Bred Babson, 
2dfsoen Shop, 

475 2ifth Avenre, 
New York OLt7. 

Dear Sabson: 

“his ig the way I am constantly irritated by ye orle 
who, from a few instances in a special locality, throw cut 
generalities, and thn otart in to @rav conclwions hased on 
no informetion whatever. 

In the first place, this sentiment o2 Artist dees 
net exist. They care fer nothing tut money, end are perfectly 
indifferent whether their records cound goon or not. ver if 
they sine out of pitch they refwe te sing the selection over, 
ana don't care if you rut it out or not. Secomi, we mve tried 
and tumeé dowm nearly every Grand Oyers Artists, exceyt six or 
seven that the Victor had tied up. 

Je have records of Metropolitan Opers House Artists ec 
follows: Ober, Fadski, Marsh, Jann, Althouse, Senbrich, BPrords, 
Sehiepal, Forina, “human and Michene, tut we have rever put them 
ont because possibly they are better actors than singers. Ve 
have put out the following: Nartin, Reppold, Delne, Case, Des- 
timn, Bori, Urilis, Martinelli, Macnes, Bonei , Cisneros, ang Sle- 

nig leaves for the Victor: Caruso, omer, Wemes fre- 
tired, voice gone}, Metrazcini, Nempel, Amato, Aida, Matueneuer, 
Schuman-Heinck (voice gone), luck and MeCormiok. The real fact 
is that it all bd Zorn to Carnso as the whole of the Viotor 
ndavertising. In addition, we have triea nearly every one in the 
Century Opers. 

Thene Gran Opera voices are net adapted Lor Concert 
worl, Hot a single concerted piece on the Victor by Opera Artists 
ean be found that igs not full ef beats and interferences. The 
phonogroph is a Lyric Snstrument, not a éranmatic one, because 
Dramatic singing ie only goed when the cye as well es the car 
work together. ie gondt there ere lots or people, a5 we know 
by our recital reports, tmt ask why ve do not have the great 
artists, + there are not samy. The sales sheets of a Victor 
dealer rafute the statement treat Gra:d opera stuff are good 



CP RTP LEER iairy 


eS ee a ee a 

the gcod tunes and popular stuff. FT do not want to co on the 
game Lines aus the Viesor. I want to divergs and get the best 
vojces, Grand Opere or not, and to arrange and record the bast 
e not a great number bee 
we are petting then. 

tunes and beat inmsic. Ve hav 

other things more important, but 


I think my source Of information as te what the whole 
United States wants is tetter than that of anyone ine 
like New Yori, which is abnorml. Look at Victor advert 
lately in New York. Is f{t any vonder the uninformed New Yorker 
should ask for great sincera, not Imowing their reyutation is 
due to geting and singing. Such people are not music lovers 

and are never steady mMrers of records. 

Yours very tray 



4 Ee 

use T had 


oe: ang 
ra, / ne of 
Pagre two - Pi en i | J 
ens Q 
. wee f tip te 
- a a f 
Sellers; in fact, they are poor selloxs. The artist busine ss 
ic tha whole of the Victor advertising, and t Victor ommers 
it falls ‘lat. They know the reucyrds are rotten, an? they by 





Bo tenga AT ee ele 
Poricbee cere ceaeneebe See 





earners NEAR TSE SEES 



Jan. “, ALE. 

to. William T. Mayer, Treas., 
Albany Chemical Company, 
2.24 Broadway, 

Albany, !. ¥. 

My daar Mr. Mayer: 

Alloy m to exterd my Sireere thenks for your 
very clear, explenstory favor of the Oth instant, in regard to 
the matter of handling empty bpancol drums. I quite understand 

why the Znglish ~iveted drum wuld not be satisfactory for your 
pury ose, 

Another way cut of the difficulty has, however, 
oconrred to me, You ship acetone tc England in welded drums. 
Could you not errangs with your English consignee to furnish 
your drams to the party who is to chip my penzol? Then, when 

receive the benzol in these drums, t gould have them washed out 
very thoroughty efter being emptiec, and return your druns te 
you for your use erain, paying the freight to 2» point to be naned 
by you. 

It strizes me that ¢hic soneme is workable te ow 
avtual advantage as well os to the advantage of your English cuc- 
tomer. How goes it strike you? 

Yours very 

Eee end LeSthe ESET EA 

PESsETEEeTapeEetese vtEE TEE HLeto rect! 








eee eee 


rev pos 


cae eet eT: 

; t 


Yr. Chas. 0. Speirs, 
Dd. You Postrana Compeny. 
twenty-five Park Prece, 
Yew Your city. 

Hy 4car Mr. Speirs: 

sam not sure yvinether or not Tf ansyvered the 

isst poragrarh of yor fevor af the 30th ultime, asking whether 
e  Enoyol opedia of Chen- 

you aghould send TEE sher volumes of th 

“eat month. My answer 

wYas", we want you +o ‘send us the succe ceding 

gstry", of which you gent us volume one 

to thin qastion is 

volumes 35 they come out - 
Youre ve 

Asc otant 0 1ST» yaison. 

40 TL eg a eee 



‘a ae Jen. UW, 1915. 

lig, BR. EH. Wager, 
Room 401, 

100 William Street, 
Siew York City. 
Near Sir; 

Iam in receipt of your favor of the 7th instant, 
in regard to use of storage tetteries om one car of each 
snbway train. Your ides is a practicsl one, as every Sth 
ear cowld be geared low and provided with a sterage lettery. 
Such a car could shove eight other cars oni of danger, yos- 

eibiy more. 

Yours vary trily, 



Jan. 11, 1915. 

Dr. Mdaware. Cranch, 
815 Sassafras St., 
Erie, Pa 

Dear Sir: 

I have been preatiy interested in reading your ind 
favor of the 6th instant ané write to thank you for all the 
ood words which you heve been pleased to send me in regard to 
my Diamond Dise Phonograyh. After working very herd for so 
many years in striving to bring my ideals to perfection, it 
gives me a great deal of pleasure to receive unsolicited letters 
of commendation from those whom I've tried to please, nomely, 
real lovers of good music. 

Tam still doing a great deal of experimenting, and 
after I've gone a Little Surther you will get some very fine 
susie. I vould say in regard to your remarks about hearing the 
words as well as the music, that we have a great deal of trouble 
in getting singers to articuiete clearly, put we are constantly 
trying to get them to improve along this line. It has heen sug- 
geated that we print the words on the envelope containing the 
yeeord, and we may yossible adopt this sugmestion after we set 
straightened out from the recent fire. 

Pleane accept my thanks for your expression of sympe- 
thy in regard to the recent fire. We are working 2 large force 
of men day and night to get back on our feet again, and we stall 
once more be in fall swing in a very little while. We are al- 
ready producing abont S000 of the cylindrical rue amhe rol re- 
cords per day at this time. 

Yours very truly, 



ee RES 


Jar. LL, 1915. 

ur. James Hovard Kehler, 
3 Mitchell Fennerley, 
32 Weot 58th Street, 
New York Oity. 
Dear Mr. Kehler: 
I beg to extend my thanks to you for the conm- 
pline ntary copy of your pook "An Open Letter to the Hati on 
with ragard to a Peace Plan". I have read it md think the 

{dea io fine as well as practical. 

Yours very tmiy. 




Sg ‘ 
E ie ¥ 
q i iM 
q : \ 
i : i 
oe Jan. JL, iyis. i 
Pr ts 
: i 
yeay Iie. Ming: c 
Your favor of the fourth instant was hended to me, y 
mné T tava read it, and also your progran with a great deal of " 
* It affords me a ereat deal of real. pleasure to hear i 
serimninating and en nthusiastic lover of muse , Like your- i 
: it has been my ain to reach a high stan? ard in the re- i 
cordd ne and Fereocucing. of high class select ti or an z Peele 
a it is somewhat of 2 reward to beve the results <2 E auchy >) [ 
of sree wore So orouaily Sueecieted by you and obhe 28 4 
nave real love for real msic. : 
: if 
I regret very mich that it is not possible at this : 
get you a copy of the disc record “Home, Sweet Hore". A LL1 i 
‘e not sola were éestroyed in the Tires and there ja not E 
_be ned, tat if you will write wm ogein in ahout tre A 
think T shall hove our presses in cpe eration ,and ther 1 ; 
copy printe? for you. 4 
oe its complyd: ig with your request fy sending you en 7 
T am con i 
arte graphe. protoyres > he xewlth. i 
Youre very tmir, d 


x a Le atctert a” 

| i 

315 i 

Jan. 12, 1915. 

Miss Jeanette Marks, 
President's House, 
South Hadley, Mass. 

Dear Miss Marks: 

Iam in receiyt of yeur favor of the 6th in- 
stant, enclosing a scenario for a motion picture, entitled 
"A Yolsh Cuckoo". If I were in the hebit of looking over 
these acenarios myself, I should be very glad to do it in 
this yarticuwlar casa. The fact is, however, that all this 
work is dome eat our moving picture Studio in the Bronx, and 
I have gent your letter and scenario to the Manager, lr. H. OG. 
Plimpton, with the request that he will look over the scenario 
and communicate with you directly. I trust, for your sake, 
that you may receive a favorable answer. 

I note that you have sent me a copy of your 
fother'’s last book "Practical Rate Making". I shall be very 
glad to look over this wher if is received. 

Yours very truly, 

wy fr 
os ae 3 4 
Pa | et } 
f-7d é 
a we Jon. 11, 1935. 
“ 5 a 

wir. i. G, Plimpton, lgr., 
Negative Department, 

2826 Decatur Avenue, 
Bronx, N. Y. 

Dear Mr. Plimpton: 

I am enclosing herewith a letter from 
the daughter of one of my old electric light associates, 
Williem D. Marks, and I've written to her trt the mtter 
has been referred to you and that you will communicate 

directly with her. 

Yours very truly. 




le, LOU, 

Mr. VW. WW. Piehura 
Development Deyo 
H. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. 
fitaington, Del, 



Dear Mr. Righards. 

: Fan in reseipt of your fever of yesterday's 
date. In veply let me say Y am nagogieting with the Lehiph Coke 
Company to put up my plant, but there are two things in the way. 

(1), The gas from their present plant is oo 
poor Ghat they dare not take sny cil out of it, 

(e]. It 4s qyned in Gemmeny, ana they ean de 
nothing without the consent of the Board of Directors in Tereany 
Vou “mow what that means. rsir new ovens will he runnines 

', they told ne, and then Tomy fio something. 

many event, if any of these ypacyle decide to 

rut plants in themeelves, it will throvy more bensol and toluel on 

the carhkat. The only treuble is vill take then ; The 
bile their plent. That 

Lucvawanna is going te have the/erc 
neone one year, wherass, forty-five working dayo Le O24 Prong . 
_ a 


Yours very trriy . 

a“ 4 PY ©: Bien... 
wees AY) 40% 


coitr. 43, 1915. 

li. Ww. OH, Blanvert , 
sdmet-Solvay Co., 
Syracuse, I. Y. 
Dear Mr. Blauvelt: 

I take the liberty of coming to you for some 
{nformation, end trust you vill kindly favor me with answere 
to the following questions: 

{rst. When I am ready to we absorbing oil, 
what shall I ask the Standard O11 Comrany to furnish? 

Second. Can you give me the boiling points of 

the different fractions of the absorbing 011? 

Yours vary 


Jan. 13, 1915. 

tir. D. @. Richardson, 
Atlos Export & Trading Co., 
29 Brondwoy, 

Yer York City. 

Deer Yir: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the Ll2th instent. 
Hy. Stecher must have utisunderatood me at our interview. TJ 

dia not say mything ebout Naphthaline, put stated that fT 

would have Xylol and Selvent Nephthe (coal tar Yaphths). The 

latter is used extensively for ee 
Yours very tTily, . , 

as. os Gg Gis Be oe 



Seeeetnaa ean 






My. Edwin E. Slick, S / 

‘ Vice President and General Monacer 
| Cambria Steel Company, eee 
| Johnstown, Pa. 

Tet) eee es 
i. ee 
setipens Stee vetne & 

Dear Sir: 
Your gavor of the Lith instant has been received to- 

dey, and I would say in reference thereto that you have proba- 

| j bly seen ny Engineer today, and have received information from 

| him as to character of plant and the other points you mention. 

He mipht not have been evle to give you figure 4s to 
I cannot state the exact amonnt 
$25 000. 

the cost of the original plant. 

yet, but it will be in the neighborhood of $20,000 to 

If wa close the arrengement whereby I put in & penz02. 

plant at your Coke ovens according to my proposal of January 

Vth, you wilh certainty be qmit: welcome to meke full end free 
use of my designs, ete., in eh FOU wish to instell simiicr 

apparatus at the other Coxe plans. 


Yours vary 


( ae Jan. 14, 1915. 
lh. ay R. Rogers, 

Commissioner of Education 
200 Fifth Avenue, 
New York City. 


Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 1Zth instant in regard to msking an 
Bhbit at the First National lade in the U. 8. AL Industrial 
Exposition. wWhiie I thank you for the opportunity offercd, let 
me say that it is simply impossible for me to consider the matter 
at this time. We hove recently maa disastrous fire at my plant, 
anc I am vyerking every moment day and night on its rehabilitation 
ang reconstruction, and I cannot divert ny attention from this 
work, which is the most easential thing to me at the present tim. 

I thank you for your racent invitation to becoma a men- 
ber of the Advisory Committse. Just now when our regular routine 
is much disturbed, the letter has protehly been mislaid. How- 
aver, let me say in regard to this that I have decided to keep 
owb of matters of a public nature. An acceptance of this position 
voulé bring large additions to my mil, and this I wet to avoid 
as much as possible. 

Yours very truly, 









peer PREIS 
Bie caane ree ees 




Parr ey 




Jan. 16, 1915. 

tir, H.C. Folger, dr., Bresitent, 
Standard O11 Gompmy of New York, 
26 Broadway, NW. TY. City. 


Dear Ic. Folger: 

Allow me to express ny sincere thenis for your 
vind favor of the 14th instant in cd pe te the metter of trans- 
portation of densel from England to the United States. 

iy ming is very much relieved as I lesrn from 
your letter thet you will secommodate me by carrying some drums 
of bensol on your retnming of1 steamrsa. The feel on of 
freiphts on these shipments hes been piving me much concern. T 
Shall commmicate with you when IT am ready to meke shipments, 
which will not be previons to the first of Pabruery. I would 
remove the drums from Bayonne to my laboratary. 

Once more expressing ny eyyreciation of your cour- 

teay and prompt response, I remain, a 
Yours very vs , 
Aes tA i_cisori— 

Eng eapepenetesnbaael’ Asti Bvt as 

ara say 

ee ET 

Yr. @. 7. Richards, 

Deyslopment Department. 

= t. De Pont de Wenours Powder Ct., 
W4imington, Del. 

Baar ty Richards: 


Your faver of the 14th inatant to Tix. Headow~ 
croft hag bean leged before ™, ana I bes to sey in reply that I 
am 30 overloaded with york , including that ralating to the design- 
ing of my benzol absorbing plant, tha st is amply lmposaible for 
mz $o find time to do enything zyst now sbout the phenol scheme. 
Y a@on't see how I shall be any jess busy for the next four or Live 
weeks, and therefore it might probably be well for you to take up 
the mtter vith gomeone else “ho can give you more mediate assis- 
vaNic @. 

: In vaegard to the toluel from ny benzol absorb 
ine ond refining plent T om replly mot ready to say anything defi- 
nite stout it. The trouble is thet every moment of ny time is 
abe the interests of the immediate present, ond Ian obliged 
o gait awhile before deciding about the future. 

Yours very 

pie bit baila moe rats 

Jan» 18, 1915. 

Mr. Witjian Barbour, Pres., 
The Linen fhread Company, 
96 & 98 BPranklin Street, 
New York Oity, 

Dear Mr. Barhopr: 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 
5th instant, in ragurd to electing me as one of the Managers of 
the American Protective Tariff League. I received a letter about 
this from Mr. Wakemun, and enclose you a copy of ny reply to hin, 
which I think will be self explanatory. 

I regret that I cannot see my way clear to join 

your organization, and think that you will appreciate the reasou 

as given in 1, ietter to tir. Vokems, ay 
Yo very truly, a 

V4 Cees 


Jon, 18, 1915. 

Dy. John Grier Hibben, 
president, Princeton University, 
Princeton, }, J. 

iw dear Mr. Hibben: 
fo be quite frank, I an compelled to admit a 

considerable degree of enbarrassment in replying to your kind 
favor of the 15th inatant. I am keenly sensible of the hon- 
or that has already been conferred upon me by the ection of 

your Board of Trustees, and apyreciate it very highly, but 

the thought of facing a erovd of yeopie 2ills me with a ner- 

yous arprehension. It has bean se all through my life, and 

inereasing years have not prought any chenge in this repard. 

It is positively beyond 3 +o face a large audience. 
Shen, again, it would be omt of my power to make 

an uyppointment for June. tj fectories were burned out a Law 

weekr ago, and I am concentrating all my energies on their re- 

storation and the resumption oF business. Beside, I am obliged 

to design and equip three new plents for manufacturing products 

formerly imported by me “rom England and Germany. You will see, 

Sherefore, how impossible it {a for ~ to make appointments for 

the future. 
I think the cause of my embarrassment will te 

cleus to you. 


pen re Sree % 

Sa aaa aee LEE eet tat ete 
SNS En te RRS A AA ga eae 



eS Sao 




Terre * 
yee PEA SR AED! 

ereaeev eat ce 

Jan. 19, 1915. 

Hon. John L. Bingk, 
Iayor, Port Huron, 
Wichi gan. 

Dear Sir: 
Ll reeeived your telegram of the 15th instant, in re- 
a for the home-coming week thie summer. 

nt aisas- 

gard to arrazgeing 8 dat 
In reply let me say that owing to the rece 

trous fire at my plant, I have been budy day and night ever 

econstruct the plant ond for a regulation of 
time, and 30 

since working to r 
business. This has occupied every moment of my 
11 be busily oceupied Lor geveral months 
a to design and 

far as I can see now T sha 
for the further reeson that IT am oblige 
ydans to make products thich 

to come, 
equip three (3) new manufacturing 

2 used to import from Mmgland and Germany. 
You will sea therefore that it is utterly impossible 

for me to arrange any dates so far ahead. 7 ghall te unable to 
go te Floride, and if T can possibly take a Little time off at 

ave promised my wife and family to go to the 

all this year I he 
Penama Exposition. I eannot tell however whet I ghall be able 

en ag to this, aid am quite sure that I connot arrange for 

to do eve 
nO Glace 

any home-coming week this year. 

Yours v4 





lr. 7d. B. Ballant ie, 
Engineer and Manager, 
Silver Plune Reluetion Co., 
Silver Plume, Colo. 

Denr "ir. Ballantine: 

ar 5 
RN am ee he 


I teg to acimnmowledge reecipt of your favor 
cf the i:.uh Instant, which was read with a great deal of inter 
{ ent. Both Mr. Edison and I have wondered many times what pro- 
: press you were meling. He iu very gled to have this present re- 
yort, ag it shores him where you now stand, and it is elso en- 
cournginsg from the fact that you look forward to 2 br ip¢at future. 

pore Taes 

You moy still imagine thet we heave hed some 
pretty Lively times here since the fire. Ur. Edison has been 
full of vin and ombition to get started up again uuickly. You 
imow vet he fa when ke thinks he can get a gcb fone quickly, 
an? there £3 no need for me to tell you thet we have all been 
on the Jun. 

ie are making very food yrogress, onda are 
4 pack in Building 24, here the fire wes very pad. We have been 
mamifacturing blue emberol records fox steut ten (10) days and 
are just nov starting on the disc recora€s. I éen't tmow whether 
or rot rou had any pictures cf the fire, no I will ecend you 2 
copy of the Héiseon Yonthly Ter your information. 

With king regards, IT remain, 

Yours very trulr, 

i agsistant te Ir. BieSon, 




Jan. 20, 1915, 

tir. @. H. Blauvelt, 
Consulting Engineer, 
Semet-Solvay Company, 
Syracuse, UW. Y. 

iy dear tf. Blauvelt: 

I'm going to trouble you once 
more, and that is,by asking you if you will kind- 
ly inform me what branch of the Standard 012 I 
should apply to to obtain the absorbing o11. They 
Rave so many branches, that I want to meke sure of 
applying to the right one. 

Thanking you in advance for your 

courtesy, T remotn, 

Yours ve 




Se rce 





Se Kare 

y. B. Badger & Sons Company, 
63 - 75 Pitts Street, 
Boston, Hass. 

Dear lr. Campbell: 

to the young ch 

the matter and he 

commended by Prof. aa ker. 

sight along every aay, 

A lir. C. L. Campbell, Chemical Engineer, 

I expect that ir. Baien will be here 

vise me any day he is coming. 
Yours very trely, 

£ i] aia 2 

Assistant to tir. Bai 

Jen. 81, 1915. 

pit it might be well for tre young men to 



Replying to yow favor of the 19th instant in regard 
amist let me say that I heve consulted Hr. Edisnn on 
said that he will be giad to see the young man re- 



Jan. 21, 1915. 

Hr. C. L. Campbell, Chemical Engineer, 
E. B. Badger & Sons Company, 

63-75 Pitts Street, 

Boston, Lass. 

Dear Hr. Campbell: 

Tamin receipt of your favor of the 20th in- 

stant in regard to changing of the plants in order tmt the 
still may be used for refining toluol. This has been laid 
before ifr. Faison, and he hao noteé your statement on this 

You ask later on in your letter whether lr. 
Edison wishes you to render any essistance in the preparation 
of the plants for the supporting frame work. We heve tele- 
graphed you this morning that we already have drawings for the 
frame work following out your sketch sent to us 2 few days ago. 
In regard to Hr. Lunt, Mr. Edigon says it will de satisfactory 
if he will come here on Saturday. 

I think you will be glad to see frem the tele- 
gram that Ur. Edison thinks he has a chance to put in two more 

stills in a naw plant. 
Yours very truly, 

Ht Pe oe 

Assistant to Mir. Bdison. 


Jan, £1, 1915, 

Cambria Steel Company, 
Johnstown, Pa, 


I write to confirn the folloving order which was given 
to you in ny behalf by my Engineer, Ir. iW. 3, Mason on the 19th 
instant. It is ag follows , 

“Please furnish material and do all necessary work to 
construct a benz 

Ol absorbing ana distilling plant, per drawings 
suprlied by Thomas 4, Sdison. The actual cost of this work, plus 

15 to cover supervision and overhead, will be billed nonthly to 
ir. Edigon. ly, & 

~dison will enploy to inspectors to supervise 
the building o? the plant, who will be supplied all Necessary data 
for checking the time and material as the wort progrecces. 

It in estimted that the building wilt cost, erected, 
$60.00 a ton for structural meterial, and that corrugated steel 
roof and sides will cost, ereote:, eleven cents rer souare Loot. 
The tank zor and gas yiring is esfimsted at three cents a pound , 

erected complete. The wstimate cost of excavation is $1.50 per 
yard and conerete $6.00 a yura.” — 

Very truly oe 
CU eg 
ACSA ake 


Jon. 21, 1915. 

ly. Merlin Davies, 
Kin& George Apts., 
Oldfield Avenue, 
Montreal, Can. 

Dear Sir: 

I am in receipt of your recent favor, and beg to cay 
ia reply that we ore nov ready to take a trial recoré of your 
voice. If you are coming to Kew York, and will call at our 
Recording Office, #79 7ifth Avenue, in that city end present 
this letter to Mir. Walter H. Willer, the Momger, he will have 
a trial dise record mde, which will be sent over to bi. Edison 
for his hearing. 

It is understood, of course, tht we do not pey ex 
penses of singers coming to meke trial recoris. 

Yours very traly, 
a2 A fs 

Assistant to ir. Edimn. 

re at 
Soeoe eee > 










Sele tsi a 




é Jen. 19th, 1915 



Mr. Re PR. Wykes, ! 
% The Arcade 8 
Northampton, England. 

Dear Mees lonet: . are 
ae write ‘to acknowledge receipt of your 


“of the @nd ‘Gnetant, and to thank you for yo 
e at my Plant. We have 

that 1 feel as 


ur expression of 

sympathy in regard to the recent fir 
n the iast few weeks, 

made such big progress L 
a "recent", ag so much 

4f I almost ought to take back that wor 
ry ago than five weeks » 
Blue. Amberol 

has happened that it seoms Longo 
e started again making the 

ut the Diss record. 

tye Se - We hav 
we shall soon be turing .o 
a phonographs today of the 

ull swing all 

records, and 

At We are making over one hundre 
t type, and it will not be long before we are inf 

along the line. 
T am glad to hear that you are doing so well 

with the Edison ‘goods, end trust that this ae will be one of 

rosperity with you. 
Yours very truly, 

unexampled p 



lirs. 3. Arthur Dole, 
55 Buell Street, 
Burlington, vt. 

Ties to usiknosledge receiyt of your kiné favor of 
the L5th imtant, and usstre you that it gives me a great deal 
of rleasure to read your exprescion of orinion in regard to 
toth the Cise and erlinter phonesrarhs. Letters of thir tind 
atfor’ me a weouller pleamtrc, hecauce I vealise thereby that 

T have come rrettr near cyprroaching the high standard Sor which 

T heave been latoring hard so many years, nanely the vleasing of 

Tovers of goose music. 

Towoulé sey in regard te the selection im méione? that 

Iosbll anve our Musto Department obtain the misie for ne, 
efter which I will heur ft und see t2 it wit be anceeptable Ser 

-, aes t sae hi - a ~ + 

one of ow comereial reecras. it will rretabis he tee cr ree 
3 ~—- ya errr | me ty Os 

weaks before I can reach thts, Tanvery beer ley aie nicht 

on the reconstruc tion ane yenahtititotton «& ow plent here alter 

the @husstrous fire we hac dast vonth. 
Chanking you Tor ycaue Ye titer, IT vemein, 

Wes eit $2 
aor 3 Vol 4 


January 2end, 1915. 

Mr. Geo. Orr, Supt., 
Benj. Rose Estate, 
1027 Rose Building, 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

Dear Sir;- 

Your favor of the 14th instant has been 
handed to Mr. Edison. He has noted your desire to have a 
record made of the selection entitled "Father lead me by 
Thy Hand", by Butterfield. 

He has instructed the head of our Music 
Department to obtain the music of this selection, which he will 
have sung to him in due time, and if he regards it as suitable 
for our records he will have the same reaorded. 

Yours very truly, 
Edison Laboratory, 



Jam. 21, 1915. \ 

ty. W, W. Richards, 
Development Departm nt, 
5. I. Dm Pont de Nemours Powder Co., 
Wilmingtr n, Del. 
Dear Mk. Richards: 
PLease exouse the delay in replying to your favor 
of the 18th instant. I have beer busy every moment. 
Now, in regard to coming to any understanding as 
to the price of toluol, I feel a great disinclination to put a 
price on something which I have not yet rreavova. You must please 
bear in mind that this plant will be oy first experiance in absor- 
bing and refining benzol and toluol on a comercial scale, and I 4 
went to see the plant in actual operation before stating any prices. 
I think you will be qite ready to admit that I am fair and reamn- 
able, so, if you please, we'll let it go at thet for the time being. 

Yours very truly, 


Jan. 22,,1915. 

Hx. Albert J. Ongood, 
1625 EH Street Northwest, 
deohington, D. C. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 16th instant has been received, amd 
in reply I beg to sey thet I cannot consider your yroposition 
favorably. We have had such bed experiences in the motion yic- 
ture business in China that we do not want to do enything more 
in thic lineout there. 

Yours very truly. 

Jan. 2, 1915. 

tr. James H. White, 
#Llm Stock Company, Inc., 
ee aye 

Dear lf. white: 

Your favor of the 19th instent was received, ma I 
had a talk with Lir. Eéigon about it. He wants m to say that no 
carbolic acid ig made in the United States except by himself and 
as he makes this for his orm use for phonograph records, there is 
no picric acid being made in this country. He is not fixed up 
to make it from carbolic acid. 

Yours very truly, 
Pen ne 2. 
7 / 

Assistant to Lr. Edison. 




irs. 7, P. Chalmers, 
1155 Farwell Aveme, 
Chisago, T11. 

Dear lirs. Chaluers: 

‘i At last Y am ina position te report to you 
in regard to the record which you mde at our New York Recording 
Rooms, but I regret to say thet the report 711) not fulfill your 
expectations. ‘ff. Ecéleon personally presses upon ell records that 
are made, and he ?inda tiet vourvoice is not suitable for neking 
yhonorrerh records for ne. The chief trocbie, so far agutis orin- 
jor gees, it mas a very rapid tremolo, which is chjectionable from 
his standpoint. Ze says in his remrks thet until you could 
master this tremolo we could not take eny aongs for cose rcial 


Naturaliy you will say that this tremolo ves 
eaused ty nervousness, but ke can distin sh tetween nervous- 
ness and a real tremolo. It will protably be rev to you when I 
State that a gingers brain is not conscious of 2 real tremolo in 
the singer's voize. Very often, it cannot be heard by a secorh 
person, umiless the; listen intently with their ear only about 
« foot avay from the singer's mouth. 

lr. Edison thinks that the tremolo ig me to 
some mechanical (musouler) trouble which can possibly be remedied 
cy incessant yractice. 

Yours very trely, 

AsSistent to Ir. Edison. 

: i ; al . 
Jan. 25, 1915. 

Hon. Calvin D. Paige, 
Za District Massachusetts, 
House of Representatives Ura S., 

Washington, D- Cc. 
Ny dear Sir: 
Iam in receip 

+ of your fevor of the 20th instant, 

H. RB. LOL8T. alt of which has had 

together with copy of BALL 

ny care fuk attention. 
As you are probably 
factories here lest mo 

there wes @ Very destruc- 

mth, end the work of re- 


tive fire at nY 
at that I en yept psy 

ehabilitation 1s go gre 

cons traotion andi r 
gat. At this time T 

am go over rked 

dey and ni 

every none nt , 
e or even find 

thet I simply could not 
ste anything on t 

go before the committe 
time to wr he subject. Tt must ask 

sidered 8S exoused. 

Yours very truly, 

ea to be con- 



Jen. 26, 1915. 

Yr, Nathan H. Alterman, 

Moeneging Director, 

The Hew York Music Lovers Society, 
Shirty-five East Second Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the Slet instant to Mr. Edison has been 
received, and he requests me to say that he will be giad to see 
you whenever it is convenient for you to call. As I remember it 
you rather prefer to call ona Saturday afternoon. [If this le 
your wish, you may call on Saturdsey afternoon of thie week sny- 
time between two and five o'clock. 

The way to get here is to take the Leckavenna feil- 
ronda ena get off at Orange, then walk up one biovk to the main 

stree’ and take & trolley car for West Orange. 
Ask in the Gate Heuse 

ents whl bring 

you right to the door in a few minutes. 
vy the brick pbuilding for me and I will errange for you to see 

tir. Bdison. 
\ Yours very truely, 
Yiu, 2 
Aye fe? MONS a5 
O eee CEOS BO eS a 

Assistant to Mr. Edisop. 

| ? e as dna. 7 < 1915. 

kr. eG. Clark, Chief imgincer, 
Canbria Steel Conpan:, 
Jonnstowm, Ta. 
Dear Mr. Clarice: 
This is to confirm telesram of even dante. 
In reference to the above I find on re- 
turning here it is necessary to set the stills in the 
pnilding at sneh 2 height that the refined washed-oil 
wT) crevitate into one af the sic thousend gellion 
tenks, settiig fust infront of your acid storage 
tanks. In faces it will be necessary to have the hottom 
o? ene of these oim thousand gallon tanks at an ele- 
wetton of tvelve ninety. The elevation of the other 

ote thousang collon tani and the tio one thousand 

gellon tanks is not material, and meybe anything be- 
teeen the elevation shorn in your drawing 125447, 

and an elevation of ‘welve ninety to suit your con- 


Yours very truly, 



aa ret, 




Jon. 26, 1915. 

Yr. rec H. vhitiug, 
Praninghan Inprovement .cocele tion, 
Promingham, Maso. 

Dear Tr. dhitinuge: 
Your very yind and interesting foyer of the 

eed instant has beca received pnd I kare considered it very 
aarefultg. Io whali be very mich interested to hear from you 
trom time to tine in regard to the results of your observu- 
Stones vou make on the Qifferent classes of noise mede by dif- 
rervent tyyes of records, expecially af your cbsexvations in- 
dicate definitely that there is 2 difference in these records. 
4 4ob in to eliminate ony noipe whatever, ond Tan hor- 

ing ang expect ing thet anecese will attend my efforts sooner 

or later. 

Tet me say Tor your trtormation +net we are nay 

uaiing the toolu for © 2100 ins trot which will be very simi- 
*. a 

lar to the $250 instrument, but we camot go any cheaper in that 
. - . Aa of g 

txpe without sacrificed ms the metity of certain «inds 0+ records 

“ich 1 am striving te bring out, nemely, records of lnrge or- 

chestreas end of all of Reethoven's music. 

Yours very tmuly, 

Jan. 27, 1915, 


£. 3B. Badger & Sons fo., 
65 - 75 Pitts Street, 
Boston, Mass. — 


Iowrite just to let you khow that we are running 

race with others in repard to the installation of the benvol 

atcerbing am distilling plant, and thet everything else will 
be well ahead of the stills, so every day thet you can save 
will be one more feather in ycur cap. I hope that this word 
will be an incentive to you to cut off every day you possibly 
can and forestall as much as roagible the promised date of 
delivery of the stills. 

When you ere a Little nearer to the point o7 chirping, 

- eo 4% tops 
d please let me know so thet we can mod Oe ur the ehiprant yy eee 
2h Mow tn Core 

0 * fi 
Forycr tr. UN 
from your plage. by arnanm Ws ane 

Yours verytinily, 

Pere eaeren argo ea eS oR CEA 

Jan. 27, 1915, 

air. EL oW, Clark, Chief Engineer, 
Cambria Steel Conrany, 
Tohnstowm , Pa. 

Dear Nr. Clark: 


am in receipt of your favor of the 25th instant, 
and would say in veply that Mr. Maser eer give you all the de- 
teils and partionte-.5 in regard to ths exushing rells that y 
Ze is very familiar with them, and I would surpest 
your having a talk with him when he comes 

again to your plant. 

In reperc to the water and steam required by the 
stiile and other arprsrairs in the benzol xecevery tuilding. I 
Wilt give yon this infommetion a little later, mt in plenty of 
time so that there will he no delay on thet accou 



Youre very + 

fers] G Coe. ae 


Jeon. 28, 1518. 

Mr. £. WF. Clark, Chie? Ingineer, 

Cambrice, Steel Company, 
Johustorm, Pa. 

Dear lir. Clark: 

Enclosed you will find « pencil sletch which shove 
three types of tomis. The Company we have been cerending upon to 
make theae tanko, are falling @om on their work, ond we would Like 
to imow if you could mike these in yeur boiler shop. If reossiblie, 
we will need them in about two or three yeeka. We want one three 
foet b> five foot tenk as shorn, with a loose top, one three feot 
pr Five foot with reasonably tipht top, riveted in, and three 
three foot six inches by fourteen foot tanks with pipe coannection 
ag ohomm. There is nothing very partioler about these tenks . 

If they ave good enough for twenty or thirty pounds pressure it 
sAlL be ample. We would suggest tit it be mide of one-fourth 
inch plate. 

2, for any reason, you cannot hendle this vork, 

at the present time, please etre me ond I will arrange to have 

it done elsewhere. 

Yours very truly, 




Jen. 27, 1915. 

Dr. J. S. Corey, 
Progressive Publishing Co., 
523 Vest Zighth Street, 
Los Angeles, Cal. 
Dear Sir: 
Your fevor of the 18th instant in regard te your book 
"The Soul, Its Organ and Development” hes been received. I note 
your offer to send me a copy for exemination, and shall be pleased 

to have you do so. 

Yours very truly, 

Jan. 28, 1916. 

Inieneg Steel Comyeny, 
Indien Hartor, Ind. 


Jonld your Company consider a propossl from me for me to 
erect a casll Benzol Absorbing Plant at your works for absorbing 
ne Bencel wrdrecarbona 2rem your gas. It noes ca. iappreciatle 
difference in the heat‘ng salue of the gas, md vould tring you 
in quite x revenue. It requires a specially desi med upyporstne te 
werreut lts erection for go wmell a nunter oF ovens os peu have- 
Te tt nots interfere in the slightest with your present metheé 

whee ROG CEete wad 

Yours very truly, 


mw Fike 

oust vigteseosesia 




don. 28, 1915. 

doodward Iron Co, : 
Joodward, Ala. 


Vould your Compang consider a Troposal from m for me to 
erect a small Benzol Absorhing Plant at your varks for absorbing 
the Bensol hydrocarbons from your ges. It mkes an unarypreciatls 
difference in the heating volue of the gas, and would bring yeu 
in guite 2 revenue. It recuires a specially designe? arreratuc ta 
warrant (ta erection for co smll vw number of ovens 2g you here . 
Tt will not interfere in the slightest with your present vethod of 

Yours very trely, 

~ . prapeteyereserss tk 
HUTS Le PEPER SPE LELE Ee rer eree f EERTEPHSET Feet bon cel eCELETECELESS BE EEES PATSEETPATELLYTeSeb ta eer creebes tebe nrbepenete bee 



Dee, th, 1914. 


Allow me to express my appreckathon of sympathy in re 
pard to the recent fire at my plant, and to thar’: you for your 
sood wishes. 

I em glad to eay that my concrete tuildings were not 
mich hnrt, and they cen be repaired. We axe hard at works nor. 

2rom wheat I hear, yao are doing well with you system 
of Steel Pormn for casting concrete howes commercially. 

I hope you rth. east the entire house at onee hefore 
yon cet throngh- 

ind to note that you sre so vel? Ti. se @ in talring my 
advice to ~o inte this tastiecs. The Srture poics much for ine 
ponzed concrete house. va 

Yours very txely, 

are eae 


CE ecg = 

Pena aes 

ee a2 ee 




Jan, 29, 2915, 

er Som.) ~ ; 
262 Pearl Ceypect 
New York Ciuy. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 27th instant to lf. Edison was re- 

ceived and laid before him. He says that if you wish you might 

come out and sec him ondke will talk this matter over with you. 
If you want to com to-morrow, anytime during the day up to 

four o'clock will be all right. Perhaps you had better: tele - 

phone me before you come ont. 

Yours very truly, 
Aah Bae, 
Gof Ss Reset a wy 
Assistant to Mir. Edison. 












EE eT 
: ere 
EE TN yen 8 Senne 
dept toate ES See 


ren a tert t 

ee Te 


nn ee en ee 

Jan. 29, 1915. 

First Ward Local ‘Interest Ciub of East Orange, 
My. Bloomfield, Chairman, 

The Complaint Committee, 

46 Bast Park Street, 

East Orange, MN. J. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of DScember 14th in regard to the matter of 
purifying the water of the stream flowing through our works was 
duly received. 

I have been heving the matter thoroughly investigated 
and nov beg to say tmt there is nothing discharged from our 
Phonograph Plant or from the Storage Battery Plant that contains 
any organic matter, and therefore these discharges can have no 
offensive smell. A small amount of blue dye is discharged also, 
put this is nonputrefactive. 

We discharge Sulphate of Iron, also Sodium Hypochlori te 
into the stream, but both of these substances are universally we 
for disinfecting putrifying organic matter, 

I think there maybe something from the wnt Shops further 
up the stream, which ooming in contact with the Sulphate of Iron 
from our factory, produces some chemical reaction. We will make 
some further investigat Lona as soon a9 the water gets lover. 

Yours very trury, 


Jan. 30th, 1915. 

Miss E. H. Xnebler, 
177 Wilford Avenue, 
Newark, N. J. 
Dear Madam:- 
Your favor of. the 26th instant has been 
receivad. © Mr. Edison requests us to say that if-you 
Imow "The Three Bears", you may come over here to the 
Laboratory and we Will have our experts make a trial record. 
He mentions this selection because we have had other readers 
make trial records of it, and keep them all for comparison. 
If you come over, please ask for Mr. 
Meadowcroft. The best way would be for you to telephone 
in advance of your coming, so as to make sure that our 
Recording man will be here. 
Yours very truly, 
Edison Laboratory. 


Jan. 30th, 1925. 

Butte Phonograph Co., 


Gentlemen :- 

Your favor of the 20th instant came dviy 
to hand, end I beg to say in reply that the "Dorothy Three- 
Step" has been recorded and will be put out on thé market 

just as soon as it comes through the factory. ‘he sume 

is engaged with "La Furlana". 

As to the Brazilian Polka, you will find 
it has been recurded on the Blue Amberol, record #2518, 

February lisi. 

Yours very truly, 

Jan. 30th, 1915. 

Bone: He: Snowden: Marshall, 
Ynited States. Attorney, 
Department of Justice, . 
New. York. > 

Dear Sir t- 

Tt fave. received your favor of the 25th inst.,. 

asking me to hola myself ‘in readiness: to attend and. testify 

in the case of United. States VS. Carawell et al on some date 

in February. . 
Nay I ask:whether you could not take my testi- 
mony hers, by aensleston, as Tr enn. ‘dizecting the work of 1700 

my fa? sory. pack into active ‘operation. afias 

‘men 89 a3 


the c hae - 
evitably €¢ 

4£ 57 aL be se dag nsaen : 
Yours very traly, 

; iy 


Beb. 1, 1915. 

The New England Gas and Coke Co., 

Your favor of the 30th ultimo has been received, 
Yould you consider a proposition from me pérsonally to put 
up en absorbing plant at my own expensé, givirig me ao three 
year contract to take your benzold hydrocarbons and refine 
them, T paying you cash for all shipred away. You would 
have the option to tuy the plant at the end of the contract 
period at trvo-thirds of its cost{which 19 vexy xeasoneble}, 
or I to have the right to remove the plant. 

I oan erect a ylent to absorb three thousand 
gallons of crude per day in sixty-five working~teys. 

Yours very truly, 

A iG Crceces 



BPeb. 2, 1915. 

th. 2, Lallott, fr., 

Durchasing Deyartnant, 

E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. 
dAlaineton, Del. : 

Dear Sir; 

Our purchesing department has gt E 

; purehs tpar mt has #nown we your favor cit 
the 29th ultimo in regard to the variogs chinments of tenzol sent 
Go youn to be fractionated. 

tir, Beeming, our rennsing agent, ig writing ta ye 
to-day siving you the nnnbere o” Aras and Wiles aete ia care 
gard to the tvo chipments of 90,3 benzol sade br wy to your Farlin 
jorzs. She whipnents I refer to, were one of 11,536 gelions , 
covered ‘oy purchasing order #25049, and the shipment of 10,197 
gallons covered by purchase ord:r 225577. Therefor, I shell not 
concern myself abont these tyvo shipments, but cenfine oy Temeares 
to the shipme nt of 904 henzol ecipuired by your company tmourk 
me, from W. 3. Gray & Compeny. : 

z Our juretase order #25644 refers to 2 carloud of 90% 
bento purchased by your compeny throvgh me from vv. 3. Grey & Cone 
pany, on Jannary 15th, L915. The understanding vas that in con- 
sideration of our helping your company to soquire this cerlead for 
the sake of the tolucl content, you would furmmich us with all the 
C. 2. benzol obtained from this shipment, smd Mernish tt to us at 

thirty-seven{(37} cents per gallon, you retaining the tolnol. 

the warload of 90 benzol. referred to in our purchase 
order #25992 was arranged for under precisely the sane cond it Lons 
and at same price as the above, but the earrangene ate were made 
within the Jest few days. It ig cuite true that the offe2 was 
more or less tentative to me for a day or tro, bat the sale was 
made definite in about three days atter the original offer. Tf 
widcratand from W. 5. Gray & Company that this sale has heen con- 
soneted between you ad them. T aganme that you have requested | 
j. 3. Bray & Company to fumish you the informtion in regard to , 
vetehts and order number. 


Yours very truly, 

ae eae 

Feh. 2, 1915. 

tir, &. ¢. Thorp, vs Pri 
Indime Steel Company, 
208 Sonth La Salle Street, 

Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Sir: 

Tom in receipt of your faver of the 28th ultime, and 
in reply beg to say thet T have nothing to offer in regerd to 
Benzol Recovery Plont. I wes tumed down by the U. 3S. Steel 
Corporation in Nev Yor waen T wanted to do something and was 

ready ta do it anichly. 

Yours V. 






eee meen ae 


Heb. 3, lvls, 

ae 3. Badger ¢ Sons Co., 
63 ~ 75 Pitts Street , 
Boston, Mags, 



Your tele gran of this -day 
was highly pleased. 

was good mews to lr, Edison, 

I sent you the following telepram by 

“Sood - Ship stilts and apparatus te Thomas 
As Bdison, 

care Cambria Steel Conrany, Johns- 
town, Pa. 

Wire m¢ oll rartiqlars as to rout. 
ing and we will folloy up. 

Y. EH. Meadoverort,' 

Yours very tmly, 

Assistant ‘to Mr. BAison. 


ee Fis oO 


Feb. 3, 1915. 

ir. P. Dd, Block, Vice Pres., 
Inland Steel Company , 

First National Bank Bldg., 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the first instant hes been reccived, 
and T ber te thank you for your prompt reply to my letter of 
the 28th ulti in regard to the benzol. 

woulda you consider a proposition from m, personally, 
to put up et my orn expense a plent to absorb the benzoid hydro- 
carbons from your gas. This would make ec crude product, for 
which I woulé pay cash as shipped. 

Your plant is too small to put up ao re gwar Benzol 
Absorbing Plent. It woulda not pey to put up m eleborate out- 
fit of that kind, but I hove a specially devised plant for pro- 
ducing the crude only. This crude would be refined at my om 

refining plant at Orenge. 

Avaiting the favor of your reply, T remain 

wth Codes 

Yours ve 


fan. 3, 1915. 

Dr. BF, W, Caldwell, 
480 Perk Avenne. 

New sork City. 

liy dear Dr. Caldwell; 

Tf I do not answer littercpronmptly I am 
sure you will dcem me quite excusable, as we are very, very 
busy just now. ir. Dickerson stated a fact when he told you 
that he left us becarse his work here was finished. This ts 
the second time he has worked for Mr. Edison, and has always 
been satisfactory. I hope he will develop well for you. 

If I come across another good man I will 
let you know. 

With kind regards, T remain, 

Yours very traly, 

Feb. 3, 1915. 

riensanto Chemical Works, 
1890 Sonth Second St., 
St. Lonis, lo. 

Tan in receipt of your favor of the 27th ultimo, 
and beg te ask hor much per day of phenol {melting point 41, 
white erystals) can you get stong with? , 

The pressure brought to bear upon me from England 
and Frence is so great that I am planning 2 larger phenol 
plant, and if the contracts go through IT could probably supply 

he trouble is the Limited supply of benzol. JI am 
nov erecting an absprbding plent at some Coke ovens in Pennayl- 

vania, and rather expect to start another Similar plent in an 



Beb. 4, 1918. 

ur, Willian E, MeZay, tent) ler., 
The New England Cas and Suke 0. 
111 Devonshire Street, 

Boston, Hays, 

Dear Sir: 

Ihave received your favor of the third inetant. In ay Let 
me guy that on Jonuary 19th TI cleset a contraat with the bhuneia ste 
Company for erecting an absorbing plant at Johustowm, Pennsylvania ; 
capable of absorbing three thousund gallona of exide per day. The "plant 
scare in operation the first of next month. The contract is for three 

: The Combria rented me suffioient ground for the yplent. as 
they are crowded, I divided the plant in tro yerts, five hundred feet 
apart, te cuit their conditions, and to yrevent any expense to them for 
riping. The total area occupied by us 18 abot 377 feet by an averaca 
width of 55 feet. In thio area ig included evervthing. = 

I put the plant in entirely at sy-ovn expense, absorbeé the 
benzoid hydrocarbons, and return the gas without @isturbing their reutine. 
Hy ylant redistills the crude, and I shiy only pure benzel and toluol. 

I pay the Cambria Compony cighteen (18) cents yer United States 
gallon for ail benzol and toluol shirred from the plent; also ten (10) 
@ents per gellon for xylol and solvent naphthe, reserving the right to 
retur these to the gas if I cannot sell the same at a profit. 

I by steam from the Cambrian Company at the prevailing rate, 
and they furnish me with water. I sell my waste acids to them at a lower 
price then they now pay, for use in their sinoniea apparatus. 

®he Canbria Comeny have the right after the three year perio? 
“or the contract to buy the plant at two-thirds of its actual cost, and 
Imy remove 1t, byt in any event, for 2 period of ive years thereat ts: 
T have the right to ty benzol from their plent, if they nave any, at 
the true nerket prices, to the extent of oy requirements. 

fne cost of operation te about nine cents for labor, reteriel 
and general expense. ‘hic, with freight ont amortisation of the plant 
over three years, brings the cost per gellon rather high for future ; 
gales, and IT am compelled to seli to outsiders all I make beyond my oe 
wants (over the three yeer period). If these yeople sive proper anne - 
tees, I will be in a position to negotiate wlth you ir yon ae oot en i 
norme i price, when there is no var, 19 aroua? thirty cents pe ia 

for pure, in drums, and tuenty-eight cents “or larce lots. The commercicet, 

a druns, is tventy-Live centy 

rer cAlion fis wetwo cents 

f o 

Tt would take prebably ¢« Ye cys te get ylent in 

Gperution ut your place. T worl: ye 

Touse the hense2 to rte 
in She camufueture of 4 aise rk 
Ward Of one ton of exhol te hep 

athe (ig cavbolte wale, whleh te te 
ye Feaowda.  Toan aor nds ape 

Reh. 3, 1915. 

Mrs. A. E. Stewart, 
Leavenworth, Ind. 

Dear Hadam: 

I have received your favor of thé 27th ultimo, and 
beg to gso9y in reply that I heve given inatrhetione to our Te- 
cording Department to make a record of the gong “Shere the 
Piver Shannon Flows*, and we shall arrenge te puf it ont as e 

dise records as secon as possible, 

Yours v 

Sen ace? 

‘tive ‘Bencol Absorbing Plant at my OW exrense, You Inresting 

“npon Tor all of such praduets chipped from the plant. the 

Peb. 6, 1925, 

Be. 2, Bray, Rees, 
Repotitte en’ Steel ‘Do., 
Youngstown, 0. 

Dear SUr: 

T am in receipt of your favor of the thiré instant , 
and regret to ‘gee that I did not me my firat letter suffi. 
lantly olear, 

Uy proposition is tmt fT vouta personally put an 
nothing. Fwould pay for the products at a Price to be agreed 

contractishe ‘ede on a three year basis. 

The mimber of orens you have is too small to warrant 
putting up a regular Benselk Absorbing Plant. It wowld not yay 
to put up an elaborate outfit of that rind, mt I heve a ays ci- 
aly devised plant for producing the crude omy. This erde 

“ould ‘be refined ot ny own refining plant at Orange. 
I-am prepared te move quickly, ané@ could put in a 
plant In avery short time if ve come to an beece atial 

Yours very tru He 

a _ bee 

~ a 




Seb, 5, 1915. 

J. EH. Pluumér, Buq., 
President, Dominion Steel So. 
Zoronte, Ont. 

Dear sir: 

T heve Inde long interview wth your tr. Iuces, and em 
writing this simply to confirm what he will tell yeu, namely, thet 
on necognt of the dslay in coming to an widergtending about the 
Benet Plant, I an compelled to withdraw from any further negotte- 
tfons. his, however, will not prevent you fron putting up my 
design of Benzol Plant with your om eerital a little later. 

After yon heve seen my plant in oyeration ot the Canbria 
Jorks, vhich I hope will be running by the firet of Merck, I think 
we Shall be able to come to an wnderstanding which will he satis- 
factory to you. 4 EAS 

Yours vepy traly, 

a { ere 

foe te e 


nT ee ap -—_.. 

Scie TES 






TE aiote et Tees 


mecee eee 

Lome age 

lr. Albert Lewis, 
Room 807, 

52 Broadway, 

Mew York City. 
Dear Sir: 

Tn consideration of your having been instrunentel in 
arranging with lessrs. J. Pe. Morgen & Compeny of New York for 
the yurenase from ma of a supply of tolnol for one year, es yer 
eopy agreement attached, I nereby agree to pay tc you five oents 
for every gallon of toluol sofd to end yeia Lor by gaid J. ?. 
Morgen & Company. sueh yaynents to you to be made br me 48 I 

yeceive the various yeyine nba from ¢. 2. Morgan & Comeny. 

Yours very 

meet RICE T TS tes 


Feb. 6, 1915. 

hha Charles KR. Botsford, 
Room 1555, 

£5 Broad Street, 

lew York City. 

Dear Ur. Botsford: 

aad T mve received your favor of the 30th ultimo. 
Let me say in reply that we do not advertise om cingers to any 
are ee nee Like the Victor, ed it hurts the salws of singers’ 

The Victor milt up its business 0 fige 
ing artists who are celebrated. Host bf these eee 
come success2ul not on account of their voices, but by reason of 
their acting, their personality, together with the public's reccl- 
tection of the stage environment and the satiofying of the eye. 
People who have seen and heard them, tuy their records, ond then 
find sore thing missing. Somehor, they are disappointed with out 
jmowing why. The conséquenoe ig that many people stop tuying 
opera records. As 2 matter of fact, the sales of opera records 
only reach about three yer cent of the total sales of records. 

So fer as I am concemed, I pay no attention 
to reputation. If the singer hes & fine voice I mke records; 
if not, no amount of reputation will induce me to record them. 
The consequence is that most of my opere singers have hearly as 
preat, and some greater, percentage of gales as of the populer 

If Yyonne de Treville would Like to meke a 
trial record for me, She can arrange with the Manager of my Re- 
cording Studio, lir, Waiter 3. tiller, at 279 Pifth Avenue, Few 
York. If her trial record ig found to be ali right I will make 
a tupsiness arrangement with her. 

Yours very truly, 


Ped. 5, 1916. 

Mics Isabelle Clark, 
600 Vest 138th St., 
Rev York City. 
ly dear Wiss Clark: 

I heve received your kind favor of the first 
instant, which has afforded me much pleasure in the reading. Tet 
me say that I am delighted to have the aid of your niece, whose 

voice is so fine and records so well. 

If you are coming cut toward Orange some dg, 
: and vould like to @roy in at the Laboratory, Y ghould like to see 
' you, and your niece also iJ she is with you. 

Yours very truly, 


so neue 

Pacha Pais exe ea sence aaa AI 


Dr. J. Hirsch, 
soentigen Ray Association of Greater New York, 

Ninety-six Park Avenue, 
New York City. 
Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the second instent has been received, 
and Iwish to extend my thanks to you for the invitation to 
attend the meeting of the Roentgen Ray Association of New York 
on April 20th, and to make an addresa. 

I appreciate your courtesy in extending this invita- 
tion, but I shall have to ask you to excuse me from acceyting 
it. I nave practically ceased attending public functions, as 
it is simply impossible with my deafness to hear anything that 
is going on two feet away, and Life beccmes quite a burden Sor 

the tvo or three hours during which I am compelled to sit still 

and do nothing and mov nothing of what is going on around me. 

Yours very truly, 


Hed. 8th. 1915. 

iir. 2, 3. Bray, President, 
Republic Iron & steel Co., 
Yeungstayn, 0. 

De mr Sir: 

. Your telegram of this date was received, and by Tir, 
Hétson's direction I sent you ths following: 

"Glad to see you any day this 
week, YVindly wire when you de- 
cide to come. 

hos. A. Esison. 

I presume you WiLL probably com by war of New York. If you 
should com: by the Pennsylvania, and wish tc come direct here, 
you conlé leave the train at Newari ond take a Jest Crange 
trolley which leaves frori the Market Street Station of the 
Pennsylvania Reilroad in Newark, TU. This car would bring 
you right to the door. 

Shoula you come to New_York first, let me say that the 
best way to come here ig br the Lackawanna Railroad, which leaves 
the 23rd Street, Christopher Street, and Baraley Seber ferries 
in New York, or any of the Tunnel siesechn dee 0 a Orange 
Aner ane Se in ti ng street, where yon can get the 
and walk one block wp to the main o's * whant ee ae 

rolle 7 marked vest Orenge. "his brings you 
Nee ee ee an Baie foy me or Mr. H. F. Weller, 

door, If you will kindly jnqnire 2 
one of UA wll gee that you are prdught to Ure Bei son, 


Agstutant to M2. Edi son. 


a ee 

Siew ons: 

ce Re 

mee: sang tne me ness: ee 


His Britannic MaJje sty" "Gove rnre nt , 
ao PB Hargan & Company, Agent, 
23 Wall Street, 
ew York City. 
Dear Sirs: 
I beg to acknov le pre Yecelyt o£ your favor of the 
6th tnstent concerning the sele of Telnol te the Brit igh 
Goverment and hereby confirg the widerstanding as expresaed 

in your said letter, 

Hed. 8th, LoTer:. 



Beb, @, 1915. 

. William I. McKay, General Naveger, 
ew England Gas and Gove Compeny, 
111 Devonshire Street, 
Boston, Mass. 

Dear Sir: 

I teg to acknowledge receiyt of your favor of the 6th 
instant, and would say in reply tmt the complete cost of my 
SZencol Plant at the Cambria Steel Company, for tyo thousand 
gallons of orude per day, is eotimated at ahout $40,000.00, wth 
an edditional 11,000 to bring the capacity of the plant uy to 
three thousand gellons yer day. In designing the plant originally 
I provided for this invrease. Iam qoting round figures, as the 
plant is not yet finished, tut the figures above given I regard as 

Let me call your attention to the fact thet the anly mov- 
ing mechanism in the plant consists of pumps and exhaugter., There- 
fore, the depreciation should be rather simall. The price ef eighteen 
(ref cents per gallon is for pire Benzol ond Zotwol shirred from the 
plent, and, if saleable, commercial. ‘Ylol at ten (10) cents yer 
aL LON « of course, Solvent Nayphtha is sold. crude, Tf am doudtful 
about “<ylol ané the Solvent Naphthas after say, two years from now. 
Shat inv the reason I reserve the rignt tc put it beck into the gas 
af unprofitable to me. g 

I vould not care to make 90 Benzol, es elalize on 
"pure", free of Cs and Thiopin. This is not-<eisy. 

Yours ¥ 


lirs. Karl G. Roebling, 
SLL State Street, West, 
®renton, . d. 
Dear tira. Roe bling: 
Your favor of the 30th 

ultimo caught me at an unnsually busy time; 

-henee the delay in reply. 

IT have sympathy for the 
babies hut no knack of writing versea, So I 
fell back on my gon Charles, who is the fan- 
ily poet. I hore Ais verses will answer 
your good yurpose. 

Youre very 

oa Add von — 






Pep. 9th. 1915. 

. Badger & Song Co. 
65-75 Pitts Street, : 
Boston, Mass. 


Attention My. GC. lL, Campbell, 
Chemist Ingineer. 
Dear Siy: 

Your favor of the 6th instant te ir. Meadowcroft, 
with ereetion tue prints snd shipping memoranda, hove been 
sherm to me. 

Tam deeply sratified at your exye ditions hand- 
ling of my order for these tro stills and congratulate you 
on being e@ble to do hetter than your promise. I expect to 
nave some more orders for you before long, 90 please bear 
me in mind end don't tie up toc clcse. 

I shoulda be very glad indeed to have Mr. Tunt 
~o and look over the plant at the Cambrie Steel Company 
shen he goes to Viestem Pennsyivenia. ve my find Mr. Mason 
there, put if not, let hin ask for our Ir. John Bacon, «Tr. 

Yours very truly, 


Teb. 8th. 1915. 

Messrg. Harger & Blish, 
Des Noines, Iowa. 

GentLeine n: 

Your friend of the Santa Fe Watch is a ve1y critical 
person. However, T want criticisms, although it is some work 
to explain, tut in this gase I vill try to make my ideas end 
policies cleur. 

‘int. Zam more interested in getting good mchanisne, 
and eapecially geod veproducers than in cabimts. I neglect 
gevineta, TP your friend only mew how many reproducers were 
itsearded und changed, how many dlaphrams had tc be discarded to 
et then edual to & standard, (sometimes ten reproducers are dis- 
aici to get gyg, and these discards must heve new diaphrams 
gometimes, Levera, or cords), he would see that we don't 
reoults without great expense, and that I prefer good machin- 
tc high grade furniture. I¢ is easy to say why not give us @ 
Ei oo in 2 100 machine, but if I did I would ve to go ont 
of business. 

Ona. He talks about the ladel. There is no mov meter- 
L thet vill stisk to the substance of which the records are made, 
and TiLL vet I have tried two thousand things. Again, out of 
ty pigments and one hundred and twenty-six Aniline dyes not a 
te one retains its color after it has yessed through the 360 
Aerrees of neat in the press. 

Sra, Of course, you will be asked frequently about 
Sarudo, Melba, Secotti, ete-, on the Edison. About every dealer I 
know of says he stated to inguirers tint 1f they wy an Edison 
machine they can use an attache nt and buy end play eny kind of 
a record, tut the public don't scem to hanker after these high 
rroic artists of the Vietor after they have bonght the attechm nt, 

Whtn the exception of Larura, ne aly every Grand Opera 
artist got their reputation nol jo their voioe but by je rsenality, 
py acting, and the glamour of tre stage. We cannot use the 
aye with the phonograph, heace only frond Opera singers with good 
voinge eon be vaca, and I have aesrly “li of them. I am not going 
to queex the Tiamond Disc by a poor singer, 1e natter what their 
reputation in Opera ue pe. et me gay that Seotti has lost his 
voice almoat entirely, but because he is one of the best actors on 
the Operatic Stage und s great favorite, am tT to have him sing on 
the phonograph merely on account of his great reputation? 1 prefer 

¢ ih 

thet the Victor should faithin. Why, don't Melba sing for the Opera 
and get the $1500 per night ‘she onee obtained? The explanation is 
gimple. Her volee has faded, but treat don't phese the Victor be- 
ebuge thelr entire ‘wininess. has been ‘kullt up on advertising Grand . 
Opera. Singers, who in the -cage of the beet:known, got their repu- 
tation by seting. I shall not follow this method of selling goods 
hbeennse, in the long run, I do not think it will win. He speaks of 
the Sextette from Tnaiu and Suartette from Rigoletto. I have taken 
© dasen of these regords by different combinations of Grand Opera 
singers, two of them at Milan, Italy, from the hest artists of the 
iy Seala, but they were not: what I would like to put out. We are 
new in the Dine line. I have had worlds of trouble to get where I 
am and have an é¢normous number of fine records recorded but I cen 
foe ia then ‘out as fast as I would Like. However, things will. mend 
in tjme,. i 

I had records of NeCormack but did not use him because of 
his shake. fhe reason McCormack ig so popular on the Victor in that 
he is the only singer except one who has very strong cvertones and 
they are so strong that the Victor ¥eproduces a few, and males his 
records very mellow. ‘The public like them. He sort of makes up for 
the defects of the. instrument. 

; As to Lauder. He must have known that Lauéer was tied up 
with the Victor,.although he sings for us on Cylinder. 

The price he says should be on the face cf the record. 
How does he know that there might not be some very good reason why 
it should not be on? I can't go into lengthy explenstions az to 
this, but there is a good: technical reason or I would have put it 
on., I should be credited in cases like this sith as mash intelligence 
ag the general average of the genvs homo. 

Ireturn the letter of the Santa Bs Wateh Company. 

Yours verry trn cas AEE 



anti ; «ez 2 
CE Pe eee 

se Race ESS. 


ire J. HR, Planing x, 
Motel Sanhattean : 
Madison Ave, and 
Pew Vo ptr oliy. 

rivesegond St 



Your telegram to Ir. 

Edison was received to-day 
Seaordine te hts instructions T have telegraphed you that he 
te gee you any time to-morrow, end have 

> the te lesran thet you telerhone me Crom New Yort Te. 
ne ont vo thet we can mike sure of his he 

Yours very truly, 

GA Mecs wee eee 

ON ede eg 4 py * ah gn 
Asai stants +4 Tit, Baten if, 


» and 


post rena GTS LSU WAN Ta aaah 

Veh. 9th. 1915. 

Iirs. Paul ¥. Devine, 
352 West North Street, 
Tima, Oo. ¢ 

Dear Nedam: 

Tam in receipt of your favor of the second instant, 
and thank you for your Kind words in regard to the Diamond Dise y 
Phonograph. Your-request for a record of "When you and I were 

Young Mageie" has teen noted, and I have given instructions to 

3¢ head of the Musical Deyartment to make this record, which 


you will find on the List in good time. 

Yeurs ve 


PTT ks Sade 

Heb. 9th. 1915. 

His Britannic Majesty's Governrent , 
J, >. Morgan & Compmy, Agent, 
23 Woll Street, 
New York City. 
Deer Sirs: 
T have received your favor of the Oth instant, and 
“in reply beg to say fhat my plant will be jn operation about 
March first, and then I shall be able to state whether or not 

I can meet the specifications for Toluol set Torth in yoursaid 

letter of the 8th instoert. 

ae neeemaee, fos apreneer PE wa 

Web. 9th, 1915’, 

Albe xt ™. Otto & Sona, Inc., 
1886 Sroadway, 1. Y. City. 

Your favor of the 6th instant hes been received, and 
Tobep to suy in reydy that I have only one ylimt for ehnorbking 
Benvol end Toluel from Coke oven gases, and Iouse the Pensol 
Tot the mantfacture of Carbolic Acia for my orn use in inking 
phonoeraph records. I am negotiating to ereat two more plants, 

Imt in all eases I only ship pure Bensol oo 

Yours ve i 


ne Lee oy Paul, 
3032 Portland Ave., 
iimnesapolis, liinn. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the second instant has been receivee, and 
we thank you for your kind interest in calling attention ‘te the 
idea of a pneumatic plunger. I would say in regard to this that 
T tried thic scheme on fifty machine , Put the device was found 

to be wireliable in the hanis of the public, 50 we tool: them 

and have not tried it any further. 

Yours vé 


i eee 

: <p eere ae 

Feb. loth. 1915. 

Dr. V. L. King, 
Wood Ridge, N. J. 

Dear Sir: 
Your favor of the 7th instant to tir. Edison has 

been received and its contents carefully noted. He requests 

us to say that he will give you an interview here at the 
Laboratory any day. 
If you will kindly call me up on the telephone 

when you propose to come over, i will tell you wheter 

it is a favorable time. 
Yours very truly, 

PN Mecermeverr;%, 
Assistant to Mr. Hai.gpn. 

a / 

liv. G, Henninger, 
516 KE. 90th Street, 
Tew York City. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 89th ultimo to lr. Edison was re- 
ceived, and he remests us to say in reply that out of your 
list we have recorded several for instante, Same Sort of Tirl, 
one step, igs in our January list (see also Girl From Uteh, 


22496) Cood-bye Girls is in our March list of Blue Ambe rol 

Tecords as a song, Aba Deba Eoneymoon is in our December List 
as a song. 

We will get the others and submit them te Mr. 
Hdison. If he approves them they will be recorded in de 

Yours very truly, 

Pdisnn Leboratory. 

saz, Weel 

Feb. 9th. 1915, 

i 653 

Mr. H. H. Blish, 
811 Walnut Street, 
Des Moines, Iowa. 

Dear Mr. Blish: 
| I am in receipt of your favor of the 
3rd instant in regard to the cracking of records. et ma 
say in reply that this cracking will soon disappear. You 
may send the cracked ones pack for credit, but please don't 
kick too much as long as we ao the most of the suffering. 
I return Mr. Strong's lettex herewith. 



Fab. ili 

Mr. James H. Brady, 
Sunset Publishing House, 
460 Fourth Street, 
San Francisco, Cal. 
Dear Sir:- 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your 
favor of the lst instant, and would say that if you will 
send me a small sample of the 98% puxe copper, tempered 
to the hardness of stgei, and also a small sample of the 
alloy, I will ses if your young friend is oorrect in his 


HE (HE TEE TES ae EE aun 







arse OnE 


ean CA 





Feb. both, Lie. 

Dr. Robert #rakine #1 

The Uivic vorum, mesg 
147 west 48th Street, 

New York City. , 

Dear Dr. Ely: 

Mrs. Sdison has shown me your letters % 

a ¢ 3 veers wo 

sb of the 20th ultimo and the Srd instant in re gard to 

¥ e award of & Medal of Monor to m by the Civic Foran, 
ou desire to have gome indication of a date when i could 

attend the meeging to received this Medal. ; _ 

1 am willing to admit some rye ; 
in making a suitable reply. i am not ame amber reget he 
honor thus sought to be conferred upon me, put, although 
I appreciate 34 in its frllest sense, IT should be very 

greatly pleased to be excused from attending a fancticn 

of this kind. 

Mere are several reasons. The princi; 
one is that I do not Like to make positive appoint 
for eny distant day, as, at the time specified, ion 
be in the midst of an {jmportant expe riment which could 
only ve neglected at the cost of a great sacrifice. ‘hen. 
again, @ great crowd of people so embarrasses me, that 1, 
doubt whether that I would be even able to say “thank you". 
In the next place 7 am grown so deaf that I cannot hear 
anything phat is going on two feet avay from me, go T have 
practically decided to give up appointments at any public 


Under all the circumstances, 1 trust thet 
my desire to be excused willnot seem unreasonable . 

Yours very truly, 




Miss Ada Gardiner, 
The Lafayette, 
Portland, Me. 

Dear Miss Gardiner: 

I have been greatly interested in readin fer 
recent letter to lr. Meadowcroft. It alway sivas ie oh 
pleasure to read letters of intelligent critieiame and : 
suggestions, especially from those for whom I have been 
working, Coroing pag beds of good msic. f am certainly very 
much gratified to learn that the music reproduced by the 
ae Dise has been so neeful: and helpful during your 

Now in regard to Speed, let m say that we have 
great trouble in keeping the speed constant at 8U revolu- 
tions. Uur later machines keep the speed constant for 
days within two degrees. ‘The inequality is due to the 
varying friction on the governor. I1 always play the ma- 
chine at 78 revolutions or less, as the pitch of modern 
music is too high and unnatural. Some music lovers run 
at 75 revolutions. 

I think that the Parlow record #80079 was dis- 
carded from the catelog because we accidentally destroyed 
the moula- 1 have tried to get her to play agein for us. 
Narelle is making more records, and we have lots of Spald- 
ing records coming along, a1s0 several by “leisch. 

I am going to have three McTarlanssongs and the 
other music obtained and performd for me, Bo that 1 mey 
see that they are suitable for disc records. 

With good vishes for the recovery of your health, 
I remain, 

Yours very truly, 


Bev. Vth. 1915. 

2. 7, Mienatadt , 
SLY Fast 26th St., 
Brooklyn, FE. OY. 
Dear Nir: 

IT received your favor of the second instent, which had 
my careful attention. TI regret exceedingly to learn of the un- 
sutisfactory treatment that you have received, and am sorry that 
1t Ls not within my yover to rectify this particular transaction. 

The point is that the "Edison Shop’ is siaply one of our dealera, 

an@ our Gompeny here has no control whatever over their netrods 

of doing Tuvinens. 

‘Ye had o bad fire here a few weeks age, which has islayed 



getting out new machines, bet after March first you ought 
to be uble to get a nev one. , 

“uo T think that you hed better Jet the ratter rest tii}. 
yeu have been te “origa. When you vetum frem the South write 
me aqoin, and Fwilh see if Tecan hel; you ort at the "Edisen 


Yours very truly, 


Feb. lth. 1915. 

Hr. C. S. Paimer, 
® Connellsville High School, 
Connellsville, Pa. 

Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 

Sra instant, and in reply beg to say that I am putting 
up a plant to absorb the Benzol trom the By-products gas 
of the Coke ovens at the Cambria Steel Company's woxrke 
at Johnstoyvn, Pa. An absorbing plant of this kind cannot 
be used on the ordinary beehive coke oven, but only on 
the By-product coke ovens, like those at the Cambria Com- 

pany's works. Benzol is the basis for wil Aniiine dyco, 
put I use it to meke Carbolic Acid synthetically, which 
I employ in the manufacture of phonograph records. 

Yours very tm 

a Oh Ceol aes y---—~ 

i age ae a natn 


Mel. Gth. 1935. 

ir, Merton) N. Rice, 
949 Van Ness Ave., 
Nempe , Arizona. 
Dear Sir: 7 

Replying to your favor of the 3th nitimo, I teg te 
say that in my opinion iar is nota biological neacesity. Tf 
think that the only practical way of handling the matter vould 
be that $2 our German brothers are obliged to give up, the 
Allies, the United States and all the smaller ccuntries, in- 
eluding Gemany and Austria ought to enter inte 1 sonyyat to 
Police the World on joint account. Should any nation there - 

after show @ tendency to militarism, the Yorld Police to immedi- 

ately jump on the beckslider and confiscate the armament. 


However, it is ¢ gigantic task te get people to agree 
to any joint panheme « . 
voura very tYaly, : 


Fel. Gtn. Jats, 
Yon. Benjamin Nh. Tillman, 5. ©., 
Chairman, United State. Senate , 
j dayhington, D. °C. 
Triend Tillman: 

You ave mistaken abeut gleep. Remember iat for 
forty years I have had synads of men who worked for me in ny 
canpsims of experimenting, som tiscs for severalme's, iometives 
for months, vith only four to four sn¢ one-half hours alee, , 
and, in some cases, “vo hours only, owt of twenty-four. The 

universal opinion of the men, {and sonetimen there wert au many | 
as one hundred fifty), was thet they vuver Zelt better. of 
course the “sual occupation of these mnwae a dull. deadly 
routine, but when they got with me on 8 big experiment, their 
mental activity was enormously tnereased; They becuue brighter 
eved, quicxer in their movements anf Lest the lassitute of most 


I om certnin, from actvel experiments vit 

tnt for health, there are three things that will fit s najert 
(1) Hat'the smallest posathla amount of plain food that 

will keep your weight constant. This takes 2evera? mentnd vo 

accomplish, because one met allow the gtemach to Shrink Go 

normal size end get into the nerit. 

{2} Sleep not more than six hours ané ever: Sive otter a 

vear's experince. 

“IN pees Mie, petad 


| (3) Keer intensely mentelly ective. Engage tt. nore 3ohemes 
;| or plens than you caz possahly attené to ma Say to necemriish 
BY every one of them. 
i sy ‘ ‘ - ie ee 5 
f Yhen I co te feshingtor Twil2 certainly; cone and 
; gee you. Did yeu ever read the Classic "Tife of Sornaro’? if 
; not, cet it A broken dovm wreelt sho at forty chanzed his ade 
i + e le 
nS £ life and Lived one nmidred years. 

Yours very troly, 

ar tee 
eereScoors cen al 


Bet. With. 

Ur. G. G. Thorp, VY. Pres., 
Indiana Steel Company, 
Mess i Street, 
Dear Sir: 

T am in receipt of your favor of the ninth instant, 
ond would say in reply that the reason I siiated in my pre-~ 
vious letter that I had nothing to offer in regaz« te 2 
Benzol Recovery Plant was due to the fact that I hav: been 
informed that your coke oven plant belongsto the Unived 
States Steel Corporation. 

If you are independent of them, I may be able to 
make you a proposition. 

Yours very t 




Feb. Lith. 19 

oo Giecen eae ae Creosoting Co. Inc., | 
New York City‘ 
Gentlemen: . | 

I am in receipt of your favor of the lOth, instant, : 
and in reply beg to gay that in my plant at Johnstown, Penr- 
Sylvania I expect to absorb only Benzol, Toluol, Xylol, ana 
Solvent Maphtha. The creosotes that you want can only be 
obtained from the tar. Perhaps you can obtain what you wish 
from the Dominion Tar and Chemical Compamy, Sydney, N.S. 
you can obain creosote from Scotland, as there is no embargo. 
I suppose, however, that freight will be difficult to get. 

I understand that the Delaware , Lackawanna and Western 
Railroad Company have, or had after the Wawgf?’ commenced, stout 
two million gallons at Patergon, N. J. Possibly they might 
sell some. 

Could you not use wood tar creosote? 


Feb. 1th, i715. 

Mr. Frederic A. Whiting, 
ll ‘State Street, 
Framingham, Mags. 
Dear Mr. Whiting: 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 5th 
instant, which has been read with a great deal of interest. 
If you have any cracked records, it is our 
fault, and if you will send them to uy aseistant, Mr. W. H. 
Meadowcroft,at this address, by Parcel Post, I Will exchange 
them without charge. 
In regara to noisy records, let me say that 
our matrix from which we press the records, gots rougher as 
more records are printed from it and we ere obliged to discard 

these matrices after about 125 prints have been made. The 

noisy ones axe those that are printed last from the matrix. T 

his trouble 

am experimenting to put a stop to t 


Feb. llth. 1915. 

Prof. Prancis B. Crocker, 
Crocker-Wheeler Company, 
Ampere, H. d. 
Dear tir. Crocker: 

I received your favor of the sixth instant, 
and also copy of the January 28th issue of the American 
Machinist. I read the article with a good deal of interest. 

it's hard to "crush" some yeople. 


Feb. llth. 1915. 

Mr. A. P. Cramer, 
Bureau of Employment of the Chemists' Club, Inc., 
New York City. 
Dear Sir: 

Your vavor of the sixth instant has been received. 
In reply I beg to say that I could not use the chemist who 
nas sypeciallised on lithia, ag 1 have contracted with e 
neighboring chemical works for my lithia. I stopped working 
on it myself. 

I want a young chemist who can play with the Benzol 

aucieus like a Japanese juggler juggles with plates. Have 

yen got one? 



Feb. 11th. 1915. 

Me. George B. Gaston, 
Department of Public Works, 
Yndlarapolis, Ind. 

Dear ‘ir. Gaston: 

I have received your favor of the tifth instant, 
and vyonlé say that you have come to the rignt shop to have phono-~ 
graph records aes Just nov we are turning out about thirty 
thousand a day. 

I will get the music of the songs you mention in 
your letter, and if they appeal to me as be ing aprropriate for 

our records 1 will have the: recorded and have them put on our 

Cylinder List. ; 
With kind regards, 


Vo cugigiaoeranaphabaad iebele ree Pobre peh ears 



Mr. W. C. Hanna, 
California Portland Cement Co., 

Colton, Cal. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the first instant was received, 

I beg to say in reply that the long kiln itself was due 

the physicist; the quality of its increased product due 

the chemist. 

the master to whom we all bow. 

After a cement mill is built, the chemist 


ji Feb. lith. 1915. 



sis Feo 


aR ee 


Feb. lith. 1915. , 

Merck & Company, 
45 Park Place, 
New York City. 

Gentle men: 
I beg to thank you for the copy of the second edition, 
revised, ‘Of "Chemical Reagents: Their Purity & Tests". TI have 

looked it ‘over and wish to assure you that in my opinion it is 
tine. , 

Pidielei tele Meh i 





Feb. llth. 1915. 

lr. G. C. Siizer, VY. Pres., 
Harger & Blish, 
Des Moines, Ia. 
Dear Mr. Silzer: 

T am in receipt of your favor of the fourth in- 
stant in regard to piano records. I want to say in reply that 
our pieno technic is not good enough in my opinion. TI have two 
records containing piano solos, which I have yessed for print- 

ing and distribution. Every one says they are fine, but I can- 

not see it. TI hope to improve on recording of the piano te fore 



‘ . a 

Feb. 12th. 1915. 

lr. Ww. H. Blauvelt, 
Consulting Engineer, 
Bemet-Solvay Company, 
Syracuse, N. Y. 

Wy dear Mr. Blauvelt: 

Tem somewhat puzzled about one thing, and 
that is how much of the hydrocarboys we should try te absorb in 
the oil. The divergence of figures is quite notable. Some say 
U3 while cthers sor 45. 1 shov.ld regard your opinion as authpr- 

Shenrine yor in advance, I remain, 


Feb. 12th. 1915. 


nf Go., 

i regetyed your telegram of congratulation 
yesterda,, sad vent toe express my thanks to you therefor. 
From the repe:t “son has made to me this morning in re- 
gard to the Benzol Plant at Johnstown, it looks as though 

we vould do some pretty quick work up there. 


Feb. 12th, 191 


Hon, 9Sephugs 

J Daniels, 
Washington, D. O, 

Hy deay Mr, Dantelg: 

including mysel?r, 
or course, 

8reetings to you 
and to the » 

Send cordial 8nd your 
anlahle partne nole family, 
a wishes, 

Yours 3 incere ly, 

and with 


thanks for alt Your poo T remain, | 


EE Fe nti eanonit 

Feb. 13th, 1915. 

Z FN ak See ate 

Mr. Charles A. Danforth, C. S., 
171 Westminster Street, 
Providence, R. I. 

a gerne emenadeeet 

Dear Sir: 
Your favor of the eighth instant has been 
handed to me, and I note your suggestion of bring- 

ing out three or four of the Christian Science solos, 

as mentioned by you. I a looking into this matter 

site ted Rc entation ON ee 

personally and will see what can be done ab 

Fer, 13th. 1915. 

Mr. Henry Ford, 
Detroit, Mich. 

My dear Mr. Ford: 

Let me thank you for the sixty-eight thousand 
congratulations that you sent me for my birthday yesterday, 
and also for all your good wishes. It was ell very cheering 
to me, and I want to thank you all very much. 

We are mking great progress around here. 
Everything is booming. We are making about twenty thousand 
cylinder records a day and some six or seven thousand disc 
records daily, anda large number of mechanisms for machines. 
We heve developed an entirely new model of Disc Machine, 
which has been completed within sixty days, including teols, 
jigs etc., for its manufacture, and we are now shipping them 
out to customers. The Storage Battery business is picking up. 
I had a telegram from the Secretary of the Navy yesterday tell- 
jing me he had just signed the order for e set of our batteries | 
vor a new submarine, ($90,000) and had reported to me later in 
the dey that a large order was coming our way for use with the 


These and other cheering items were yuite suffi- 
cient to make my birthday a pleasant one to remember. 

Feb. 13th. 1915, 

General Chemical Company, 
25 Broad Street, 

New York Oity. 


Referri to the conversati on between your Mr, Parke r 
ie Mr. Meadowero? » my Assistant, I beg to say that in comec- 
on with 

My carbolic acia plent I am now using daily about 
eleven thousand pounds of 98% sulphuric acid, and expect to in. 
crease it to twenty thousand 

pounds daily within the next three 
or four weeks, 

I am now ready to contract with you for my requiremntg 
for one year, and if you will kindly submit contract I will Bive 
the same imme dLate consideration, Possibly it might be well to 
allow for a possible 10% inerease. 

As you are probably aware, I am putting up a Benzol 
Absorbing Plant at the Cambria Steel works , Johnstown , Pennsyl. 
venia and expect to 

put it in operation by March first, I ex. 
rect to require about one ton a day of 98% Sulphuric acid in 
connection with that plant. I should be 

glad to have you sub. 
mit a contract for this requirement also for one year, but ir 
agreeable to you would rather wait until about March first to 
complete the contract in this case, so that I may be entirely 
certain ag to requirements, 




Feb. le, 1915, 

Mr. Charles li, Schwab, 
Bethlehen Steel Company , 
South Rethlehem, Pa, 

Ny dear li. Schwab; 

Your very kind message of congratulation 

and good wishes came to me yesterday and was greatly appre- 
ciated, It seems to me ag though these birthdays come too 

fast, but there is one consolation, and that is, they bring me 

lots or cheering and acceptable messages from my good friends. 

With kind regards and many thanks, I renain, 

Yours very truly, 

AA Eom BER HCC ORE LPREERS ot Ee hee et 


Feb. 13th. 1915, 

Mr. P. D. Block, Vice Pres., 
Inland Steel Comyrany, 

First National Bank Blig., 
Chicago, I11. 

Dear Sir: i 

Would you consider a proposition for m to erect a 
Benzol ‘absorbing plant at your ovens at my own expense, you 
making no investment except furnishing me water and selling 
me steam if you have it, I paying you F. 0. B. ovens thirteen 
and one-half (13 1/2) cents for all pure RBenzol. and Tolnol 
shipped away, and eight (8) cents for all Xylol md Solvent 
Naphtha. I reserving the right to rut the Xylol and Solvent 
naphtha back into the gas in case I cannot sell it at a profit. 

Contract to last three years, I reserving the right 
to stop incase the plant becomes unprofitable, and remove 
the moveable parts. In that event I would give you option to 
buy plant at two-thirds the actual cost which would be less 
than fifty thousand dollarsa ($50,000). TI ould erect the plant: 
{I think, in sixty working days. : 

Ts your gas rich? 

Yours very t 





PTE Soren Leen ete 


YR ate 
Pom enrereas 





Lge ee: 

ee eper er 

General Letterbook Series 
Letterbook, LB-102 (1915) 

This letterbook covers the period February-April 1915. Most of the 
correspondence is by Edison and William H. Meadowcroft. The letters mainly 
relate to World War I, the disruption of markets for the carbolic acid (phenol) 
used in the manufacture of phonograph records, and Edison's production of 
chemicals for his businesses, including the establishment of benzol absorbing 
plants in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and Woodward, Alabama. There are also 
references to other business propositions, including the sale of Edison's 
surplus stocks of benzol, toluol, and other chemical products. The 
correspondents include Edward R. Stettinius of J. P. Morgan & Co. and 
representatives of Mitsui & Co. 

The spine is stamped "Letters" and is marked "T.A.E. From Feb. 13, 
1915 to Mar. 31 1915." The number "40" also appears on the spine. The book 
contains 701 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 15 percent of the 
book has been selected. 

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Feb. 13th. 1915. 

‘figs India Waelchli, 
2 West 1l2ist Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Miss VYaelchli: 

I must ask you to kindly pardon the delay 
in replying to your favor of the eighth instant. I have been 
so exceedingly msy this week on important matters for ir. 
H@ison that my corresrondence has been hadly neglected. 

If you will take this letter down to Mr. 
W. Wd. Miller, the tfanager of our Recording Department at 79 
Fifth Avenue, BH. Y- City, he will make & dise record trial 
of one of your songs and send it over to Mr. Edison for leer- 

vindly explain to Mr. Miller tmt you have 
been introduced by & very ola friend of ours connected with 
the General Electric Company. 

Possihly you might telephone to ‘ir. Mille r 
before you fo downtown, and tell him that you have & letter for 
hin, (tans oe 

Yours very trely, 

! a 
/ va 

Feb. 15th. 1915. 

ur. Willian daltacé Canon 
290 Clifton Avenue « : 
Newark, No. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the ninth instent to Hr. Edison was 
mecetveds. ty re WV I beg te say that we shall be glad to 
take a triad record Of your voice if you will call here some 
day and ask ror me- I woulda suggest that you tele phone me 
in advance a any OF tvO before you intend to come, so that we 
may have an ageompenvist here to play for you. 

Yours very truly, 

Assistant to i. Edison. 

rere aeessD ™ 
pies co dt a op eeae h pcnel ant Re ieee’ 






CLOT nana 



oreaneme rea 

: ae 
4 a‘ i m3 
y we 
y / . ~ wn 
i / nem 
i pf ee 
f ee aie 
wee ° f ra 
, f a 
fs pe 
f Peb, 16th, 191%. 
4 DY. e. H. Plunmer, Pres., 
q Dominion Tron & Oteel Co., 
4 “ontreal, Caneda.. 

Jear Sir: 

;, Referring to our previous d@iseugsions as to my 

| . assisting you to plan end erect a Benzo) absorbing plant 

at your coke ovens at Sydney, your Hr. 3. =. Lucas hes 
hanged to me your telegram to him deted February LSth, 4 

1915, reading as follows: 

Montreal, swe. Beh, 15, LELs. 
ty. S. EL Duecas, 
‘ialdort Asteria, 
vew York. 

can say to tir. Edigon, I am authorized ty 
Pyegi¢ent to acceyt your proposal respect- 

the erection of a Benzol Plant at Sydney 

on lines your Cambria Plant. “fou are to give us 

use your patents, yatterns, hlue prints plants , 
and information ac to yurchasé of materials, 

and reasonable tecimical advice auring congstruc- 
tion and operation, and pene ral. assistance on 
lines discussed. “e understand this is Tor our 
oun wee only. We are to rey you 3s consideration 
for services and plans ahove enumerated one cent 
per gallon on all Benscl Toluol %Lol ar é& tarphtha, 
shirred from the plent 80 erected vor three yeors. 
mrther, you are to heve oytion for thre, years tc 
puy Renzol for your own use UP to ¢€ ight nendred colons 
daily at twenty five cents nites States galion, 
delivered 7. U- 2. Orange. snantity to be delivered 
under this oy tion to be dectared tnres montha in 
advance Sor each yeriod of three months. Any duty 
to be borne by purchaser and druns tc te returne ¢ 
sith vregsonable desyetch. 

fee ck rd 
Bp o 

cz % 

a, “. Plummer, 
‘yesident pominion lx. 



I bes to Say that I he: 
45 stated in the 


Tuy @eree to the arrangement 
above telepran, with 
» that I cannot agree to pay 


only one exception, which 

the auty on Benzol which you 
the torder, 

Ome ani 

might ship to me over It is unferstooa that any 
Rengol Shipped + der the ahove opiion at twenty Pive 
ates gallon is to he wh 

ov "Pure" Bengol, at 

cents per Mmiteg ot at i9 known as MG gaat 

Will you please Signify your Rcceptance of the whole 
arrangement , exception and understanding hy Signing the accept- 
anee at the Loot of thie letter, 


tmayy | 
37 Cees 

Yours very 

We accert the 

aaa ee 



/ > pet 
we a 

7 & 
a ms 3 


gat ee 



Beh. 15th. 1915. 

Mr. ul, Selzer, 
+3 Otoe Blau-Gas Co., 
803 Central Avenue, 
Nebraska City, Nebr. 
Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 10th instant has been received- 
Phere have been a numbex of reasons for the delay in reply 
to your previcus letter, ani the Least of “hich was the disas- 
trous fire we had here in December. 

The proposition that I have in mind is the open- 
ing of a store for the sale of my new Diamond Disc Phonograph, 
exclusively. We opened an experimental one here in Orange, 
and it has been very successful indeed. Frequently the business 
4s conducted by some one who slso sells other articles, and 
does not sre cialize on one thing. The capital required would 
not be very great, and from the experience which the Orange gtore 
hes nad, I should regard it #5 & safe investment. Please let m 
know vhat you think of the idea. 

Yours very Try, 

sete ae atime 




wv ; { : 
a fos Boe ets “ 
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Feb. 15th. 1915. 


liv. E. P. Wheaton, Managing Editor, 
National News Service, 

406 World Building, 

New York City. 

Dear Sir: 

Referring to your favor of tue fifth instmt, in re- 
gard to a set of phonograrh records embodying instructions in 
modern ballroom dancing, I beg to say that we have just made 
records of thie Kind but they are py Me. 7. Pitt Rivers end 
not by Hr. Durant. 

These records will soon appear on cur lista: 

Yours very truly, 

Woodward Iron SC., 
Woo dvard, Alec 

{tT veceived your favor of the Ist instant stating 

ot on his reimra you 

an my letter asking if you would 

gol shsorbirg 

that your ir. Yoodwaxrd was absent, »D 

sould promptly ev bpmit to h 
er a proposition fron me to put up & Ben 

conei a 

nlant at your Coke ovens. 
ns £ am atill without reply I assume he must stilt 

AS + 
r no investment on your 

‘yo absent. OY proposition calls fo 

Yours ve uLY > 

Feb. 16th. 1915. 

“up, Emerson P. Harris, 
16 Rockledge Road, 
Montelair, HN. g- 

Dear Sir: 
Replying + 
that the idea T yut out 

a “Samaritan market" where poor peor 
gs of Life in five cent quantities put on th 
g included the using of mtomatic 

o your favor of the 10th dnetant, I beg 

vos to establish shat I call 

to say 
e could yurchase the 

e basis 


of carload prices. My ide 

oking machine ana the slot device. 

ever nad time to sts 

I have n 
ye been worked up ‘o the limit in othe 

Yours very trmly, 

rt one of these enter- 
yxy fields. 

prises, as I ra 

Feb, 17th. 1915. 

tir. Nathan C. Johnson, 
140 Cedar Street, 
Yew York City. 

My dear lir. Johnson: 

Mr. Meadowcroft has laid hefore me your favor of the 
third instant, and also the bound hook containing 2 statement 
of your vork on cement with the microscope. This is very in- 
teresting and valuable, and I beg to thank you for the opror- 
tunity you have given me to look it over. 

The microscope is truly & very practicable instrm- 
ment for studying cement as comme rejally used, and yours is 
the first reper on the sub ject that I have aeen. The micro- 
scope detects about everything bed that can take place. Shere 
4g very little doubt in my mind that we do not get more than 
one-fifth of the value out of cement ,and we never will until 
we oyiné it es fine as strontfium carbonate, mix it perfectly, 
and throw waves in the wet mixture by pumping it to set the 
air ont. 

Tam retuming your hook by prepaid express to-day, 

Yours very trey, 

renernyonce careers 


Feb. 16th, 1915, 

Mra. Rosa M. Willson, 
Huron, 0. 

Dear Mrs. Willson: 

I have received your kind note of the eighth in- 
stant, which I reed with a great deal of interest. Yes, I remem- 
ber Charles Ying and am glad to hear that he is still enjoying 
life. It seems a very long time to m since I sav him, for so 
mch has trenspired in my life in all these years. 

I am glad to lear thet you are well, and trust 
you may live as long as my father did, namely to 94, esyecially 
if you keep your health. 

Yours very truly, 



Feb. 1%th. 1915. 


Iir. Charles ©. ipilers, 
D. Van Nostrand Co., 
25 Park Place,. 

New York City. 

uy daar Ur. Spiers: 
Your favor of the loth instent has heen 
received, ad also the yackage of pooks whichvyou sent yes- 

terday. tir. Edison has kept the Shultz and Julius “Organic. 

Coloring Matters", and I have returned the otner four bocks 
by express today. 
My. Edison says Lt is not necessary to 
take any steps about getting the ‘other books mentioned. 
Thanking you for your prompt attention and 

courtesy, 1 remain, 

yours very truly, 

Assistant tu Mr. wcison. 




Feb. 17th. 1915. 

Warren Hardy, 2#9q4., 

621 - 822 Central Bldag., 
Seattle, Vash. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 27th ultimo was rece ived. In re- 
ply I beg to say that I still control the patents of Talking 
Motion Pictures. As these pictures were put out before the 
public during the last three years it was only as & novelty, 
and in that form is no longer commercial. 

I intend to take up the subject agein in the Fall, 
put generally like to work out such things myself, as T have 
carried on a long line of experiments for a great many yeers 
and have the matter well under way. 

I could not offer your client any {néucement to come 
Bast to experiment on this line. 

Yours very truly, 

spyegeraiihhs . Aspen sek pase gaveomy agg hen ee EE 
se aperapperebar eee te : 




Orr and Sembower, 
Reading, Pa. 

enameled steam jacketed kettles for ni- 


Do you make 

trating hydrocarbons? Tf so, kindly send whatever printed 

ether with prices, and 

matter you have in relation therefor, tog 

what you could do in the way of delivery. 

Iam interested in all k 

of all other Finds thet you m2 ke 

so you may send me particulars 

yours very truly, 

inda of steam jacketed kettles, 



Feb. 20th. 1915. 

u. B. Badger & Sons Co., 


63 - 75 Pitts Street, 
Boston, Mass. 

Gent lemn: 

We are very sorry andezd to Team that your if. 
Campbell is itl, ana trust that his is not @ serious case 

and that he will make a quick recovery. 

tir, Edison wants me to avite and sar to your 
ur. Lunt that ve ere ready to redistill she teluol at or 

Yorks, but he has not yet sent the extra devir- 

handle the higher potling 

which he 381d was necessery +0 

point toluol. 

WLLL you ple your earliest aeone 

ase send it on at 

venience, end oblige, 

Yours very erly, 
Opt Wha fs he 

4, to iY. Eqison. 







20th, 1915. 

ir. Arthur H. Dadmun, Sec'y., 
Navy League of the United States, 
Southern Building, 

Washington, D. C. 

Dear Sir: 

I om in receipt of your favor of the 16th instant, in 
regard to the convention of the Navy Teague of the United &tates 
at San Frenciseo, and would say thie is the first intimation Tf 
heave had in regard to ecting a5 delegate. 

Let me say in reply to your letter that it will te ut- 
terly impossible for me to attend the convention or to act as a 
delegate. I an. busy Prom 18 to 20 hours a day on my large Isi- 
ness interests and experimental work, and for this and other 
reasons, I have practically withareaym from taking any part in 
funetions of a public nature. 

™herefore, I camot act as delegate, and if ny name 

has been placed on a List of delegates, I beg to ask that it 

woulée be withdrawn. 

Yours very wy 
AC chron 

tir. Richard Noble, 

Hiles Beny, 
coumty Dom, 

Dear Sir: 

T beg to ack ‘are receiyt of your interesting 
favor of the fourth instant, vhich hes afforded m much 
gretification. I thank you for the kind words you are rleased 
to say in regard to myself and the phonograrh. 

I am always glad to receive letters from those who 
desire to have the better class of music. Some of the stuff that 
we are obliged to put out is awful, but f record and market ag 
much of the finer class of music as the general ypublic will 
stand for. 

In due time I expect to record all the great com- 

; positions, and think that ultimately I shall be able to make 

1 fae reek Pe ey 
aie ” 

oo records of even larse orchestras. ae 

Yours ve ry aetly, 
ZAG re ‘ 
Lthas Of Cel smn nen 



Peb. 22nd, 1915. 

lir. R. HW. Banister, Sec'y, 
Woodward Iron Company, 
Woodward, Ale. 

Dear Sir: 

Iam in receipt o% your Parox co? tne 13th instant, ace 
in reply beg ‘to say that my proposition is to pot in a plant, at 
7 own expense, to treat about LR or 14 mitlion feet of mas deily. 

his pinnt is especially designed to he mide cheeply, 
with high operating cost, instead of large invegtine nt and low op- 
erating coat, in order to take advantage of high prices which will 
last curing the War and probebly only a short time afterward. 

"ne erection of my plant would not yrevent you from con- 
gigering the installation of a4 permanent plant and would give you 
plenty of time to exect it, and in the meantime you would be re- 
ceiving an income from my plant without the investment of any 
money on your part. I coulda erect a plent in 60 deys. At the 
Cambria Steel Company's Coke Ovens I started to erect a plant on 
the 20th of last month, and it will be running on Yarch first. 

We pay fourteen (14) cents per gellon for pure Benzol 
and Toluol shipred away from the plant, end ten (10) cents per 
gallon Sor Xylol and Solvent Naphthas, but reserve the right to 

4 back into the gas the Xylol and Naphtha in case we cannot sell 

Consract to be for three years, one year firm, 
ther two years we have the right to give ur and 
paxt of the apparatus in case we cannot make 

{t+ at a profit. 
and as to the o 
remove the removahle 

4t pay at the price paid you. gant AR hy 
yours ae 4 . pe 
Fay ¢ are a ‘ * 

Cer oe 



Bed. Gand. 1915. 

Ur. P. D. Block, Vv, Pres., 
Inland Steel Company, 

2 + ational 3ank Blase, 
Chicago, T1l. 


Dear Sir: 

tT am in receipt of your favor of the 20th instant, 
and am sorzy your people could not see their way clear to let 
me put in my plant. f feel almost certain that I could heve 
earned enough for you to pay for your permanent plant and give 
you plenty of time to erect it. Under mY proposition 20 cz could 
lose anything tut mrselz 

yours very truly, 


Heb. fend. L915. 

lir, Willidth EB. WicXay, General Manager, 
New England Gas and Coke Company , 

AlLL Devonshire Street, 
Boston, MNase. 


Dear Sir: 

: I have received your ravor of the 19th instant, end shelt 
pe glad to hear further from you after the retum of the president 
of your Company. 

In regard to the Benzol Recovery Plant at the Tackewanna, 
Steel Company, Tf vould say that this nlant is not being erected 
py me. IT danced attendance on their Board of Directors for six 
seeks and then gave it up as hoyeless. Shey are now about te pus 
in e@ standard plant, which ‘will probably take eight months t7 ecin-_ 
plete. If they had accepted my offer promptly they would now be 
selling their product at a pood price and would have plenty of time 
to put in their pe rinanent plent at mech less ¢ ost, if they desire 
to do so. : 

I find I shell not -be able to pay more ‘han fourteen (143 
cents per gallon for pure Renzol and Tolnol shipped avey from the 
plent, and every day that I lose meves it more of 2 gamble on ay 
part, as prices will go to pleces, comparatively, when the War 18 

over. ee 
Yours ve ry tris , 

Che G Pees 

188 | 

Web. 20th. 1915. 

tir. V. Gordon Stair, Sales Maneger, 
The Heliurray Sulky Company, 
Marion, 0. 

Dear Sir: 

Your message of congratulations and good wisnes on my 
birthday wes received, mda I write to express ty thenks to you 
for your Kind remembrance of the occasion. 

It is a source of much pratification to me to learn thet 
you are so well pleased with tne Dictating Machines which you 

purchased from us some years ago, and I trust that you will be able 

to make use of the Jeter improverents. As you are probably avare, 

it ig e matter of pride with me to have satisfied customers. 

Yours very truly, 


Peb, 22nd, 1915, 

ir. 7. Taglialetela, 
249 Kighth Avenue, 
Vewark, T. 

Dear Sir: 
Your Pavor of the 12th instant was received and hes hed 

Mr. Edison's personal attention. He wishes me to say to you that ' 

while he has not any vork for you at the present, he soy have late 
on, He thinks you had better come over to the Laboratory and let 
him hear you play. He will be busy tomorrow, and therefore could 
not hear you, but on Wednesday or Thursday if you will come around 
and ask for me I will arrange to have Ir. Edison hear you. Possi- 
ply you might have to wait awhile as he might be engaged when you 
vall, but we will arrange for him to hear you. 
Yours very truly, 
eee Eg 


Assistant to lr. Edison. 


Mr. Dudley 8. Crandall, 
Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 

Dear Mr. Crandall: 

I have received your interesting 2 hed ox the 
16th instant, and thank you for your congratulations and good 
ea in regard to my birthday. They are all greatly eprre- 

It is anite true that I dia talk to the rerre- 
sentative of the World in regard to the hardening of tne er- 
series, end I still think that that 4s what causes the disease 
that we term old age. I think that mostiy hardening of the 
arteries comes from French cooks , too many cocktails and too 
amch ambition in regard to the quantity of food eeten. tT have 
tried moderation, eat little, amd my arteries are e5 soft as 

those of a baby. 

The mmman body must have sulphur, end it usu- 
ally gets sufficient through the reguier rood that is eaten, 
especially eggs. 

Phosphorous in olive o11 will catch fire in the 
air, end water wil not yut it out. 

Sulphur will not burn in & closed. pox, If you 
put ea hole in it and plece the sulphur over tne water the 

oxygen will come in the hole Lor sulphurous oxide. This gas 
sll be absorbed py the vater and combine to form sulphurous 


I hore you will Live to a hundred. We wilt 

run a race. 
yours very truly, 


ieee Se 

sith apn 



Yr. Willian S. Fleming, 
Box 638, 
Montgomery » Ale. 


Dear Sir: 
avor of the Lith 4nstant, 

ch money on S- 

4 of your £ 

I em in recelT 
T neve Lost 30 mu 

an reply that 

g with color photogrerhy thet 
ave Lost ali int 

vr T have & sort 

ena vould say 
just now 

re riment in, 
erest there in 

of " gronch” on the subject, and nh 
for the time ye ing. 


you for your yind offer, T remain, 

yours very truly, 


: Feb. 22nd. 1915. | 

Vir. Be Pp. Harris, Preses 
Hont clair Co-operative Society, 

51? Bloomfield Avenue, 
Montclair, MN. de 
Dear Mre Barris: 

Replying to your f 
me over some aay 

nstont, F beg 

eror of the 1th 1 
TLL Give 

+o say that 1f you will co this week I 
g you ask. 
r telephone to my 

W. Ee 

a the five minute 
You nad hette 

Assistent, ire 

Headowerort pefore coming over. 

Yours very sraly 7 

Ped. Bend. 1915. 

lir. Albert #. Hoyt, Sec'y., 
State oP New York Conservation Commission, 

Albany, 3. Y. 

Dear Sir: 

I beg to acmowle dge receipt of your favor of the 16th 

instant, and am very greatly pleased to lear that the recital 
given by lr. Morgan was 80 satisfactory to the membersof your Club 

vour kind expressions of opinion in regard to the Diamond Dise 


Phonograrh are greatly apprec fated. 
Yours very truly, 



7 we Peb., 24rd. 1915 

Rev. Eugene C. Makogky, 

™irst Methodist Protestant Church, 
Clinton and Treacy Avenues, 
Newurk, 7. d. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 22nd instent has peen handed to me, 
and T hasten to expreas my regrets cn leaming of the wifor*u- 
nate experience you had last Friday night in connection with 
the Diamond Dise Phonogreph Recital. 

She young men whom I employ te sive these ree’ tals 
are selected with the utmost care that we can exercise, and this 
4g the first Instance of misbehavior that we have exrerienced. 
lir. witts had been with us only 2 fev days, and none of us were 
aware that he waa a drinking man. Being a alnister of the 
Gospel you well understand that the frailties <f human nature 
will erop up in mont unexpected ways 

Tam dceply chagrined at this unfortunate occurrence, 
and shall be obliged if you will windly exprese to your people 
my great regret that the pleasure of the evening should heve bee. 
thus marred by the migeonduet of oneof my men. tT trust you will 
give me an oprortunity to make reparation by civing you mothe r 
recital on som day to be arranged. 

net me add thet such an experience will not he rereated 

4n any other case, 80 far as tir. Kitts is concerns 4, Bs I have 
dismissed him from my employ at once. T would not retain in ay 
enploy &® mam of this kind. mais : 

yerrs very beeiy, 

i ees 
KY OE ead pean ys 
ma, Beta Lak iy Gera ee ee 

Web, eend, 1yli, 

tir. A. A. Holbeck, Chief IMnpineer, 
The Bonnot Comyany, 
Canton, 0. 
Dear Sir: 
Replying to your favor of the 19th instant, I bes to 

say that the explosion ycu refer to vas occasioned by fine coal 

dust catching fire and burning alovyly in a yit, thus forming an 

expleosive gas with the oir. his exploded and Killed five men. 

Please let me emphasize the feet that it was not the dust it- 

self that exploded. 
Yours very truly, 


Beb. 24th. 1915. 

The Heller &@ Merg Comrany, 

Newark, WW. 

22nd instant in 

T have received your favor of the 
of our Toluol in 

reference to the distillation that you made 
your Laboratory. 
Ye have the seme Laboratory apparhtus that you de~ 
scribe, and 70:5 was what we obtained. 
eeting to distill your 1800 gallons in the 

T am exp 

near future. 
Yours very tly, 


FPeb. 24th. LVLd. 

tir, EB. G, Diebold, 

“tir, Henry Ford, 
Detreit, Mich. 

Gear Ii. Liebold: 

ur, Edieen vants me to write and aa you to 

e vou ylace your sere 

asgertain od advise ime 23 to whet angle 

nachines relative to the Line shafting. 

an early reply would he greatly aypyreci at 
py Mr. Edison. 
Yours very truly, 

| ee Le 


Asgistant to iir. 
%“ Y 




lr. Chas. H. lMeCurrie, 

ale © 

2225 Clinton Aveme, 
Alameda, Cal. 

Dear ir. MeCurrie: 
Your favor of the 14t 

T heve cilso received today | cory of 


"In Quest of rruth". 

complinent you have paid 

t shall have it played and sug for 

as the beautiful pi 

congratulations will be in order. 

Allow m to express my ayyre 

me in sending me 4 

ece of mimeograph 

Yours V eyy truly , 


Feb. 82nd. 191 

h instant come to hand, and 
the allegorical cantata 
elation of tt 
cory of this eantet 
me. If-the music is 85 OC 

printing thet you heave de: 

ae | 


Reis cee 

Seb, 22nd. 1915. 

Phonograph Shop Itd., 
167 Syerks Street, 
Ottawa, Canada. 



Dear Sir: 
Your favor of the 17th instant has heen referred to 

‘thet we shall have plenty of the 

me, and in veyly I beg to say 


Find of records you mention, both on the Dise and on the 

As to Trench records, the market is se Limited that 

we have not made many or inem.. However, “re have recently con- 

tracted with lime. Verlet, Prima Donna of the Grand Oyera in 

Paris. ‘She is now the greatest Coloraturea soyrano in the world. 

She will sing mostly in Trench. 

We cannot get any more records from lime Delna until 

the ar is over: 

yours very truly, 


Feb. 24th. 1925. 

of tne 23rd gnstent in re- 

he Dominion Iron ana 
He wishes mE 

for t 

gard to the two Cheek 
now seme to ur. Edison. 

& Steel Company 18 going 
. ma 


steel Company, = Q ive 


to say to yout nion Tren an 

het the Dont 
et Cambria steel dorks 

Edism's piaat 
dust the game. 

ag pn aBK you not to for 
tr. Junt nas 

{ to auplicate hr. 
| therefore the aiihis will be 

te gino rege ste 

get that he 

ry sxe be CUWS E 

cannot @istill nis Roluol 2% Sib 
3 fouat as ft reached this 


not fixed UP the still 28 he promise. 
part of the Letter yor selegrem bo go I shall 
expect your Jetter and blue wint i= ube ramming.) 

ours vergft 

Assistent to Vre BALLOT « 

sen NI 
ena FO oy aot at 


248 | 

Feb. 25th. 1915. 

eA ity, 



Mr. ®. E. Iucas, wr 

eo fe 

Dominion Iron & Steel Co., 
112 St. James Street, ; 
Montreal, Canada. 

Dear Mr. Lucas: 

your favor of the 24th instent was received and 

shown to tir. Bdison at once. Fe has instructed me to send you 
the following telegram. 
wtar O31 Aistilling ov 
grade Best for absorbing - none ove 
used. : 
If Hirzel 
at 116 Centigra 
oil for months, 

+ion when it becomes loa 
line as absorbing power 

Yours very truly, 

er between 240 and 300 Centi- 
r 300 should be 

still for distilling off Benzol is keyt 
de there is practically no loss of 
put. should be cleaned by distilla- 
ded with Tar and Yaphtha- 


Assistant to Vr. Fdison. 

| F 
i) t 
fen RA Hy 
= 240 i 
aw ao ‘ | 
’ r 
/ a 
a . vt ff 
, y. < 
t . owed 
\ { 
i PIO ; ‘ \ 
im. f 
q 3 ‘ . 
} . : : 
| fo 
oa ; 1215.. 
| 4 an 
| ; f meh 
| a ae he oe - ine 
ey n. Oubario j 
\ Canadas” Upc, ep ee 
Canada. : Ce 
Dear Sir: ; 
: Your fayor of the 190} tnatant 
§ your not buy car 2.3ba chment whereby you ear 
a on our ening 2 neh. betier then the Wigter 
7 You can then near whe ther thesc grest 
13 can be ¢@ naracterized. ag great. They ave ereat art ee 
iB. cause of their ve $O-€8 ,- bat on.acoount of their Sina 
gor ality. Miere are onky bares good yolces tn .the- Opera. 
York, to wit, Caruse, Matnen vaner and Case; the othe xs ore 
z tA gta: yn tave poor: -yoLCes ZOE voices of “elba, 
, senbyvicn, und Hames “have faded, Tne Yicuor Tonk ar 
aE_Lt ut she iy pusiness antirely - py persistent adver tis- 
tnese artists, put they said n hotning abhewts being preat 
Jugt get The- meogr aa, and s<¢ if they are creat gimeern. 
aia you wi 1 ge] part ven Ttell you thet 
use gions: of our ands an@ orenestras are ere highest paid 
nentelists in the - Unite? States. They are “eRe rick ee 
fron the “ev ; York . Byaupheny, he. 2 Dad harmonic 
4 “ebropel ibe 36 OFG we stTas and prozes Seicua 
2 hey times, when off rehearsals. 
1 3 You cannot get from Shur roh 7 ngtra tut very fer coed 
vyotees. Should you EVEé? , to Ovrange Wwe Gen show you tne 
j records % z and volese, mes Tere 
fifty of 7} at iwt one 
in Mew Yorr 
i You say 
machines and only 
1 machine S. That ws. 3 my . 
\ 4neory aian't OrK + She "yer pie “ 
it of h cel macnines. This 
menmb “f the family. 
| . 
i ; 

\p \ 

-2- j 

I think you eere in avfe same position YW 
first, wnevare of the "fal: ery "in metec 3 Por Instance, eg 
the sreatest orchestra leaders in the Tocranini of the 
‘Metropolitan Opera House, who condnets rir ty-lour Neras from : 
memory. Sor te years he has been oritieized by every susiceal 
eritic in New York for pla aving the ore hestra too ‘Lond when tne 
3ingers were at work, on the rround thet the peorle came te — 
hear the singing not the orchestra. Yet he yaid no attentie 

to the critics for the reason that he was compelies to de it 
by the singers ee g0 as to drown the defects of their 
voices, That yart that gets over the orchestra sounds ocad 
especially when the eye is satisfied, Tut this kind of a cincer 
iais pretty raw proj osition ons yhonograrh which recorés and 
reproduces every defect. 


You will find Im time that the Ed@igen will have 121 
the really €at singers and instrumenteallatea end at the same 
time the Victor mey a the great artists. Wve have now rec- 
ords of I me. Verlet, Prime “Donna of the Paris Orera House, the 
ereatest Coloratura Soprano in the world. 

Should you ever come-to New York cume over and sce 
me. ; 

Yours very truly, 

Se ae a NRTA ES, 

TA Alaa 


Veb. 26th. 1915. 

Mr. Willian BE. McKay, Generel Manager, 
: The New Ingiand Gas & Coke Company, 
L1l Devonshire Street, 
Boston, Hess. 

Dear Sir: 

FE SE Fetes ete Te a eceieces 

Iam in receipt of your favor of the 25th instant, Bay 


contents of which have been noted. aan 
‘ nl Alay 



You can install a temporary absorber, costing you 

a ene ie 



about twelve thousand dollars (312,000), to make very ernde 
Benzol and relieve the pressure that is dxisting at present 
for Benzol. You could sell it to & number of people and get 

back your investment and make & fine profit in & few months. 

Our Government was ghort of Picric Acid, which as 

you probably Ymow is made from Carbolic Acid. I am letting 

them have ell the Carbolic for which TI can get Benz01, but 

since your letter has been received I fear T have arrived 

at pretty near the end of my rope. 

yours very truly, ; 

i? y 
AY ct Cd eile 


Feb. 26th. 1915. 

tir, Moritz PF. Rubinstein, 
504 West 151st Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Sir: 
Your favor or the 26th instant to Er. efigon waa reé- 

gus to say in reply that ne ig so excee ding- 

cetved. He request 
able to Listen ye rsonali 

ve that he will not be y to 

ly busy he 
Mr. RNogendlatt. He can go to our 
and make & trial rec 
ons. This will be sen 

Recording Deyartm nt at 79 
of the 

ord there of any one 


a4fth Avenue 
4 over tO it. 

rear ret. 

standard operatic gelecti 
He is so exceé dingly now that he 


yaison for his hearing - 
will not have time to hear if. Rogenbdlatt personally - 
Recording vepartne nt, you 

with him to our 
+ over to 

If you 5° 
ich can also he sen 

oan also mke 2 roll record, wh 

tir, Edison. 
Yours very truly, 

saison Lab oratory. 



eee rrere, 


7 postwick & Thoms, 
Two Reotor Street, 
Mew York City. 

Gent Lemen: 

Replying to your unded in your favor 
anetent, peg to 
My. Beach has had 
agate of the one 
came to see me, 
T cannot yemembe 
Beach wanted t 
ry for pattery © 

e it. 

ery iews with Mr. 

questions propo 
answer a8 follows: 

of the 24th 
jews with 

I cannot give the 

2. Wr Moncks 
oned his name. 
a 100g time Mr. 
n Storage patte 
yefused to giv 
h had mny int 

pondreds of interv 
you refer tO. 
and HY. peach fre- 
ry Cognian. 

he exclus ive 


quently mnti 

3. For 
ars in 

for the 
I have always 
4, I think wr. Beac 
Pore ign Department - 
tt remember that 
14 Mr. Beach + 
ry could not » 
ry amy | 


Aus tralia. 

ne aid. 

nat the AustTe 

e had a8 regard 

stevens of our 
5. I don 
6. I always to 
4orage Batte 
Yours Vé 

Lien rights 

g card. 

to the Raison 8 

yx ES) 

Fab, 20th, 1915. 

vr. Gloyd UW. Chapman, 
Westinghouse Church Kerr & Co., 
57 Well Street, 

New York City. 

Dear Mr. Chapman: 

I brought your letter to Mr. E¢ison's attention, 
as promised, and he made e memorandum on 44 for reply. I can- 
not tell for the life of me whether I have olready sent you the 
reply or not, put T am afraid I didn't, pecause your letter is 
turning up in a place where it ought not to have been. 

iir. Edison wanted me to say to you thet the Ben-~- 
z01 Plant is too involved vor outsiders who have not haa any 
previous experience in this line, and he has had to do it him- 
self. The Cambria Bompany aid the steel work, gill set up, at 
an exceedingly low yrice. 

He says that he 4ried linseed oil treatment, and 
it seems good, but he is trying a lot of other things. 

vours very truly, 

: “ ‘¢ Ces “€ 

Agsig tans to ir. Edisen. 



Feb. 27th. 1915. 

Mr, E.G. Liebdold, 
Seo'y. to Henry Ford, 
Detroit, Mich. 

Dear Mr. Liebold: 

I have received your favor of the 25th instant 

in regard to an Erficiency Engineer, end have shown the same 

to Hr. Edison. 

He wishes me to say that he has all the de- 
tails that have been published in several numbers of the Engi- 
ig one man familiar with the 

neering News, and all he wants 
nformation for say 4 week. 

lay out. & man who could give him i 
Yr. Edison says the fact is, he Yas n 
He is laying out the whole plant himsel 
fe thinks that ster he gets 

o one whom he can gend. 
f£ with the aid of 

draughtsamen. through, Mr. Fora 
will be pleased with it. 
Yours very +ruly, 

Assistant to Mr. Beison. 

TOE ee ee 

Se este Sa asec 




reer aets 


io - 
i / 
we. a gos Mar. lst. 1915. 
a orn, eee 

Mr. R. H. Banister, Seq Yes 
Woodward Iron Company , 
Woodward, Ale. 
Dear Sir: 

; I have received today your favor of the 25th ultimo, 
and in order to give you the information as quickly 48 possi- 
ble I have sent you a night letter telegram as follows: 

"YJsuol amount absorbable hydrocarbons two to two 
and half gallon per ton coal coked. Think your 
gas will give fully two and nalf, of which 67 
per cent Benzol, 17 Foluol, balance Xylol and 
Solvent Naphthas." 

‘rusting that this will give you the desired infor- 

mation, I remain, 






pee Swed 


ner * 

pnanehe Tested 


Kar. 18t. 1915. 

ote ua ah 


‘tr, BF. 5. Lucas, 
112 St. James St., we, 
HMontreal, Canade. 

Dear Ifr. Lucas: 

The folloving is very important . Please read care~ 

You should provide for a serubber filled with gravel, 
or broken stone, or steel plates (not excelsior OF other con- 
pustible) bace take the not gases fron heatin or your yetorts, and 

wn to 75 Pahr. or Less. The object of this is that if 

coo n ra 
you open The benzol absorbing tovers at any tim you cen snus off 

the regular gas ana pess the cold carbonic gas through ta wash out 
the regular gas- 

When you close the absorbinr towers again, ready to 

yonic gas ¢hrough the absorbing towers and test it at the other end 
to see that 4t comes thr ough freely and that all air has been dis- 
placed pefore you pass the regular gas through. Otherwise, you my 
get explosions. We had & small one at Cambria, and wilh pat the 
sorubber in and have 44 going tomorrow - 

Benzol is the only ges that electrifies by friction 
ana gives oparks - I# there 48 any air in the system you would be 
Liable to have these explosi ons. therefore » 4t is better to dis- 
place all air that comes in by using well cooled carbonic acid gas 
from your stacks. In Germany 4t is compulsory - T forgot to ao it. 

I mgeest also that you sgroant es Re aver 
{cally > onneoting & sire to the pipes ng into we 5 Boil. 
trically by ° ae ; 


Yours very tralzs sae _ 

"es eo ies 
a Baer f 
le 5 

RS Rae ye ye 


Mr. Sidney B. Paine, Ngr., 
Will Power Depart nt, 
General Blectric Company, 
84 State Street, 
Bos ton, Mass. 
Dear itr. Paine: 
T nave received your favor of the 23rd instant, 

and am glad to hear from you after the lapse of such a long 

time. I see you are one of the few who have stuck to the game 

all these years, and I trust everything is well with you. 

I shell be gied to sheke hends with your nephev, 

nformation that he comes +co late, 23 
me Little time ace 

put vould say fer your i 

all fumiture for the offices was bought so 

most of it has pean delivered. 

when you are in this vicinitr, 

Some day, aroy 

in at the Taboretory - 
Yours very trvly, 


Mar. lst. 1915. 

‘Mr. Herbert J. Turney, 

Adjutant General's Departme nt, 

. Office of Judge the Advocate General, 
Cleveland, 0. 

Dear Sir: 

Since writing you a few days &ge I have found your 
favor of the 17th instant, and beg to Say in reply that the 

matter you refer to will receive our investigation. 

Yours very traly, 

x din eS 

Assistant to if. Edison. 


Mar. 2nd, 1915. 

Mr. John Barrett, 
Director General, 
ora co 
Dear Sir: 

Your telegram to lr. Kaipon was received at his house 
last night, hence the delay in reply until today. He has wired 
you that any hour on Friday will be egreeable, from nine in the 
morning to five in the evening, except between one and two o' 
clock. : 

fhe beat way to com here from New York is by the 
Tackawanns Ratiroad, and IT enclose time table herewith. 

You should leave the train at Orange. If you walk up 
to the Mein street, which is one block from the stationg, you 
can get 2 trolley car for West Orange - This will bring you 
right to the door of the Laboratory. The Laboratory ts a brick 
puilding surrounded by 8 fence. There is & Gate«House there, 
ana if you ask for me, I will attend to the rest. 

Yours very truly, 
Hash de ae 

g Ap Me Stai ai, 4, be ws 

Assistant to Mr. va 


ah : 
, ; 
r s Vn, 
! ae a 
a a 
7 ae 
ae en Mar. Ist. 1915. 
ae ae Pi i 
Bee ua i 
LA y 4 
virs. Bleecker Bangé, a“ Sa gol 
400 Lafayette Avenue, 
Brooklyn, N. Y- ‘ 


Dear Badan: 

I have received your favor of the 24th altimo, and would 
say in reply that by long practice I have schooled myself to eat 
very little, - 80 Little indeed that no working girl would consider 

it, as she would think that 4t was not enough. Most people eat two 
or three times too moh, thus filling the ir systems with poisons and 
laying themselves open to all kinds of diseases. 

One pound of food daily is, in 17 opinion, plenty for 4 
shop girl. It may te of great variety, includ ng pread, butter, 
peans, pork, codfish, smoked herring, peas, potatoes ete. With 

a Little gas stove and a few dishes and a study of the subject, 2 

couple of girls can Live finely for 4 surprisingly smell amount of 

money, and be more healthy and have pe tter comple xi ons than if they ' 
Lived at Delmonice’s.- i: | 
Cooking 19 @ Stnay. ta chemistry, smd also an art that can a 

: } 

ve cantly acqired: 

Secsteest ees 

Yours very vruly, 











ae War. bt. 1915. 


tir. William Rice Hochster, 
e7 - 89 Fifth Avenue, 

New York City. 
Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 24th instant was received. In reply 
T beg to say that on account of our disastrous fire at this plant 
in December we are not Just ready to take up the question of the 
ace tyl-ce llulose at thie time. We are, however, interested in 
getting some sheet eelinuloid 1/32" thick, of good texture. DO 
you make it? 

Yours very truly, 


ak Meroh 2nd, 1915. 

ur. v. He hason, 

% Coke Oven Department , 
Cambria Steel Oo., 
Johnstown, Pa. 

Dear Hr. Mason: 
I veecive this momming the two photo- 

he Benzol Plant, taken on 

eraohs which you sent of t 
lin. Taison and he was 

Tebruary 25th. I showed thom to 

pleaseG with them. 

fle wants you to 
her close Tangs, 
he phosograrns , 


nave & phogerzern 
and ther 

of the Ansoroing gowers at. rat 

wants 4 half a doz 
ose sont yestorday 
a possibly 

WALL you please 

en copies of ali of t 
and the new one 
y others thot you muy 

fneLuding th waiech TI 

have just mentioned, an 
think weil to nave this 
sttended to at you 

Yours ve 

have made. 

y earli est convent gence? 

ry truly, 


‘\ ~~ 

Mar. lst. 1915. 

ir. Prederick H. Tidnan, 
105 West 13th Street, 
Oklahoma City, Okla. 

Dear ii. . Tidnam: 

I have received your favor of the 22nd instant, and 
am sere Zoi WI}) be glad to learn that our factory is in full 
blast, and we are “guzning cst lote of goods . We started mam- 
facturing twenty-two days’ ae the fire. 

Jotn ost 18 wehis with H&, mad is working here at 
the Laboratory. Any letter so addreased will reach hin. 

Yours very truly, 



} 4 


sya. LYLS. 


p. B. Shaw, BSq er 

Warpiamsport. Pa. 

Dear Shaw: 

gould you consider & prepoat & 

& doliare to 4 

five to thirty tronusean 
aniline sik and one or two other heme eee eiiis: 
Chenicals ie 


made there Tron. Moe demand for these Ragke BoLor 

enozmmons ani the prices are grom three to our times normal. These 
g the war. After the war 

1 certainly not aiminish aur in 

qs will teke at le ast eight mo 
even then there 18 good profit. 
4tg the only free Benzol an t 

paid pack fr 

nthe to a year %0 come back to normal 
I will hav 
ne United States. 

ana after +nat 
I will furnish 

prices wil 
e on excess of Ben- 

myself and 

gol and’ 
on profits ; 

is girst to be 

even on PT 
the pisnt y have option om at 

at orange: 

plent ana split 

tej own the 
na thet from 

fron my plent 6 
s per gallon 

to Me» 
nety days: 


ten (10) cent 
T think 

apove c03t 
y pack gn ni 

cen get mone 


vi i 


The capital 



pov eareatioes 

Epa eeten tae 
EE ong lok ee AA 




Saas tae oe 


Mar. 3rd. 1915. q 

Da Glee en ee 

I propose making from Benzol the follow ing: 

Nitrobenzol- . Cost 18 cents- Don't know sellirg i 
price-Used for Ari 7 
line. y 
Aniline- " e565 " Sells for 60 cer , 
Aoetanilid- : 32 " w " 5Q " " 
Mitroacetantiid- " 37 om " » (Don't E 
Parayhenylene diamine- ‘7 $1.05 " « £2 00 q 
(Perhers) Diphenylaine- " S55” " * 53 cen : 


Mar. 2nd. 1915. 

473 vith Avenne, 
New York City. 
Year lr. Babson: 

Mr. Wilson handed me your favor of the 24th ultimo 
enclosing e& report made by your salesmen as to the requests for 
records «f different artists, including many of the Viotor list. 

I am glad to see this report and to have the in- 
formation, brt it has very little significance so far as concerns 
New York, where everything is Victor. We now have forty-five 
recital men in New York City, working constantly, and get reports 
of all recitals and what the people Bay. By March 20th we will 
have caused 1,000,000 people in New York to have heard the Bdison 

Any person may hear Victor artists by buying an 
attachment, tut they dom't seem to hanker for these artists after 
they get the attachment. 

Yours very truly, 



Da thagSaree  AOEE 


Mar, 2nd. 1915. 

Hr. W. G. Fawoett, 
Salem, Ohio. 

Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 18th nitimo has been handed to me, and 
I note your desire to have one of our Demonstrators work in your 
town and vicinity. 

Por the present we can only use these demonstrators in 
the larger cities, but ont of our 2300 disc dealers, there are 
about 1160 who are giving recitals themselves on every opportunity 
they get, and they are certainly making a majority of the sales. 
This recital business semns to be the best kind of advertising. 

Yours very traly, 


ifarch 2nd, 1915. 

ba. He S&S. Kennedy, 
1526 Betnall Streat, 
Wilmington, Del. 

Dear Sir: 
Iam in zecoipt of your favor of the 27th 

ultimo, and beg to say in reply that with our present 


is 5D 8 OS eta 

factory method and printing it would be a matter of great 
aiPfficulty to make the change you suggest. 

It may interest you to learn that we have 

some of James Whitcomb Riley's roems recited by a professional. 
These heve slroady been recorded, and we hope to issue them 

Let me suggest that you keep your eye open 

for our suprlements of this record, as we have retmtly made 

somo fine ones with splomaid singers, and they will soon be 

: Soux very troly, 




Yeith Car Compeny, 
122 South wichigan Avé-: 

Chicago, Til. 

Gent Llemen: 

our fri 

Gray and Company of 
em of the firat in- 


ends Messrs. Wm. 

vork have forwarded to me your favor to th 

stating trat you hed 
¢ modern tyPes 

new 10,000 gel- 

for lease eignty 
y delivery 

ton tank cars ° will be ready £0 

within two weeks afte 

possibly I may 
a Benzol Aposrb 
pennsylveniea ' 


yr order. 
be sate rested 4n this proposition, 

the Cambria Steel 

ing Plant at 
4 to use 

ag I have put up 
'g works at Jo end expec 
for shipment of B 
qT shall be giad sf 

ur terms oz 

enzol and Moluci. 

you will © trvily wr 

tank cars 

Lease. PLease v 

squlars 2&8 to yo 
the way of 1 

e never nad occe sion 

that T hev 
ing tank cars, 

to ac puch in 

so Kindly post me LuWLly « 

yours very trolly, 


"pees Bete 

Le ineeen FCS i aE 
chant OE te 





Mar. Srd. 1915. 

Mr, Ghaxtes E. Spiers, 
D. Van Nostrand Company, 
26 Park Place, 
New York City. 

Dear Mr. Spiera: 
A few days ago 7 received the presentation copy 

of Steadman's "Unit Photography”, recently. published py you, and 

I want to express my thanks fox the gam. I have looked over 

the book with a good deal of {nterest, and am having my experts 

examine it. 
I wish you woud please thank Hr. Steadman for 

his kind offer to come over and ace me - may avail myself of 

his courtesy later on after my axvnert makes & seport to me. : 

Yours very vrey, ; 

Se oeal gs Fw 


Mar. 6th, 1915. 

Mr. R. L. O'Donnell, Chairman, P.R.R. 
Rxecutive Comm. of Associated R.R. of Penn, & N. 

SRL Gompgroiar Tyust Building, 


Dear Sir: 

I received vour favor of the 2nd instant 
ana to be frank, this seems to me to be about the 
most impracticable prorosal to get workmen to help 

defeat the law as could well be devised. 

pnocwermere Ta Thi 
7 rr? 
Game nn id: 

ee i 
Ep ome EE oe es 

Why don't you put it in language that 


worlmen could understand? Show that the added 

expenses to the railroad must come out of the 


people who work and that 95% of the people in 
' yf jth. 
the United States are working rbbfie. Show them 

that the law hss proposed, would give an easy Job 

for a lot of men who are entirely unnecessary and 
who don't like work and all this at the expense 
of those who must work without any special law or 
anything else to help them. 

The workmen if they vant to have this 
law changed can wr'te to any member named inthe 

pook giving their opinion for or against the law 

and why. 


A ~ 6th, 1915, 
J. H. Plummer Esq. ft $ i 
Hotel Chamberlin, ieecuill f 
Old Point Comfort, : 

My dear Mr, Plummer: 

Answering your letter of the 5% 
instant. I would say that the plant will take care of 
about thirteen to fourteen million feet of gas. You 
can run more thraugh but vou will lose Some benzol but 
as all the Toluol. The Benzol’ is the hardest to get 

Your test shows that you only absorb 
two gallons from a ton of coal, whereas you should get 
two and one half gehlons, and if your coal is as rich 
as you say it is it cértainly will give that much. 

Iucas Imows all about inereasging the capacity of plant. 

It is eas'ly done. Our Cambria plant is going well, 
making crude Benzol and foluol. Next week when tants 
sre full we will start refining. 

Yours very ty, ) 


March 6th. 1915. 

Mir. Baward R. Stettinius, 
43. P. Morgan & Comyany, 
23 Wall Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Mr. Stettinius: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the third 
instant, and beg to say in reply that my plant is now mking 
orude Benzol and Moluol. I want to £411 our large tanks be- 
fore starting to refine. I te lieve T shall be able to refine 
the Toluol. to meet the British Governrent's specifications. 

T know it is nee dea, and vill nurry as fast 

as possible. poe og 

Mr. sucupeuegee ta tells os that he extended 
an invitation to you in my name to drop over some day and see 
me. I take gre at pleasure in confirming that invitation per- 

gonally to come and see me. aa 

Yours eee: truly 

oo A Sone 




Mareh 68th, 1915, 

New York City, 
Zar Sir:. 
q Answering your letter of the 
Pourth inst. Mr, Edison directs me to 
write you thet he would be pled to met i 
Dr. ¥rishna. You tea better telerhone 

the writer before leaving for Orange to 


March 1lOth. 1915, 

Me Ratt, Banister, See'y., 
Woodvard Tron Company , 
Woodward, Ala. 

Dear Mr. Banister: 

i'r. Meadowcroft has Just returned full of enthn- 
Siasm about your unique and wonderful plant. He has riven me 
the substance of his interview with you on Monday, and I feel 
encouraged to believe, from whet he says, that we are coing to 
make ea deal topether, Ny Renzol Plant at Cambria Steel Comrany 
= working splendidly, and we are getting lots of Benzol from 

There is no reason why we can't soon te do ing 
the game at Woodward, and also no reason why you can't also do 
it, because I am entirely willing to furnish you with all the 
plans and details for a plant for yourselves, 28 well as mine, 
if we make a deal. 

It is quick money for us voth if we jump in right 
now while the cream igs on top, and you can always put in a per- 
manent plant at a future time if you so desire. 

Mr. Meadowcroft tells m that he has invited you 

to call in and see m at the Laboratory next time you are up 
North, and I cordially confirm that invitation. The latchstring 

hangs out for you. 
Yours very truly, -———S? 
wa ae 

March 9th. 1915. 

lirs. Bleecker Bangs , 
490 Lafaye tte Avenue, 
Brooklyn, mW. Y, 

Dear Madam: 

Replying to yows of the 6th instunt regarding fooa 
for reople Sné gazed in different ocmuyetions, I tee to state 
het human beings are 11 mde on the same plan, in Tact, ve 
are enzines or rather motors ami all should heave the same fuel, 
and the plainer it ig the better. People eat entirely too much. 
When I vas a telesrarph operator I lived in hall bedrocms mad i¢ 
what T recommend the cirls to do, cooked my orn fooa. 

if tvo girls resolved to epend for Pood one goller 
each a week they conld get slong on that amomt, tnt it rec uires 
study. Three and one-half rounds of food a week js all that is 

necessary and unything heyone that te eati ne simy 



food to themselves. It -ust he neatly done and in style, even | 
when ther are alone, They shonlé save on focé, texe the daily 

paper, SO to @ movie nov and then, ana spend the balence on 

clothes and remember that three-quarters of all the peorle in 

Belgium would & beypy + exchanse places with them. 

Yours very traly, 



March Yth. 1915, 

Mr. Clinton Biddle, 
Ohio University, 
Athens, 0, 
Dear Sir: 
Replying to yours of the fifth 
instent, I beg to state that I never mde 

statementsthet our Navy was’ inefficient. 
I stated that tlere wan't enough of 1t. 

We are a rich people, one hundred 
million strong and we kmow now that there 
are burglars about. 

Yours very truly, 


Y fotie 
z . hy 
a yn : 7 ? 
a j ae iG : L 
ft & Mee “i 
¥ fed a d 
i i i! : 
/ March 9th. 1915. 
te. Bmery H. Chase, ai 

Pawhuska, Okla. 
Dear Bir; 

Replying to your letter of the fourth instent regard- 
ing an article in the Pathfinder of Washington, D. C., I beg 
to say that yo have entirely misunderstood my interviews. Wheat 
T 7a an by business men are those who are legitimete mrchants, 
and the men who build new factories and push things and give en- 
ployment to others, but who borrow the money from Capitalists. 
Laws have creatly hampered these men and they have truly lost 
their nerve. They shonld be given a free hand to go ahead, aprly- 
ing the law only to those who by manipulations ottsin that which 
they are not entitled to. 

You say I have tventy millions. How could a man Like 
myself have that much money. TI have works that are worth two and 
one-half million dollers, the accumulation of forty-five years. 

I give employment to four thousand men and am the hardest worker 
in the bunch. I get nothing more out of it than they do and there 

are thousands Like me and me are hampered continuously by les 

which are meant for the erooks and not for us. 

Yours very-trily ; 



Mr. R, H. Banister, 
Secretary, Woodward Yron Co., 
Woodward, (Ala. . 

Dear Hr, Banister: 

IT have received your favor of the 9th insta. 
the. contents of which have had my attention. I will comme; . 
on your points in the order in which they come. : 

1. As to the water, I have already wired you 
that I think the 500,000. gallons of cold water a day from the 
mine will ‘be mfficient to tale care of my plant and yours al- 
so if you decide to use my plans and put one in, 

' 2. Iam quite willing to-have the contract 
read I shall pay'you 1é¢ cents a gallon for "atl pure Benzol 
and toluol absorbed and refined at said plant". This wiil 

leave ‘the shipping to me. 

3. In.reference to the word "pure" as regards 
benzol ad toluol, :I-use that word in the commercial sense. not.mean the oxide’. This mat be. dteatillet and treated 
with: sulphuric acid’ to take out paraffines and other: hydro- 
carbons in orderito get "pure" béenzol. | 

4. As to ‘the last paragraph of my proposition 
of March 8th. providing for an option. to purchase from you. as 
stated therein, this simply means thet if you should ean?" iny, 
I.want the option of purchasing the quantity mentions: . true 
market price. ; : 

I think this disposes of al] ti eisai tc, amd 
feel sure Yon will be relieved about th: OO eater 
after getting my telegram. IL you #f-r: Lr &e per 
changes indicated and telegraph m ¢%: % wadled as 
suggested by fir, Meedoworoft, I wii “9 order 

the equipment. 

Maroh llth. 1915. 

2 near etc acon nen eld” Tema opens eet 

March 11th. 1915. 

Mr. FP. N. Brady, 

54 Wall Street, 
New York City. 
Friend Brady: 

Glad you will come in with me » we will help a 
good many people out of a serious condition, ‘and at the. same 
time be well rewarded. My proposition is to go right ahead 
and quickly put together a plant to minufactwre Aniline, 
Nitrobenzol, Diphenylamine and Acetanilid. All these are. 
made from Benzol, which IT now. can get. : 

I think $35,000 wilt cover the plant F pro- 
pose putting in. If you witl place the money to ny erecit, 
Twill give orders for mobinery ete.. When bills come in 
I will draw check, send it over to Murray to countersign and 
pay it. 

You are to be yaia all the profits until you 
have received all your money hack, tnen we on the plent 

Jointly and split the profits. If this is o. x,, telephone 


Yours very trly, 2 

Aha Ea 

to me through Meadowcroft. 


Ke {th Car Company, mee 
Peoples Gas Building, 
122 South Michigan Ave., 

Chicago, Ell. 

TY have received your favor of the 8th. instant, and 
also your telegram, for which please accept my thanks. Tf 
‘have carefully noted the explanation that you have given me, 
ana thank you for being so explicit. 

Y'wish to place my order with you for two - ten 
thousand gallon tank cars, fo be leased to me for one year at 
twenty-five dollars ($25) per car per month, provided thet you 
can fumish oars which will carry benzol, tolnol, xylol and 
solvent neaphthas w ithout leskAng - 

From a careful reading of your letter, I judge that 
it wili be advisable to have these cars bear the name "Keith 
Tank Line", and oarry your numbers. Of course, F should pre- 
fer to have you attend to the collection of the mileage from 
the railroad company, as you are entirely familiar with the 
methods of attending to this part of the business. 

Please forward the cars to Thomas A. Bdison, % Cam- 
bria Steel Company, Johnstom, Pa. T understand that you will 
deliver the cars at Johnstowm free and accept them back their 
on the termination of the lease. 

Prompt shipment is very desirous, as my Benaol is ao- 
cumulating very fast. 

March llth. 1915. 

Lith. 1915. 

Mr. William EB. McKay, V. Pres., 
The New England Cas and Coke Co., 
LLL Devonshire Street, 

Boston, Mass. 

Dear Sir: 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 10th instant, 
and would say in reply, that it is true I have completed my 
Benzol Plant at Johnatovm, Pennsylvania, and thet the dest 
was withethree or four thousand dollers of the figure you 
name. Instead of taking sixty days, however, the plant was 
finished in thirty yorking days after breaking ground. 

You are quite at Liberty to *isit my Renzo] Plant 
1f you wish, when you go to Johnstown. nee aa, | 

Yours very truly, 


March 12th. 1915. 

Hr. R. H. Banister, 
Secretary, Woodward Iron Co., 
Woodvard, Ala. 

Dear Mr. Banister: 

I amsending you down by this mail a few pictures 
showing our Benzol Plant at the Cambria Steel Company, Johnstown, 
Pa. These ere Later then the ones I shoved you on Monday, as 
they have heen taken since the plant was in operation. When you 
realize that all this was done in twenty-nine working days from 
the time of breaking ground, I think you will aprreciate that we 
don't let the grass grov under our feet. 

T told Mr. Edison about your great plant down there, 
and he was very much interested. He has written you geveral letters, 
and TI trust that everything is now in good order for your discus- 
sion with Mr. Woodward on Monday. 

Tam still fll of pleasamt recollections of my fly- 
ing trip and your kind reception. 

With cordial regards, I remain, 

Yours very trmly, 

i “ 4 

Assistant to tf. Eaibon. | 

March 13th. 1915. 

Mr. Jd. R. Pitman, VY. Pres. & Gen'1 Mer. , 
Duriron Castings Company, 
90 Vest Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Sir; 
I beg to thank you for your favor of the 12th instant 
written to lir. Meadowcroft. 
Will you kindly call Mr. Meadowcroft up on the tele- 
phone Monday and advise as to the following: 
If I send you a pattern for a pot about fourteen in- 
ches wide and fourteen inches deep, as per enclosed fough sketch, 

hov’ soon could you cast one so that I could try an experiment 

under 75 pounds pressure. 
Can Duriron be machined readily? .--" 

Yours very truly, 


March 13th, 1915, 

Mr. S, Takaki, Asst - Mer., 

. Mitsui ¢, Company , Ltd., 

25 Madison Avenue , 

New York City, 
Dear Sir: 

I have received your favor of the 
regerd to the Dyphenylamine , 
is impossible at this moment 

(l2th instant in 
and will say in reply that it 

to state any time for delivery 
Se both Dupont ang the General Chemical Company are hay- 

ing an awful time with their porcelain linea pots, as the 

Only makers in this country are not makin: 

& them as rood as 
they once did, 

Seemingly, they have lost the art, 
T am trying to avoid the use of porcelain lined 
These pots are under 75 pounds ateam pre 

¢namel soon cracks and the hot acia vapors 

and the porcelein comes off, 


eosin ane oats 

Ssure., The 

g0 into the eracts 

which ends the pot See 

Yours very truly, 
wf on 
é ‘ 

: a ee etna eee 
eit ig Sas 

Maroh Lith. L915. 



ay hen 


I enclose herewitn proposed agreement with 

Chemical Company for one hundred (100) pounds of Cardolis 
Acid per day until July ist, 1915 at eighty-five (65) cents 
per pound. If this sale is consumeted with the Hayden Chem- 
ical Company, i will pey you five (5) cants rer pound on each 
pound of Carbolic Acta tumished to that Company at the above 

price up to July lst, iGLs, 

j Yours very t ae ? 



etree cae 


Citizens Gas Company z 

Indianapolis , Ind. 


Do you fire your retorts with gas? If so, 
would you entertain a proposition from me to put in 
a small Benzol Absorbing Plant to absorb the Benzol 
from the gas you use for this purpose. I would make 
&ll the investment and pay you at a reasonable rate 
for the Benzol absorbed. 

Awaiting the favor of your early reply, I 



/ fs | 

; | 
i j 
( 3 he March 15th, 1915, 


Hamitton-Otto Coke Co., 

Hamilton, 0, 


Do you fire your retorts with gas? If so, 

would you entertain a proposition from me to put in 

& Small Benzol Absorbing Plant to absorb the Benzol 

from the gas you use for this purpose. JI would make 
all the investment and pay you at a reasonable rate 
for the Benzol absorbed. 

Awaiting the favor of your early reply, I 

Yours ve; 

oa dvacn.—. 









March 15th. 1915. 

MBs « 


Philadelphia Suburban Gas & Flectric Co., 

Chester, Pa. 

Do you fire your retortw with gas? If so, 

would you entertain a proposition from m to put in 
a small Benzol Absorbing Plant to absorb the Benzol 
from the gas you we for this purpose. Tf would make 

Ty fgme na aco ETE re FETED 

all the investment and pay you at a reasonable rate 
for the Benzol absorbed. 
F Bvaiting the favor of your early reply, I 


Yours very t 


2a) Negara Latte tl al cet 

Merch 16th. 1915. 

Mr. W. R. Walker, 

~ United States Steel Corporation, 
Room 1605, 

71 Broadway , 

New York City. 

Dear Sir: 

Referring to my telephone inquiry this afternoon through 
Mr. Meadowcroft, I note that you expect to be ready to supply Ben- 
201 about August ist. You will remember that Judge Gary said that 
I was to have the first oprortunity of having my Benzol requimemnts 
filled by your Company when you start your plant. 

I cannot say at this momnt just what my requirements will 
be in August, but will probably be able to tell later. T am get- 
ting a regular output from my plant at the Cambria Steel Company, 
put it looks just now as though I would re quire a great deal more 

then that within the next few months. 


90 West Street, 

New York City. 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 15th in- 
stent in regard to Carbolic Acid. 

We are selling some of our Carbolic now to 
help out several Chemical Works, but just at this moment 
are cleaned out and have none to spare. Any surplus we 
may have is sold to the explosive people at high prices. 
In about six weeks I shall have extended my plant, and 
then will have more to sell. 

Yours ve 


March 16th. 1915. 

Br. E. D. Feldman, 

Berlin Chemical Laboratories, Inc., 
1402 Broadway, , 

New. York City. 

Dear Sir: 

Replying to your favor of the 15th instant, I 
beg to say that I shall be unable to quote you on Ben~ 
gol, as I have none to spare, and do not kmow where you 

can get it. It seems to be “cornered”. 

Yours ve 

Ey Cade 

March 16th. 1915. 

Mr. P. ¥. Morgan, 
561 West 186th St., 

New York City. 
Dear Sir: 

I find on looking over the reports that 
your salary and expenses for February amount to 
$697. This is so excessive that I ghall have to 
quit on making these upstate recitals by you and 

se a 

do it some other way. 
I am doing the same kind of work ina 

r number of cities for one-third the cost, so I will 

give it up in your case on April first. You may 

let Sie ee FT 

therefore make your arrangements to close up your 

recitals on that date. 

Yours very. 

March 18th. 1915, 

Mr. R, H. Banister, Sec'y., 
Woodward Tron Company, 
Woodward, Ala. 
Dear Hr. Banister: 
| I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor 
of the 15th instant enclosing contract between your com- 
pany and myself in regard to the Benzol Absorbing Plant to 

be erected at your coke ovens, and thank. you for your prompt 

attention. I have signed the duplicate copy of the contract, 

and return the same enclosed herewith, 

: IY reciprocate the expression of sentiment 
thet this may be the beginning of a prolonged and agreeable 
business experience between us. You will be glad to learn 
that I comm need ordering the materials immediately upon re- 
ceipt of your telegram last Honday, and. that everything is 
being rushed forward as fast as possible. 

With kind regards, I remain, 

Yours very tmly, = 

PS. dcohels Mint et bead Hal” thera ES 7 
he shout: git hee A Gee pees ane sss 

ah rs Mirae en ot 15 
Dat 2 ab en it Si eas 


March 19th. 1915. 
The Bayer Company, Inc., 

117 Hudson Street ‘ 

New York City. 

T am in receipt of your favor of the 18th instant, and 
beg to say in reply that I have enterea your order for one drum 

of about 925. pounds Carbolic Acta, pure, melting point between 40 

and 41, such as we are delivering to the Heyden Chemical Works, 

at eighty-five (85) cents per pound, ®. 0. B. at Silver Lake, N 


J., drums returnable against full credit for charge made. Pay. 
ment ten days less one percent (1%). 
Iwill have a drum shipped to you either to-morrow or 

Monday, and trill try to furnish you with a drum occasi onally, so 

far as I can spare it. 

T hare just started today to tuild a plant for making 

Aniline o11 and Nitrobenzol, and hope to be ready for operation 

in about forty days. If you will kindly write me apein near that 

time, I will see what I can do toward furnishing you with a sup- 

ply of these materiala. 

Yours very t 


; at we ~ oa 
{ i. 
f a i 

%, i 2 

7 f f 

\; : 

3? ey ‘f 

en , H 

: Merch 19th, 1915. 

ir. Stanley Doggett, as 
11-13 Cliff Street, 
New York City. 

Dear fir: 

; Referring to our intertiew this morning in regard to furnish- 
ing you with Aniline 011, alloy me to repeat as a matter of record what 
I then told you. 

T have erected a Benzol Absorbing Plant at Johnstown, Pa. from 
which T am obtaining Benzol. A similer plant is being erected by the 
Dominion Iron & Steel Company at its Coke ovens, Sydney, Nova Scotia under 
my engineering plans. TI am entitled to received a certain amount of Hen- 
zol from this plant when it coes into oreration, which is exye cted in 
about thirty days fromthis time. I am erecting a similar Benzol Absorb- 
ing plant at the Coke ovens of the Woodward Iron Company at Woodward, Ala- 
bama, and expect to have this plant in operetion within sixty days. 

T am starting the erection todey of a plant for making Aniline 
oll from the Benzol which I expect to obtain from the above named plants. 
I expect to have thie aniline Plant in oyecration in about Porty days from 
now. I am proceeding with the utmost dispatch to carry out e]1 these 
plans in good faith, and unless unforeseen accidents or occurrences take 
plece I shall be in position to make good on the following proposition: 

I will agree to furnish you with Aniline oil to the extent of 
seventy-five (75) tons at seventy (70) cents per pound 7, O. B. Silver 
fake, HN. J., deliveries to be made weekly or otherwise as hereafter arran- 
ped between us, and payment to be made for each shipment on presentation 
of Bill of Tading. The duretion of this contract to be during the pre- 
sent war, put in no event for more than one year from this date. 

Imate this offer of sale only on condition that IT shall not be 
held linhle for damages for the non-fulfilm nt of my part of the contract 
4P such non-fulfilment ic caused by fires, explosions, strikes, the acts 
of God, or any unforeseen manufacturing contingencies. In other words, 
if we close this contract be tween us Tt shell honestly and in good feith 
endeavor to live up to my yert of it strictly but must be allowed to pro- 
vide ageinst liability for unforeseen contingencies not within my con- 
trol. This offer will be held open one week from date. we, 


St6o\. at 

Mareh 18th. 1915. 

¥Kumaron Company, 
47 Pulton Street, 

Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Replying to your favor of the 15th instant, let 
m aay that I get my Benzol by absorbing it from the gas 
from Coke ovens. I get Benzol, Toluol, Xylol, Meslylenes 
and other high boiling point Benzoid hydrocarbons, but do 
not think that I get Cumaron. I think that Cumaron will 
only be found in the coal tar. I will be glad to have you 

send me a sample. 

Yours very truly, 

oder e 

ns a OT i pa ta 
Bone e 

March 18th. 1915. 

| Philedelphia Suburban Gas & Blectric Co., | 
Chester, Pennsylvania, 
Replying to the favor of your Mr. J. D. 

Shattuck under date of the 16th instant, let me say 
that I have distilling facilities and would be will- 
ing to buy the compressor oils, paying for their 
actual Benzol and Toluol contents, if you are pre- 
pared to accept a reasonable price. WilL you let m 

Imow the price you would expect to obtain? 

Yours very truly, 

iy ote ae 


a ie 

corre veers 


March i9th. 1915, 

The Hamilton-Otto Coke Co., 
Hamilton, Ohio. 


I am in receipt of your favor of the 17th instant, and 
would say in reply that the size of your plant would not warrant 
the erection of a complete plant to make 90% Benzol. What Y pro- 
pose is to erect a plant at my own expense to absorb and mke a 
50% crude Benzol and ship it to a refining point, paying you for 
the Benzol, Toluol, and Solvent Nephthas obtained from it. 

I have a complete plant at the Cambria Steel Company 
and am installing aimftlar ones at Woodward, Alabama and at the 
Dominion Steel Works, Sydney, Nova Scotia. I make three year 
contracts, one year firm , with the right to abandon after cre 
year, giving you the option to my the plant at two-thirds ite 
original cost. T pay fourteen (14) cents per gallon for all the 
pure Benzol and pure Polucl, and ten (10) cents per gallon for the | 
Solvent Naphthas, If anything is done, it would have toa be done 
right avay in order to make it profitable. 

Will you kindly enswer the following Inquiries: 

What ig the cuantity of Volatile gas. in your coal? 



Qe What quantity of coal do you voke daily? 

3. Have you determined the anount of Benzol in the gas 
which you use in heating your retorts? 

4, ta the pas you turn in your retorta nearly free of 

5. Heve you plenty of water? 

6. Wheat will be the temperatire of the water in suismer? 

v7. Can you sell me steam for heating? 

8. Have you electric porer? 


March 20th. 1915, 

Citizens Gas Company of Indianapolis, 
Wajestic Building, 
Indianapolis, Ind. 

Ore A wha 


T am in reoeipt of your favor of the 18th instant and 
would say in reply that my plan is to erect the plant at my own 
expense and pay for the Benzol, Toluol and Solvent Naphthps as 
shipped. Contract to be for three years, one year firm, with the 
Sead al ties kee ere operation and removing the plantgA If I 
abandon you wou ave th option to purch - 
thirds its actual cost, : Pineeeee See eae eee 

Tf I made an arrangement with you I would ask you to 
rent me ground at a nominal rental for the contract period, you 
also to connect your gas main to our main, to keep your gas low 
in Ammonia and sell us steam at prevailing price, and you to fur- 
nish Water. 

If there ig not enough gas it would not pay us to put 
in a full plant but only one that would make lov grade Benzol to 
be shipped to another plant for refining. I pay fourteen (14) 
cents per gallon for the Benzol and Toluol content, and ten (10) 
cents yer gallon for Solvent Naphthas. 

™he plant can be erected quickly, the time required te- 
ing about fifty (50) working days. My plant does not prevent you 
from figuring on a permanent plent, and gives you plenty of time 
to ereot it, although I think you would probebly te gatisfied with 
the plant I propose. 

WALL you kindly favor m with information on the follov- 
ing points. 

1. What is the Volatility of your coal? 

2. How much coal do you coke in each plant? 

3, Have you plenty of water? 

4, What is the lowest summer temperature of the water? 

shall await your reply with much i rant. 
Yours very y, a 

“wd -~ 
a - . 

bse 5: 






Se ert 

Pon P at ane en A: 

rer ein e Liee 






iphpemacouprnrmenaaase ss icc 


a 7 OF } nG ; for 
f f 2 peas 2 gee 

Mitsui & Company, : 
25 Madison Avenue, sof 

New York City. 

In confirmtion of the telephone conversation 
between your Mr. Takaki and Mr. Meadowcroft this day, I 
beg to say that you should observe the following in mak- 
ing contract for the Toluol from the Woodward, Alabama 

1. It is expected that the plant will be put 
in operation in about sixty days. 

2, The Toluol will be equal in quality to the 
specifications of the British Government. 

3. As to quantity, it is impossible to quaran- 
tee any perticular quantity from this plant. If you make 
a single contract, you can make it to read that we will 
supply all the Toluol obtained by us from our Bengol and 
Absorbing Plant at Woodward, Ala. 

Yours very trul ae 

oF O C20 Whee 


Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, 

" ee 

100 William Street, cn a 

New York City. 
Gentle me n: 

I have received your favor of the 17th instant and 
also copy of last Monday's issue of Oil, Paint and Drug Re- 
porter, on Benzol articles which I have found interesting. 

™he "efforts" of the Steel Compmies to get Benzol 
makes m smile. Months ago I offervto put in plants at my 
own exyense. I had their experts here, end they delayed, de- 
layed, and delayed, exceyt the Cambria Steel Company, the 
Dominion Iron & Steel Company, and the Woodward Iron Company. 

The other Companies will now start and in some dis- 
tant future we will have plenty of Benzol when the United 
States is no longer in great distress. 

This letter is not for publi cation. 

Yours very truly, 

\ Pa 
i ae ann March 20,1915. 

Ur. Roscoe B. Smith, 
Edison Portland Cement Conpany, 
Stewartsville, New Jersey. 
Dear Sir:- 

Replying to your letter of the 
12th instant, I have been unable to find an 
opening for you here. 

The fire upset things and we 
e back to our office Duilding yet. 

naven't gon 
Yours very truly, 


as i ei das 


March €2nd. 1915, 

Mr. Edward R. Lyman, Publicity Nanager, 
Belpium Relief Fund, 
1O Bridge Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Sir: 

Your favor of the 6th instant to Mr. Edison was re- 
ceived, He has been so overwhelmingly tusy that his corresyond- 
ence is very badly in arrears. 

It is simply impossible for him at this time to divert 
his att¢ention from the vast number of important matters upon whieh 
he is engaged, and he wishes us to say to you that he must be ex- 
cused from complying vith your request on account of being already 

Yours very truly, 

Edison Laboratory. 


March 22nd. 1915. 

Mr, John &. Phillips, 
The American Magazine , 
381 Fourth Avenue, 
New York City. 

Ny dear ir, Phillips: 

I must ask you to kindly yardéon the long 
delay in replying to your favor of the 10th {nstant. I sup- 
pose Mr. Nock has told you what he saw and heard around here 
a few deys ago, and will verify my statement that I have been 
"snowed under". 

J shall be very giad to have }r. Lindsay 
go to our Recording Rooms at 79 Fifth Avenue, and make a trial 
record, as T understand that is what he desires. Am I right 
about this or does he wish to have the record made for himself? 
Tf go, it is quite an exyensive matter. 

If he simply wishes to have us take a trial 
record, so as to escertain whether we could place such records 
on our list, that is another matter. I shall await your favor 

on this subject. 

It is very Kind of you to extend such a 
cordial invitation to lunch with you, and it would give me real 
pleasure to be able to name an early date. At the present stat- 
us of affairs, however, I am about as far from New York as from 
the middle of Africa. However, I may surprise you some day, but 
o? course would give you fair warning py tele phone. 

With kind regards, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 



aia Nee oc SoS ete TENN Ee pea ne» ae 


Warch 25rd. 1915. 


lr, tm. H. Banister, Seo'yv., 

“Woodard Iron Company, 
woodward, Ala. 
Dear Mr. Banister: 

I heg to acknowle dge receipt of your favor of the 
eoth instant, asking to have our Engineering Department send blue 
prints show ing foundation plans. Mr. Meadoverott telegraphed you 
yesterday that my Engineer, ir, Mason would pe with you by the 
middle of the week and he will put you in possession of all this 
information and go over the gituation with your Chief Nngine er. 

tom very glad to learn that you have requested 
tne Supe rintendent of your by-product coke oven de yartnent tO 
keep the cas 28 free as possible from Ammonia. This is quite 
important for both of us, a8 lw. Mason will undoubtedly explain. i 

There is no objection, 90 far ag T am conce med, 
4n informing inquirers as to whom yeu have entered inte contract 
concerning the Benzol Plent. 

Yours very ¢ruly 

nT Back —_—o 


ee TS. oe, 
o = sas 
. 4 m i ¢ 

arch 22nd. 1915. 
Blake & Burkart, 
Yelnut at Fleventh treet, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 


I have reaeived your favor of the 18th instant, in re- 
gard to the sound box invented by Dr. Alva D. Jones. 

Let me say for your information that for several years 
past there has probably never been a week but what we have re- 
ceived letters from inventors about reproducers superior to our 
own. Zor a long tim we made tests of these various reproducers, 
but never dia we find one that was superior to ours, so we quit. 

Experimentors and dealers do not seem to understand that 
it 1s a comparatively easy matter to mike a reproducer nearly as 
good, ~ or somtimes better, - then our standard, but it is the most 
difficult thing in the world to make one that will reproduce all 
tones, vocal and instrumntal. a, 

You will notice that our explanatory talk records are 
somewhat muffled. The reproducer that would stop this muffling 
would drop from two to four overtones in certain vocal tones, and 
thus spoil the sweetness of the music. 

I could write scores of pages of explanetion, tut this 
subject is very much more complicated then one vould think. 

Yours very truly, 


0 6 AEM CAARIED ae os 


March £2nd. 1915, 

Ir. G. 5. Babson, 
473 34th Avenue, 
New York City. 
Dear Mr, Babson: 

Your favor of the 17th instant to Mr. Wilson en- 
closing some statistical information obtained from letters and 
cards sent out to your retail customers has been handed to me 
and read with a good deal of interest. 

As this experiment seems to show that I get little 
value from the forty-five men TI use in New York, I will with- 
draw them at once and send them to other points where the dealers 
report the quadrupling of sales from their efforts. New Youxtk 
Seems to be abnormal. 

Yours very traly, 


o Caastemeny, 4 

* +. 


March 22nd. 1915, 

lr. gd. D. Prost, Seoty. & Genl. Mer., 
Citizens Gas Company of Indianapolis, 
Majestic Building, 
Indianapolis , Ind, 

T am in receipt of your favor of the 19th instant, 

and have read its contents with much interest. 

®here is one more question that I would like to ask 

you, and that is: How much Volatile matter there, your coal? 

Yours very tmly, . 
? P if 


ST aS 

A. Hoenigaberger, 

12 So. Market Street, 

Chicago, Ill. 
Gentle men: 

Iam in receipt of your favor of the 16th instant 
and beg to gay that I am making Ursol for my omn use. This 
is a trade name. The proper name is "paraphenylenediamine". 
I make only enough for my own use for phonograyh records, but 
in a month or six weeks from now I will have my apparatus 
ready for inoreasing the output, and will then be able to offer 
some for sale. 

Tf you are still in the market then, you may commun- 

icate with me if you wish. 
Yours very truly, 


ee oe 7) 
2 Mee 
? : i : 

March 22nd. 1915. 

C. W. Leavitt & Company, 
Cortlandt Building, 
30 Church Street, 
New York City. 

Your favor of the 17th instant has been forwarded 
to me, 

Tet me say in reply that the total amomt of Toluol 
produced daily in the United States does not exceed eight tons, 
and so far as TI know every gellon has been already sold, either 
in liqnid form or Trinitrotoluol to vartous governnenta-. 

Yours very truly, 




POA mat an. 

TT MNMON Ee OURS Oe a asm RT Rt ATA IN aa O TIM MOS ha Gobet RoR Pal een pee, A ly lege ty oa 

Thee eet” 

March 22nd. 1915. 

Mitsui & Cémpany, Ltd., 
Metal Department, 

25 Madison Avenue, 

New York City. 

I am in receipt of your favor of the 19th instant 
in repard to Tungsten Ore, and bee to say that I am not in- 
terested in this product, as I do not use it in any of ny 

lir, Meadorcroft has already referred your tf. Ta- 
kaki to the Edison Lamp Works of the General Fleatric Com- 
pany at Harrison, N. J. on this subject. Tf would say for 
your information that several of the large steel companies 
are also interested in this product. 

Yours very truly, 


“nag Nace Sore March 23rd. 1915. 

Mitsui & Company, Ltda., 
25 Wadison Avenue, 

New York City. 

Replying to your favor of the 22nd instant, sigmd 
py your Mr. Takaki, I beg to say that it will be quite agree- 
able to m if you make your contract to sell your Toluol sub- 
ject to Barrett's specification, which calls for boiling point, 
110 to 112°C., on specific gravity, 0.869 to 0.871 at 15 degrees 
Cc. As a matter of fact, I think that our Toluol will te a Lit- 

tle better, but there is no need to state that in the contract. 

Yours very imme 



hs op 
B ep : 
a ot Rents ae wt cepanenee sh - 
aaa ignners tee” 

sete te fence 
pe eae 




March 23rd. 1915. 

Jd. P. Morgan & Company, 
Export Department , 

23 Wall Street, 

ew York City. 
Gentle men; 

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 
22nd instant, giving me @irections concerming the inspection 
of Toluol which I am to furnish to His Britannic Majesty's 
Covernment. Your remarks are noted, ani will be carefully 

complied with. 

Yours very tm 


March 23rd. 1915. 

Louis Delage & Pottier, 
14 & 16, Rue des Rosiers, 

Paris, France ° 

I have received your favor of the second in- 
stant, and beg to say in reply that T am still continu- 
ing to manufacture Carbolic Acid, and am the only yer- 
gon who makes it in this country. 

Te the French Government de sires to obtain 
Carbolic Acid, let them work through their Minister in 
the United States of America and deal with me direct. 
At present they are trying to negotiate through 2 lot 
of brokers and speculators, which is very unsatisfactory, 
and results in an exorbitant price being asked from the 

Trench Government for Carbolic Acid. 

Yours ver 


March 24th. b915. 

Mr. Herbert Lewis, 

52 Broadway , 
New York City. 
Dear Hr. Lewis: 
I heg to acknowledge receirt of your esteemed 
favor of the 23rd instant, advising me that you are exye cting 
to retum to England next week, I amvery sorry that I have 
been unable to give myself the pleasure of calling upon you 
in secordance with your very cordial invitation. JI assure you 
4t would have been a real pleasure to m, but T shel hore that 
when you return to America the stress of business will not be 
: quite so great as it is now and that I may be able to meet you 
q agein. 
In regard to the first delivery of. Tolvol, I 
: can only say that we expect to make 44 early in April. Our Ren- 
: zolL Plant is all right tt we ran up against an unforeseen ait- 
ficulty on account of the gas not being entirely clean. We were 
obliged to renew one yert, which is nov peing expedited, and will 
be put in place within 4 fev days. ie are having the work done 
py five shops so as to hurry it along. We have some materiel on 
hand, and shell refine 4¢ as goon as the plant starts up. 
With kindest regards and wi ghing you a safe and 

pleasant voyage, 7 remain, 

Yours very truly, 


Reade & Company, 
546 Fifta Avenue, 

New York City. 


Replying to your etter of the 1Loth instant 

I would say that 1 will sell the property situate 

New York City for $114,000.00, 

No. 10 Fifth Avenue, 

one nundred fourteen thousand dollars. 

Caen $64,000.90. You to asaume a mortgage 

for $50,000.00 at 5 1/2 percent. 

Offer open for eixty days from date. 

616 | 

Maren 2Oth. 1915. 

hy. MALLer ote Deae, 
Akron, .°%-6 

hHoame ns 

In accordance with the correspondence and t:legrams 

which have yassed between us, I beg to confirm my Bele to you 
of thirty-six thousand (36,900) pounds of Aniline O11, the same 
to be delivered md accepted by you at the rate of three thou- 
sand (3,000) pounds per month for one year from the time of my 
commencing to make deliveries. expect to commnce mek ing 

these deliveries when my Aniline Plat is put in operation, which 

f expect will be in about forty (40) days. You are to pay me 
Por said Aniline Oil at the vate of seventy (70) @ents per pound, 
nt araft attached to Bill of Lad- 

net, payments to be made on 8ig 
ing. Drums to be charged for extra, and credited when returned. 
@he price is F. 0. B. Silver Lake, I. de 

T shall make every endeavor in good faith to fulfil my 
yart of this contract, but am not to be held liable for damages 
because of any non-fulfilment thereof caused through fire, ¢x- 
plosions , strikea, or the acts of God, or unforeseen manufacturing 

T enclose duplicate of this letter. 
agreeable to you, please write your acceptance at 
of the copies and return it to me. , 

If the above is 
oot of one 


22 | 

March 25th. 1915. 

Barrett Manufacturing Co., 

Philadelphia, Pa. 

Referring to the telephone conversa- 
tion between your Mr. Jayne and lr, Meadowcroft 
this morning, let me say that I will state my 
requirements when the U. 8. Steel Corporation 
is ready to deliver the yure Benzol. 

Yours very truly, 

ra Ba eee pala negate ad Aor ep ay ee ES 
S esadbhhf sh-sedunhbtammtionnendeeninis ass baal Hans 
aE : 

Narch 25th. 1915, 

Mr. Charles 3, Palmer, 

23 Park Place, 
Newtonville, Masa. 
Dear Sir: 
I am in receipt of your favor of the 20th instant, 
vhich has been read wit considerehle interest. 

Let me say in reply that I always go it alone, so 

far as the Alkaline Storage Battery is concerned. TI think the 

possibilities are very considerable. I keep constantly ex- 

perime nting, and am giving nature every chance to speak. The 
battery han not yet been able to reach any great commercial 
success, financially, on account of the high price. 

Why don't you go into the dye chemistry? ‘he field 
is immense, and T am in it with both feet. 

Yours very truly, 

; Bleotrotytic COs, 
are, Falls’, Be Xs 

“The De agit On Tron & Steel Coinpany , Sydney, Nova Scotia 
Ci » ovens ‘a. Benzol ‘Absorbing end Refining 
my: ‘This piaat ig: now under construc- 
ly go into operation tn about. forty (40) days. 
tth them XY am entitled to pure hase eight | hun- 
‘of ‘Bure’ Benzol dairy, 

on'desire me to ‘furnish you with. a eontinnous supply 
OL, delivertes to comme ne € on or before June first, 
to continue. untii, Decemter 3 Set, 1915, at the rate of 

approuiiatel y four thou ani... (4,000) pouads per day, more or less. 
If Tcan procare sufficient additional Bunzol to inerease my out~ 
a mre pontinely to deliver, and tw receive, Live 

“th us snd (5,000) pounds of: Phenol, more 93 's, per day. Drums 
: “turn iehe d py you, ar 4f fornished % no be charged t* yeu 

sub fe: of: ‘to: oredit: on return. 

TL. agree, to ata: oo ti i be IP supply of a 
hundre 4 (800): ’ : Supply 
bead c Sbie ps ol ee 
t a 3 " : asove nentie: 
ata Pore of ::deventy. i ; ts yo 
pound, spot gash, payee: _ ar 
Bild of Leding present 

- ment ; you 
dollars. 788 ; ( 
plant to. mre th. 
about forty (40° 
arise, This t. 

eee ae 
ages for the sated 
falfiinent is cawse nay 
rat oreeeey nde 208 to: ‘Live 

LLowed to pro- 

vide azsiust LLehiitty for untorcsee itigenesles nob within my 

control, - ; 


2 Tf at ans tiaw durlug. the ccatinuanse of this. agreement - 
you fail to take ané-yroy for the Garholic Jada fer a period 
month, this contrast sheil be well and. veld, end I shall be free to 
sell the whole ont ot the Carbelic Mant to others without any 
accountability. to you, nevertheless , Fou shall be held liable for the 
fulfilment of the coutraot on your part. Tf ut the termination of 
‘this contract:..(December Gist, 3925) .1 decid to continue the ope ra- 

tio ‘Badd .Phesicl Plant, you shail have the option of purchasing 
one hat (Le “the future: prodvetion of Phenol by said plant, until 
June: 1st, 2916, at the, seme price, nanely, seventy-two end six tenths 

cents. (72.6 cents). pe x pound and on the same terms as above mntioned. 

- Shis agreement is not transferrable, and if not definitely 
closed by delivering a certified check for gaia fifty-two. thou- 

sand: dollars ($52,000). by, noon March 30th ehh, the above will 
become ‘null and void. é on) 





March 26th. 1915. 

The H, B. Chalmers ,Company, 
Schenectady, N. Y. 


I am in receipt of your favor of the 25th instant, 
and in reply beg to say that the cayacity of my present Car- 
bolic Acid Plant is four thousand (4,000) pounds per day, and 
Iuse all this myself, except six hundred forty (640) pounds 
a day to the United States Goverment and a small quantity to 
Pour chemical works which I let them have to help them out. 

I am putting up a much larger plant. which will pro- 
bably be running in forty-five (45) days. This plant will be 
used to mke Carbolic for another concern who have the Benzol, 
but whovexpect to have an excess capacity of about eight hun- 
dread (800) pounds daily, which is free. If I can get the Ben- 
z0l I could help you out. 

My price is seventy-two and six-tenths cents (72.6 - 
cents) per pound F. 0.8. Orange on the basis of Benzol at 
forty (40) cents. If I had to pay ninety (90) cents for Benzol 
it would ada seven (7) cents to the Carbolic per pound. I shall 
make every effort to get the Benzol. ; 

Can you not use light Solvent Naphtha? Your 90% Ben- 
Zol consists of 72% Benzol, 20% Foluol and the remainder Xylol 
or lipht Solvent Naphtha. I think you could buy Solvent Naph- 
tha for thirty (30) cents a gallon, but if not perhaps I could 
let you have some in thirty: 30) days. 


Yours very truly, -~" 
ye a 

re) is wee 
od . a 

S Cea 

ENERO TEN ot Bee 6 

ps teaees TTP 

co egy RE seas 

“ ‘a 

q ap a evth. 1915. 


Ur. Henry Doherty, 
60 Wall Street, 
New York City. 

Dear Mr. Doherty: 

I have recc¢ived your kind favor of the 26th instant, 
and wish to thank you for writing me so fully. I am quite aston- 
ished at your mastery of the details of the gas business. 

I already have a Benzol Absorbing Plant at the Cam- 
pria Steel Company's by-product Coke ovens at Johnstown, Pa. An- 
other one is being erected at Woodward, Alabama, and another at the 
Dominion Steel Company, Sydney, Nova Scotia. The Pintch ye orle 
have contracted all their drip oil to others, and there is @ great 

shortage of Benzol. 

I have a plent now in ore ration making pure Carbolic 
Acid synthetically, - the only plant of the kind in the country. I ' 
use large quantities of Carbolic in making my phonograph records. 
I was driven into it on account of the embargo due to the war. Tow 
I am helping out our own Government and numerous chemical works, 
hospitals, etc., with Carbolic. : 

The Coal Tar Products Comyrany, composed of the General 
Chemical Comyany, the Semet-Solvay Company (of which Blauvelt is En- 
gineer) and the Barrett Manufacturing Comyany, is closing all sources 
of supply to me outside of my plants. That is the reason that I am 
nov after all sources of free Renzol. 

I find that all the Gas Companies save their oil which 
settles out from the Gasometer and mains, and sell it. Insvll hae 

contracted all of his to the above combination, and so has d. H. 
White & Company. 

Rowever, I have sveceeded in getting about thirty 
shousand (30,000) gallons from some of the smaller gas Comyranics. 
he usual price is ten (10) cents yer gallon, and ordinarily it con- 
tains from 18 to 26% of Benzol, the balance being petroleum hydro- 
earbons. Generally speaking, one gallon of drip oil is obtained for 
about every eightfrour tnousand (64,000) feet of gas made . 

: I mov Blauvelt very well, and he has helped me @ 
sreat deal, put he is with the combination. If you can'see your way 
clear to have your various Companies save all their drip oil, which 
T think does not require eahy investment, it would aad to the sun 
total of Benzol available, and if I don't wet some of it others will, 



and help out. Many factories are closing on account of the lack of 
Benzol, directly and for dyes. J am going to mke the latter very 

With kindest regards amd mmy thanks for your inter- 
esting letter, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 

; May, & 
fo i i 
é % 
t a we 
£ iq Ae 
} ae e ‘a a ’ 
a on Bet ee | 
a oe ee | 

March 27th. 1915. 

tir, Henry Ford, 
Detroit, Mich. 
thr dear Ifr. Ford: 

ity friend tr. Arthur Williams of the New York 
Raison Company is the President of the American Museum of 
Safety, which has been doing some notably good work in con- 
nection with industrial safety and industrial diseases. 

Mr. Williams has asled m to give & letter in- 
troducing Dr. William ™. Tollman to you. He is the Dire ctor 
of the Museun, and has made & Life Long study of the subject 
above named. IT am also quite well acquainted with Dr. Toll- 
man personally and take pleasure in introducing him to you, 
and if it is entirely agreeable to you, I should te giad if 
you would extend to him the privilege of visiting your fac- 
tories for the purpose of noting your industrial conditions 
in connection with his special studies of the subject. 

Yours very tru 




Sra B 

AR pep pee 


spppeeeniet pees 
sae tee es 

March 26th. 1915. 

Miss L. L. Morse, 
67 West 57th Street, 
New York City. 
Dear Madam: 
Your favor of the 23rd instant has been re- 
ceived. In reply I beg to sey thet I heard your rec- 
ord last night. The voice is good, mt I coulda not 

decide about whether or not the interpretation was up 
éxefore wrote our Recording 


to our standard, and F tH 
Laboratory requesting them to ank you to sing "Ah! 

Hon Nils" with dramatic aece nt ane to Listen to the 

game s@lection as sung hy Mne. Hetne on our records. 

You have probably heard from Nz. Miller about this. 

Yours very truly, 

REE ae 

Tor nas ane 
Samrat te 

March 27th. 1915. 



- H. Plummer, Yac 

Dominion Iron & Steel Co., 
Toronto, Canada, 

RUAY Hy. Plummer: 

Under the agreement be teen your Company and my- 
self, I have the option of purchasing from you eight hundred (800} 
gallons yer day of pure Benzol after your plant becomes operative, 
In order that there shall be no misunderstanding, 
T om writing this letter to signify my intention to avail myself 

of this option, md I witi therefore ask you to have my order en- 

tered for eight hundred 


‘) gallons of pure Benzol per day, de- 
liveries to comme nce as oxerenss 

zol. I will furnish my tank sc: 

ten thousand (10,000) gallons each. 

Yours ve 
CA Caucaki 

Original of the above letter was sent te you {i Dominion Iron & Steel 

Company, 112 St. James Street, Montreal, Canada. on March 22nd, 1915. 


29th. 3915" . 

Gan Lemme 
np the. cadegione uleshiven which Mr. Meadow- 
T eg to say thet you 

. Takaki this morning, 
"pure" Benzol 

00) gallons of 

ntai ning ten th 
ge or Silver Lake , Nodes 

reeith yor Mr 
y Hop sin hundred (6 
be ot ivered jn he cases cars co ous and 
«wore or 1es8, Bc. B. Oran 

ster {0 get ght ee ‘T-agree to take the above quan- 
‘for 8 period of 
eyeling the benk cars with Benzo1 from the abs or bing 
Cae ER 


one year from the time when 

s Gen'l. Npr., 

Might Comyanr, 

“4 of your faver of the TOlnd tustan., & 

Tan in recelrt 

in pec to sey that my plants ere for the absorption of whe 
ae Luol and Solvent vayhtha from Coke oven f3s. Touce 

ah nine oil just as other plants do. The oniy difference Ve- 
tveen my plants and the usual ones is that mine are designed to 
te constrneted cuickly and all unnecessary stwrf is left out. 
Reick Tuiléings, tile Zloors and brass railings are cut out. Wwe 
use corrugated iron baildings instead, 

4 plant for absorbing tre tpovsand (2,000) to twenty 
five hundree (2500) geliens yer day, with refining stitle te re- 
Fine crude to 90 Bensol, and yefine this again to pure Rencol 

costs atout Zorty-five to forty-eight thousand dollars (£46, a00 to 
726,000), including storage tanke and a1. The cost of the ylant, 
where cide only is mde, is about trenty-five to thirty thousara 

jdoltars ($25,000 to £30,000). One of ny plants requires about 
forty-Tive (45) vorking days to tuild. Tf have one already rails. 
and two others are now in process of contruction. Pracitestty, 
they are 25 permanent as any plent. 

use of my patterns 

You may have anything T have ané the 
som TRensol at a re: sonable yrice. 

if you will agree +o sell me 

Yours very truly, 


Pome ie Fes aaeage 
. &, 
“lms sae 
q tpt BRS 
ae agra ert 
Rn eal 

rata spice nee 

March 29th, 19165. 

Mear Me. Plhuimne rs 
Theg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 
£Bthn Instunt, in repard to 2 proposed Benzol Plant at Sault ote 
Harte, Ontario, md in reply beg to say that you can have all my 
“yan of patteme 
plans, and T will rive vow all the assistance Tecan. Twill charge 
ralty in this case. All T ask is that rou will let me have 

some Renzol et a reasonable price. T have telersrayrhed you to this 

Tf the Sault Ste Marie plant is not coking much 
coal I think it would be better if you only mde the crude, or 
509. The plant will te cheay. I find that my Cambria Plant costs 

considerably less than T estimatec, which is a very agreeable state 

of affairs, 
Yours very truly, 
ei? ey 


&, MU, Pluamer, Esq. Pres., 
Dominion Tron ¢@: Steel Co., 
Poronto, Ontario, Can, 


March 26th, 1915. 

Ue. f. 0. Richmond, 
‘2 O'Sheae-Hinch Hardware SO., 
924 Tarrison Avenue 


Tort Onith » Ark, 

IT amin reeeipt of your favor of the 82nd tn 

whieh has been read with much interest. T am always 

receive snuepestions, esyecially when they are practi 


Tet me soy for your information that we have a great 
deal of trouble to get singers to emunciate clearly. If this 
matter is brought to their attention thy say thet if they 
enunciate clearly it spoils the teauty of the tone, tut we know 
: better as most of our records are clear. At least 20% of the 
: artists we try are rejected for noor enunciation, 407 for poor 
: interpretation of the songs and mmy of them have various other 


Very few of the Grand Opera artists have good voices. 
Their rerutation is due to pleasing yersonality or superior 
acting, I have refused to record artists of this kind, although 
ny competitors do so ror advertising purposes. 

T shall record all of the old heart songs ag fast as 
ve can get them well sung. I hoye before the end of the year 
to have my special building finished wherein T vill try the re- 

cording of al] of Beethoven's Symphontes. 

Yours very truly, 

/ “ ee 




Hpril let. 1915. 

Mitsai ": Campeny, 

25 Madison Avenue, 
Wer York City. Attention-Mr. ©. Takei. 
Deux ir. Takaki: 
; I beg to hand you enclosed 
BALL of Tading covering the one hundred 
Pitty (150) gallons of oluol. shipped to 

Carles Pfizer and Company, Brooxlyn, %. ¥. 

Yours very truly, 
iW Msabousre £5 

Assistant to Tir. dison,. 


Na a RE 



Haren Sist. 1915. 

The German American Car Cony 
17 Battery Place, 7 
Nev York city. 
Gentlemen: ; 
We nave received your favor af the 30th instant, en- 

closing duplicate copies of leasing contract covering the six 
acid cars you are pbuilding for tir. Haison. Tretum these co- 
pies herewith, executed by him. In accordance with our ‘tele- 

phone understanding today, and also in accordame with Mr. Edi- 

son's conversation with your Er. Epstein a few days ago, Mr. 

waigon has signed these contracts on the understanding that you 

are to provide hin with two acid tank cara for temporary use 

toward the letter end of April, 1915 until the new cars are 

ready, if they have not been finished and delivered by that tine. 

GAUL you kindly confirm shie understanding ‘hen you re tum one 

copy of the contract to us. 








You will notice that thie contract is 2 
qndividually and not with the Company. 

VYeurs very truly, 


Ass istent tol tx . Edison. 



Narch Slet. 1915, 

EH. UW. Byllesby & Company, 
Continental & Commercial Rank Bldg., 

& oft 
; Chicago, Ill. 
Gent le men: 
afd 90 
syan T I am in receipt of your favor of the 29th instant, 
and thank you for your prompt attention. 
oe ae net me say in reply that almost every small gas com- 
th pany collects all the oil that settles in the mains and gason- 
¥ eters and sells it. It amounts to about one gelion for every 
eighty-five thousand (85,000) feet of gas made. Some of it is 
of no value, but it generally sells at ten (10) cents @ gallon. 
eee TE ig saved and put in a tenk until enough has accumiated to 
Pa, Se mae a tank carload, and is usually sold at the works. ir. 

Tnsull's Companies save all their ariy oil. 

Old tank ear tanks of six thousand (6,000) gallons 
capacity can he pought for one hundred sixty-eight dollars ($168) 


You had better have your managers send me hy Parcel- 
post or othe rwise one quart tin can samplesand Tf will test them. 
Please instruct them to be sure and mark the same for identifica- 
tion so that IT wil) know where they are Lrom. ey 

Yours veryytraly, 
| i 

eet a a 


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In lieu of transcripts, however, 
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A Note on the Sources 
The pages which have been 
filmed are the best copies 
available. Every technical 
_ effort possible has been 
made to ensure legibility. 


We thankfully acknowledge the vision and support of Rutgers University and the 
Thomas A. Edison Papers Board of Sponsors, 

This edition was made possible by grant funds provided from the New Jersey Historical 
Commission, National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and The National 
Endowment for the Humanities. Major underwriting has been provided by the Barkley Fund, 
through the National Trust for the Humanities, and by The Charles Edison Foundation. 

We are grateful for the generous support of the IEEE Foundation, the Hyde & Watson 
Foundation, the Martinson Family Foundation, and the GE Foundation. We acknowledge gifts 
from many other individuals, as well as an anonymous donor; the Association of Edison 
Illuminating Companies; and the Edison Electric Institute, For the assistance of all these 
organizations and individuals, as well as for the indispensable aid of archivists, librarians, 
scholars, and collectors, the editors are most grateful. 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service 
Richard L, McCormick Maryanne Gerbauckas 
Ziva Galili Michelle Ortwein 
Ann Fabian 
Paul Clemens Smithsonian Institution 

Harold Wallace 

New Jersey Historical Commission 
Marc Mappen 


Robert Friedel, University of Maryland 
Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University 
Susan Hockey, Oxford University 
Thomas P. Hughes, University of Pennsylvania 

Ronald Kline, Cornell University 

Robert Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons 

Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, Smithsonian Institution 
Philip Scranton, Rutgers University/Hagley Museum 
Merritt Roe Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 


Director and General Editor 

Paul Israel 

Senior Editor 
Thomas Jeffrey 

Associate Editors 
Louis Carlat 
Theresa Collins 

Assistant Editor 
David Hochfelder 

Indexing Editor 
David Ranzan 

Consulting Editor 
Linda Endersby 

Visiting Editor 
Amy Flanders 

Editorial Assistants 
Alexandra Rimer 
Kelly Enright 
Eric Barry 

Outreach and Development 
(Edison Across the Curriculum) 

Theresa Collins 

Business Manager 

Rachel Weissenburger 

s Se Ege 

Thomas A. Edison Papers 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
endorsed by 
National Historical Publications and Records Commission 
18 June 1981 

Copyright © 2007 by Rutgers, The State University 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and 
index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any 
form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, 
recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of 
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National 
Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. 

ISBN 978-0-88692-887-2 


Thomas E. Jeffrey 
Senior Editor 

Brian C. Shipley Z 
Theresa M. Collins 
Linda E. Endersby 


David A. Ranzan 
Indexing Editor 

Janette Pardo 
Richard Mizelle 
Peter Mikulas 


Paul B. Israel 
Director and General Editor 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 
National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site 
New Jersey Historical Commission 
Smithsonian Institution 

A UPA Collection from ; 

(@ LexisNexis: 

7500 Old Georgetown Road @ Bethesda, MD 20814-6126 

Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company 

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